QVector<QgsDataItem*> QgsPGConnectionItem::createChildren()
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );


  QgsDataSourceURI uri = QgsPostgresConn::connUri( mName );
  QgsPostgresConn *conn = QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( uri.connectionInfo() );
  if ( !conn )
    items.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Connection failed" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Connection failed - " + uri.connectionInfo() );
    return items;

  QVector<QgsPostgresLayerProperty> layerProperties;
  bool ok = conn->supportedLayers( layerProperties,
                                   QgsPostgresConn::geometryColumnsOnly( mName ),
                                   QgsPostgresConn::publicSchemaOnly( mName ),
                                   QgsPostgresConn::allowGeometrylessTables( mName ) );

  QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( conn );

  if ( !ok )
    items.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to get schemas" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return items;

  QSet<QString> schemaNames;
  foreach ( QgsPostgresLayerProperty layerProperty, layerProperties )
    schemaNames.insert( layerProperty.schemaName );
QVector<QgsDataItem*> QgsPGConnectionItem::createChildren()
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );


  QgsDataSourceURI uri = QgsPostgresConn::connUri( mName );
  // TODO: wee need to cancel somehow acquireConnection() if deleteLater() was called on this item to avoid later credential dialog if connection failed
  QgsPostgresConn *conn = QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( uri.connectionInfo( false ) );
  if ( !conn )
    items.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Connection failed" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Connection failed - " + uri.connectionInfo( false ) );
    return items;

  QList<QgsPostgresSchemaProperty> schemas;
  bool ok = conn->getSchemas( schemas );
  QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( conn );

  if ( !ok )
    items.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to get schemas" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return items;

  Q_FOREACH ( const QgsPostgresSchemaProperty& schema, schemas )
    QgsPGSchemaItem * schemaItem = new QgsPGSchemaItem( this, mName, schema.name, mPath + '/' + schema.name );
    if ( !schema.description.isEmpty() )
      schemaItem->setToolTip( schema.description );
    items.append( schemaItem );
void QgsOracleColumnTypeThread::run()
  mStopped = false;

  QgsDataSourceURI uri = QgsOracleConn::connUri( mName );
  QgsOracleConn *conn = QgsOracleConn::connectDb( uri.connectionInfo() );
  if ( !conn )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Connection failed - " + uri.connectionInfo() );
    mStopped = true;

  emit progressMessage( tr( "Retrieving tables of %1..." ).arg( mName ) );
  QVector<QgsOracleLayerProperty> layerProperties;
  if ( !conn->supportedLayers( layerProperties,
                               QgsOracleConn::geometryColumnsOnly( mName ),
                               QgsOracleConn::userTablesOnly( mName ),
                               mAllowGeometrylessTables ) ||
       layerProperties.isEmpty() )

  int i = 0, n = layerProperties.size();
  for ( QVector<QgsOracleLayerProperty>::iterator it = layerProperties.begin(),
        end = layerProperties.end();
        it != end; ++it )
    QgsOracleLayerProperty &layerProperty = *it;
    if ( !mStopped )
      emit progress( i++, n );
      emit progressMessage( tr( "Scanning column %1.%2.%3..." )
                            .arg( layerProperty.ownerName )
                            .arg( layerProperty.tableName )
                            .arg( layerProperty.geometryColName ) );
      conn->retrieveLayerTypes( layerProperty, mUseEstimatedMetadata, QgsOracleConn::onlyExistingTypes( mName ) );

    if ( mStopped )

    // Now tell the layer list dialog box...
    emit setLayerType( layerProperty );

  // store the list for later use (cache)
  if ( !mStopped )
    mLayerProperties = layerProperties;

  emit progress( 0, 0 );
  emit progressMessage( tr( "Table retrieval finished." ) );

Beispiel #4
QVector<QgsDataItem*> QgsPGConnectionItem::createChildren()
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );
  QVector<QgsDataItem*> children;
  QgsDataSourceURI uri = QgsPostgresConn::connUri( mName );

  mConn = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( uri.connectionInfo(), true );
  if ( !mConn )
    return children;

  QVector<QgsPostgresLayerProperty> layerProperties;
  if ( !mConn->supportedLayers( layerProperties, false, true, false ) )
    children.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to retrieve layers" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return children;

  QgsGeomColumnTypeThread *columnTypeThread = 0;

  foreach( QgsPostgresLayerProperty layerProperty, layerProperties )
    QgsPGSchemaItem *schemaItem = mSchemaMap.value( layerProperty.schemaName, 0 );
    if ( !schemaItem )
      schemaItem = new QgsPGSchemaItem( this, layerProperty.schemaName, mPath + "/" + layerProperty.schemaName );
      children.append( schemaItem );
      mSchemaMap[ layerProperty.schemaName ] = schemaItem;

    if ( layerProperty.type == "GEOMETRY" )
      if ( !columnTypeThread )
        QgsPostgresConn *conn = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( uri.connectionInfo(), true /* readonly */ );
        if ( conn )
          columnTypeThread = new QgsGeomColumnTypeThread( conn, true /* use estimated metadata */ );

          connect( columnTypeThread, SIGNAL( setLayerType( QgsPostgresLayerProperty ) ),
                   this, SLOT( setLayerType( QgsPostgresLayerProperty ) ) );
          connect( this, SIGNAL( addGeometryColumn( QgsPostgresLayerProperty ) ),
                   columnTypeThread, SLOT( addGeometryColumn( QgsPostgresLayerProperty ) ) );

      emit addGeometryColumn( layerProperty );


    schemaItem->addLayer( layerProperty );
Beispiel #5
QString QgsOracleConn::toPoolName( QgsDataSourceURI uri )
  QString conninfo = uri.connectionInfo();
  if ( uri.hasParam( "dbworkspace" ) )
    conninfo += " dbworkspace=" + uri.param( "dbworkspace" );
  return conninfo;
void QgsOracleNewConnection::on_btnConnect_clicked()
  QgsDataSourceURI uri;
  uri.setConnection( txtHost->text(), txtPort->text(), txtDatabase->text(), txtUsername->text(), txtPassword->text() );
  if ( !txtOptions->text().isEmpty() )
    uri.setParam( "dboptions", txtOptions->text() );

  QgsOracleConn *conn = QgsOracleConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( uri.connectionInfo() );

  if ( conn )
    // Database successfully opened; we can now issue SQL commands.
    QMessageBox::information( this,
                              tr( "Test connection" ),
                              tr( "Connection to %1 was successful" ).arg( txtDatabase->text() ) );

    // free connection resources
    QgsOracleConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( conn );
    QMessageBox::information( this,
                              tr( "Test connection" ),
                              tr( "Connection failed - consult message log for details.\n\n" ) );
Beispiel #7
QgsOracleConn::QgsOracleConn( QgsDataSourceURI uri )
    : mRef( 1 )
    , mCurrentUser( QString::null )
    , mHasSpatial( -1 )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "New Oracle connection for " ) + uri.connectionInfo() );

  QString database = databaseName( uri.database(), uri.host(), uri.port() );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "New Oracle database " ) + database );

  mDatabase = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QOCISPATIAL", QString( "oracle%1" ).arg( snConnections++ ) );
  mDatabase.setDatabaseName( database );
  mDatabase.setConnectOptions( "OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS=1000" );
  mDatabase.setUserName( uri.username() );
  mDatabase.setPassword( uri.password() );

  if ( !mDatabase.open() )
    QString username = uri.username();
    QString password = uri.password();

    while ( !mDatabase.open() )
      bool ok = QgsCredentials::instance()->get( database, username, password, mDatabase.lastError().text() );
      if ( !ok )

      if ( !username.isEmpty() )
        uri.setUsername( username );

      if ( !password.isEmpty() )
        uri.setPassword( password );

      QgsDebugMsg( "Connecting to " + database );
      mDatabase.setUserName( username );
      mDatabase.setPassword( password );

    if ( mDatabase.isOpen() )
      QgsCredentials::instance()->put( database, username, password );

  if ( !mDatabase.isOpen() )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Connection to database failed" ), tr( "Oracle" ) );
    mRef = 0;
void QgsPgNewConnection::testConnection()
  QgsDataSourceURI uri;
  if ( !txtService->text().isEmpty() )
    uri.setConnection( txtService->text(), txtDatabase->text(),
                       txtUsername->text(), txtPassword->text(),
                       ( QgsDataSourceURI::SSLmode ) cbxSSLmode->itemData( cbxSSLmode->currentIndex() ).toInt(),
                       mAuthConfigSelect->configId() );
    uri.setConnection( txtHost->text(), txtPort->text(), txtDatabase->text(),
                       txtUsername->text(), txtPassword->text(),
                       ( QgsDataSourceURI::SSLmode ) cbxSSLmode->itemData( cbxSSLmode->currentIndex() ).toInt(),
                       mAuthConfigSelect->configId() );

  QString conninfo = uri.connectionInfo();

  QgsPostgresConn *conn = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( conninfo, true );

  if ( conn )
    // Database successfully opened; we can now issue SQL commands.
    QMessageBox::information( this,
                              tr( "Test connection" ),
                              tr( "Connection to %1 was successful" ).arg( txtDatabase->text() ) );

    // free pg connection resources
    QMessageBox::information( this,
                              tr( "Test connection" ),
                              tr( "Connection failed - consult message log for details.\n\n" ) );
Beispiel #9
void QgsGeomColumnTypeThread::run()
  QgsDataSourceURI uri = QgsPostgresConn::connUri( mName );
  mConn = QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( uri.connectionInfo( false ) );
  if ( !mConn )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Connection failed - " + uri.connectionInfo( false ) );

  mStopped = false;

  bool dontResolveType = QgsPostgresConn::dontResolveType( mName );

  emit progressMessage( tr( "Retrieving tables of %1..." ).arg( mName ) );
  QVector<QgsPostgresLayerProperty> layerProperties;
  if ( !mConn->supportedLayers( layerProperties,
                                QgsPostgresConn::geometryColumnsOnly( mName ),
                                QgsPostgresConn::publicSchemaOnly( mName ),
                                mAllowGeometrylessTables ) ||
       layerProperties.isEmpty() )
    QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( mConn );
    mConn = nullptr;

  int i = 0, n = layerProperties.size();
  for ( QVector<QgsPostgresLayerProperty>::iterator it = layerProperties.begin(),
        end = layerProperties.end();
        it != end; ++it )
    QgsPostgresLayerProperty& layerProperty = *it;
    if ( !mStopped )
      emit progress( i++, n );
      emit progressMessage( tr( "Scanning column %1.%2.%3..." )
                            .arg( layerProperty.schemaName,
                                  layerProperty.geometryColName ) );

      if ( !layerProperty.geometryColName.isNull() &&
           ( layerProperty.types.value( 0, QGis::WKBUnknown ) == QGis::WKBUnknown ||
             layerProperty.srids.value( 0, INT_MIN ) == INT_MIN ) )
        if ( dontResolveType )
          QgsDebugMsg( QString( "skipping column %1.%2 without type constraint" ).arg( layerProperty.schemaName, layerProperty.tableName ) );

        mConn->retrieveLayerTypes( layerProperty, mUseEstimatedMetadata );

    if ( mStopped )

    // Now tell the layer list dialog box...
    emit setLayerType( layerProperty );

  emit progress( 0, 0 );
  emit progressMessage( mStopped ? tr( "Table retrieval stopped." ) : tr( "Table retrieval finished." ) );

  QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( mConn );
  mConn = nullptr;
Beispiel #10
QgsOracleConn::QgsOracleConn( QgsDataSourceURI uri )
    : mRef( 1 )
    , mCurrentUser( QString::null )
    , mHasSpatial( -1 )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "New Oracle connection for " ) + uri.connectionInfo() );

  QString database = databaseName( uri.database(), uri.host(), uri.port() );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "New Oracle database " ) + database );

  mDatabase = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QOCISPATIAL", QString( "oracle%1" ).arg( snConnections++ ) );
  mDatabase.setDatabaseName( database );
  QString options = uri.hasParam( "dboptions" ) ? uri.param( "dboptions" ) : "OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS=1000";
  QString workspace = uri.hasParam( "dbworkspace" ) ? uri.param( "dbworkspace" ) : QString::null;
  mDatabase.setConnectOptions( options );
  mDatabase.setUserName( uri.username() );
  mDatabase.setPassword( uri.password() );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Connecting with options: " ) + options );

  if ( !mDatabase.open() )
    QString username = uri.username();
    QString password = uri.password();

    QString realm( database );
    if ( !username.isEmpty() )
      realm.prepend( username + "@" );


    while ( !mDatabase.open() )
      bool ok = QgsCredentials::instance()->get( realm, username, password, mDatabase.lastError().text() );
      if ( !ok )

      if ( !username.isEmpty() )
        uri.setUsername( username );
        realm = username + "@" + database;

      if ( !password.isEmpty() )
        uri.setPassword( password );

      QgsDebugMsg( "Connecting to " + database );
      mDatabase.setUserName( username );
      mDatabase.setPassword( password );

    if ( mDatabase.isOpen() )
      QgsCredentials::instance()->put( realm, username, password );


  if ( !mDatabase.isOpen() )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Connection to database failed" ), tr( "Oracle" ) );
    mRef = 0;

  if ( !workspace.isNull() )
    QSqlQuery qry( mDatabase );

    if ( !qry.exec( QString( "BEGIN\nDBMS_WM.GotoWorkspace(%1);\nEND;" ).arg( quotedValue( workspace ) ) ) )
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Could not switch to workspace %1 [%2]" ).arg( workspace, qry.lastError().databaseText() ), tr( "Oracle" ) );
      mRef = 0;