Beispiel #1
void TestQgsProject::testPathResolverSvg()
  QString dataDir( TEST_DATA_DIR ); //defined in CmakeLists.txt
  QString layerPath = dataDir + "/points.shp";

  QVERIFY( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::svgSymbolNameToPath( QString(), QgsPathResolver() ).isEmpty() );
  QVERIFY( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::svgSymbolPathToName( QString(), QgsPathResolver() ).isEmpty() );

  // build a project with 3 layers, each having a simple renderer with SVG marker
  // - existing SVG file in project dir
  // - existing SVG file in QGIS dir
  // - non-exsiting SVG file

  QTemporaryDir dir;
  QVERIFY( dir.isValid() );
  // on mac the returned path was not canonical and the resolver failed to convert paths properly
  QString dirPath = QFileInfo( dir.path() ).canonicalFilePath();

  QString projectFilename = dirPath + "/project.qgs";
  QString ourSvgPath = dirPath + "/valid.svg";
  QString invalidSvgPath = dirPath + "/invalid.svg";

  QFile svgFile( ourSvgPath );
  QVERIFY( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) );
  svgFile.write( "<svg/>" );   // not a proper SVG, but good enough for this case

  QVERIFY( QFileInfo::exists( ourSvgPath ) );  // should exist now

  QString librarySvgPath = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::svgSymbolNameToPath( QStringLiteral( "transport/transport_airport.svg" ), QgsPathResolver() );
  QCOMPARE( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::svgSymbolPathToName( librarySvgPath, QgsPathResolver() ), QStringLiteral( "transport/transport_airport.svg" ) );

  QgsVectorLayer *layer1 = new QgsVectorLayer( layerPath, QStringLiteral( "points 1" ), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
  _useRendererWithSvgSymbol( layer1, ourSvgPath );

  QgsVectorLayer *layer2 = new QgsVectorLayer( layerPath, QStringLiteral( "points 2" ), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
  _useRendererWithSvgSymbol( layer2, invalidSvgPath );

  QgsVectorLayer *layer3 = new QgsVectorLayer( layerPath, QStringLiteral( "points 3" ), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
  _useRendererWithSvgSymbol( layer3, librarySvgPath );

  QVERIFY( layer1->isValid() );

  QgsProject project;
  project.addMapLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << layer1 << layer2 << layer3 );
  project.write( projectFilename );

  // make sure the path resolver works with relative paths (enabled by default)
  QCOMPARE( project.pathResolver().readPath( "./a.txt" ), dirPath + "/a.txt" );
  QCOMPARE( project.pathResolver().writePath( dirPath + "/a.txt" ), QString( "./a.txt" ) );

  // check that the saved paths are relative

  // key = layer name, value = svg path
  QHash<QString, QString> projectFileSvgPaths = _parseSvgPathsForLayers( projectFilename );

  QCOMPARE( projectFileSvgPaths.count(), 3 );
  QCOMPARE( projectFileSvgPaths["points 1"], QString( "./valid.svg" ) ); // relative path to project
  QCOMPARE( projectFileSvgPaths["points 2"], invalidSvgPath );  // full path to non-existent file (not sure why - but that's how it works now)
  QCOMPARE( projectFileSvgPaths["points 3"], QString( "transport/transport_airport.svg" ) );  // relative path to library

  // load project again, check that the paths are absolute
  QgsProject projectLoaded; projectFilename );
  QString svg1 = _getLayerSvgMarkerPath( projectLoaded, QStringLiteral( "points 1" ) );
  QString svg2 = _getLayerSvgMarkerPath( projectLoaded, QStringLiteral( "points 2" ) );
  QString svg3 = _getLayerSvgMarkerPath( projectLoaded, QStringLiteral( "points 3" ) );
  QCOMPARE( svg1, ourSvgPath );
  QCOMPARE( svg2, invalidSvgPath );
  QCOMPARE( svg3, librarySvgPath );

  // now let's use these layers in embedded in another project...

  QList<QDomNode> brokenNodes;
  QgsProject projectMaster;
  QVERIFY( projectMaster.createEmbeddedLayer( layer1->id(), projectFilename, brokenNodes ) );
  QVERIFY( projectMaster.createEmbeddedLayer( layer2->id(), projectFilename, brokenNodes ) );
  QVERIFY( projectMaster.createEmbeddedLayer( layer3->id(), projectFilename, brokenNodes ) );

  QString svg1x = _getLayerSvgMarkerPath( projectMaster, QStringLiteral( "points 1" ) );
  QString svg2x = _getLayerSvgMarkerPath( projectLoaded, QStringLiteral( "points 2" ) );
  QString svg3x = _getLayerSvgMarkerPath( projectLoaded, QStringLiteral( "points 3" ) );
  QCOMPARE( svg1x, ourSvgPath );
  QCOMPARE( svg2x, invalidSvgPath );
  QCOMPARE( svg3x, librarySvgPath );
