void QhullHyperplane_test::
    RboxPoints rcube("c G1");
    Qhull q(rcube,"Qt QR0");  // triangulation of rotated unit cube
    const QhullHyperplane h= q.firstFacet().hyperplane();
    double dist= h.distance(q.origin());
    QCOMPARE(dist, -1.0);
    double norm= h.norm();
    QCOMPARE(norm, 1.0);
void QhullHyperplane_test::
    RboxPoints rcube("c G1");
    Qhull q(rcube,"Qt QR0");  // triangulation of rotated unit cube
    QhullFacet f= q.firstFacet();
    QhullFacet f2= f.neighborFacets().at(0);
    const QhullHyperplane h= f.hyperplane();
    const QhullHyperplane h2= f2.hyperplane();   // At right angles
    double dist= h.distance(q.origin());
    QCOMPARE(dist, -1.0);
    double norm= h.norm();
    QCOMPARE(norm, 1.0);
    double angle= h.hyperplaneAngle(h2);
    cout << "angle " << angle << endl;
    QCOMPARE(angle+1.0, 1.0); // qFuzzyCompare does not work for 0.0