Beispiel #1
QDomElement StyleNode::getElement(QStringList path)
    if (path.size() < 1 || path.first() != elem.tagName() ) return QDomElement();

    if ( path.size() == 1) return elem;

    // Try to find this element among the children
    QDomElement e;
    int index = 0;
    while ( e.isNull() && index < children.size() )
        e = children[index]->getElement(path.mid(1));
    if (!e.isNull() ) return e;

    // Try to find this element among the prototypes
    index = 0;
    while ( e.isNull() && index < prototypes.size() )
        QStringList newPath = path.mid(1);
        e = prototypes[index]->getElement(newPath);

    return e;
void JourneySearchParser::splitWordList( const QStringList& wordList, int splitWordPos,
        QString* leftOfSplitWord, QString* rightOfSplitWord, int excludeWordsFromleft )
    *leftOfSplitWord = ((QStringList)wordList.mid(excludeWordsFromleft,
            splitWordPos - excludeWordsFromleft)).join(" ");
    *rightOfSplitWord = ((QStringList)wordList.mid(splitWordPos + 1,
                wordList.count() - splitWordPos)).join(" ");
Beispiel #3
static QStringList mergeLists (const QStringList &labels, const QStringList &ids) {
	if (labels.size () < ids.size ()) {
		return labels + (ids.mid (labels.size ()));
	} else if (labels.size () > ids.size ()) {
		return (labels.mid (0, ids.size ()));
	return labels;
Beispiel #4
IrcCommand* CommandParser::parseCommand(const QString& receiver, const QString& text)
    if (text.startsWith("//") || text.startsWith("/ ") || !text.startsWith('/')) {
        QString message = text;
        if (message.startsWith('/'))
            message.remove(0, 1);
        return IrcCommand::createMessage(receiver, message.trimmed());
    } else {
        typedef IrcCommand*(*ParseFunc)(const QString&, const QStringList&);

        static QHash<QString, ParseFunc> parseFunctions;
        if (parseFunctions.isEmpty()) {
            parseFunctions.insert("ADMIN", &CommandParser::parseAdmin);
            parseFunctions.insert("AWAY", &CommandParser::parseAway);
            parseFunctions.insert("INFO", &CommandParser::parseInfo);
            parseFunctions.insert("INVITE", &CommandParser::parseInvite);
            parseFunctions.insert("KICK", &CommandParser::parseKick);
            parseFunctions.insert("KNOCK", &CommandParser::parseKnock);
            parseFunctions.insert("LIST", &CommandParser::parseList);
            parseFunctions.insert("ME", &CommandParser::parseMe);
            parseFunctions.insert("MODE", &CommandParser::parseMode);
            parseFunctions.insert("MOTD", &CommandParser::parseMotd);
            parseFunctions.insert("NAMES", &CommandParser::parseNames);
            parseFunctions.insert("NICK", &CommandParser::parseNick);
            parseFunctions.insert("NOTICE", &CommandParser::parseNotice);
            parseFunctions.insert("PART", &CommandParser::parsePart);
            parseFunctions.insert("PING", &CommandParser::parsePing);
            parseFunctions.insert("QUIT", &CommandParser::parseQuit);
            parseFunctions.insert("QUOTE", &CommandParser::parseQuote);
            parseFunctions.insert("STATS", &CommandParser::parseStats);
            parseFunctions.insert("TIME", &CommandParser::parseTime);
            parseFunctions.insert("TOPIC", &CommandParser::parseTopic);
            parseFunctions.insert("TRACE", &CommandParser::parseTrace);
            parseFunctions.insert("USERS", &CommandParser::parseUsers);
            parseFunctions.insert("VERSION", &CommandParser::parseVersion);
            parseFunctions.insert("WHO", &CommandParser::parseWho);
            parseFunctions.insert("WHOIS", &CommandParser::parseWhois);
            parseFunctions.insert("WHOWAS", &CommandParser::parseWhowas);

        const QString expanded = expandAlias(receiver, text.mid(1));
        const QStringList words = expanded.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
        const QString command = words.value(0).toUpper();
        ParseFunc parseFunc = parseFunctions.value(command);
        if (parseFunc) {
            IrcCommand* cmd = parseFunc(receiver, words.mid(1));
            if (cmd)
                return cmd;
        } else if (command_syntaxes().contains(command.toUpper())) {
            return parseCustomCommand(command, words.mid(1), command_syntaxes().value(command.toUpper()));

    // unknown command
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
static QGpgMEKeyListJob::result_type list_keys(Context *ctx, QStringList pats, bool secretOnly)
    if (pats.size() < 2) {
        std::vector<Key> keys;
        const KeyListResult r = do_list_keys(ctx, pats, keys, secretOnly);
        return std::make_tuple(r, keys, QString(), Error());

    // The communication channel between gpgme and gpgsm is limited in
    // the number of patterns that can be transported, but they won't
    // say to how much, so we need to find out ourselves if we get a
    // LINE_TOO_LONG error back...

    // We could of course just feed them single patterns, and that would
    // probably be easier, but the performance penalty would currently
    // be noticeable.

    unsigned int chunkSize = pats.size();
    std::vector<Key> keys;
    KeyListResult result;
    do {
        const KeyListResult this_result = do_list_keys(ctx, pats.mid(0, chunkSize), keys, secretOnly);
        if (this_result.error().code() == GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG) {
            // got LINE_TOO_LONG, try a smaller chunksize:
            chunkSize /= 2;
            if (chunkSize < 1)
                // chunks smaller than one can't be -> return the error.
                return std::make_tuple(this_result, keys, QString(), Error());
            } else {
                goto retry;
        } else if (this_result.error().code() == GPG_ERR_EOF) {
            // early end of keylisting (can happen when ~/.gnupg doesn't
            // exist). Fakeing an empty result:
            return std::make_tuple(KeyListResult(), std::vector<Key>(), QString(), Error());
        // ok, that seemed to work...
        if (result.error().code()) {
        pats = pats.mid(chunkSize);
    } while (!pats.empty());
    return std::make_tuple(result, keys, QString(), Error());
QModelIndex QFileSystemModelEx::index(const QString &path, int column) const
	QFileInfo info(path);
	if(info.exists() && info.isDir())
		QString fullPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(info.canonicalFilePath());
		QStringList parts = fullPath.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
		for(int i = 2; i <= parts.count(); i++)
			QFileInfo currentPath(((QStringList) parts.mid(0, i)).join("/"));
			if((!currentPath.exists()) || (!currentPath.isDir()) || currentPath.isHidden())
				return QModelIndex();
		QModelIndex index = QFileSystemModel::index(fullPath, column);
			QModelIndex temp = index;
				temp = temp.parent();
			return index;
	return QModelIndex();
Beispiel #7
void MainWindow::ShowConnectDialog()
  const QUrl url("");
  ConnectDialog connectDialog;
  QSettings settings;
  QStringList hosts = settings.value("connect/hosts").toStringList();

  connectDialog.resize(600, 500);
  connectDialog.setIsPublicServer(settings.value("connect/public", true).toBool());

  if (connectDialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) {

  hosts = hosts.mid(0, 16); /* limit maximum number of elements */

  settings.setValue("connect/hosts", hosts);
  settings.setValue("connect/user", connectDialog.user());
  settings.setValue("connect/public", connectDialog.isPublicServer());

  QString user = connectDialog.user();
  if (connectDialog.isPublicServer()) {

  Connect(, user, connectDialog.pass());
Beispiel #8
PortInfo Firewall::LookUpPort(int port, QString type)

    //Make sure that the port is valid
    if (port < 0 || port > 65535)
        PortInfo returnValue;
        returnValue.Port = -1;
        returnValue.Description = "Port out of bounds";
        return returnValue;

    if(portStrings.isEmpty()){ readServicesFile(); }

    PortInfo returnValue;
    //the port number is valid so set it
    returnValue.Port = port;

    //make sure that the portType is cased in lower to match the service file and
    //then store it in the returnValue, since there isn't a huge point in checking
    //the validitiy of the type since /etc/services lists more than udp/tcp
    type = type.toLower();
    returnValue.Type =  type;

    //Check to see if it's a recommended port
    returnValue.Recommended = false;
    for(int recommendedPort : recommendedPorts)
        if (port == recommendedPort)
            returnValue.Recommended = true;

   //Check to see if the port number is listed. The format in the file
   // is portname/portType. ex.: 22/tcp

   QStringList portList = portStrings.filter( QRegExp("\\s"+QString::number(port)+"/"+type+"\\s") );
   if(portList.size() > 0)
       //grab the first one, there may be duplicates due to colliding ports in the /etc/services file
       //but those are listed after the declaration for what the port officially should be used for
       QString line =;

       //Split across spaces since it's whitespace delimited
       QStringList lineList = line.split(' ');

       //the keyword associated with the port is the first element in a line
       returnValue.Keyword =;

       //if the size of the list is less than 3 then there is no description
       if(lineList.size() > 2){
           returnValue.Description = lineList.mid(2,-1).join(" ");

   return returnValue;

bool Nuria::RestfulHttpNode::invokePath (const QString &path, const QStringList &parts,
					 int index, Nuria::HttpClient *client) {
	delayedRegisterMetaObject ();
	if (client->verb () == HttpClient::InvalidVerb ||
	    !allowAccessToClient (path, parts, index, client)) {
		client->killConnection (403);
		return false;
	QString interestingPart = QStringList (parts.mid (index)).join (QLatin1Char ('/'));
	// Reverse walk over the QMap, so we first check longer paths.
	auto it = this->d_ptr->methods.end ();
	auto end = this->d_ptr->methods.begin ();
	do {
		Internal::RestfulHttpNodeSlotData &cur = *it;
		QRegularExpressionMatch match = cur.path.match (interestingPart);
		if (match.hasMatch ()) {
			return invokeMatch (cur, match, client);
	} while (it != end);
	return HttpNode::invokePath (path, parts, index, client);
Beispiel #10
static IceOffer iceblock_parse(const QStringList &in)
	IceOffer out;
	if(in.count() < 3 || in[0] != "-----BEGIN ICE-----" || in[in.count()-1] != "-----END ICE-----")
		return IceOffer();

	QStringList body = lines_unwrap(in.mid(1, in.count() - 2)).split(';');
	if(body.count() < 2)
		return IceOffer();

	QStringList parts = body[0].split(',');
	if(parts.count() != 2)
		return IceOffer();
	bool ok;
	out.user = urlishDecode(parts[0], &ok);
	if(!ok || out.user.isEmpty())
		return IceOffer();
	out.pass = urlishDecode(parts[1], &ok);
	if(!ok || out.pass.isEmpty())
		return IceOffer();

	for(int n = 1; n < body.count(); ++n)
		XMPP::Ice176::Candidate c = line_to_candidate(body[n]);
			return IceOffer();
		out.candidates += c;
	return out;
Beispiel #11
    QString query = "SELECT playlist_id, track_num, url, title, album, artist, length FROM "
                    "playlist_tracks WHERE playlist_id=%1 ORDER BY track_num";
    query = query.arg( QString::number( m_dbId ) );

    QStringList result = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage()->query( query );

    int resultRows = result.count() / 7;

    for( int i = 0; i < resultRows; i++ )
        QStringList row = result.mid( i*7, 7 );
        KUrl url = KUrl( row[2] );

        MetaProxy::Track *proxyTrack = new MetaProxy::Track( url );

        proxyTrack->setName( row[3] );
        proxyTrack->setAlbum( row[4] );
        proxyTrack->setArtist( row[5] );
        Meta::TrackPtr trackPtr = Meta::TrackPtr( proxyTrack );
        //subscribed to force a save to db on any change (such as AFT file move)
        subscribeTo( trackPtr );
        m_tracks << trackPtr;

    m_tracksLoaded = true;
Beispiel #12
void GwtCallback::paintPrintText(QPrinter* printer)
    QPainter painter;

    // look up the system fixed font
    QFont fixedFont = QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont);

    // break up the text into pages and draw each page
    QStringList lines = printText_.split(QString::fromUtf8("\n"));
    int i = 0;
    while (i < lines.size())
       // split off next chunk of lines and draw them
       int end = std::min(i + 60, lines.size());
       QStringList pageLines(lines.mid(i, 60));
       painter.drawText(50, 50, 650, 900, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop | Qt::TextWordWrap,

       // start a new page if there are more lines
       if (end < lines.size())

       // move to next line group
       i += 60;

Beispiel #13
Status StatusParser::parse(QString data) {
    data = stripResponseHeader(data);
    QStringList playerList = data.split("\n");

    QString variableData = playerList.first();
    QStringList variableList = variableData.split("\\", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    QStringListIterator it(variableList);
    Status status;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        QString key =;
        if(it.hasNext()) {
            QString value =;
            status.variables.insert(key, value);

    QStringListIterator itP(playerList);
    while (itP.hasNext()) {
        QString line =;
        QStringList playerData = line.split(" ");
        if(playerData.size() >= 3) {
            QString playerName = QStringList(playerData.mid(2)).join(" ");
            playerName.chop(1); // remove first "
            playerName.remove(0, 1); // remove last "

    return status;
Beispiel #14
	QString HandlerChoiceDialog::GetFilename () const
		QString name = Buttons_->checkedButton ()->
			property ("PluginName").toString ();

		QString result;
		if (Ui_.LocationsBox_->currentIndex () == 0)
			if (Suggestion_.isEmpty ())
				Suggestion_ = GetPluginSavePaths (name).value (0, QDir::homePath ());

			result = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory (0,
					tr ("Select save location"),
					QFileDialog::Option (~QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly));
			if (result.isEmpty ())
				return QString ();
			result = Ui_.LocationsBox_->currentText ();

		QSettings settings (QCoreApplication::organizationName (),
				QCoreApplication::applicationName ());
		settings.setValue ("PreviousEntitySavePath", result);

		settings.beginGroup ("SavePaths");
		QStringList pluginTexts = settings.value (name).toStringList ();
		pluginTexts.removeAll (result);
		pluginTexts.prepend (result);
		pluginTexts = pluginTexts.mid (0, 20);
		settings.setValue (name, pluginTexts);
		settings.endGroup ();

		return result;
bool WebSocketMythEvent::HandleTextFrame(const WebSocketFrame &frame)
    QString message = QString(frame.payload);

    if (message.isEmpty())
        return false;

    QStringList tokens = message.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

    if (tokens[0] == "WS_EVENT_ENABLE") // Only send events if asked
        m_sendEvents = true;
        LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_NOTICE, "WebSocketMythEvent: Enabled");
    else if (tokens[0] == "WS_EVENT_DISABLE")
        m_sendEvents = false;
        LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_NOTICE, "WebSocketMythEvent: Disabled");
    else if (tokens[0] == "WS_EVENT_SET_FILTER")

        if (tokens.length() == 1)
            return true;

        m_filters = tokens.mid(1);

        QString filterString = m_filters.join(", ");
        LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_NOTICE, QString("WebSocketMythEvent: Updated filters (%1)").arg(filterString));

    return false;
Beispiel #16
BookmarkGroupList BookmarkGroup::childGroups() const
    if ( !m_hasFetchedChildGroups )

        QString query = "SELECT id, parent_id, name, description FROM bookmark_groups where parent_id=%1 ORDER BY name;";
        query = query.arg( QString::number( m_dbId ) );
        QStringList result = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage()->query( query );

        int resultRows = result.count() / 4;

        for( int i = 0; i < resultRows; i++ )
            QStringList row = result.mid( i*4, 4 );
            BookmarkGroup* mutableThis = const_cast<BookmarkGroup*>( this );
            m_childGroups << BookmarkGroupPtr( new BookmarkGroup( row, BookmarkGroupPtr( mutableThis ) ) );

        m_hasFetchedChildGroups = true;


    return m_childGroups;
Beispiel #17
void Botanna::processPublicMessage(QString &message, const QString &userName)
    if (userName == name) {
        // skip my messages

    // replace the message with the alias, if exists
    QString aliasMessage = memory->alias(message);
    if (!aliasMessage.isEmpty()) {
        message = aliasMessage;

    if (message.startsWith("!")) { // special message
        QStringList messageParts = message.split(" ");
        if (messageParts.length() < 2) {
            // too few parts
        const QString &commandType =;
        const QString &command =;
        QStringList parameters = messageParts.mid(2, -1); // from third element to end of list

        if (commandType == "!gdf") {
            gdfExecuteCommand(command, parameters, userName);
    } else {
        // normal message
	QString HandlerChoiceDialog::GetFilename ()
		const QString& name = Buttons_->checkedButton ()->
			property ("PluginID").toString ();

		QString result;
		if (Ui_.LocationsBox_->currentIndex () == 0 &&
				Ui_.LocationsBox_->currentText ().isEmpty ())
			on_BrowseButton__released ();

		result = Ui_.LocationsBox_->currentText ();
		if (result.isEmpty ())
			return QString ();

		QSettings settings (QCoreApplication::organizationName (),
				QCoreApplication::applicationName ());
		settings.setValue ("PreviousEntitySavePath", result);

		settings.beginGroup ("SavePaths");
		QStringList pluginTexts = settings.value (name).toStringList ();
		pluginTexts.removeAll (result);
		pluginTexts.prepend (result);
		pluginTexts = pluginTexts.mid (0, 20);
		settings.setValue (name, pluginTexts);
		settings.endGroup ();

		return result;
Beispiel #19
int Pty::start(const QString& programName,
               const QStringList& programArguments,
               const QStringList& environmentList)

    // For historical reasons, the first argument in programArguments is the
    // name of the program to execute, so create a list consisting of all
    // but the first argument to pass to setProgram()
    Q_ASSERT(programArguments.count() >= 1);
    setProgram(programName, programArguments.mid(1));


    // unless the LANGUAGE environment variable has been set explicitly
    // set it to a null string
    // this fixes the problem where KCatalog sets the LANGUAGE environment
    // variable during the application's startup to something which
    // differs from LANG,LC_* etc. and causes programs run from
    // the terminal to display messages in the wrong language
    // this can happen if LANG contains a language which KDE
    // does not have a translation for
    // BR:149300
    setEnv("LANGUAGE", QString(), false /* do not overwrite existing value if any */);


    if (waitForStarted()) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return -1;
Beispiel #20
QVariant RKMatrixInput::value (const QString& modifier) {
	if (modifier.isEmpty () || (modifier == "cbind")) {
		QStringList ret;
		for (int i = 0; i < column_count->intValue (); ++i) {
			ret.append ("\tc (" + makeColumnString (i, ", ") + ')');
		return QString ("cbind (\n" + ret.join (",\n") + "\n)");
	} else if (modifier.startsWith ("row.")) {
		bool ok;
		int row = modifier.mid (4).toInt (&ok);
		if ((row >= 0) && ok) {
			return (rowStrings (row));

	bool ok;
	int col = modifier.toInt (&ok);
	if ((col >= 0) && ok) {
		QStringList l;
		if (col < columns.size ()) l = columns[col].storage;
		while (l.size () < row_count->intValue ()) {
			l.append (QString ());
		if (l.size () > row_count->intValue ()) l = l.mid (0, row_count->intValue ());
		return l;
	return ("Modifier '" + modifier + "' not recognized\n"); 
Beispiel #21
QHash<QString, QString> AirportsData::getAirportNameMap(MainObject *mainObject) {
	QHash<QString, QString> airportMap;

	QString path(mainObject->X->fgroot() + QString("/Airports/apt.dat.gz"));

	fgx_gzHandle apt_dat_file = fgx_gzOpen(path);

	while( !fgx_gzEof( apt_dat_file ) ) {
		QString line = fgx_gzReadline( apt_dat_file );

		if(line.trimmed().isEmpty()) continue;

		QStringList ls = line.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

		// 1 is the row code for airports, 16 for seaplane bases (not in FlightGear!) and 17 for heliports
		// see for details
		if(ls[0].compare("1") == 0 || ls[0].compare("16") == 0 || ls[0].compare("17") == 0) {
			QString airport_name = QStringList(ls.mid(5)).join(" ");
			QString airport_code = ls[4];
			airportMap.insert(airport_code, airport_name);

	fgx_gzClose( apt_dat_file );

	return airportMap;
Beispiel #22
	void Syncer::CreateRemotePath (const QStringList& path)
		if (Id2Path_.right.count (path.join ("/")))

		QStringList nonExistingPath;
		QStringList existingPath;
		for (int i = path.length () - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			QStringList temp = path.mid (0, i + 1);
			if (Id2Path_.right.count (temp.join ("/")))
				existingPath = temp;
			else if (nonExistingPath.isEmpty ())
				nonExistingPath = temp;

		if (nonExistingPath.isEmpty ())

		int lastPos = 0;
		for ( ; lastPos < std::min (existingPath .size (), nonExistingPath.size ()); ++lastPos)
			if ( (lastPos) != (lastPos))

		SFLAccount_->CreateDirectory ( (lastPos),
				existingPath.isEmpty () ?
					QByteArray () : (existingPath.join ("/")));
		if (lastPos != nonExistingPath.length () - 1)
			CallsQueue_.append ([this, nonExistingPath] ()
				{ CreateRemotePath (nonExistingPath); });
Beispiel #23
void ViewPrivate::addActionsToContextMenu(QMenu *menu)

    QString s = selection();
    QString shortUrl = shortUrlFromString(s);
    QString longUrl = longUrlFromString(s);

    // A. Treat long URL
    if (isUrlLike(longUrl))
        // Split the selected text into blocks seperated by one of the
        // characters in seps
        QStringList blocks = longUrl.split(QRegExp("\\s+"));

        // Parse the blocks into two types:
        // 1. Only the first component has a protocol prefix
        // 2. Either the first one does not have a protocol prefix, or there
        //    are multiple entries in the list that has a prefix.
        bool firstOnlyProtocol = false;
        if (blocks.size() > 1 && hasProtocolPrefix(
            firstOnlyProtocol = true;
            foreach (const QString &c, blocks.mid(1))
                if (hasProtocolPrefix(c))
                    firstOnlyProtocol = false;

        // Type 1 (firstOnlyProtocol = true)
        // Concatenate all components into one single URL
        if (firstOnlyProtocol)
            addUrlToMenu(blocks.join(""), menu);
        // Type 2 (firstOnlyProtocol = false)
        // Treat each component as an individual URL
            QStringList urls;
            foreach (const QString &c, blocks)
                if (isUrlLike(c))
                    urls << c;
            if (!urls.isEmpty())
                QString title = (urls.size() == 1) ?
                            urls.first() :
                            q->tr("Open as multiple URLs");
                QAction *action = menu->addAction(title, q, SLOT(openUrl()));
Beispiel #24
void CLIOptions::parse(const QStringList& cmd_line_args)
	qfLogFuncFrame() << cmd_line_args.join(' ');
	m_isAppBreak = false;
	m_parsedArgIndex = 0;
	m_arguments = cmd_line_args.mid(1);
	m_unusedArguments = QStringList();
	m_parseErrors = QStringList();
	m_allArgs = cmd_line_args;

	while(true) {
		QString arg = takeArg();
		if(arg == "--help" || arg == "-h") {
			m_isAppBreak = true;
		else {
			bool found = false;
			QMutableMapIterator<QString, Option> it(m_options);
			while(it.hasNext()) {;
				Option &opt = it.value();
				QStringList names = opt.names();
				if(names.contains(arg)) {
					found = true;
					if(opt.type() != QVariant::Bool) {
						arg = takeArg();
					else {
						//LOGDEB() << "setting true";
			if(!found) {
					m_unusedArguments << arg;
		QMapIterator<QString, Option> it(m_options);
		while(it.hasNext()) {;
			Option opt = it.value();
			//LOGDEB() << "option:" << it.key() << "is mandatory:" << opt.isMandatory() << "is valid:" << opt.value().isValid();
			if(opt.isMandatory() && !opt.value().isValid()) {
				addParseError(QString("Mandatory option '%1' not set.").arg(opt.names().value(0)));
QStringList QScriptScriptData::lines(int startLineNumber, int count) const
    Q_D(const QScriptScriptData);
    if (!d)
        return QStringList();
    QStringList allLines = d->contents.split(QLatin1Char('\n'));
    return allLines.mid(qMax(0, startLineNumber - d->baseLineNumber), count);
Beispiel #26
//Re-indents the code so the leftmost line starts at zero
QString zeroIndentation(QString str, int fromLine = 0) {
  QStringList lines = str.split('\n');
  QStringList ret;
  if(fromLine < lines.size()) {
    ret = lines.mid(0, fromLine);
    lines = lines.mid(fromLine);
  QRegExp nonWhiteSpace("\\S");
  int minLineStart = 10000;
  foreach(const QString& line, lines) {
    int lineStart = line.indexOf(nonWhiteSpace);
    if(lineStart < minLineStart)
      minLineStart = lineStart;
Beispiel #27
void WebSearchBar::addSuggestions(const QStringList &list)
    if (qzSettings->showSearchSuggestions) {
        QStringList list_ = list.mid(0, 6);
void NotifyManager::addToRecentList(QStringList& list, const QString &message)
    list << message;
    if (list.size() <= maxRecentMessages)

    list = list.mid(list.length() - maxRecentMessages);
Beispiel #29
void Telegram::renameContact(const QString &number, const QString &newName)
    QStringList splits = newName.split(" ",QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    while( splits.count() < 2 )
        splits << QString();

    addContact( number, splits.first(), QStringList(splits.mid(1)).join(" "), true );
void SyncFileStatusTracker::invalidateParentPaths(const QString& path)
    QStringList splitPath = path.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    for (int i = 0; i < splitPath.size(); ++i) {
        QString parentPath = QStringList(splitPath.mid(0, i)).join(QLatin1String("/"));
        emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(parentPath), fileStatus(parentPath));