Beispiel #1
Kleo::KeyApprovalDialog::KeyApprovalDialog( const std::vector<Item> & recipients,
                                      const std::vector<GpgME::Key> & sender,
                                      QWidget * parent, const char * name,
                                      bool modal )
  : KDialogBase( parent, name, modal, i18n("Encryption Key Approval"), Ok|Cancel, Ok ),
    d( 0 )
  assert( !recipients.empty() );

  d = new Private();

  QFrame *page = makeMainWidget();
  QVBoxLayout * vlay = new QVBoxLayout( page, 0, spacingHint() );

  vlay->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("The following keys will be used for encryption:"), page ) );

  QScrollView * sv = new QScrollView( page );
  sv->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit );
  vlay->addWidget( sv );

  QWidget * view = new QWidget( sv->viewport() );

  QGridLayout * glay = new QGridLayout( view, 3, 2, marginHint(), spacingHint() );
  glay->setColStretch( 1, 1 );
  sv->addChild( view );

  int row = -1;

  if ( !sender.empty() ) {
    glay->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Your keys:"), view ), row, 0 );
    d->selfRequester = new EncryptionKeyRequester( true, EncryptionKeyRequester::AllProtocols, view );
    d->selfRequester->setKeys( sender );
    glay->addWidget( d->selfRequester, row, 1 );
    glay->addMultiCellWidget( new KSeparator( Horizontal, view ), row, row, 0, 1 );

  const QStringList prefs = preferencesStrings();

  for ( std::vector<Item>::const_iterator it = recipients.begin() ; it != recipients.end() ; ++it ) {
    glay->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Recipient:"), view ), row, 0 );
    glay->addWidget( new QLabel( it->address, view ), row, 1 );
    d->addresses.push_back( it->address );

    glay->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Encryption keys:"), view ), row, 0 );
    KeyRequester * req = new EncryptionKeyRequester( true, EncryptionKeyRequester::AllProtocols, view );
    req->setKeys( it->keys );
    glay->addWidget( req, row, 1 );
    d->requesters.push_back( req );

    glay->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Encryption preference:"), view ), row, 0 );
    QComboBox * cb = new QComboBox( false, view );
    cb->insertStringList( prefs );
    glay->addWidget( cb, row, 1 );
    cb->setCurrentItem( pref2cb( it->pref ) );
    connect( cb, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotPrefsChanged()) );
    d->preferences.push_back( cb );

  // calculate the optimal width for the dialog
  const int dialogWidth = marginHint()
                  + sv->frameWidth()
                  + view->sizeHint().width()
                  + sv->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width()
                  + sv->frameWidth()
                  + marginHint()
                  + 2;
  // calculate the optimal height for the dialog
  const int dialogHeight = marginHint()
                   + fontMetrics().height()
                   + spacingHint()
                   + sv->frameWidth()
                   + view->sizeHint().height()
                   + sv->horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()
                   + sv->frameWidth()
                   + spacingHint()
                   + actionButton( KDialogBase::Cancel )->sizeHint().height()
                   + marginHint()
                   + 2;

  // don't make the dialog too large
  const QRect desk = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry( this );
  setInitialSize( QSize( kMin( dialogWidth, 3 * desk.width() / 4 ),
			 kMin( dialogHeight, 7 * desk.height() / 8 ) ) );