Beispiel #1
QWidget*  MultiDelegate::createEditor( QWidget* parent,
                                     const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
                                     const QModelIndex& index)  const
    const QAbstractItemModel*  model = index.model();
    QVariant  value = model->data( index, Qt::EditRole);
    switch (value.type()) {
    case QMetaType::QTime:
        QTimeEdit*  editor = new QTimeEdit( parent);
        editor->setMaximumWidth( editor->sizeHint().width());

        //// Get value snapshot into editor
        editor->setTime( value.toTime());
        return editor;
    case QMetaType::QDate:
        QDateEdit*  editor = new QDateEdit( parent);
        setupCalenderWidget( editor);
        editor->setMaximumWidth( editor->sizeHint().width());

        //// Get value snapshot into editor
        editor->setDate( value.toDate());
        return editor;
    case QMetaType::QDateTime:
        QDateTimeEdit*  editor = new QDateTimeEdit( parent);
        setupCalenderWidget( editor);
        editor->setMaximumWidth( editor->sizeHint().width());

        editor->setDateTime( value.toDateTime());
        return editor;
    case QMetaType::QImage:
        // Fall throu
    case QMetaType::QPixmap:
        // Fall throu
    case QMetaType::QIcon:
        PixmapViewer*  editor = new PixmapViewer( parent);
        connect( editor, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(closeEmittingEditor()));
        return editor;
    case QMetaType::QStringList:
        QVariant  varList = index.model()->data( index, ItemDataRole::EnumList);
        if (varList.isNull())  break;  // Not a enum-list, fall to std

        QListWidget*  editor = new QListWidget( parent);
        foreach (const QString& bitItemText, varList.toStringList()) {
            QListWidgetItem* bitItem = new QListWidgetItem( bitItemText, editor);
            bitItem->setFlags(bitItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);
        int width  = editor->sizeHintForColumn(0) + 25;
        int height = editor->sizeHintForRow(0) * editor->count() + 10;
        editor->setMinimumWidth( width);
        editor->setMaximumWidth( width);
        editor->setMinimumHeight( height);
        editor->setMaximumHeight( height);

        //// Get value snapshot into editor
        QStringList  valList = value.toStringList();
        int  itemCount = editor->count();
        for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) {
            QListWidgetItem*  bitItem = editor->item(i);
            bool  isActive = valList.contains( bitItem->text());
            bitItem->setCheckState( isActive ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
        return editor;
    case QMetaType::QString:
        QVariant  varList = index.model()->data( index, ItemDataRole::EnumList);
        if (varList.isNull())  break;  // Not a enum-list, fall to std

        QComboBox*  editor = new QComboBox( parent);
        editor->addItems( varList.toStringList());
        editor->setMaximumWidth( editor->minimumSizeHint().width());

        //// Get value snapshot into editor
        editor->setCurrentIndex( editor->findText( value.toString()));
        return editor;

    if (index.column() == 0) {
        emit itemEditTrigged( index);
        return 0;  // No inline editor

    QWidget*  editor = QItemDelegate::createEditor( parent, option, index);

    //// Get value snapshot into editor
    QItemDelegate::setEditorData( editor, index);
    return editor;