Beispiel #1
bool QgsMapRendererJob::reprojectToLayerExtent( const QgsMapLayer *ml, const QgsCoordinateTransform& ct, QgsRectangle &extent, QgsRectangle &r2 )
  bool split = false;

    // QgsLogger::debug<QgsRectangle>("Getting extent of canvas in layers CS. Canvas is ", extent, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    // Split the extent into two if the source CRS is
    // geographic and the extent crosses the split in
    // geographic coordinates (usually +/- 180 degrees,
    // and is assumed to be so here), and draw each
    // extent separately.
    static const double SPLIT_COORD = 180.0;

    if ( ml->crs().isGeographic() )
      if ( ml->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer && !ct.destinationCrs().isGeographic() )
        // if we transform from a projected coordinate system check
        // check if transforming back roughly returns the input
        // extend - otherwise render the world.
        QgsRectangle extent1 = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );
        QgsRectangle extent2 = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent1, QgsCoordinateTransform::ForwardTransform );

        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "\n0:%1 %2x%3\n1:%4\n2:%5 %6x%7 (w:%8 h:%9)" )
                          .arg( extent.toString() ).arg( extent.width() ).arg( extent.height() )
                          .arg( extent1.toString(), extent2.toString() ).arg( extent2.width() ).arg( extent2.height() )
                          .arg( fabs( 1.0 - extent2.width() / extent.width() ) )
                          .arg( fabs( 1.0 - extent2.height() / extent.height() ) )
                          , 3 );

        if ( fabs( 1.0 - extent2.width() / extent.width() ) < 0.5 &&
             fabs( 1.0 - extent2.height() / extent.height() ) < 0.5 )
          extent = extent1;
          extent = QgsRectangle( -180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0 );
        // Note: ll = lower left point
        QgsPoint ll = ct.transform( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum(),
                                    QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        //   and ur = upper right point
        QgsPoint ur = ct.transform( extent.xMaximum(), extent.yMaximum(),
                                    QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "in:%1 (ll:%2 ur:%3)" ).arg( extent.toString(), ll.toString(), ur.toString() ) );

        extent = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );

        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "out:%1 (w:%2 h:%3)" ).arg( extent.toString() ).arg( extent.width() ).arg( extent.height() ) );

        if ( ll.x() > ur.x() )
          // the coordinates projected in reverse order than what one would expect.
          // we are probably looking at an area that includes longitude of 180 degrees.
          // we need to take into account coordinates from two intervals: (-180,x1) and (x2,180)
          // so let's use (-180,180). This hopefully does not add too much overhead. It is
          // more straightforward than rendering with two separate extents and more consistent
          // for rendering, labeling and caching as everything is rendered just in one go
          extent.setXMinimum( -SPLIT_COORD );
          extent.setXMaximum( SPLIT_COORD );

      // TODO: the above rule still does not help if using a projection that covers the whole
      // world. E.g. with EPSG:3857 the longitude spectrum -180 to +180 is mapped to approx.
      // -2e7 to +2e7. Converting extent from -5e7 to +5e7 is transformed as -90 to +90,
      // but in fact the extent should cover the whole world.
    else // can't cross 180
      if ( ct.destinationCrs().isGeographic() &&
           ( extent.xMinimum() <= -180 || extent.xMaximum() >= 180 ||
             extent.yMinimum() <=  -90 || extent.yMaximum() >=  90 ) )
        // Use unlimited rectangle because otherwise we may end up transforming wrong coordinates.
        // E.g. longitude -200 to +160 would be understood as +40 to +160 due to periodicity.
        // We could try to clamp coords to (-180,180) for lon resp. (-90,90) for lat,
        // but this seems like a safer choice.
        extent = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );
        extent = ct.transformBoundingBox( extent, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Transform error caught" );
    extent = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );
    r2     = QgsRectangle( -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX );

  return split;
Beispiel #2
void QgsAlignRaster::setClipExtent( const QgsRectangle& extent )
  setClipExtent( extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum(),
                 extent.xMaximum(), extent.yMaximum() );
Beispiel #3
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::splitFeatures( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 4;

  QgsFeatureList newFeatures; //store all the newly created features
  double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
  QgsRectangle bBox; //bounding box of the split line
  int returnCode = 0;
  int splitFunctionReturn; //return code of QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
  int numberOfSplittedFeatures = 0;

  QgsFeatureIterator features;
  const QgsFeatureIds selectedIds = L->selectedFeatureIds();

  if ( !selectedIds.isEmpty() ) //consider only the selected features if there is a selection
    features = L->selectedFeaturesIterator();
  else //else consider all the feature that intersect the bounding box of the split line
    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( splitLine, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) == 0 )
      bBox.setXMinimum( xMin );
      bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
      bBox.setXMaximum( xMax );
      bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
      return 1;

    if ( bBox.isEmpty() )
      //if the bbox is a line, try to make a square out of it
      if ( bBox.width() == 0.0 && bBox.height() > 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bBox.height() / 2 );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bBox.height() / 2 );
      else if ( bBox.height() == 0.0 && bBox.width() > 0 )
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bBox.width() / 2 );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bBox.width() / 2 );
        //If we have a single point, we still create a non-null box
        double bufferDistance = 0.000001;
        if ( L->crs().isGeographic() )
          bufferDistance = 0.00000001;
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bufferDistance );

    features = L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

  QgsFeature feat;
  while ( features.nextFeature( feat ) )
    if ( !feat.hasGeometry() )
    QList<QgsGeometry> newGeometries;
    QList<QgsPoint> topologyTestPoints;
    QgsGeometry featureGeom = feat.geometry();
    splitFunctionReturn = featureGeom.splitGeometry( splitLine, newGeometries, topologicalEditing, topologyTestPoints );
    if ( splitFunctionReturn == 0 )
      //change this geometry
      L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, featureGeom );

      //insert new features
      for ( int i = 0; i < newGeometries.size(); ++i )
        QgsFeature f = QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature( L, i ), feat.attributes().toMap() );
        L->editBuffer()->addFeature( f );

      if ( topologicalEditing )
        QList<QgsPoint>::const_iterator topol_it = topologyTestPoints.constBegin();
        for ( ; topol_it != topologyTestPoints.constEnd(); ++topol_it )
          addTopologicalPoints( *topol_it );
    else if ( splitFunctionReturn > 1 ) //1 means no split but also no error
      returnCode = splitFunctionReturn;

  if ( numberOfSplittedFeatures == 0 && !selectedIds.isEmpty() )
    //There is a selection but no feature has been split.
    //Maybe user forgot that only the selected features are split
    returnCode = 4;

  return returnCode;
Beispiel #4
// Slot called when the menu item is triggered
// If you created more menu items / toolbar buttons in initiGui, you should
// create a separate handler for each action - this single run() method will
// not be enough
void Heatmap::run()
  HeatmapGui d( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), QgisGui::ModalDialogFlags, &mSessionSettings );

  //check that dialog found a suitable vector layer
  if ( !d.inputVectorLayer() )
    mQGisIface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer not found" ), tr( "The heatmap plugin requires at least one point vector layer" ), QgsMessageBar::INFO, mQGisIface->messageTimeout() );

  if ( d.exec() != QDialog::Accepted )

  QgsVectorLayer* inputLayer = d.inputVectorLayer();

  // Get the required data from the dialog
  QgsRectangle myBBox = d.bbox();
  int columns = d.columns();
  int rows = d.rows();
  double cellsize = d.cellSizeX(); // or d.cellSizeY();  both have the same value
  mDecay = d.decayRatio();
  KernelShape kernelShape = d.kernelShape();
  OutputValues valueType = d.outputValues();

  //is input layer multipoint?
  bool isMultiPoint = inputLayer->wkbType() == QGis::WKBMultiPoint || inputLayer->wkbType() == QGis::WKBMultiPoint25D;

  // Getting the rasterdataset in place

  GDALDataset *emptyDataset;
  GDALDriver *myDriver;

  myDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName( d.outputFormat().toUtf8() );
  if ( myDriver == NULL )
    mQGisIface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "GDAL driver error" ), tr( "Cannot open the driver for the specified format" ), QgsMessageBar::WARNING, mQGisIface->messageTimeout() );

  double geoTransform[6] = { myBBox.xMinimum(), cellsize, 0, myBBox.yMinimum(), 0, cellsize };
  emptyDataset = myDriver->Create( d.outputFilename().toUtf8(), columns, rows, 1, GDT_Float32, NULL );
  emptyDataset->SetGeoTransform( geoTransform );
  // Set the projection on the raster destination to match the input layer
  emptyDataset->SetProjection( inputLayer->crs().toWkt().toLocal8Bit().data() );

  GDALRasterBand *poBand;
  poBand = emptyDataset->GetRasterBand( 1 );
  poBand->SetNoDataValue( NO_DATA );

  float* line = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * columns );
  for ( int i = 0; i < columns ; i++ )
    line[i] = NO_DATA;
  // Write the empty raster
  for ( int i = 0; i < rows ; i++ )
    poBand->RasterIO( GF_Write, 0, i, columns, 1, line, columns, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

  CPLFree( line );
  //close the dataset
  GDALClose(( GDALDatasetH ) emptyDataset );

  // open the raster in GA_Update mode
  GDALDataset *heatmapDS;
  heatmapDS = ( GDALDataset * ) GDALOpen( TO8F( d.outputFilename() ), GA_Update );
  if ( !heatmapDS )
    mQGisIface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster update error" ), tr( "Could not open the created raster for updating. The heatmap was not generated." ), QgsMessageBar::WARNING );
  poBand = heatmapDS->GetRasterBand( 1 );

  QgsAttributeList myAttrList;
  int rField = 0;
  int wField = 0;

  // Handle different radius options
  double radius;
  double radiusToMapUnits = 1;
  int myBuffer = 0;
  if ( d.variableRadius() )
    rField = d.radiusField();
    myAttrList.append( rField );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Radius Field index received: %1" ).arg( rField ) );

    // If not using map units, then calculate a conversion factor to convert the radii to map units
    if ( d.radiusUnit() == HeatmapGui::Meters )
      radiusToMapUnits = mapUnitsOf( 1, inputLayer->crs() );
    radius = d.radius(); // radius returned by d.radius() is already in map units
    myBuffer = bufferSize( radius, cellsize );

  if ( d.weighted() )
    wField = d.weightField();
    myAttrList.append( wField );

  // This might have attributes or mightnot have attibutes at all
  // based on the variableRadius() and weighted()
  QgsFeatureIterator fit = inputLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setSubsetOfAttributes( myAttrList ) );
  int totalFeatures = inputLayer->featureCount();
  int counter = 0;

  QProgressDialog p( tr( "Creating heatmap" ), tr( "Abort" ), 0, totalFeatures, mQGisIface->mainWindow() );
  p.setWindowModality( Qt::ApplicationModal );;

  QgsFeature myFeature;

  while ( fit.nextFeature( myFeature ) )
    p.setValue( counter );
    if ( p.wasCanceled() )
      mQGisIface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Heatmap generation aborted" ), tr( "QGIS will now load the partially-computed raster" ), QgsMessageBar::INFO, mQGisIface->messageTimeout() );

    QgsGeometry* featureGeometry = myFeature.geometry();
    if ( !featureGeometry )

    // convert the geometry to multipoint
    QgsMultiPoint multiPoints;
    if ( !isMultiPoint )
      QgsPoint myPoint = featureGeometry->asPoint();
      // avoiding any empty points or out of extent points
      if (( myPoint.x() < myBBox.xMinimum() ) || ( myPoint.y() < myBBox.yMinimum() )
          || ( myPoint.x() > myBBox.xMaximum() ) || ( myPoint.y() > myBBox.yMaximum() ) )
      multiPoints << myPoint;
      multiPoints = featureGeometry->asMultiPoint();

    // If radius is variable then fetch it and calculate new pixel buffer size
    if ( d.variableRadius() )
      radius = myFeature.attribute( rField ).toDouble() * radiusToMapUnits;
      myBuffer = bufferSize( radius, cellsize );

    int blockSize = 2 * myBuffer + 1; //Block SIDE would be more appropriate

    double weight = 1.0;
    if ( d.weighted() )
      weight = myFeature.attribute( wField ).toDouble();

    //loop through all points in multipoint
    for ( QgsMultiPoint::const_iterator pointIt = multiPoints.constBegin(); pointIt != multiPoints.constEnd(); ++pointIt )
      // avoiding any empty points or out of extent points
      if ((( *pointIt ).x() < myBBox.xMinimum() ) || (( *pointIt ).y() < myBBox.yMinimum() )
          || (( *pointIt ).x() > myBBox.xMaximum() ) || (( *pointIt ).y() > myBBox.yMaximum() ) )

      // calculate the pixel position
      unsigned int xPosition, yPosition;
      xPosition = ((( *pointIt ).x() - myBBox.xMinimum() ) / cellsize ) - myBuffer;
      yPosition = ((( *pointIt ).y() - myBBox.yMinimum() ) / cellsize ) - myBuffer;

      // get the data
      float *dataBuffer = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * blockSize * blockSize );
      poBand->RasterIO( GF_Read, xPosition, yPosition, blockSize, blockSize,
                        dataBuffer, blockSize, blockSize, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

      for ( int xp = 0; xp <= myBuffer; xp++ )
        for ( int yp = 0; yp <= myBuffer; yp++ )
          double distance = sqrt( pow( xp, 2.0 ) + pow( yp, 2.0 ) );

          // is pixel outside search bandwidth of feature?
          if ( distance > myBuffer )

          double pixelValue = weight * calculateKernelValue( distance, myBuffer, kernelShape, valueType );

          // clearing anamolies along the axes
          if ( xp == 0 && yp == 0 )
            pixelValue /= 4;
          else if ( xp == 0 || yp == 0 )
            pixelValue /= 2;

          int pos[4];
          pos[0] = ( myBuffer + xp ) * blockSize + ( myBuffer + yp );
          pos[1] = ( myBuffer + xp ) * blockSize + ( myBuffer - yp );
          pos[2] = ( myBuffer - xp ) * blockSize + ( myBuffer + yp );
          pos[3] = ( myBuffer - xp ) * blockSize + ( myBuffer - yp );
          for ( int p = 0; p < 4; p++ )
            if ( dataBuffer[ pos[p] ] == NO_DATA )
              dataBuffer[ pos[p] ] = 0;
            dataBuffer[ pos[p] ] += pixelValue;
      poBand->RasterIO( GF_Write, xPosition, yPosition, blockSize, blockSize,
                        dataBuffer, blockSize, blockSize, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
      CPLFree( dataBuffer );

  // Finally close the dataset
  GDALClose(( GDALDatasetH ) heatmapDS );

  // Open the file in QGIS window if requested
  if ( d.addToCanvas() )
    mQGisIface->addRasterLayer( d.outputFilename(), QFileInfo( d.outputFilename() ).baseName() );

//! Returns whether the device-envelope can be replaced by its BBOX when is applied the specified tolerance
bool QgsAbstractGeometrySimplifier::isGeneralizableByDeviceBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle& envelope, float mapToPixelTol )
  return ( envelope.xMaximum() - envelope.xMinimum() ) < mapToPixelTol && ( envelope.yMaximum() - envelope.yMinimum() ) < mapToPixelTol;
Beispiel #6
void QgsWFSProjectParser::featureTypeList( QDomElement& parentElement, QDomDocument& doc ) const
  const QList<QDomElement>& projectLayerElements = mProjectParser->projectLayerElements();
  if ( projectLayerElements.size() < 1 )

  QStringList wfsLayersId = mProjectParser->wfsLayers();
  QSet<QString> wfstUpdateLayersId = wfstUpdateLayers();
  QSet<QString> wfstInsertLayersId = wfstInsertLayers();
  QSet<QString> wfstDeleteLayersId = wfstDeleteLayers();

  QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layerMap;

  foreach ( const QDomElement &elem, projectLayerElements )
    QString type = elem.attribute( "type" );
    if ( type == "vector" )
      QString layerId = mProjectParser->layerId( elem );
      if ( !wfsLayersId.contains( layerId ) )
      QgsMapLayer *layer = mProjectParser->createLayerFromElement( elem );
      if ( !layer )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "add layer %1 to map" ).arg( layer->id() ) );
      layerMap.insert( layer->id(), layer );

      QDomElement layerElem = doc.createElement( "FeatureType" );
      QDomElement nameElem = doc.createElement( "Name" );
      //We use the layer name even though it might not be unique.
      //Because the id sometimes contains user/pw information and the name is more descriptive
      QString typeName = layer->name();
      typeName = typeName.replace( " ", "_" );
      QDomText nameText = doc.createTextNode( typeName );
      nameElem.appendChild( nameText );
      layerElem.appendChild( nameElem );

      QDomElement titleElem = doc.createElement( "Title" );
      QString titleName = layer->title();
      if ( titleName.isEmpty() )
        titleName = layer->name();
      QDomText titleText = doc.createTextNode( titleName );
      titleElem.appendChild( titleText );
      layerElem.appendChild( titleElem );

      QDomElement abstractElem = doc.createElement( "Abstract" );
      QString abstractName = layer->abstract();
      if ( abstractName.isEmpty() )
        abstractName = "";
      QDomText abstractText = doc.createTextNode( abstractName );
      abstractElem.appendChild( abstractText );
      layerElem.appendChild( abstractElem );

      //keyword list
      if ( !layer->keywordList().isEmpty() )
        QDomElement keywordsElem = doc.createElement( "Keywords" );
        QDomText keywordsText = doc.createTextNode( layer->keywordList() );
        keywordsElem.appendChild( keywordsText );
        layerElem.appendChild( keywordsElem );

      //appendExGeographicBoundingBox( layerElem, doc, layer->extent(), layer->crs() );

      QDomElement srsElem = doc.createElement( "SRS" );
      QDomText srsText = doc.createTextNode( layer->crs().authid() );
      srsElem.appendChild( srsText );
      layerElem.appendChild( srsElem );

      //wfs:Operations element
      QDomElement operationsElement = doc.createElement( "Operations"/*wfs:Operations*/ );
      //wfs:Query element
      QDomElement queryElement = doc.createElement( "Query"/*wfs:Query*/ );
      operationsElement.appendChild( queryElement );

      QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( layer );
      QgsVectorDataProvider* provider = vlayer->dataProvider();
      if (( provider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures ) && wfstInsertLayersId.contains( layer->id() ) )
        //wfs:Insert element
        QDomElement insertElement = doc.createElement( "Insert"/*wfs:Insert*/ );
        operationsElement.appendChild( insertElement );
      if (( provider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues ) &&
          ( provider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries ) &&
          wfstUpdateLayersId.contains( layer->id() ) )
        //wfs:Update element
        QDomElement updateElement = doc.createElement( "Update"/*wfs:Update*/ );
        operationsElement.appendChild( updateElement );
      if (( provider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures ) && wfstDeleteLayersId.contains( layer->id() ) )
        //wfs:Delete element
        QDomElement deleteElement = doc.createElement( "Delete"/*wfs:Delete*/ );
        operationsElement.appendChild( deleteElement );

      layerElem.appendChild( operationsElement );

      QgsRectangle layerExtent = layer->extent();
      QDomElement bBoxElement = doc.createElement( "LatLongBoundingBox" );
      bBoxElement.setAttribute( "minx", QString::number( layerExtent.xMinimum() ) );
      bBoxElement.setAttribute( "miny", QString::number( layerExtent.yMinimum() ) );
      bBoxElement.setAttribute( "maxx", QString::number( layerExtent.xMaximum() ) );
      bBoxElement.setAttribute( "maxy", QString::number( layerExtent.yMaximum() ) );
      layerElem.appendChild( bBoxElement );

      // layer metadata URL
      QString metadataUrl = layer->metadataUrl();
      if ( !metadataUrl.isEmpty() )
        QDomElement metaUrlElem = doc.createElement( "MetadataURL" );
        QString metadataUrlType = layer->metadataUrlType();
        metaUrlElem.setAttribute( "type", metadataUrlType );
        QString metadataUrlFormat = layer->metadataUrlFormat();
        if ( metadataUrlFormat == "text/xml" )
          metaUrlElem.setAttribute( "format", "XML" );
          metaUrlElem.setAttribute( "format", "TXT" );
        QDomText metaUrlText = doc.createTextNode( metadataUrl );
        metaUrlElem.appendChild( metaUrlText );
        layerElem.appendChild( metaUrlElem );

      parentElement.appendChild( layerElem );
QgsRectangle QgsCoordinateTransform::transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle rect, TransformDirection direction ) const
  // Calculate the bounding box of a QgsRectangle in the source CRS
  // when projected to the destination CRS (or the inverse).
  // This is done by looking at a number of points spread evenly
  // across the rectangle

  if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )
    return rect;

  if ( rect.isEmpty() )
    QgsPoint p = transform( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum(), direction );
    return QgsRectangle( p, p );

  static const int numP = 8;

  QgsRectangle bb_rect;

  // We're interfacing with C-style vectors in the
  // end, so let's do C-style vectors here too.

  double x[numP * numP];
  double y[numP * numP];
  double z[numP * numP];

  QgsDebugMsg( "Entering transformBoundingBox..." );

  // Populate the vectors

  double dx = rect.width()  / ( double )( numP - 1 );
  double dy = rect.height() / ( double )( numP - 1 );

  double pointY = rect.yMinimum();

  for ( int i = 0; i < numP ; i++ )

    // Start at right edge
    double pointX = rect.xMinimum();

    for ( int j = 0; j < numP; j++ )
      x[( i*numP ) + j] = pointX;
      y[( i*numP ) + j] = pointY;
      // and the height...
      z[( i*numP ) + j] = 0.0;
      // QgsDebugMsg(QString("BBox coord: (%1, %2)").arg(x[(i*numP) + j]).arg(y[(i*numP) + j]));
      pointX += dx;
    pointY += dy;

  // Do transformation. Any exception generated must
  // be handled in above layers.
    transformCoords( numP * numP, x, y, z, direction );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    // rethrow the exception
    QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );
    throw cse;

  // Calculate the bounding box and use that for the extent

  for ( int i = 0; i < numP * numP; i++ )
    if ( qIsFinite( x[i] ) && qIsFinite( y[i] ) )
      bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i], y[i] );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Projected extent: " + bb_rect.toString() );

  if ( bb_rect.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Original extent: " + rect.toString() );

  return bb_rect;
void QgsGrassFeatureIterator::setSelectionRect( const QgsRectangle& rect, bool useIntersect )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "useIntersect = %1 rect = %2" ).arg( useIntersect ).arg( rect.toString() ) );

  // TODO: selection of edited lines

  // Lock because functions using static/global variables are used
  // (e.g. static LocList in Vect_select_lines_by_box, global BranchBuf in RTreeGetBranches)

  mSelection.fill( false );

  BOUND_BOX box;
  box.N = rect.yMaximum();
  box.S = rect.yMinimum();
  box.E = rect.xMaximum();
  box.W = rect.xMinimum();

  // Init structures
  struct ilist * list = Vect_new_list();

  if ( !useIntersect )
  { // select by bounding boxes only
    if ( mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::POINT || mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::CENTROID ||
         mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::LINE || mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::FACE ||
         mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::BOUNDARY ||
         mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::TOPO_POINT || mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::TOPO_LINE ||
         mSource->mEditing )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Vect_select_lines_by_box" );
      int type = mSource->mGrassType;
      if ( mSource->mEditing )
        type = GV_POINTS | GV_LINES;
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "type = %1" ).arg( type ) );
      Vect_select_lines_by_box( mSource->map(), &box, type, list );
    else if ( mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::POLYGON )
      Vect_select_areas_by_box( mSource->map(), &box, list );
    else if ( mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::TOPO_NODE )
      Vect_select_nodes_by_box( mSource->map(), &box, list );
  { // check intersection
    struct line_pnts *polygon = Vect_new_line_struct();

    // Using z coor -PORT_DOUBLE_MAX/PORT_DOUBLE_MAX we cover 3D, Vect_select_lines_by_polygon is
    // using dig_line_box to get the box, it is not perfect, Vect_select_lines_by_polygon
    // should clarify better how 2D/3D is treated
    Vect_append_point( polygon, rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum(), -PORT_DOUBLE_MAX );
    Vect_append_point( polygon, rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMinimum(), PORT_DOUBLE_MAX );
    Vect_append_point( polygon, rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMaximum(), 0 );
    Vect_append_point( polygon, rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMaximum(), 0 );
    Vect_append_point( polygon, rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum(), 0 );

    if ( mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::POINT || mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::CENTROID ||
         mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::LINE || mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::FACE ||
         mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::BOUNDARY ||
         mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::TOPO_POINT || mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::TOPO_LINE ||
         mSource->mEditing )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Vect_select_lines_by_polygon" );
      int type = mSource->mGrassType;
      if ( mSource->mEditing )
        type = GV_POINTS | GV_LINES;
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "type = %1" ).arg( type ) );
      Vect_select_lines_by_polygon( mSource->map(), polygon, 0, NULL, type, list );
    else if ( mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::POLYGON )
      Vect_select_areas_by_polygon( mSource->map(), polygon, 0, NULL, list );
    else if ( mSource->mLayerType == QgsGrassProvider::TOPO_NODE )
      // There is no Vect_select_nodes_by_polygon but for nodes it is the same as by box
      Vect_select_nodes_by_box( mSource->map(), &box, list );

    Vect_destroy_line_struct( polygon );
  for ( int i = 0; i < list->n_values; i++ )
    int lid = list->value[i];
    if ( lid < 1 || lid >= mSelection.size() ) // should not happen
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "lid %1 out of range <1,%2>" ).arg( lid ).arg( mSelection.size() ) );
    mSelection.setBit( lid );
  Vect_destroy_list( list );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( " %1 features selected" ).arg( list->n_values ) );
Beispiel #9
void QgsAmsProvider::draw( const QgsRectangle &viewExtent, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight )
  if ( !mCachedImage.isNull() && mCachedImageExtent == viewExtent )
  QgsDataSourceUri dataSource( dataSourceUri() );
  const QString authcfg = dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "authcfg" ) );

  // Use of tiles currently only implemented if service CRS is meter based
  if ( mServiceInfo[QStringLiteral( "singleFusedMapCache" )].toBool() && mCrs.mapUnits() == QgsUnitTypes::DistanceMeters )
    // Compute ideal resolution
    // - Measure distance in meters along lower and upper edge of bounding box
    // - Target resolution is the coarser resolution (resolution = distMeters / pixelWidth)
    double width = viewExtent.xMaximum() - viewExtent.xMinimum();
    double targetRes = width / ( pixelWidth );

    // Tiles available, assemble image from tiles
    QVariantMap tileInfo = mServiceInfo[QStringLiteral( "tileInfo" )].toMap();
    int tileWidth = tileInfo[QStringLiteral( "cols" )].toInt();
    int tileHeight = tileInfo[QStringLiteral( "rows" )].toInt();
    QVariantMap origin = tileInfo[QStringLiteral( "origin" )].toMap();
    double ox = origin[QStringLiteral( "x" )].toDouble();
    double oy = origin[QStringLiteral( "y" )].toDouble();

    // Search matching resolution (tile resolution <= targetRes)
    const QList<QVariant> lodEntries = tileInfo[QStringLiteral( "lods" )].toList();
    if ( lodEntries.isEmpty() )
      mCachedImage = QImage();
      mCachedImage.fill( Qt::transparent );
    int level = 0;
    double resolution = lodEntries.front().toMap()[QStringLiteral( "resolution" )].toDouble();
    for ( const QVariant &lodEntry : lodEntries )
      QVariantMap lodEntryMap = lodEntry.toMap();
      level = lodEntryMap[QStringLiteral( "level" )].toInt();
      resolution = lodEntryMap[QStringLiteral( "resolution" )].toDouble();
      if ( lodEntryMap[QStringLiteral( "resolution" )].toDouble() <= 1.5 * targetRes )

    // Get necessary tiles to fill extent
    // tile_x = ox + i * (resolution * tileWidth)
    // tile_y = oy - j * (resolution * tileHeight)
    int ixStart = std::floor( ( viewExtent.xMinimum() - ox ) / ( tileWidth * resolution ) );
    int iyStart = std::floor( ( oy - viewExtent.yMaximum() ) / ( tileHeight * resolution ) );
    int ixEnd = std::ceil( ( viewExtent.xMaximum() - ox ) / ( tileWidth * resolution ) );
    int iyEnd = std::ceil( ( oy - viewExtent.yMinimum() ) / ( tileHeight * resolution ) );
    double imX = ( viewExtent.xMinimum() - ox ) / resolution;
    double imY = ( oy - viewExtent.yMaximum() ) / resolution;

    // Query tiles
    int ixCount = ( ixEnd - ixStart + 1 );
    QVector<QByteArray> results( ixCount * ( iyEnd - iyStart + 1 ) );
    QVector<QUrl> queries( ixCount * ( iyEnd - iyStart + 1 ) );
    for ( int iy = iyStart; iy <= iyEnd; ++iy )
      for ( int ix = ixStart; ix <= ixEnd; ++ix )
        queries[( iy - iyStart ) * ixCount + ( ix - ixStart )] = QUrl( dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "url" ) ) + QStringLiteral( "/tile/%1/%2/%3" ).arg( level ).arg( iy ).arg( ix ) );
    QgsArcGisAsyncParallelQuery query;
    QEventLoop evLoop;
    connect( &query, &QgsArcGisAsyncParallelQuery::finished, &evLoop, &QEventLoop::quit );
    query.start( queries, &results, true );
    evLoop.exec( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );

    // Fill image
    mCachedImage = QImage( pixelWidth, pixelHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
    mCachedImage.fill( Qt::transparent );
    QPainter painter( &mCachedImage );
    painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true );
    double resScale = resolution / targetRes;
    painter.scale( resScale, resScale );
    for ( int iy = iyStart; iy <= iyEnd; ++iy )
      for ( int ix = ixStart; ix <= ixEnd; ++ix )
        QImage image = QImage::fromData( results[( iy - iyStart ) * ixCount + ( ix - ixStart )], tileInfo[QStringLiteral( "format" )].toByteArray() );
        painter.drawImage( QPointF( ix * tileWidth - imX, iy * tileHeight - imY ), image );
    QUrl requestUrl( dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "url" ) ) + "/export" );
    requestUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "bbox" ), QStringLiteral( "%1,%2,%3,%4" ).arg( viewExtent.xMinimum(), 0, 'f', -1 ).arg( viewExtent.yMinimum(), 0, 'f', -1 ).arg( viewExtent.xMaximum(), 0, 'f', -1 ).arg( viewExtent.yMaximum(), 0, 'f', -1 ) );
    requestUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "size" ), QStringLiteral( "%1,%2" ).arg( pixelWidth ).arg( pixelHeight ) );
    requestUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "format" ), dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "format" ) ) );
    requestUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "layers" ), QStringLiteral( "show:%1" ).arg( dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "layer" ) ) ) );
    requestUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "transparent" ), QStringLiteral( "true" ) );
    requestUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "f" ), QStringLiteral( "image" ) );
    QByteArray reply = QgsArcGisRestUtils::queryService( requestUrl, authcfg, mErrorTitle, mError );
    mCachedImage = QImage::fromData( reply, dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "format" ) ).toLatin1() );
    if ( mCachedImage.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32 )
      mCachedImage = mCachedImage.convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
void QgsRasterCalculator::readRasterPart( double* targetGeotransform, int xOffset, int yOffset, int nCols, int nRows, double* sourceTransform, GDALRasterBandH sourceBand, float* rasterBuffer )
  //If dataset transform is the same as the requested transform, do a normal GDAL raster io
  if ( transformationsEqual( targetGeotransform, sourceTransform ) )
    GDALRasterIO( sourceBand, GF_Read, xOffset, yOffset, nCols, nRows, rasterBuffer, nCols, nRows, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

  //pixel calculation needed because of different raster position / resolution
  int nodataSuccess;
  double nodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( sourceBand, &nodataSuccess );
  QgsRectangle targetRect( targetGeotransform[0] + targetGeotransform[1] * xOffset, targetGeotransform[3] + yOffset * targetGeotransform[5] + nRows * targetGeotransform[5]
                           , targetGeotransform[0] + targetGeotransform[1] * xOffset + targetGeotransform[1] * nCols, targetGeotransform[3] + yOffset * targetGeotransform[5] );
  QgsRectangle sourceRect( sourceTransform[0], sourceTransform[3] + GDALGetRasterBandYSize( sourceBand ) * sourceTransform[5],
                           sourceTransform[0] +  GDALGetRasterBandXSize( sourceBand )* sourceTransform[1], sourceTransform[3] );
  QgsRectangle intersection = targetRect.intersect( &sourceRect );

  //no intersection, fill all the pixels with nodata values
  if ( intersection.isEmpty() )
    int nPixels = nCols * nRows;
    for ( int i = 0; i < nPixels; ++i )
      rasterBuffer[i] = nodataValue;

  //do raster io in source resolution
  int sourcePixelOffsetXMin = floor(( intersection.xMinimum() - sourceTransform[0] ) / sourceTransform[1] );
  int sourcePixelOffsetXMax = ceil(( intersection.xMaximum() - sourceTransform[0] ) / sourceTransform[1] );
  int nSourcePixelsX = sourcePixelOffsetXMax - sourcePixelOffsetXMin;
  int sourcePixelOffsetYMax = floor(( intersection.yMaximum() - sourceTransform[3] ) / sourceTransform[5] );
  int sourcePixelOffsetYMin = ceil(( intersection.yMinimum() - sourceTransform[3] ) / sourceTransform[5] );
  int nSourcePixelsY = sourcePixelOffsetYMin - sourcePixelOffsetYMax;
  float* sourceRaster = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * nSourcePixelsX * nSourcePixelsY );
  double sourceRasterXMin = sourceRect.xMinimum() + sourcePixelOffsetXMin * sourceTransform[1];
  double sourceRasterYMax = sourceRect.yMaximum() + sourcePixelOffsetYMax * sourceTransform[5];
  GDALRasterIO( sourceBand, GF_Read, sourcePixelOffsetXMin, sourcePixelOffsetYMax, nSourcePixelsX, nSourcePixelsY,
                sourceRaster, nSourcePixelsX, nSourcePixelsY, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

  double targetPixelX;
  double targetPixelXMin = targetGeotransform[0] + targetGeotransform[1] * xOffset + targetGeotransform[1] / 2.0;
  double targetPixelY = targetGeotransform[3] + targetGeotransform[5] * yOffset + targetGeotransform[5] / 2.0; //coordinates of current target pixel
  int sourceIndexX, sourceIndexY; //current raster index in  source pixels
  double sx, sy;
  for ( int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i )
    targetPixelX = targetPixelXMin;
    for ( int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j )
      sx = ( targetPixelX - sourceRasterXMin ) / sourceTransform[1];
      sourceIndexX = sx > 0 ? sx : floor( sx );
      sy = ( targetPixelY - sourceRasterYMax ) / sourceTransform[5];
      sourceIndexY = sy > 0 ? sy : floor( sy );
      if ( sourceIndexX >= 0 && sourceIndexX < nSourcePixelsX
           && sourceIndexY >= 0 && sourceIndexY < nSourcePixelsY )
        rasterBuffer[j + i*nRows] = sourceRaster[ sourceIndexX  + nSourcePixelsX * sourceIndexY ];
        rasterBuffer[j + i*j] = nodataValue;
      targetPixelX += targetGeotransform[1];
    targetPixelY += targetGeotransform[5];

  CPLFree( sourceRaster );
Beispiel #11
void QgsComposerMapWidget::updateGuiElements()
  if ( mComposerMap )
    blockAllSignals( true );

    //width, height, scale
    double scale = mComposerMap->scale();

    //round scale to an appropriate number of decimal places
    if ( scale >= 10 )
      //round scale to integer if it's greater than 10
      mScaleLineEdit->setText( QString::number( mComposerMap->scale(), 'f', 0 ) );
    else if ( scale >= 1 )
      //don't round scale if it's less than 10, instead use 4 decimal places
      mScaleLineEdit->setText( QString::number( mComposerMap->scale(), 'f', 4 ) );
      //if scale < 1 then use 10 decimal places
      mScaleLineEdit->setText( QString::number( mComposerMap->scale(), 'f', 10 ) );

    //preview mode
    QgsComposerMap::PreviewMode previewMode = mComposerMap->previewMode();
    int index = -1;
    if ( previewMode == QgsComposerMap::Cache )
      index = mPreviewModeComboBox->findText( tr( "Cache" ) );
      mUpdatePreviewButton->setEnabled( true );
    else if ( previewMode == QgsComposerMap::Render )
      index = mPreviewModeComboBox->findText( tr( "Render" ) );
      mUpdatePreviewButton->setEnabled( true );
    else if ( previewMode == QgsComposerMap::Rectangle )
      index = mPreviewModeComboBox->findText( tr( "Rectangle" ) );
      mUpdatePreviewButton->setEnabled( false );
    if ( index != -1 )
      mPreviewModeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( index );

    //composer map extent
    QgsRectangle composerMapExtent = *( mComposerMap->currentMapExtent() );
    mXMinLineEdit->setText( QString::number( composerMapExtent.xMinimum(), 'f', 3 ) );
    mXMaxLineEdit->setText( QString::number( composerMapExtent.xMaximum(), 'f', 3 ) );
    mYMinLineEdit->setText( QString::number( composerMapExtent.yMinimum(), 'f', 3 ) );
    mYMaxLineEdit->setText( QString::number( composerMapExtent.yMaximum(), 'f', 3 ) );

    mMapRotationSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->mapRotation() );

    //keep layer list check box
    if ( mComposerMap->keepLayerSet() )
      mKeepLayerListCheckBox->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
      mKeepLayerListCheckBox->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );

    //draw canvas items
    if ( mComposerMap->drawCanvasItems() )
      mDrawCanvasItemsCheckBox->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
      mDrawCanvasItemsCheckBox->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );

    //overview frame
    int overviewMapFrameId = mComposerMap->overviewFrameMapId();
    mOverviewFrameMapComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mOverviewFrameMapComboBox->findData( overviewMapFrameId ) );
    //overview frame blending mode
    mOverviewBlendModeComboBox->setBlendMode( mComposerMap->overviewBlendMode() );
    //overview inverted
    mOverviewInvertCheckbox->setChecked( mComposerMap->overviewInverted() );
    //center overview
    mOverviewCenterCheckbox->setChecked( mComposerMap->overviewCentered() );

    if ( mComposerMap->gridEnabled() )
      mGridCheckBox->setChecked( true );
      mGridCheckBox->setChecked( false );

    mIntervalXSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->gridIntervalX() );
    mIntervalYSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->gridIntervalY() );
    mOffsetXSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->gridOffsetX() );
    mOffsetYSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->gridOffsetY() );

    QgsComposerMap::GridStyle gridStyle = mComposerMap->gridStyle();
    if ( gridStyle == QgsComposerMap::Cross )
      mGridTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mGridTypeComboBox->findText( tr( "Cross" ) ) );
      mGridTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mGridTypeComboBox->findText( tr( "Solid" ) ) );

    mCrossWidthSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->crossLength() );

    //grid frame
    mFrameWidthSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->gridFrameWidth() );
    mGridFramePenSizeSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->gridFramePenSize() );
    mGridFramePenColorButton->setColor( mComposerMap->gridFramePenColor() );
    mGridFrameFill1ColorButton->setColor( mComposerMap->gridFrameFillColor1() );
    mGridFrameFill2ColorButton->setColor( mComposerMap->gridFrameFillColor2() );
    QgsComposerMap::GridFrameStyle gridFrameStyle = mComposerMap->gridFrameStyle();
    if ( gridFrameStyle == QgsComposerMap::Zebra )
      mFrameStyleComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mFrameStyleComboBox->findText( tr( "Zebra" ) ) );
      toggleFrameControls( true );
    else //NoGridFrame
      mFrameStyleComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mFrameStyleComboBox->findText( tr( "No frame" ) ) );
      toggleFrameControls( false );

    //grid blend mode
    mGridBlendComboBox->setBlendMode( mComposerMap->gridBlendMode() );

    //grid annotation format
    QgsComposerMap::GridAnnotationFormat gf = mComposerMap->gridAnnotationFormat();
    mAnnotationFormatComboBox->setCurrentIndex(( int )gf );

    //grid annotation position
    initAnnotationPositionBox( mAnnotationPositionLeftComboBox, mComposerMap->gridAnnotationPosition( QgsComposerMap::Left ) );
    initAnnotationPositionBox( mAnnotationPositionRightComboBox, mComposerMap->gridAnnotationPosition( QgsComposerMap::Right ) );
    initAnnotationPositionBox( mAnnotationPositionTopComboBox, mComposerMap->gridAnnotationPosition( QgsComposerMap::Top ) );
    initAnnotationPositionBox( mAnnotationPositionBottomComboBox, mComposerMap->gridAnnotationPosition( QgsComposerMap::Bottom ) );

    //grid annotation direction
    initAnnotationDirectionBox( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxLeft, mComposerMap->gridAnnotationDirection( QgsComposerMap::Left ) );
    initAnnotationDirectionBox( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxRight, mComposerMap->gridAnnotationDirection( QgsComposerMap::Right ) );
    initAnnotationDirectionBox( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxTop, mComposerMap->gridAnnotationDirection( QgsComposerMap::Top ) );
    initAnnotationDirectionBox( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxBottom, mComposerMap->gridAnnotationDirection( QgsComposerMap::Bottom ) );

    mAnnotationFontColorButton->setColor( mComposerMap->annotationFontColor() );

    mDistanceToMapFrameSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->annotationFrameDistance() );

    if ( mComposerMap->showGridAnnotation() )
      mDrawAnnotationCheckableGroupBox->setChecked( true );
      mDrawAnnotationCheckableGroupBox->setChecked( false );

    mCoordinatePrecisionSpinBox->setValue( mComposerMap->gridAnnotationPrecision() );

    //atlas controls
    mAtlasCheckBox->setChecked( mComposerMap->atlasDriven() );
    mAtlasMarginSpinBox->setValue( static_cast<int>( mComposerMap->atlasMargin() * 100 ) );

    mAtlasFixedScaleRadio->setEnabled( mComposerMap->atlasDriven() );
    mAtlasFixedScaleRadio->setChecked( mComposerMap->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Fixed );
    mAtlasMarginSpinBox->setEnabled( mComposerMap->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Auto );
    mAtlasMarginRadio->setEnabled( mComposerMap->atlasDriven() );
    mAtlasMarginRadio->setChecked( mComposerMap->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Auto );
    mAtlasPredefinedScaleRadio->setEnabled( mComposerMap->atlasDriven() );
    mAtlasPredefinedScaleRadio->setChecked( mComposerMap->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Predefined );

    if ( mComposerMap->atlasDriven() )
    // disable predefined scales if none are defined
    if ( !hasPredefinedScales() )
      mAtlasPredefinedScaleRadio->setEnabled( false );

    blockAllSignals( false );
Beispiel #12
static SpatialIndex::Region rect2region( const QgsRectangle &rect )
  double pLow[2] = { rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() };
  double pHigh[2] = { rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMaximum() };
  return SpatialIndex::Region( pLow, pHigh, 2 );
Beispiel #13
  bool isSegmentInRect( double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1 )
    // compute outcodes for P0, P1, and whatever point lies outside the clip rectangle
    OutCode outcode0 = computeOutCode( x0, y0 );
    OutCode outcode1 = computeOutCode( x1, y1 );
    bool accept = false;

    while ( true )
      if ( !( outcode0 | outcode1 ) )
        // Bitwise OR is 0. Trivially accept and get out of loop
        accept = true;
      else if ( outcode0 & outcode1 )
        // Bitwise AND is not 0. Trivially reject and get out of loop
        // failed both tests, so calculate the line segment to clip
        // from an outside point to an intersection with clip edge
        double x, y;

        // At least one endpoint is outside the clip rectangle; pick it.
        OutCode outcodeOut = outcode0 ? outcode0 : outcode1;

        // Now find the intersection point;
        // use formulas y = y0 + slope * (x - x0), x = x0 + (1 / slope) * (y - y0)
        if ( outcodeOut & TOP )
          // point is above the clip rectangle
          x = x0 + ( x1 - x0 ) * ( mRect.yMaximum() - y0 ) / ( y1 - y0 );
          y = mRect.yMaximum();
        else if ( outcodeOut & BOTTOM )
          // point is below the clip rectangle
          x = x0 + ( x1 - x0 ) * ( mRect.yMinimum() - y0 ) / ( y1 - y0 );
          y = mRect.yMinimum();
        else if ( outcodeOut & RIGHT )
          // point is to the right of clip rectangle
          y = y0 + ( y1 - y0 ) * ( mRect.xMaximum() - x0 ) / ( x1 - x0 );
          x = mRect.xMaximum();
        else if ( outcodeOut & LEFT )
          // point is to the left of clip rectangle
          y = y0 + ( y1 - y0 ) * ( mRect.xMinimum() - x0 ) / ( x1 - x0 );
          x = mRect.xMinimum();

        // Now we move outside point to intersection point to clip
        // and get ready for next pass.
        if ( outcodeOut == outcode0 )
          x0 = x;
          y0 = y;
          outcode0 = computeOutCode( x0, y0 );
          x1 = x;
          y1 = y;
          outcode1 = computeOutCode( x1, y1 );
    return accept;
Beispiel #14
QgsRasterLayerRenderer::QgsRasterLayerRenderer( QgsRasterLayer* layer, QgsRenderContext& rendererContext )
    : QgsMapLayerRenderer( layer->id() )
    , mRasterViewPort( nullptr )
    , mPipe( nullptr )
    , mContext( rendererContext )
    , mFeedback( new Feedback( this ) )
  mPainter = rendererContext.painter();
  const QgsMapToPixel& theQgsMapToPixel = rendererContext.mapToPixel();
  mMapToPixel = &theQgsMapToPixel;

  QgsMapToPixel mapToPixel = theQgsMapToPixel;
  if ( mapToPixel.mapRotation() )
    // unset rotation for the sake of local computations.
    // Rotation will be handled by QPainter later
    // TODO: provide a method of QgsMapToPixel to fetch map center
    //       in geographical units
    QgsPoint center = mapToPixel.toMapCoordinates(
                        mapToPixel.mapWidth() / 2.0,
                        mapToPixel.mapHeight() / 2.0
    mapToPixel.setMapRotation( 0, center.x(), center.y() );

  QgsRectangle myProjectedViewExtent;
  QgsRectangle myProjectedLayerExtent;

  if ( rendererContext.coordinateTransform().isValid() )
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( "coordinateTransform set -> project extents.", 4 );
      myProjectedViewExtent = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().transformBoundingBox( rendererContext.extent() );
    catch ( QgsCsException &cs )
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Could not reproject view extent: %1" ).arg( cs.what() ), QObject::tr( "Raster" ) );

      myProjectedLayerExtent = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().transformBoundingBox( layer->extent() );
    catch ( QgsCsException &cs )
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Could not reproject layer extent: %1" ).arg( cs.what() ), QObject::tr( "Raster" ) );
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( "coordinateTransform not set", 4 );
    myProjectedViewExtent = rendererContext.extent();
    myProjectedLayerExtent = layer->extent();

  // clip raster extent to view extent
  QgsRectangle myRasterExtent = myProjectedViewExtent.intersect( &myProjectedLayerExtent );
  if ( myRasterExtent.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "draw request outside view extent." );
    // nothing to do

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "theViewExtent is " + rendererContext.extent().toString(), 4 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myProjectedViewExtent is " + myProjectedViewExtent.toString(), 4 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myProjectedLayerExtent is " + myProjectedLayerExtent.toString(), 4 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "myRasterExtent is " + myRasterExtent.toString(), 4 );

  // The first thing we do is set up the QgsRasterViewPort. This struct stores all the settings
  // relating to the size (in pixels and coordinate system units) of the raster part that is
  // in view in the map window. It also stores the origin.
  //this is not a class level member because every time the user pans or zooms
  //the contents of the rasterViewPort will change
  mRasterViewPort = new QgsRasterViewPort();

  mRasterViewPort->mDrawnExtent = myRasterExtent;
  if ( rendererContext.coordinateTransform().isValid() )
    mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS = layer->crs();
    mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().destinationCrs();
    mRasterViewPort->mSrcDatumTransform = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().sourceDatumTransform();
    mRasterViewPort->mDestDatumTransform = rendererContext.coordinateTransform().destinationDatumTransform();
    mRasterViewPort->mSrcCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(); // will be invalid
    mRasterViewPort->mDestCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(); // will be invalid
    mRasterViewPort->mSrcDatumTransform = -1;
    mRasterViewPort->mDestDatumTransform = -1;

  // get dimensions of clipped raster image in device coordinate space (this is the size of the viewport)
  mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint = mapToPixel.transform( myRasterExtent.xMinimum(), myRasterExtent.yMaximum() );
  mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint = mapToPixel.transform( myRasterExtent.xMaximum(), myRasterExtent.yMinimum() );

  // align to output device grid, i.e. floor/ceil to integers
  // TODO: this should only be done if paint device is raster - screen, image
  // for other devices (pdf) it can have floating point origin
  // we could use floating point for raster devices as well, but respecting the
  // output device grid should make it more effective as the resampling is done in
  // the provider anyway
  mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.setX( floor( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() ) );
  mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.setY( floor( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() ) );
  mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.setX( ceil( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() ) );
  mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.setY( ceil( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ) );
  // recalc myRasterExtent to aligned values
    mapToPixel.toMapCoordinatesF( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x(),
                                  mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ),
    mapToPixel.toMapCoordinatesF( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x(),
                                  mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() )

  //raster viewport top left / bottom right are already rounded to int
  mRasterViewPort->mWidth = static_cast<int>( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() - mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() );
  mRasterViewPort->mHeight = static_cast<int>( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() - mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() );

  //the drawable area can start to get very very large when you get down displaying 2x2 or smaller, this is because
  //mapToPixel.mapUnitsPerPixel() is less then 1,
  //so we will just get the pixel data and then render these special cases differently in paintImageToCanvas()

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mapUnitsPerPixel = %1" ).arg( mapToPixel.mapUnitsPerPixel() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mWidth = %1" ).arg( layer->width() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mHeight = %1" ).arg( layer->height() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "myRasterExtent.xMinimum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.xMinimum() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "myRasterExtent.xMaximum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.xMaximum() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "myRasterExtent.yMinimum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.yMinimum() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "myRasterExtent.yMaximum() = %1" ).arg( myRasterExtent.yMaximum() ), 3 );

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mTopLeftPoint.x() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.x() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mBottomRightPoint.x() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.x() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mTopLeftPoint.y() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mTopLeftPoint.y() ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mBottomRightPoint.y() = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mBottomRightPoint.y() ), 3 );

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mWidth = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mWidth ), 3 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "mHeight = %1" ).arg( mRasterViewPort->mHeight ), 3 );

  // /\/\/\ - added to handle zoomed-in rasters

  // TODO R->mLastViewPort = *mRasterViewPort;

  // TODO: is it necessary? Probably WMS only?
  layer->dataProvider()->setDpi( 25.4 * rendererContext.scaleFactor() );

  // copy the whole raster pipe!
  mPipe = new QgsRasterPipe( *layer->pipe() );
  QgsRasterRenderer* rasterRenderer = mPipe->renderer();
  if ( rasterRenderer )
    layer->refreshRendererIfNeeded( rasterRenderer, rendererContext.extent() );
Beispiel #15
//! Simplify the WKB-geometry using the specified tolerance
QgsGeometry QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyGeometry(
  int simplifyFlags,
  SimplifyAlgorithm simplifyAlgorithm,
  QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType,
  const QgsAbstractGeometry& geometry,
  const QgsRectangle &envelope, double map2pixelTol,
  bool isaLinearRing )
  bool isGeneralizable = true;

  // Can replace the geometry by its BBOX ?
  if (( simplifyFlags & QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::SimplifyEnvelope ) &&
      isGeneralizableByMapBoundingBox( envelope, map2pixelTol ) )
    return generalizeWkbGeometryByBoundingBox( wkbType, geometry, envelope );

  if ( !( simplifyFlags & QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::SimplifyGeometry ) )
    isGeneralizable = false;

  const QgsWkbTypes::Type flatType = QgsWkbTypes::flatType( wkbType );

  // Write the geometry
  if ( flatType == QgsWkbTypes::LineString || flatType == QgsWkbTypes::CircularString )
    const QgsCurve& srcCurve = dynamic_cast<const QgsCurve&>( geometry );
    QScopedPointer<QgsCurve> output( createEmptySameTypeGeom( srcCurve ) );
    double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, lastX = 0.0, lastY = 0.0;
    QgsRectangle r;

    const int numPoints = srcCurve.numPoints();

    if ( numPoints <= ( isaLinearRing ? 4 : 2 ) )
      isGeneralizable = false;

    bool isLongSegment;
    bool hasLongSegments = false; //-> To avoid replace the simplified geometry by its BBOX when there are 'long' segments.

    // Check whether the LinearRing is really closed.
    if ( isaLinearRing )
      isaLinearRing = qgsDoubleNear( srcCurve.xAt( 0 ), srcCurve.xAt( numPoints - 1 ) ) &&
                      qgsDoubleNear( srcCurve.yAt( 0 ), srcCurve.yAt( numPoints - 1 ) );

    // Process each vertex...
    switch ( simplifyAlgorithm )
      case SnapToGrid:
        double gridOriginX = envelope.xMinimum();
        double gridOriginY = envelope.yMinimum();

        // Use a factor for the maximum displacement distance for simplification, similar as GeoServer does
        float gridInverseSizeXY = map2pixelTol != 0 ? ( float )( 1.0f / ( 0.8 * map2pixelTol ) ) : 0.0f;

        for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
          x = srcCurve.xAt( i );
          y = srcCurve.yAt( i );

          if ( i == 0 ||
               !isGeneralizable ||
               !equalSnapToGrid( x, y, lastX, lastY, gridOriginX, gridOriginY, gridInverseSizeXY ) ||
               ( !isaLinearRing && ( i == 1 || i >= numPoints - 2 ) ) )
            output->insertVertex( QgsVertexId( 0, 0, output->numPoints() ), QgsPointV2( x, y ) );
            lastX = x;
            lastY = y;

          r.combineExtentWith( x, y );

      case Visvalingam:
        map2pixelTol *= map2pixelTol; //-> Use mappixelTol for 'Area' calculations.

        EFFECTIVE_AREAS ea( srcCurve );

        int set_area = 0;
        ptarray_calc_areas( &ea, isaLinearRing ? 4 : 2, set_area, map2pixelTol );

        for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
          if ( ea.res_arealist[ i ] > map2pixelTol )
            output->insertVertex( QgsVertexId( 0, 0, output->numPoints() ), i ) );

      case Distance:
        map2pixelTol *= map2pixelTol; //-> Use mappixelTol for 'LengthSquare' calculations.

        for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
          x = srcCurve.xAt( i );
          y = srcCurve.yAt( i );

          isLongSegment = false;

          if ( i == 0 ||
               !isGeneralizable ||
               ( isLongSegment = ( calculateLengthSquared2D( x, y, lastX, lastY ) > map2pixelTol ) ) ||
               ( !isaLinearRing && ( i == 1 || i >= numPoints - 2 ) ) )
            output->insertVertex( QgsVertexId( 0, 0, output->numPoints() ), QgsPointV2( x, y ) );
            lastX = x;
            lastY = y;

            hasLongSegments |= isLongSegment;

          r.combineExtentWith( x, y );

    if ( output->numPoints() < ( isaLinearRing ? 4 : 2 ) )
      // we simplified the geometry too much!
      if ( !hasLongSegments )
        // approximate the geometry's shape by its bounding box
        // (rect for linear ring / one segment for line string)
        return generalizeWkbGeometryByBoundingBox( wkbType, geometry, r );
        // Bad luck! The simplified geometry is invalid and approximation by bounding box
        // would create artifacts due to long segments.
        // We will return the original geometry
        return QgsGeometry( geometry.clone() );

    if ( isaLinearRing )
      // make sure we keep the linear ring closed
      if ( !qgsDoubleNear( lastX, output->xAt( 0 ) ) || !qgsDoubleNear( lastY, output->yAt( 0 ) ) )
        output->insertVertex( QgsVertexId( 0, 0, output->numPoints() ), QgsPointV2( output->xAt( 0 ), output->yAt( 0 ) ) );

    return QgsGeometry( output.take() );
  else if ( flatType == QgsWkbTypes::Polygon )
    const QgsPolygonV2& srcPolygon = dynamic_cast<const QgsPolygonV2&>( geometry );
    QScopedPointer<QgsPolygonV2> polygon( new QgsPolygonV2() );
    polygon->setExteriorRing( dynamic_cast<QgsCurve*>( simplifyGeometry( simplifyFlags, simplifyAlgorithm, srcPolygon.exteriorRing()->wkbType(), *srcPolygon.exteriorRing(), envelope, map2pixelTol, true ).geometry()->clone() ) );
    for ( int i = 0; i < srcPolygon.numInteriorRings(); ++i )
      const QgsCurve* sub = srcPolygon.interiorRing( i );
      polygon->addInteriorRing( dynamic_cast<QgsCurve*>( simplifyGeometry( simplifyFlags, simplifyAlgorithm, sub->wkbType(), *sub, envelope, map2pixelTol, true ).geometry()->clone() ) );
    return QgsGeometry( polygon.take() );
  else if ( QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( flatType ) )
    const QgsGeometryCollection& srcCollection = dynamic_cast<const QgsGeometryCollection&>( geometry );
    QScopedPointer<QgsGeometryCollection> collection( createEmptySameTypeGeom( srcCollection ) );
    const int numGeoms = srcCollection.numGeometries();
    for ( int i = 0; i < numGeoms; ++i )
      const QgsAbstractGeometry* sub = srcCollection.geometryN( i );
      collection->addGeometry( simplifyGeometry( simplifyFlags, simplifyAlgorithm, sub->wkbType(), *sub, envelope, map2pixelTol, false ).geometry()->clone() );
    return QgsGeometry( collection.take() );
  return QgsGeometry( geometry.clone() );
Beispiel #16
QgsRasterIdentifyResult QgsAmsProvider::identify( const QgsPointXY &point, QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format, const QgsRectangle &extent, int width, int height, int dpi )
  QgsDataSourceUri dataSource( dataSourceUri() );
  QUrl queryUrl( dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "url" ) ) + "/identify" );
  queryUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "f" ), QStringLiteral( "json" ) );
  queryUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "geometryType" ), QStringLiteral( "esriGeometryPoint" ) );
  queryUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "geometry" ), QStringLiteral( "{x: %1, y: %2}" ).arg( point.x(), 0, 'f' ).arg( point.y(), 0, 'f' ) );
//  queryUrl.addQueryItem( "sr", mCrs.postgisSrid() );
  queryUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "layers" ), QStringLiteral( "all:%1" ).arg( dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "layer" ) ) ) );
  queryUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "imageDisplay" ), QStringLiteral( "%1,%2,%3" ).arg( width ).arg( height ).arg( dpi ) );
  queryUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "mapExtent" ), QStringLiteral( "%1,%2,%3,%4" ).arg( extent.xMinimum(), 0, 'f' ).arg( extent.yMinimum(), 0, 'f' ).arg( extent.xMaximum(), 0, 'f' ).arg( extent.yMaximum(), 0, 'f' ) );
  queryUrl.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "tolerance" ), QStringLiteral( "10" ) );

  const QString authcfg = dataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "authcfg" ) );
  const QVariantList queryResults = QgsArcGisRestUtils::queryServiceJSON( queryUrl, authcfg, mErrorTitle, mError ).value( QStringLiteral( "results" ) ).toList();

  QMap<int, QVariant> entries;

  if ( format == QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatText )
    for ( const QVariant &result : queryResults )
      const QVariantMap resultMap = result.toMap();
      QVariantMap attributesMap = resultMap[QStringLiteral( "attributes" )].toMap();
      QString valueStr;
      for ( auto it = attributesMap.constBegin(); it != attributesMap.constEnd(); ++it )
        valueStr += QStringLiteral( "%1 = %2\n" ).arg( it.key(), it.value().toString() );
      entries.insert( entries.size(), valueStr );
  else if ( format == QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatFeature )
    for ( const QVariant &result : queryResults )
      const QVariantMap resultMap = result.toMap();

      QgsFields fields;
      const QVariantMap attributesMap = resultMap[QStringLiteral( "attributes" )].toMap();
      QgsAttributes featureAttributes;
      for ( auto it = attributesMap.constBegin(); it != attributesMap.constEnd(); ++it )
        fields.append( QgsField( it.key(), QVariant::String, QStringLiteral( "string" ) ) );
        featureAttributes.append( it.value().toString() );
      QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
      std::unique_ptr< QgsAbstractGeometry > geometry = QgsArcGisRestUtils::parseEsriGeoJSON( resultMap[QStringLiteral( "geometry" )].toMap(), resultMap[QStringLiteral( "geometryType" )].toString(), false, false, &crs );
      QgsFeature feature( fields );
      feature.setGeometry( QgsGeometry( std::move( geometry ) ) );
      feature.setAttributes( featureAttributes );
      feature.setValid( true );
      QgsFeatureStore store( fields, crs );
      QMap<QString, QVariant> params;
      params[QStringLiteral( "sublayer" )] = resultMap[QStringLiteral( "layerName" )].toString();
      params[QStringLiteral( "featureType" )] = attributesMap[resultMap[QStringLiteral( "displayFieldName" )].toString()].toString();
      store.setParams( params );
      store.addFeature( feature );
      entries.insert( entries.size(), qVariantFromValue( QList<QgsFeatureStore>() << store ) );
  return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( format, entries );
QString QgsVectorLayerProperties::metadata()
  QString myMetadata = "<html><body>";
  myMetadata += "<table width=\"100%\">";


  myMetadata += "<tr class=\"glossy\"><td>";
  myMetadata += tr( "General:" );
  myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

  // data comment
  if ( !( layer->dataComment().isEmpty() ) )
    myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
    myMetadata += tr( "Layer comment: " ) +
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

  //storage type
  myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Storage type of this layer : " ) +
  myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

  // data source
  myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Source for this layer : " ) +
  myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

  //geom type

  QGis::GeometryType type = layer->geometryType();

  if ( type < 0 || type > QGis::Polygon )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Invalid vector type" );
    QString typeString( QGis::qgisVectorGeometryType[layer->geometryType()] );

    myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
    myMetadata += tr( "Geometry type of the features in this layer : " ) +
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

  //feature count
  myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
  myMetadata += tr( "The number of features in this layer : " ) +
                QString::number( layer->featureCount() );
  myMetadata += "</td></tr>";
  myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Editing capabilities of this layer : " ) +
  myMetadata += "</td></tr>";


  QgsRectangle myExtent = layer->extent();
  myMetadata += "<tr class=\"glossy\"><td>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Extents:" );
  myMetadata += "</td></tr>";
  //extents in layer cs  TODO...maybe make a little nested table to improve layout...
  myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
  myMetadata += tr( "In layer spatial reference system units : " ) +
                tr( "xMin,yMin " ) +
                QString::number( myExtent.xMinimum() ) +
                "," +
                QString::number( myExtent.yMinimum() ) +
                tr( " : xMax,yMax " ) +
                QString::number( myExtent.xMaximum() ) +
                "," +
                QString::number( myExtent.yMaximum() );
  myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

  //extents in project cs

    // TODO: currently disabled, will revisit later [MD]
    QgsRectangle myProjectedExtent = coordinateTransform->transformBoundingBox(layer->extent());
    myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
    myMetadata += tr("In project spatial reference system units : ") +
    tr("xMin,yMin ") +
    QString::number(myProjectedExtent.xMinimum()) +
    "," +
    QString::number( myProjectedExtent.yMinimum()) +
    tr(" : xMax,yMax ") +
    QString::number(myProjectedExtent.xMaximum()) +
    "," +
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

    // Display layer spatial ref system
    myMetadata += "<tr class=\"glossy\"><td>";
    myMetadata += tr( "Layer Spatial Reference System:" );
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";
    myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
    myMetadata += layer->srs().toProj4().replace( QRegExp( "\"" ), " \"" );
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

    // Display project (output) spatial ref system
    // TODO: disabled for now, will revisit later [MD]
    myMetadata += "<tr><td bgcolor=\"gray\">";
    myMetadata += tr("Project (Output) Spatial Reference System:");
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";
    myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
    myMetadata += coordinateTransform->destCRS().toProj4().replace(QRegExp("\"")," \"");
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    Q_UNUSED( cse );
    QgsDebugMsg( cse.what() );

    myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
    myMetadata += tr( "In project spatial reference system units : " );
    myMetadata += " (Invalid transformation of layer extents) ";
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";


#if 0
  // Add the info about each field in the attribute table
  myMetadata += "<tr class=\"glossy\"><td>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Attribute field info:" );
  myMetadata += "</td></tr>";
  myMetadata += "<tr><td>";

  // Start a nested table in this trow
  myMetadata += "<table width=\"100%\">";
  myMetadata += "<tr><th>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Field" );
  myMetadata += "</th>";
  myMetadata += "<th>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Type" );
  myMetadata += "</th>";
  myMetadata += "<th>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Length" );
  myMetadata += "</th>";
  myMetadata += "<th>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Precision" );
  myMetadata += "</th>";
  myMetadata += "<th>";
  myMetadata += tr( "Comment" );
  myMetadata += "</th>";

  //get info for each field by looping through them
  const QgsFieldMap& myFields = layer->pendingFields();
  for ( QgsFieldMap::const_iterator it = myFields.begin(); it != myFields.end(); ++it )
    const QgsField& myField = *it;

    myMetadata += "<tr><td>";
    myMetadata +=;
    myMetadata += "</td>";
    myMetadata += "<td>";
    myMetadata += myField.typeName();
    myMetadata += "</td>";
    myMetadata += "<td>";
    myMetadata += QString( "%1" ).arg( myField.length() );
    myMetadata += "</td>";
    myMetadata += "<td>";
    myMetadata += QString( "%1" ).arg( myField.precision() );
    myMetadata += "</td>";
    myMetadata += "<td>";
    myMetadata += QString( "%1" ).arg( myField.comment() );
    myMetadata += "</td></tr>";

  //close field list
  myMetadata += "</table>"; //end of nested table

  myMetadata += "</td></tr>"; //end of stats container table row
  // Close the table

  myMetadata += "</table>";

  myMetadata += "</body></html>";
  return myMetadata;
double QgsComposerScaleBar::mapDiagonal() const
  if ( !mComposerMap )
    return 0.0;

  QgsRectangle composerMapRect = mComposerMap->extent();
  if ( mUnits == MapUnits )
    return sqrt( composerMapRect.width() * composerMapRect.width() + composerMapRect.height() * composerMapRect.height() );
    QgsDistanceArea da;
    da.setProjectionsEnabled( true );
    da.setSourceCrs( mComposerMap->mapRenderer()->destinationCrs().srsid() );
    QSettings s;
    da.setEllipsoid( s.value( "/qgis/measure/ellipsoid", "WGS84" ).toString() );
    double measure = da.measureLine( QgsPoint( composerMapRect.xMinimum(), composerMapRect.yMaximum() ), QgsPoint( composerMapRect.xMaximum(), composerMapRect.yMinimum() ) );
    if ( mUnits == Feet )
      measure /= 0.3048;
    return measure;
Beispiel #19
void QgsPalLabeling::drawLabeling( QgsRenderContext& context )
  Q_ASSERT( mMapRenderer != NULL );
  QPainter* painter = context.painter();
  QgsRectangle extent = context.extent();

  if ( mLabelSearchTree )

  QTime t;

  // do the labeling itself
  double scale = mMapRenderer->scale(); // scale denominator
  QgsRectangle r = extent;
  double bbox[] = { r.xMinimum(), r.yMinimum(), r.xMaximum(), r.yMaximum() };

  std::list<LabelPosition*>* labels;
  pal::Problem* problem;
    problem = mPal->extractProblem( scale, bbox );
  catch ( std::exception& e )
    Q_UNUSED( e );
    QgsDebugMsg( "PAL EXCEPTION :-( " + QString::fromLatin1( e.what() ) );
    //mActiveLayers.clear(); // clean up

  const QgsMapToPixel* xform = mMapRenderer->coordinateTransform();

  // draw rectangles with all candidates
  // this is done before actual solution of the problem
  // before number of candidates gets reduced
  if ( mShowingCandidates && problem )
    painter->setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0, 64 ) );
    painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
    for ( int i = 0; i < problem->getNumFeatures(); i++ )
      for ( int j = 0; j < problem->getFeatureCandidateCount( i ); j++ )
        pal::LabelPosition* lp = problem->getFeatureCandidate( i, j );

        drawLabelCandidateRect( lp, painter, xform );

  // find the solution
  labels = mPal->solveProblem( problem, mShowingAllLabels );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "LABELING work:  %1 ms ... labels# %2" ).arg( t.elapsed() ).arg( labels->size() ) );

  painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );

  // draw the labels
  std::list<LabelPosition*>::iterator it = labels->begin();
  for ( ; it != labels->end(); ++it )
    QgsPalGeometry* palGeometry = dynamic_cast< QgsPalGeometry* >(( *it )->getFeaturePart()->getUserGeometry() );
    if ( !palGeometry )

    //layer names
    QString layerNameUtf8 = QString::fromUtf8(( *it )->getLayerName() );
    if ( palGeometry->isDiagram() )
      //render diagram
      QHash<QgsVectorLayer*, QgsDiagramLayerSettings>::iterator dit = mActiveDiagramLayers.begin();
      for ( dit = mActiveDiagramLayers.begin(); dit != mActiveDiagramLayers.end(); ++dit )
        if ( dit.key() && dit.key()->id().append( "d" ) == layerNameUtf8 )
          QgsPoint outPt = xform->transform(( *it )->getX(), ( *it )->getY() );
          dit.value().renderer->renderDiagram( palGeometry->diagramAttributes(), context, QPointF( outPt.x(), outPt.y() ) );

      //insert into label search tree to manipulate position interactively
      if ( mLabelSearchTree )
        //for diagrams, remove the additional 'd' at the end of the layer id
        QString layerId = layerNameUtf8;
        layerId.chop( 1 );
        mLabelSearchTree->insertLabel( *it,  QString( palGeometry->strId() ).toInt(), layerId, true );

    const QgsPalLayerSettings& lyr = layer( layerNameUtf8 );
    QFont fontForLabel = lyr.textFont;
    QColor fontColor = lyr.textColor;
    double bufferSize = lyr.bufferSize;
    QColor bufferColor = lyr.bufferColor;

    //apply data defined settings for the label
    //font size
    QVariant dataDefinedSize = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Size );
    if ( dataDefinedSize.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setPixelSize( lyr.sizeToPixel( dataDefinedSize.toDouble(), context ) );
    //font color
    QVariant dataDefinedColor = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Color );
    if ( dataDefinedColor.isValid() )
      fontColor.setNamedColor( dataDefinedColor.toString() );
      if ( !fontColor.isValid() )
        fontColor = lyr.textColor;
    //font bold
    QVariant dataDefinedBold = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Bold );
    if ( dataDefinedBold.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setBold(( bool )dataDefinedBold.toInt() );
    //font italic
    QVariant dataDefinedItalic = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Italic );
    if ( dataDefinedItalic.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setItalic(( bool ) dataDefinedItalic.toInt() );
    //font underline
    QVariant dataDefinedUnderline = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Underline );
    if ( dataDefinedUnderline.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setUnderline(( bool ) dataDefinedUnderline.toInt() );
    //font strikeout
    QVariant dataDefinedStrikeout = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Strikeout );
    if ( dataDefinedStrikeout.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setStrikeOut(( bool ) dataDefinedStrikeout.toInt() );
    //font family
    QVariant dataDefinedFontFamily = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::Family );
    if ( dataDefinedFontFamily.isValid() )
      fontForLabel.setFamily( dataDefinedFontFamily.toString() );
    //buffer size
    QVariant dataDefinedBufferSize = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::BufferSize );
    if ( dataDefinedBufferSize.isValid() )
      bufferSize = dataDefinedBufferSize.toDouble();

    //buffer color
    QVariant dataDefinedBufferColor = palGeometry->dataDefinedValues().value( QgsPalLayerSettings::BufferColor );
    if ( dataDefinedBufferColor.isValid() )
      bufferColor.setNamedColor( dataDefinedBufferColor.toString() );
      if ( !bufferColor.isValid() )
        bufferColor = lyr.bufferColor;

    if ( lyr.bufferSize != 0 )
      drawLabel( *it, painter, fontForLabel, fontColor, xform, bufferSize, bufferColor, true );

    drawLabel( *it, painter, fontForLabel, fontColor, xform );

    if ( mLabelSearchTree )
      mLabelSearchTree->insertLabel( *it,  QString( palGeometry->strId() ).toInt(), ( *it )->getLayerName() );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "LABELING draw:  %1 ms" ).arg( t.elapsed() ) );

  delete problem;
  delete labels;

  // delete all allocated geometries for features
  QHash<QgsVectorLayer*, QgsPalLayerSettings>::iterator lit;
  for ( lit = mActiveLayers.begin(); lit != mActiveLayers.end(); ++lit )
    QgsPalLayerSettings& lyr = lit.value();
    for ( QList<QgsPalGeometry*>::iterator git = lyr.geometries.begin(); git != lyr.geometries.end(); ++git )
      delete *git;

  //delete all allocated geometries for diagrams
  QHash<QgsVectorLayer*, QgsDiagramLayerSettings>::iterator dIt = mActiveDiagramLayers.begin();
  for ( ; dIt != mActiveDiagramLayers.end(); ++dIt )
    QgsDiagramLayerSettings& dls = dIt.value();
    for ( QList<QgsPalGeometry*>::iterator git = dls.geometries.begin(); git != dls.geometries.end(); ++git )
      delete *git;
Beispiel #20
bool QgsGeometryAnalyzer::extent( QgsVectorLayer* layer,
                                  const QString& shapefileName,
                                  bool onlySelectedFeatures,
                                  QProgressDialog * )
  if ( !layer )
    return false;

  QgsVectorDataProvider* dp = layer->dataProvider();
  if ( !dp )
    return false;

  QGis::WkbType outputType = QGis::WKBPolygon;
  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = layer->crs();

  QgsFields fields;
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "MINX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "MINY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "MAXX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "MAXY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "CNTX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "CNTY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "AREA" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "PERIM" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "HEIGHT" ), QVariant::Double ) );
  fields.append( QgsField( QString( "WIDTH" ), QVariant::Double ) );

  QgsVectorFileWriter vWriter( shapefileName, dp->encoding(), fields, outputType, &crs );

  QgsRectangle rect;
  if ( onlySelectedFeatures )  // take only selection
    rect = layer->boundingBoxOfSelected();
    rect = layer->extent();

  double minx = rect.xMinimum();
  double miny = rect.yMinimum();
  double maxx = rect.xMaximum();
  double maxy = rect.yMaximum();
  double height = rect.height();
  double width = rect.width();
  double cntx = minx + ( width / 2.0 );
  double cnty = miny + ( height / 2.0 );
  double area = width * height;
  double perim = ( 2 * width ) + ( 2 * height );

  QgsFeature feat;
  QgsAttributes attrs( 10 );
  attrs[0] = QVariant( minx );
  attrs[1] = QVariant( miny );
  attrs[2] = QVariant( maxx );
  attrs[3] = QVariant( maxy );
  attrs[4] = QVariant( cntx );
  attrs[5] = QVariant( cnty );
  attrs[6] = QVariant( area );
  attrs[7] = QVariant( perim );
  attrs[8] = QVariant( height );
  attrs[9] = QVariant( width );
  feat.setAttributes( attrs );
  feat.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromRect( rect ) );
  vWriter.addFeature( feat );
  return true;
Beispiel #21
QString QgsProcessingUtils::variantToPythonLiteral( const QVariant &value )
  if ( !value.isValid() )
    return QStringLiteral( "None" );

  if ( value.canConvert<QgsProperty>() )
    return QStringLiteral( "QgsProperty.fromExpression('%1')" ).arg( value.value< QgsProperty >().asExpression() );
  else if ( value.canConvert<QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem>() )
    if ( !value.value< QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem >().isValid() )
      return QStringLiteral( "QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()" );
      return QStringLiteral( "QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('%1')" ).arg( value.value< QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem >().authid() );
  else if ( value.canConvert< QgsRectangle >() )
    QgsRectangle r = value.value<QgsRectangle>();
    return QStringLiteral( "'%1, %3, %2, %4'" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( r.xMinimum() ),
           qgsDoubleToString( r.yMinimum() ),
           qgsDoubleToString( r.xMaximum() ),
           qgsDoubleToString( r.yMaximum() ) );
  else if ( value.canConvert< QgsReferencedRectangle >() )
    QgsReferencedRectangle r = value.value<QgsReferencedRectangle>();
    return QStringLiteral( "'%1, %3, %2, %4 [%5]'" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( r.xMinimum() ),
           qgsDoubleToString( r.yMinimum() ),
           qgsDoubleToString( r.xMaximum() ),
           qgsDoubleToString( r.yMaximum() ),                                                                                                                    );
  else if ( value.canConvert< QgsPointXY >() )
    QgsPointXY r = value.value<QgsPointXY>();
    return QStringLiteral( "'%1,%2'" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( r.x() ),
                                            qgsDoubleToString( r.y() ) );
  else if ( value.canConvert< QgsReferencedPointXY >() )
    QgsReferencedPointXY r = value.value<QgsReferencedPointXY>();
    return QStringLiteral( "'%1,%2 [%3]'" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( r.x() ),
           qgsDoubleToString( r.y() ),

  switch ( value.type() )
    case QVariant::Bool:
      return value.toBool() ? QStringLiteral( "True" ) : QStringLiteral( "False" );

    case QVariant::Double:
      return QString::number( value.toDouble() );

    case QVariant::Int:
    case QVariant::UInt:
      return QString::number( value.toInt() );

    case QVariant::LongLong:
    case QVariant::ULongLong:
      return QString::number( value.toLongLong() );

    case QVariant::List:
      QStringList parts;
      const QVariantList vl = value.toList();
      for ( const QVariant &v : vl )
        parts << variantToPythonLiteral( v );
      return parts.join( ',' ).prepend( '[' ).append( ']' );


  return QgsProcessingUtils::stringToPythonLiteral( value.toString() );
Beispiel #22
//! Generalize the WKB-geometry using the BBOX of the original geometry
inline static bool generalizeWkbGeometry(
    QGis::WkbType wkbType,
    unsigned char* sourceWkb, size_t sourceWkbSize,
    unsigned char* targetWkb, size_t& targetWkbSize,
    const QgsRectangle& envelope, bool writeHeader )
    Q_UNUSED( sourceWkb );
    unsigned char* wkb2 = targetWkb;
    unsigned int geometryType = QGis::singleType( QGis::flatType( wkbType ) );

    int sizeOfDoubleX = sizeof( double );
    int sizeOfDoubleY = QGis::wkbDimensions( wkbType ) == 3 /*hasZValue*/ ? 2 * sizeof( double ) : sizeof( double );

    // If the geometry is already minimal skip the generalization
    size_t minimumSize = geometryType == QGis::WKBLineString ? 4 + 2 * ( sizeOfDoubleX + sizeOfDoubleY ) : 8 + 5 * ( sizeOfDoubleX + sizeOfDoubleY );

    if ( writeHeader )
        minimumSize += 5;

    if ( sourceWkbSize <= minimumSize )
        targetWkbSize = 0;
        return false;

    double x1 = envelope.xMinimum();
    double y1 = envelope.yMinimum();
    double x2 = envelope.xMaximum();
    double y2 = envelope.yMaximum();

    // Write the main header of the geometry
    if ( writeHeader )
        char byteOrder = QgsApplication::endian(); // byteOrder
        memcpy( targetWkb, &byteOrder, 1 );
        targetWkb += 1;

        memcpy( targetWkb, &geometryType, 4 ); // type
        targetWkb += 4;

        if ( geometryType == QGis::WKBPolygon ) // numRings
            int numRings = 1;
            memcpy( targetWkb, &numRings, 4 );
            targetWkb += 4;

    // Write the generalized geometry
    if ( geometryType == QGis::WKBLineString )
        int numPoints = 2;
        memcpy( targetWkb, &numPoints, 4 ); // numPoints;
        targetWkb += 4;

        memcpy( targetWkb, &x1, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
        memcpy( targetWkb, &y1, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );

        memcpy( targetWkb, &x2, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
        memcpy( targetWkb, &y2, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
        int numPoints = 5;
        memcpy( targetWkb, &numPoints, 4 ); // numPoints;
        targetWkb += 4;

        memcpy( targetWkb, &x1, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
        memcpy( targetWkb, &y1, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );

        memcpy( targetWkb, &x2, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
        memcpy( targetWkb, &y1, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );

        memcpy( targetWkb, &x2, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
        memcpy( targetWkb, &y2, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );

        memcpy( targetWkb, &x1, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
        memcpy( targetWkb, &y2, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );

        memcpy( targetWkb, &x1, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
        memcpy( targetWkb, &y1, sizeof( double ) );
        targetWkb += sizeof( double );
    targetWkbSize += targetWkb - wkb2;

    return true;
bool QgsVectorLayerRenderer::render()
  if ( mGeometryType == QgsWkbTypes::NullGeometry || mGeometryType == QgsWkbTypes::UnknownGeometry )
    return true;

  if ( !mRenderer )
    mErrors.append( QObject::tr( "No renderer for drawing." ) );
    return false;

  bool usingEffect = false;
  if ( mRenderer->paintEffect() && mRenderer->paintEffect()->enabled() )
    usingEffect = true;
    mRenderer->paintEffect()->begin( mContext );

  // Per feature blending mode
  if ( mContext.useAdvancedEffects() && mFeatureBlendMode != QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver )
    // set the painter to the feature blend mode, so that features drawn
    // on this layer will interact and blend with each other
    mContext.painter()->setCompositionMode( mFeatureBlendMode );

  mRenderer->startRender( mContext, mFields );

  QString rendererFilter = mRenderer->filter( mFields );

  QgsRectangle requestExtent = mContext.extent();
  mRenderer->modifyRequestExtent( requestExtent, mContext );

  QgsFeatureRequest featureRequest = QgsFeatureRequest()
                                     .setFilterRect( requestExtent )
                                     .setSubsetOfAttributes( mAttrNames, mFields )
                                     .setExpressionContext( mContext.expressionContext() );
  if ( mRenderer->orderByEnabled() )
    featureRequest.setOrderBy( mRenderer->orderBy() );

  const QgsFeatureFilterProvider *featureFilterProvider = mContext.featureFilterProvider();
  if ( featureFilterProvider )
    featureFilterProvider->filterFeatures( mLayer, featureRequest );
  if ( !rendererFilter.isEmpty() && rendererFilter != QLatin1String( "TRUE" ) )
    featureRequest.combineFilterExpression( rendererFilter );

  // enable the simplification of the geometries (Using the current map2pixel context) before send it to renderer engine.
  if ( mSimplifyGeometry )
    double map2pixelTol = mSimplifyMethod.threshold();
    bool validTransform = true;

    const QgsMapToPixel &mtp = mContext.mapToPixel();
    map2pixelTol *= mtp.mapUnitsPerPixel();
    QgsCoordinateTransform ct = mContext.coordinateTransform();

    // resize the tolerance using the change of size of an 1-BBOX from the source CoordinateSystem to the target CoordinateSystem
    if ( ct.isValid() && !ct.isShortCircuited() )
        QgsPointXY center = mContext.extent().center();
        double rectSize = ct.sourceCrs().isGeographic() ? 0.0008983 /* ~100/(40075014/360=111319.4833) */ : 100;

        QgsRectangle sourceRect = QgsRectangle( center.x(), center.y(), center.x() + rectSize, center.y() + rectSize );
        QgsRectangle targetRect = ct.transform( sourceRect );

        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "Simplify - SourceTransformRect=%1" ).arg( sourceRect.toString( 16 ) ), 4 );
        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "Simplify - TargetTransformRect=%1" ).arg( targetRect.toString( 16 ) ), 4 );

        if ( !sourceRect.isEmpty() && sourceRect.isFinite() && !targetRect.isEmpty() && targetRect.isFinite() )
          QgsPointXY minimumSrcPoint( sourceRect.xMinimum(), sourceRect.yMinimum() );
          QgsPointXY maximumSrcPoint( sourceRect.xMaximum(), sourceRect.yMaximum() );
          QgsPointXY minimumDstPoint( targetRect.xMinimum(), targetRect.yMinimum() );
          QgsPointXY maximumDstPoint( targetRect.xMaximum(), targetRect.yMaximum() );

          double sourceHypothenuse = std::sqrt( minimumSrcPoint.sqrDist( maximumSrcPoint ) );
          double targetHypothenuse = std::sqrt( minimumDstPoint.sqrDist( maximumDstPoint ) );

          QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "Simplify - SourceHypothenuse=%1" ).arg( sourceHypothenuse ), 4 );
          QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "Simplify - TargetHypothenuse=%1" ).arg( targetHypothenuse ), 4 );

          if ( !qgsDoubleNear( targetHypothenuse, 0.0 ) )
            map2pixelTol *= ( sourceHypothenuse / targetHypothenuse );
      catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
        QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Simplify transform error caught: %1" ).arg( cse.what() ), QObject::tr( "CRS" ) );
        validTransform = false;

    if ( validTransform )
      QgsSimplifyMethod simplifyMethod;
      simplifyMethod.setMethodType( QgsSimplifyMethod::OptimizeForRendering );
      simplifyMethod.setTolerance( map2pixelTol );
      simplifyMethod.setThreshold( mSimplifyMethod.threshold() );
      simplifyMethod.setForceLocalOptimization( mSimplifyMethod.forceLocalOptimization() );
      featureRequest.setSimplifyMethod( simplifyMethod );

      QgsVectorSimplifyMethod vectorMethod = mSimplifyMethod;
      vectorMethod.setTolerance( map2pixelTol );
      mContext.setVectorSimplifyMethod( vectorMethod );
      QgsVectorSimplifyMethod vectorMethod;
      vectorMethod.setSimplifyHints( QgsVectorSimplifyMethod::NoSimplification );
      mContext.setVectorSimplifyMethod( vectorMethod );
    QgsVectorSimplifyMethod vectorMethod;
    vectorMethod.setSimplifyHints( QgsVectorSimplifyMethod::NoSimplification );
    mContext.setVectorSimplifyMethod( vectorMethod );

  QgsFeatureIterator fit = mSource->getFeatures( featureRequest );
  // Attach an interruption checker so that iterators that have potentially
  // slow fetchFeature() implementations, such as in the WFS provider, can
  // check it, instead of relying on just the mContext.renderingStopped() check
  // in drawRenderer()
  fit.setInterruptionChecker( &mInterruptionChecker );

  if ( ( mRenderer->capabilities() & QgsFeatureRenderer::SymbolLevels ) && mRenderer->usingSymbolLevels() )
    drawRendererLevels( fit );
    drawRenderer( fit );

  if ( usingEffect )
    mRenderer->paintEffect()->end( mContext );

  return true;
Beispiel #24
ErrorList topolTest::checkCloseFeature( double tolerance, QgsVectorLayer *layer1, QgsVectorLayer *layer2, bool isExtent )
  Q_UNUSED( isExtent );
  ErrorList errorList;
  QgsSpatialIndex *index = 0;

  bool badG1 = false, badG2 = false;
  bool skipItself = layer1 == layer2;

  int i = 0;
  QList<FeatureLayer>::Iterator it;
  QList<FeatureLayer>::ConstIterator FeatureListEnd = mFeatureList1.end();
  for ( it = mFeatureList1.begin(); it != FeatureListEnd; ++it )
    if ( !( ++i % 100 ) )
      emit progress( i );

    if ( testCanceled() )

    QgsGeometry *g1 = it->feature.geometry();
    if ( !g1 || !g1->asGeos() )
      badG1 = true;

    QgsRectangle bb = g1->boundingBox();

    // increase bounding box by tolerance
    QgsRectangle frame( bb.xMinimum() - tolerance, bb.yMinimum() - tolerance, bb.xMaximum() + tolerance, bb.yMaximum() + tolerance );

    QList<QgsFeatureId> crossingIds;
    crossingIds = index->intersects( frame );

    QList<QgsFeatureId>::Iterator cit = crossingIds.begin();
    QList<QgsFeatureId>::ConstIterator crossingIdsEnd = crossingIds.end();

    for ( ; cit != crossingIdsEnd; ++cit )
      QgsFeature &f = mFeatureMap2[*cit].feature;
      QgsGeometry *g2 = f.geometry();

      // skip itself, when invoked with the same layer
      if ( skipItself && == it-> )

      if ( !g2 || !g2->asGeos() )
        badG2 = true;

      if ( g1->distance( *g2 ) < tolerance )
        QgsRectangle r = g2->boundingBox();
        r.combineExtentWith( &bb );

        QList<FeatureLayer> fls;
        FeatureLayer fl;
        fl.feature = f;
        fl.layer = layer2;
        fls << *it << fl;
        QgsGeometry *conflict = new QgsGeometry( *g2 );
        TopolErrorClose *err = new TopolErrorClose( r, conflict, fls );
        //TopolErrorClose* err = new TopolErrorClose(r, g2, fls);

        errorList << err;

  if ( badG2 )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Invalid second geometry." ), tr( "Topology plugin" ) );

  if ( badG1 )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Invalid first geometry." ), tr( "Topology plugin" ) );

  return errorList;
Beispiel #25
QgsGeometry::OperationResult QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::splitParts( const QVector<QgsPointXY> &splitLine, bool topologicalEditing )
  if ( !mLayer->isSpatial() )
    return QgsGeometry::InvalidBaseGeometry;

  double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
  QgsRectangle bBox; //bounding box of the split line
  QgsGeometry::OperationResult returnCode = QgsGeometry::OperationResult::Success;
  QgsGeometry::OperationResult splitFunctionReturn; //return code of QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
  int numberOfSplitParts = 0;

  QgsFeatureIterator fit;

  if ( mLayer->selectedFeatureCount() > 0 ) //consider only the selected features if there is a selection
    fit = mLayer->getSelectedFeatures();
  else //else consider all the feature that intersect the bounding box of the split line
    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( splitLine, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) )
      bBox.setXMinimum( xMin );
      bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
      bBox.setXMaximum( xMax );
      bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
      return QgsGeometry::OperationResult::InvalidInputGeometryType;

    if ( bBox.isEmpty() )
      //if the bbox is a line, try to make a square out of it
      if ( bBox.width() == 0.0 && bBox.height() > 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bBox.height() / 2 );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bBox.height() / 2 );
      else if ( bBox.height() == 0.0 && bBox.width() > 0 )
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bBox.width() / 2 );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bBox.width() / 2 );
        //If we have a single point, we still create a non-null box
        double bufferDistance = 0.000001;
        if ( mLayer->crs().isGeographic() )
          bufferDistance = 0.00000001;
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bufferDistance );

    fit = mLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

  QgsGeometry::OperationResult addPartRet = QgsGeometry::OperationResult::Success;

  QgsFeature feat;
  while ( fit.nextFeature( feat ) )
    QVector<QgsGeometry> newGeometries;
    QVector<QgsPointXY> topologyTestPoints;
    QgsGeometry featureGeom = feat.geometry();
    splitFunctionReturn = featureGeom.splitGeometry( splitLine, newGeometries, topologicalEditing, topologyTestPoints );
    if ( splitFunctionReturn == 0 )
      //add new parts
      if ( !newGeometries.isEmpty() )

      for ( int i = 0; i < newGeometries.size(); ++i )
        addPartRet = featureGeom.addPart( i ) );
        if ( addPartRet )

      // For test only: Exception already thrown here...
      // feat.geometry()->asWkb();

      if ( !addPartRet )
        mLayer->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, featureGeom );

      if ( topologicalEditing )
        QVector<QgsPointXY>::const_iterator topol_it = topologyTestPoints.constBegin();
        for ( ; topol_it != topologyTestPoints.constEnd(); ++topol_it )
          addTopologicalPoints( *topol_it );
    else if ( splitFunctionReturn != QgsGeometry::OperationResult::Success && splitFunctionReturn != QgsGeometry::OperationResult::NothingHappened )
      returnCode = splitFunctionReturn;

  if ( numberOfSplitParts == 0 && mLayer->selectedFeatureCount() > 0  && returnCode == QgsGeometry::Success )
    //There is a selection but no feature has been split.
    //Maybe user forgot that only the selected features are split
    returnCode = QgsGeometry::OperationResult::NothingHappened;

  return returnCode;
QgsRasterBlock * QgsRasterDataProvider::block( int theBandNo, QgsRectangle  const & theExtent, int theWidth, int theHeight )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "theBandNo = %1 theWidth = %2 theHeight = %3" ).arg( theBandNo ).arg( theWidth ).arg( theHeight ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "theExtent = %1" ).arg( theExtent.toString() ) );

  QgsRasterBlock *block;
  if ( srcHasNoDataValue( theBandNo ) && useSrcNoDataValue( theBandNo ) )
    block = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), theWidth, theHeight, srcNoDataValue( theBandNo ) );
    block = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), theWidth, theHeight );

  if ( block->isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't create raster block" );
    return block;

  // Read necessary extent only
  QgsRectangle tmpExtent = extent().intersect( &theExtent );

  if ( tmpExtent.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Extent outside provider extent" );
    return block;

  double xRes = theExtent.width() / theWidth;
  double yRes = theExtent.height() / theHeight;
  double tmpXRes, tmpYRes;
  double providerXRes = 0;
  double providerYRes = 0;
  if ( capabilities() & Size )
    providerXRes = extent().width() / xSize();
    providerYRes = extent().height() / ySize();
    tmpXRes = qMax( providerXRes, xRes );
    tmpYRes = qMax( providerYRes, yRes );
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( tmpXRes, xRes ) ) tmpXRes = xRes;
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( tmpYRes, yRes ) ) tmpYRes = yRes;
    tmpXRes = xRes;
    tmpYRes = yRes;

  if ( tmpExtent != theExtent ||
       tmpXRes > xRes || tmpYRes > yRes )
    // Read smaller extent or lower resolution

    if ( !extent().contains( theExtent ) )
      QRect subRect = QgsRasterBlock::subRect( theExtent, theWidth, theHeight, extent() );
      block->setIsNoDataExcept( subRect );

    // Calculate row/col limits (before tmpExtent is aligned)
    int fromRow = qRound(( theExtent.yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMaximum() ) / yRes );
    int toRow = qRound(( theExtent.yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMinimum() ) / yRes ) - 1;
    int fromCol = qRound(( tmpExtent.xMinimum() - theExtent.xMinimum() ) / xRes );
    int toCol = qRound(( tmpExtent.xMaximum() - theExtent.xMinimum() ) / xRes ) - 1;

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "fromRow = %1 toRow = %2 fromCol = %3 toCol = %4" ).arg( fromRow ).arg( toRow ).arg( fromCol ).arg( toCol ) );

    if ( fromRow < 0 || fromRow >= theHeight || toRow < 0 || toRow >= theHeight ||
         fromCol < 0 || fromCol >= theWidth || toCol < 0 || toCol >= theWidth )
      // Should not happen
      QgsDebugMsg( "Row or column limits out of range" );
      return block;

    // If lower source resolution is used, the extent must beS aligned to original
    // resolution to avoid possible shift due to resampling
    if ( tmpXRes > xRes )
      int col = floor(( tmpExtent.xMinimum() - extent().xMinimum() ) / providerXRes );
      tmpExtent.setXMinimum( extent().xMinimum() + col * providerXRes );
      col = ceil(( tmpExtent.xMaximum() - extent().xMinimum() ) / providerXRes );
      tmpExtent.setXMaximum( extent().xMinimum() + col * providerXRes );
    if ( tmpYRes > yRes )
      int row = floor(( extent().yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMaximum() ) / providerYRes );
      tmpExtent.setYMaximum( extent().yMaximum() - row * providerYRes );
      row = ceil(( extent().yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMinimum() ) / providerYRes );
      tmpExtent.setYMinimum( extent().yMaximum() - row * providerYRes );
    int tmpWidth = qRound( tmpExtent.width() / tmpXRes );
    int tmpHeight = qRound( tmpExtent.height() / tmpYRes );
    tmpXRes = tmpExtent.width() / tmpWidth;
    tmpYRes = tmpExtent.height() / tmpHeight;

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Reading smaller block tmpWidth = %1 theHeight = %2" ).arg( tmpWidth ).arg( tmpHeight ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "tmpExtent = %1" ).arg( tmpExtent.toString() ) );

    QgsRasterBlock *tmpBlock;
    if ( srcHasNoDataValue( theBandNo ) && useSrcNoDataValue( theBandNo ) )
      tmpBlock = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), tmpWidth, tmpHeight, srcNoDataValue( theBandNo ) );
      tmpBlock = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), tmpWidth, tmpHeight );

    readBlock( theBandNo, tmpExtent, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, tmpBlock->bits() );

    int pixelSize = dataTypeSize( theBandNo );

    double xMin = theExtent.xMinimum();
    double yMax = theExtent.yMaximum();
    double tmpXMin = tmpExtent.xMinimum();
    double tmpYMax = tmpExtent.yMaximum();

    for ( int row = fromRow; row <= toRow; row++ )
      double y = yMax - ( row + 0.5 ) * yRes;
      int tmpRow = floor(( tmpYMax - y ) / tmpYRes );

      for ( int col = fromCol; col <= toCol; col++ )
        double x = xMin + ( col + 0.5 ) * xRes;
        int tmpCol = floor(( x - tmpXMin ) / tmpXRes );

        if ( tmpRow < 0 || tmpRow >= tmpHeight || tmpCol < 0 || tmpCol >= tmpWidth )
          QgsDebugMsg( "Source row or column limits out of range" );
          block->setIsNoData(); // so that the problem becomes obvious and fixed
          delete tmpBlock;
          return block;

        qgssize tmpIndex = ( qgssize )tmpRow * ( qgssize )tmpWidth + tmpCol;
        qgssize index = row * ( qgssize )theWidth + col;

        char *tmpBits = tmpBlock->bits( tmpIndex );
        char *bits = block->bits( index );
        if ( !tmpBits )
          QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Cannot get input block data tmpRow = %1 tmpCol = %2 tmpIndex = %3." ).arg( tmpRow ).arg( tmpCol ).arg( tmpIndex ) );
        if ( !bits )
          QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot set output block data." );
        memcpy( bits, tmpBits, pixelSize );

    delete tmpBlock;
    readBlock( theBandNo, theExtent, theWidth, theHeight, block->bits() );

  // apply scale and offset
  block->applyScaleOffset( bandScale( theBandNo ), bandOffset( theBandNo ) );
  // apply user no data values
  block->applyNoDataValues( userNoDataValues( theBandNo ) );
  return block;
Beispiel #27
bool QgsAlignRaster::checkInputParameters()

  if ( mCrsWkt == "_error_" )
    mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Unable to reproject." );
    return false;

  if ( mCellSizeX == 0 || mCellSizeY == 0 )
    mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Cell size must not be zero." );
    return false;

  mXSize = mYSize = 0;
  std::fill_n( mGeoTransform, 6, 0 );

  double finalExtent[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

  // for each raster: determine their extent in projected cfg
  for ( int i = 0; i < mRasters.count(); ++i )
    Item& r = mRasters[i];

    RasterInfo info( r.inputFilename );

    QSizeF cs;
    QgsRectangle extent;
    if ( !suggestedWarpOutput( info, mCrsWkt, &cs, nullptr, &extent ) )
      mErrorMessage = QString( "Failed to get suggested warp output.\n\n"
                               "Source WKT:\n%2\n\nDestination WKT:\n%3" )
                      .arg( r.inputFilename,
                            mCrsWkt );
      return false;

    r.srcCellSizeInDestCRS = cs.width() * cs.height();

    if ( finalExtent[0] == 0 && finalExtent[1] == 0 && finalExtent[2] == 0 && finalExtent[3] == 0 )
      // initialize with the first layer
      finalExtent[0] = extent.xMinimum();
      finalExtent[1] = extent.yMinimum();
      finalExtent[2] = extent.xMaximum();
      finalExtent[3] = extent.yMaximum();
      // use intersection of rects
      if ( extent.xMinimum() > finalExtent[0] ) finalExtent[0] = extent.xMinimum();
      if ( extent.yMinimum() > finalExtent[1] ) finalExtent[1] = extent.yMinimum();
      if ( extent.xMaximum() < finalExtent[2] ) finalExtent[2] = extent.xMaximum();
      if ( extent.yMaximum() < finalExtent[3] ) finalExtent[3] = extent.yMaximum();

  // count in extra clip extent (if present)
  // 1. align requested rect to the grid - extend the rect if necessary
  // 2. intersect with clip extent with final extent

  if ( !( mClipExtent[0] == 0 && mClipExtent[1] == 0 && mClipExtent[2] == 0 && mClipExtent[3] == 0 ) )
    // extend clip extent to grid
    double clipX0 = floor_with_tolerance(( mClipExtent[0] - mGridOffsetX ) / mCellSizeX ) * mCellSizeX + mGridOffsetX;
    double clipY0 = floor_with_tolerance(( mClipExtent[1] - mGridOffsetY ) / mCellSizeY ) * mCellSizeY + mGridOffsetY;
    double clipX1 = ceil_with_tolerance(( mClipExtent[2] - clipX0 ) / mCellSizeX ) * mCellSizeX + clipX0;
    double clipY1 = ceil_with_tolerance(( mClipExtent[3] - clipY0 ) / mCellSizeY ) * mCellSizeY + clipY0;
    if ( clipX0 > finalExtent[0] ) finalExtent[0] = clipX0;
    if ( clipY0 > finalExtent[1] ) finalExtent[1] = clipY0;
    if ( clipX1 < finalExtent[2] ) finalExtent[2] = clipX1;
    if ( clipY1 < finalExtent[3] ) finalExtent[3] = clipY1;

  // align to grid - shrink the rect if necessary
  // output raster grid configuration (with no rotation/shear)
  // ... and raster width/height

  double originX = ceil_with_tolerance(( finalExtent[0] - mGridOffsetX ) / mCellSizeX ) * mCellSizeX + mGridOffsetX;
  double originY = ceil_with_tolerance(( finalExtent[1] - mGridOffsetY ) / mCellSizeY ) * mCellSizeY + mGridOffsetY;
  int xSize = floor_with_tolerance(( finalExtent[2] - originX ) / mCellSizeX );
  int ySize = floor_with_tolerance(( finalExtent[3] - originY ) / mCellSizeY );

  if ( xSize <= 0 || ySize <= 0 )
    mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "No common intersecting area." );
    return false;

  mXSize = xSize;
  mYSize = ySize;

  // build final geotransform...
  mGeoTransform[0] = originX;
  mGeoTransform[1] = mCellSizeX;
  mGeoTransform[2] = 0;
  mGeoTransform[3] = originY + ( mCellSizeY * ySize );
  mGeoTransform[4] = 0;
  mGeoTransform[5] = -mCellSizeY;

  return true;
Beispiel #28
bool QgsRasterIterator::readNextRasterPart( int bandNumber,
    int &nCols, int &nRows,
    QgsRasterBlock **block,
    int &topLeftCol, int &topLeftRow )
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Entered", 4 );
  *block = nullptr;
  //get partinfo
  QMap<int, RasterPartInfo>::iterator partIt = mRasterPartInfos.find( bandNumber );
  if ( partIt == mRasterPartInfos.end() )
    return false;

  RasterPartInfo &pInfo = partIt.value();

  // If we started with zero cols or zero rows, just return (avoids divide by zero below)
  if ( 0 == pInfo.nCols || 0 == pInfo.nRows )
    return false;

  //remove last data block
  delete pInfo.prj;
  pInfo.prj = nullptr;

  //already at end
  if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols && pInfo.currentRow == pInfo.nRows )
    return false;

  //read data block
  nCols = std::min( mMaximumTileWidth, pInfo.nCols - pInfo.currentCol );
  nRows = std::min( mMaximumTileHeight, pInfo.nRows - pInfo.currentRow );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "nCols = %1 nRows = %2" ).arg( nCols ).arg( nRows ), 4 );

  //get subrectangle
  QgsRectangle viewPortExtent = mExtent;
  double xmin = viewPortExtent.xMinimum() + pInfo.currentCol / static_cast< double >( pInfo.nCols ) * viewPortExtent.width();
  double xmax = pInfo.currentCol + nCols == pInfo.nCols ? viewPortExtent.xMaximum() :  // avoid extra FP math if not necessary
                viewPortExtent.xMinimum() + ( pInfo.currentCol + nCols ) / static_cast< double >( pInfo.nCols ) * viewPortExtent.width();
  double ymin = pInfo.currentRow + nRows == pInfo.nRows ? viewPortExtent.yMinimum() :  // avoid extra FP math if not necessary
                viewPortExtent.yMaximum() - ( pInfo.currentRow + nRows ) / static_cast< double >( pInfo.nRows ) * viewPortExtent.height();
  double ymax = viewPortExtent.yMaximum() - pInfo.currentRow / static_cast< double >( pInfo.nRows ) * viewPortExtent.height();
  QgsRectangle blockRect( xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax );

  *block = mInput->block( bandNumber, blockRect, nCols, nRows, mFeedback );
  topLeftCol = pInfo.currentCol;
  topLeftRow = pInfo.currentRow;

  pInfo.currentCol += nCols;
  if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols && pInfo.currentRow + nRows == pInfo.nRows ) //end of raster
    pInfo.currentRow = pInfo.nRows;
  else if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols ) //start new row
    pInfo.currentCol = 0;
    pInfo.currentRow += nRows;

  return true;
Beispiel #29
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::splitParts( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 4;

  double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
  QgsRectangle bBox; //bounding box of the split line
  int returnCode = 0;
  int splitFunctionReturn; //return code of QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
  int numberOfSplittedParts = 0;

  QgsFeatureIterator fit;

  if ( L->selectedFeatureCount() > 0 ) //consider only the selected features if there is a selection
    fit = L->selectedFeaturesIterator();
  else //else consider all the feature that intersect the bounding box of the split line
    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( splitLine, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) == 0 )
      bBox.setXMinimum( xMin );
      bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
      bBox.setXMaximum( xMax );
      bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
      return 1;

    if ( bBox.isEmpty() )
      //if the bbox is a line, try to make a square out of it
      if ( bBox.width() == 0.0 && bBox.height() > 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bBox.height() / 2 );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bBox.height() / 2 );
      else if ( bBox.height() == 0.0 && bBox.width() > 0 )
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bBox.width() / 2 );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bBox.width() / 2 );
        //If we have a single point, we still create a non-null box
        double bufferDistance = 0.000001;
        if ( L->crs().isGeographic() )
          bufferDistance = 0.00000001;
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bufferDistance );

    fit = L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

  int addPartRet = 0;

  QgsFeature feat;
  while ( fit.nextFeature( feat ) )
    QList<QgsGeometry> newGeometries;
    QList<QgsPoint> topologyTestPoints;
    QgsGeometry featureGeom = feat.geometry();
    splitFunctionReturn = featureGeom.splitGeometry( splitLine, newGeometries, topologicalEditing, topologyTestPoints );
    if ( splitFunctionReturn == 0 )
      //add new parts
      if ( !newGeometries.isEmpty() )

      for ( int i = 0; i < newGeometries.size(); ++i )
        addPartRet = featureGeom.addPart( i ) );
        if ( addPartRet )

      // For test only: Exception already thrown here...
      // feat.geometry()->asWkb();

      if ( !addPartRet )
        L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, featureGeom );
        // Test addPartRet
        switch ( addPartRet )
          case 1:
            QgsDebugMsg( "Not a multipolygon" );

          case 2:
            QgsDebugMsg( "Not a valid geometry" );

          case 3:
            QgsDebugMsg( "New polygon ring" );
      L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, featureGeom );

      if ( topologicalEditing )
        QList<QgsPoint>::const_iterator topol_it = topologyTestPoints.constBegin();
        for ( ; topol_it != topologyTestPoints.constEnd(); ++topol_it )
          addTopologicalPoints( *topol_it );
    else if ( splitFunctionReturn > 1 ) //1 means no split but also no error
      returnCode = splitFunctionReturn;

  if ( numberOfSplittedParts == 0 && L->selectedFeatureCount() > 0  && returnCode == 0 )
    //There is a selection but no feature has been split.
    //Maybe user forgot that only the selected features are split
    returnCode = 4;

  return returnCode;
bool QgsOsgEarthTileSource::intersects( const TileKey* key )
  //Get the native extents of the tile
  double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
  key->getExtent().getBounds( xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax );
  QgsRectangle extent = mQGisIface->mapCanvas()->fullExtent();
  if ( mCoordTranform ) extent = mCoordTranform->transformBoundingBox( extent );
  return !( xmin >= extent.xMaximum() || xmax <= extent.xMinimum() || ymin >= extent.yMaximum() || ymax <= extent.yMinimum() );