ComplexType Parser::parseComplexType( ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element ) { ComplexType newType( d->mNameSpace ); newType.setName( element.attribute( QLatin1String("name") ) ); if (debugParsing()) qDebug() << "complexType:" << d->mNameSpace <<; if ( element.hasAttribute( QLatin1String("mixed") ) ) newType.setContentModel( XSDType::MIXED ); QDomElement childElement = element.firstChildElement(); AttributeGroup::List attributeGroups; Group::List groups; while ( !childElement.isNull() ) { NSManager namespaceManager( context, childElement ); const QName name( childElement.tagName() ); if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("all") ) { all( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("sequence") || name.localName() == QLatin1String("choice") ) { Element::List elems; parseCompositor( context, childElement, newType.nameSpace(), &elems, &groups ); foreach ( const Element& elem, elems ) newType.addElement( elem ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("attribute") ) {
eFlag Tree::insertRule(Sit S, XSLElement *tmpl) { double prio; Attribute *a = tmpl -> atts.find(XSLA_PRIORITY); if (!a) prio = defaultPriority(tmpl); else { if (a -> cont.toDouble(prio)) Err(S, ET_BAD_NUMBER); }; QName q; GP( QName ) mode = NULL; if (!!(a = tmpl -> atts.find(XSLA_NAME))) E( tmpl -> setLogical(S, q, a -> cont, FALSE) ); if (q.getLocal() != UNDEF_PHRASE && subtrees.getCurrent() -> getStructure() -> rules().findByName(*this, q)) { Str fullName; expandQStr(q, fullName); Err1(S, ET_DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME, fullName); }; if (!!(a = tmpl -> atts.find(XSLA_MODE))) E( tmpl -> setLogical(S, *(mode = new QName), a -> cont, FALSE) ); subtrees.getCurrent() -> getStructure() -> rules().insert(new RuleItem(tmpl,prio,q,mode.keep())); return OK; }
//============================================================================= // ElementType::addAttributeType // // Add a new attribute to our map // //============================================================================= AutoPtr<AttributeType> ElementType::addAttributeType(const QName& name, bool bExternallyDeclared) { QC_DBG_ASSERT(m_attributeTypeMap.find(name.getRawName()) == m_attributeTypeMap.end()); AutoPtr<AttributeType> pRet(new AttributeType(*this, bExternallyDeclared, name)); m_attributeTypeMap[name.getRawName()] = pRet; return pRet; }
SchemaAttDef::SchemaAttDef(const SchemaAttDef* other) : XMLAttDef(other->getValue(), other->getType(), other->getDefaultType(), other->getEnumeration(), other->getMemoryManager()) , fElemId(XMLElementDecl::fgInvalidElemId) , fAttName(0) , fDatatypeValidator(other->fDatatypeValidator) , fAnyDatatypeValidator(other->fAnyDatatypeValidator) , fMemberTypeValidator(other->fMemberTypeValidator) , fNamespaceList(0) , fValidity(other->fValidity) , fValidation(other->fValidation) , fPSVIScope(other->fPSVIScope) , fBaseAttDecl(other->fBaseAttDecl) { QName* otherName = other->getAttName(); fAttName = new (getMemoryManager()) QName(otherName->getPrefix(), otherName->getLocalPart(), otherName->getURI(), getMemoryManager()); if (other->fNamespaceList && other->fNamespaceList->size()) { fNamespaceList = new (getMemoryManager()) ValueVectorOf<unsigned int>(*(other->fNamespaceList)); } }
void KeyHandler::endSubElement(const QName& qname, RecursiveHandler* parser) { if (strcmp(qname.localName(), kCancelTag) == 0) _result->setCancel(_integerHandler.result()); else if (strcmp(qname.localName(), kFifthsTag) == 0) _result->setFifths(_integerHandler.result()); else if (strcmp(qname.localName(), kModeTag) == 0) _result->setMode(modeFromString(_stringHandler.result())); }
void RestHandler::endSubElement(const QName& qname, RecursiveHandler* parser) { using dom::presentOptional; if (strcmp(qname.localName(), kDisplayStepTag) == 0) _result->setDisplayStep(presentOptional(PitchHandler::stepFromString(_stringHandler.result()))); else if (strcmp(qname.localName(), kDisplayOctaveTag) == 0) _result->setDisplayOctave(presentOptional(_integerHandler.result())); }
QList<TypeMap::Entry>::ConstIterator TypeMap::elementEntry( const QName &typeName ) const { QList<Entry>::ConstIterator it; for ( it = mElementMap.constBegin(); it != mElementMap.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).typeName == typeName.localName() && (*it).nameSpace == typeName.nameSpace() ) break; } return it; }
QString TypeMap::localTypeForAttribute( const QName &typeName ) const { QList<Entry>::ConstIterator it; for ( it = mAttributeMap.constBegin(); it != mAttributeMap.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).typeName == typeName.localName() && (*it).nameSpace == typeName.nameSpace() ) return (*it).localType; } return QString(); }
QStringList TypeMap::forwardDeclarationsForAttribute( const QName &typeName ) const { QList<Entry>::ConstIterator it; for ( it = mAttributeMap.constBegin(); it != mAttributeMap.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).typeName == typeName.localName() && (*it).nameSpace == typeName.nameSpace() ) return (*it).forwardDeclarations; } return QStringList(); }
Binding WSDL::findBinding( const QName &bindingName ) const { const Binding::List list = mDefinitions.bindings(); Binding::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it = list.constBegin(); it != list.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).name() == bindingName.localName() && (*it).nameSpace() == bindingName.nameSpace() ) { return *it; } } return Binding(); }
Bool Tree::cmpQNameStrings(const QName &q, const Str& uri, const Str& local) { if (q.getLocal() == stdPhrase(PHRASE_STAR)) return (Bool)( q.getUri() == UNDEF_PHRASE || dict().getKey(q.getUri()) == uri); else { return (Bool) (dict().getKey(q.getUri()) == uri && dict().getKey(q.getLocal()) == local); } }
PortType WSDL::findPortType( const QName &portTypeName ) const { const PortType::List list = mDefinitions.portTypes(); PortType::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).name() == portTypeName.localName() && (*it).nameSpace() == portTypeName.nameSpace() ) { return *it; } } qDebug( "findPortType: no match found for '%s'!", qPrintable( portTypeName.qname() ) ); return PortType(); }
Message WSDL::findMessage( const QName &messageName ) const { const Message::List list = mDefinitions.messages(); Message::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it = list.constBegin(); it != list.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).name() == messageName.localName() && (*it).nameSpace() == messageName.nameSpace() ) { return *it; } } qDebug( "findMessage: no match found for '%s'!", qPrintable( messageName.qname() ) ); return Message(); }
Bool Tree::cmpQNamesForeign(const QName &q, const HashTable& dictForeign, const QName &qForeign) { /* printf("comparing names (%s,%s,%s) and (%s,%s,%s)\n", (char*)(((Tree*)this)->expand(q.getPrefix())), (char*)(((Tree*)this)->expand(q.getUri())), (char*)(((Tree*)this)->expand(q.getLocal())), (char*)(dictForeign.getKey(qForeign.getPrefix())), (char*)(dictForeign.getKey(qForeign.getUri())), (char*)(dictForeign.getKey(qForeign.getLocal())) ); */ if (q.getLocal() == stdPhrase(PHRASE_STAR)) { return (Bool)(q.getPrefix() == UNDEF_PHRASE || (dict().getKey(q.getUri()) == dictForeign.getKey(qForeign.getUri()))); } else { return (Bool) (dict().getKey(q.getUri()) == dictForeign.getKey(qForeign.getUri()) && dict().getKey(q.getLocal()) == dictForeign.getKey(qForeign.getLocal())); } }
ComplexType Parser::parseComplexType( ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element ) { ComplexType newType( d->mNameSpace ); newType.setName( element.attribute( QLatin1String("name") ) ); if (debugParsing()) qDebug() << "complexType:" << d->mNameSpace <<; if ( element.hasAttribute( QLatin1String("mixed") ) ) newType.setContentModel( XSDType::MIXED ); QDomElement childElement = element.firstChildElement(); AttributeGroup::List attributeGroups; while ( !childElement.isNull() ) { NSManager namespaceManager( context, childElement ); const QName name( childElement.tagName() ); if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("all") ) { all( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("sequence") ) { parseCompositor( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("choice") ) { parseCompositor( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("attribute") ) { newType.addAttribute( parseAttribute( context, childElement ) ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("attributeGroup") ) { AttributeGroup g = parseAttributeGroup( context, childElement ); attributeGroups.append( g ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("anyAttribute") ) { addAnyAttribute( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("complexContent") ) { parseComplexContent( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("simpleContent") ) { parseSimpleContent( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("annotation") ) { Annotation::List annotations = parseAnnotation( context, childElement ); newType.setDocumentation( annotations.documentation() ); newType.setAnnotations( annotations ); } childElement = childElement.nextSiblingElement(); } newType.setAttributeGroups( attributeGroups ); return newType; }
ComplexType Parser::parseComplexType( ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &complexTypeElement, const QString elementName ) { ComplexType newType( d->mNameSpace ); newType.setName( complexTypeElement.attribute( "name" ) ); if ( complexTypeElement.hasAttribute( "mixed" ) ) newType.setContentModel( XSDType::MIXED ); QDomElement childElement = complexTypeElement.firstChildElement(); AttributeGroup::List attributeGroups; while ( !childElement.isNull() ) { QName name = childElement.tagName(); if ( name.localName() == "all" ) { all( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == "sequence" ) { parseCompositor( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == "choice" ) { parseCompositor( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == "attribute" ) { newType.addAttribute( parseAttribute( context, childElement, elementName ) ); } else if ( name.localName() == "attributeGroup" ) { AttributeGroup g = parseAttributeGroup( context, childElement ); attributeGroups.append( g ); } else if ( name.localName() == "anyAttribute" ) { addAnyAttribute( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == "complexContent" ) { parseComplexContent( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == "simpleContent" ) { parseSimpleContent( context, childElement, newType ); } else if ( name.localName() == "annotation" ) { Annotation::List annotations = parseAnnotation( context, childElement ); newType.setDocumentation( annotations.documentation() ); newType.setAnnotations( annotations ); } childElement = childElement.nextSiblingElement(); } newType.setAttributeGroups( attributeGroups ); return newType; }
void PartHandler::endSubElement(const QName& qname, RecursiveHandler* parser) { if (strcmp(qname.localName(), kMeasureTag) == 0) { auto measure = _measureHandler.result(); measure->setIndex(_measureIndex++); measure->setParent(_result.get()); _result->addMeasure(std::move(measure)); } }
eFlag Tree::insertAttSet(Sit S, XSLElement *tmpl) { QName q; Attribute *a; GP( QName ) sets = NULL; if (!!(a = tmpl -> atts.find(XSLA_NAME))) E( tmpl -> setLogical(S, q, a -> cont, FALSE) ); if (q.getLocal() != UNDEF_PHRASE && attSets().findByName(q)) { Str fullName; expandQStr(q, fullName); Err1(S, ET_DUPLICATE_ASET_NAME, fullName); }; attSets().append(new AttSet(q)); return OK; }
bool TypeMap::isComplexType( const QName &typeName, const QName& elementName ) const { if (!typeName.isEmpty()) { return isComplexType( typeName ); } else { QList<Entry>::ConstIterator it = elementEntry( elementName ); return it != mElementMap.constEnd() ? (*it).complexType : false; } }
void Parser::all( ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element, ComplexType &ct ) { QDomElement childElement = element.firstChildElement(); while ( !childElement.isNull() ) { QName name = childElement.tagName(); if ( name.localName() == "element" ) { ct.addElement( parseElement( context, childElement, ct.nameSpace(), childElement ) ); } else if ( name.localName() == "annotation" ) { Annotation::List annotations = parseAnnotation( context, childElement ); ct.setDocumentation( annotations.documentation() ); ct.setAnnotations( annotations ); } childElement = childElement.nextSiblingElement(); } }
Annotation::List Parser::parseAnnotation( ParserContext *, const QDomElement &element ) { Annotation::List result; QDomElement e; for( e = element.firstChildElement(); !e.isNull(); e = e.nextSiblingElement() ) { QName name = e.tagName(); if ( name.localName() == "documentation" ) { result.append( Annotation( e ) ); } else if ( name.localName() == "appinfo" ) { result.append( Annotation( e ) ); } } return result; }
Annotation::List Parser::parseAnnotation( ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element ) { Annotation::List result; QDomElement child; for( child = element.firstChildElement(); !child.isNull(); child = child.nextSiblingElement() ) { NSManager namespaceManager( context, child ); const QName name( child.tagName() ); if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("documentation") ) { result.append( Annotation( child ) ); } else if ( name.localName() == QLatin1String("appinfo") ) { result.append( Annotation( child ) ); } } return result; }
XSD::Element WSDL::findElement( const QName &elementName ) const { const XSD::Types types = mDefinitions.type().types(); const XSD::Element::List elements = types.elements(); for ( int i = 0; i < elements.count(); ++i ) { if ( elements[ i ].nameSpace() == elementName.nameSpace() && elements[ i ].name() == elementName.localName() ) return elements[ i ]; } return XSD::Element(); }
//============================================================================= // ElementType::getAttributeType // // Locate and return an AttributeType from our internal map. // // Returns a NULL ptr if no matching entry exists. // //============================================================================= AutoPtr<AttributeType> ElementType::getAttributeType(const QName& name) const { AttributeTypeMap::const_iterator iter = m_attributeTypeMap.find(name.getRawName()); if(iter != m_attributeTypeMap.end()) { return (*iter).second; } else { return 0; } }
void BindingOperation::loadXML( AbstractBinding *binding, ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element ) { mName = element.attribute( "name" ); if ( mName.isEmpty() ) context->messageHandler()->warning( "BindingOperation: 'name' required" ); binding->parseOperation( context, mName, element ); QDomElement child = element.firstChildElement(); while ( !child.isNull() ) { QName tagName = child.tagName(); if ( tagName.localName() == "input" ) { binding->parseOperationInput( context, mName, child ); } else if ( tagName.localName() == "output" ) { binding->parseOperationOutput( context, mName, child ); } else if ( tagName.localName() == "fault" ) { binding->parseOperationFault( context, mName, child ); } child = child.nextSiblingElement(); } }
// currently unused bool Parser::parse( ParserContext *context, QXmlInputSource *source ) { QXmlSimpleReader reader; reader.setFeature( QLatin1String(""), true ); QString errorMsg; int errorLine, errorCol; QDomDocument doc; if ( !doc.setContent( source, &reader, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorCol ) ) { qDebug( "%s at (%d,%d)", qPrintable( errorMsg ), errorLine, errorCol ); return false; } QDomElement element = doc.documentElement(); const QName name( element.tagName() ); if ( name.localName() != QLatin1String("schema") ) { qDebug( "document element is '%s'", qPrintable( element.tagName() ) ); return false; } return parseSchemaTag( context, element ); }
bool operator==( QName const &q1, char const *q2 ) { if ( q2 ) { if ( *q2 == '{' ) { // // Assume "James Clark notation," i.e., "{uri}localname". // char const *const q2_ns = q2 + 1; if ( char const *const rbrace = ::strchr( q2_ns, '}' ) ) if ( char const *const q1_ns = q1.ns() ) if ( ::strncmp( q1_ns, q2_ns, rbrace - q2_ns ) == 0 ) if ( char const *const q1_local = q1.localname() ) return ::strcmp( q1_local, rbrace + 1 ) == 0; } else if ( char const *const hash = ::strchr( q2, '#' ) ) { // // XQuery 3.0, 2.3.2 Identifying and Reporting Errors: // // An error can be represented by a URI reference that is derived from // the error QName as follows: an error with namespace URI NS and // local part LP can be represented as the URI reference NS#LP . For // example, an error whose QName is err:XPST0017 could be represented // as // if ( char const *const q1_ns = q1.ns() ) if ( ::strncmp( q1_ns, q2, hash - q2 ) == 0 ) if ( char const *const q1_local = q1.localname() ) return ::strcmp( q1_local, hash + 1 ) == 0; } else if ( char const *colon = ::strchr( q2, ':' ) ) { // // Assume EQName notation, i.e., URILiteral:NCName. // if ( (colon = strchr( colon + 1, ':' )) ) if ( char const *const q1_ns = q1.ns() ) if ( ::strncmp( q1_ns, q2, colon - q2 ) == 0 ) if ( char const *const q1_local = q1.localname() ) return ::strcmp( q1_local, colon + 1 ) == 0; } } else { // // q2 is NULL so q1 must be also. // return !q1.ns() && !q1.prefix() && !q1.localname(); } return false; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XercesAttGroupInfo: Getter methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SchemaAttDef* XercesAttGroupInfo::getAttDef(const XMLCh* const baseName, const int uriId) const { // If no list, then return a null if (!fAttributes) return 0; XMLSize_t attSize = fAttributes->size(); for (XMLSize_t i=0; i<attSize; i++) { const SchemaAttDef* attDef = fAttributes->elementAt(i); QName* attName = attDef->getAttName(); if (uriId == (int) attName->getURI() && XMLString::equals(baseName, attName->getLocalPart())) { return attDef; } } return 0; }
bool XercesAttGroupInfo::containsAttribute(const XMLCh* const name, const unsigned int uri) { if (fAttributes) { XMLSize_t attCount = fAttributes->size(); if (attCount) { for (XMLSize_t i=0; i < attCount; i++) { QName* attName = fAttributes->elementAt(i)->getAttName(); if (attName->getURI() == uri && XMLString::equals(attName->getLocalPart(),name)) { return true; } } } } return false; }
void Parser::parseCompositor( ParserContext *context, const QDomElement &element, ComplexType &ct ) { QName name = element.tagName(); bool isChoice = name.localName() == "choice"; bool isSequence = name.localName() == "sequence"; Compositor compositor; if ( isChoice ) compositor.setType( Compositor::Choice ); else if ( isSequence ) compositor.setType( Compositor::Sequence ); if ( isChoice || isSequence ) { Element::List newElements; QDomElement childElement = element.firstChildElement(); while ( !childElement.isNull() ) { QName csName = childElement.tagName(); if ( csName.localName() == "element" ) { Element newElement; if ( isChoice ) { newElement = parseElement( context, childElement, ct.nameSpace(), element ); } else { if ( isSequence ) { // occurence attributes can be either in the // parent (sequence) to on the current element if ( childElement.hasAttribute("minOccurs") || childElement.hasAttribute("maxOccurs")) { newElement = parseElement( context, childElement, ct.nameSpace(), childElement ); } else { newElement = parseElement( context, childElement, ct.nameSpace(), element ); } } else { newElement = parseElement( context, childElement, ct.nameSpace(), childElement ); } } newElements.append( newElement ); compositor.addChild( csName ); } else if ( csName.localName() == "any" ) { addAny( context, childElement, ct ); } else if ( isChoice ) { parseCompositor( context, childElement, ct ); } else if ( isSequence ) { parseCompositor( context, childElement, ct ); } childElement = childElement.nextSiblingElement(); } foreach( Element e, newElements ) { e.setCompositor( compositor ); ct.addElement( e ); }