Beispiel #1
void TabBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
  if (e->button() == RightButton) {
      QTab *tab = selectTab( e->pos() );
      QWidget* page;
      page = tab ? _tabWidget->page( indexOf( tab->identifier() ) ) :0;

      QPopupMenu popup, popup1, popup2, popup3;
      if (page) {
        TraceItemView::Position p = _tabView->tabPosition(page);
        if (p != TraceItemView::Top) {
          popup.insertItem(i18n("Move to Top"), 81);
          popup2.insertItem(i18n("Top"), 91);
        if (p != TraceItemView::Right) {
          popup.insertItem(i18n("Move to Right"), 82);
          popup2.insertItem(i18n("Right"), 92);
        if (p != TraceItemView::Bottom) {
          popup.insertItem(i18n("Move to Bottom"), 83);
          popup2.insertItem(i18n("Bottom"), 93);
        if (p != TraceItemView::Left) {
          popup.insertItem(i18n("Move to Bottom Left"), 84);
          popup2.insertItem(i18n("Bottom Left"), 94);
        popup.insertItem(i18n("Move Area To"), &popup2, 2);
        popup.insertItem(i18n("Hide This Tab"), 80);
        popup.insertItem(i18n("Hide Area"), 90);

        if (_tabView->visibleTabs() <2) {
          popup.setItemEnabled(80, false);
          popup.setItemEnabled(90, false);
        else if (_tabView->visibleAreas() <2)
          popup.setItemEnabled(90, false);
      popup3.insertItem(i18n("Top"), 101);
      popup3.insertItem(i18n("Right"), 102);
      popup3.insertItem(i18n("Bottom"), 103);
      popup3.insertItem(i18n("Bottom Left"), 104);
      popup.insertItem(i18n("Show Hidden On"), &popup3, 3);

      int r = popup.exec( mapToGlobal( e->pos() ) );

      TraceItemView::Position p = TraceItemView::Hidden;
      if ((r % 10) == 1) p = TraceItemView::Top;
      if ((r % 10) == 2) p = TraceItemView::Right;
      if ((r % 10) == 3) p = TraceItemView::Bottom;
      if ((r % 10) == 4) p = TraceItemView::Left;

      if (r>=80 && r<100) _tabView->moveTab(page, p, r>=90);
      if (r>=100 && r<110) _tabView->moveTab(0, p, true);

  QTabBar::mousePressEvent( e );
void KTabBar::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
    QTab *tab = selectTab( e->pos() );
    if( tab!= 0L ) {
        emit( mouseDoubleClick( indexOf( tab->identifier() ) ) );
    QTabBar::mouseDoubleClickEvent( e );
void KTabBar::dropEvent( QDropEvent *e )
    QTab *tab = selectTab( e->pos() );
    if( tab!= 0L ) {
        mDragSwitchTab = 0;
        emit( receivedDropEvent( indexOf( tab->identifier() ) , e ) );
    QTabBar::dropEvent( e );
void KTabBar::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
    if( e->button() == LeftButton ) {
        mDragStart = e->pos();
    else if( e->button() == RightButton ) {
        QTab *tab = selectTab( e->pos() );
        if( tab!= 0L ) {
            emit( contextMenu( indexOf( tab->identifier() ), mapToGlobal( e->pos() ) ) );
    QTabBar::mousePressEvent( e );
void KTabBar::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
    if( e->button() == MidButton ) {
        QTab *tab = selectTab( e->pos() );
        if ( mReorderStartTab==-1 ) {
            if( tab!= 0L ) {
                emit( mouseMiddleClick( indexOf( tab->identifier() ) ) );
        else {
            setCursor( arrowCursor );
    QTabBar::mouseReleaseEvent( e );
void KTabBar::setTabEnabled( int id, bool enabled )
    QTab * t = tab( id );
    if ( t ) {
        if ( t->isEnabled() != enabled ) {
            t->setEnabled( enabled );
            QRect r( t->rect() );
            if ( !enabled && id == currentTab() && count()>1 ) {
                int index = indexOf( id );
                index += ( index+1 == count() ) ? -1 : 1;
                t = tabAt( index );

                if ( t->isEnabled() ) {
                    r = r.unite( t->rect() );
                    QPtrList<QTab> *tablist = tabList();
                    tablist->append( tablist->take( tablist->findRef( t ) ) );
                    emit selected( t->identifier() );
            repaint( r );
void KTabBar::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
    if ( e->state() == LeftButton ) {
        QTab *tab = selectTab( e->pos() );
        if ( mDragSwitchTab && tab != mDragSwitchTab ) {
          mDragSwitchTab = 0;

        int delay = KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay();
        QPoint newPos = e->pos();
        if( newPos.x() > mDragStart.x()+delay || newPos.x() < mDragStart.x()-delay ||
            newPos.y() > mDragStart.y()+delay || newPos.y() < mDragStart.y()-delay )
            if( tab!= 0L ) {
                emit( initiateDrag( indexOf( tab->identifier() ) ) );
    else if ( e->state() == MidButton ) {
        if (mReorderStartTab==-1) {
            int delay = KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay();
            QPoint newPos = e->pos();
            if( newPos.x() > mDragStart.x()+delay || newPos.x() < mDragStart.x()-delay ||
                newPos.y() > mDragStart.y()+delay || newPos.y() < mDragStart.y()-delay )
                QTab *tab = selectTab( e->pos() );
                if( tab!= 0L && mTabReorderingEnabled ) {
                    mReorderStartTab = indexOf( tab->identifier() );
                    grabMouse( sizeAllCursor );
        else {
            QTab *tab = selectTab( e->pos() );
            if( tab!= 0L ) {
                int reorderStopTab = indexOf( tab->identifier() );
                if ( mReorderStartTab!=reorderStopTab && mReorderPreviousTab!=reorderStopTab ) {
                    emit( moveTab( mReorderStartTab, reorderStopTab ) );

    if ( mHoverCloseButtonEnabled && mReorderStartTab==-1) {
        QTab *t = selectTab( e->pos() );

        //BEGIN Workaround
        //Qt3.2.0 (and 3.2.1) emit wrong local coordinates
        //for MouseMove events when the pointer leaves a widget. Discard those
        //to avoid enabling the wrong hover button
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning "Workaround for Qt 3.2.0, 3.2.1 bug"
        if ( e->globalPos() != mapToGlobal( e->pos() ) )
        //END Workaround

        if( t && t->iconSet() && t->isEnabled() ) {
            QPixmap pixmap = t->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal );
            QRect rect( 0, 0, pixmap.width() + 4, pixmap.height() +4);

            int xoff = 0, yoff = 0;
            // The additional offsets were found by try and error, TODO: find the rational behind them
            if ( t == tab( currentTab() ) ) {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030200
                xoff = style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_TabBarTabShiftHorizontal, this ) + 3;
                yoff = style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_TabBarTabShiftVertical, this ) - 4;
                xoff = 3;
                yoff = -4;
            else {
                xoff = 7;
                yoff = 0;
            rect.moveLeft( t->rect().left() + 2 + xoff );
            rect.moveTop( t->rect().center().y()-pixmap.height()/2 + yoff );
            if ( rect.contains( e->pos() ) ) {
                if ( mHoverCloseButton ) {
                    if ( mHoverCloseButtonTab == t )
                    delete mHoverCloseButton;

                mHoverCloseButton = new QPushButton( this );
                mHoverCloseButton->setIconSet( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("fileclose", KIcon::Toolbar, KIcon::SizeSmall, KIcon::ActiveState) );
                mHoverCloseButton->setGeometry( rect );
                QToolTip::add(mHoverCloseButton,i18n("Close this tab"));
                if ( mHoverCloseButtonDelayed ) {
                  mEnableCloseButtonTimer->start( QApplication::doubleClickInterval(), true );
                mHoverCloseButtonTab = t;
                connect( mHoverCloseButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( closeButtonClicked() ) );
        if ( mHoverCloseButton ) {
            delete mHoverCloseButton;
            mHoverCloseButton = 0;

    QTabBar::mouseMoveEvent( e );