Item AttributeNameValidator::evaluateSingleton(const DynamicContext::Ptr &context) const
    const Item name(m_operand->evaluateSingleton(context));
    const QXmlName qName(<QNameValue>()->qName());

    if(qName.namespaceURI() == StandardNamespaces::xmlns)
        context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The namespace URI in the name for a "
                                         "computed attribute cannot be %1.")
                       ReportContext::XQDY0044, this);
        return Item(); /* Silence warning. */
    else if(qName.namespaceURI() == StandardNamespaces::empty &&
            qName.localName() == StandardLocalNames::xmlns)
        context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The name for a computed attribute "
                                         "cannot have the namespace URI %1 "
                                         "with the local name %2.")
                       ReportContext::XQDY0044, this);
        return Item(); /* Silence warning. */
    else if(!qName.hasPrefix() && qName.hasNamespace())
        return Item(QNameValue::fromValue(context->namePool(),
                                          QXmlName(qName.namespaceURI(), qName.localName(), StandardPrefixes::ns0)));
        return name;
Beispiel #2
void AccelTreeBuilder<FromDocument>::attribute(const QXmlName &name, const QStringRef &value)
    /* Attributes adds a namespace binding, so lets synthesize one.
     * We optimize by checking whether we have a namespace for which a binding would
     * be generated. Happens relatively rarely. */
        namespaceBinding(QXmlName(name.namespaceURI(), 0, name.prefix()));

    m_document->basicData.append(AccelTree::BasicNodeData(currentDepth(), currentParent(), QXmlNodeModelIndex::Attribute, 0, name));

    m_isPreviousAtomic = false;

    if(name.namespaceURI() == StandardNamespaces::xml && name.localName() == StandardLocalNames::id)
        const QString normalized(value.toString().simplified());

            const QXmlName::LocalNameCode id = m_namePool->allocateLocalName(normalized);

            const int oldSize = m_document->m_IDs.count();
            m_document->m_IDs.insert(id, currentParent());
            /* We don't run the value through m_attributeCompress here, because
             * the likelyhood of it deing identical to another attribute is
             * very small. */
            m_document->data.insert(m_preNumber, normalized);

             * In the case that we're called for doc-available(), m_context is
             * null, and we need to flag somehow that we failed to load this
             * document.
            if(oldSize == m_document->m_IDs.count() && m_context) // TODO
                m_context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared.")
                                 FromDocument ? ReportContext::FODC0002 : ReportContext::XQDY0091,
        else if(m_context) // TODO

            /* If we're building from an XML Document(e.g, we're fed from QXmlStreamReader, we raise FODC0002,
             * otherwise XQDY0091. */
            m_context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("An %1-attribute must have a "
                                               "valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't.").arg(formatKeyword("xml:id"),
                                                                                         formatType(m_namePool, BuiltinTypes::xsNCName),
                             FromDocument ? ReportContext::FODC0002 : ReportContext::XQDY0091,
        m_document->data.insert(m_preNumber, *m_attributeCompress.insert(value.toString()));