Beispiel #1

Q_GUI_EXPORT  void qt_registerFont(const QString &familyName, const QString &foundryname, int weight,
                                   QFont::Style style, int stretch, bool antialiased, bool scalable, int pixelSize,
                                   const QSupportedWritingSystems &writingSystems, void *handle)
    QFontDatabasePrivate *d = privateDb();
        QtFontStyle::Key styleKey; = style;
        styleKey.weight = weight;
        styleKey.stretch = stretch;
        QtFontFamily *f = d->family(familyName, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount; ++i) {
            if (writingSystems.supported(QFontDatabase::WritingSystem(i))) {
                f->writingSystems[i] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            } else {
                f->writingSystems[i] = QtFontFamily::Unsupported;

        QtFontFoundry *foundry = f->foundry(foundryname, true);
        QtFontStyle *fontStyle = foundry->style(styleKey, QString(), true);
        fontStyle->smoothScalable = scalable;
        fontStyle->antialiased = antialiased;
        QtFontSize *size = fontStyle->pixelSize(pixelSize?pixelSize:SMOOTH_SCALABLE, true);
        size->handle = handle;
Beispiel #2
void QFontDatabasePrivate::addFont(const QString &familyname, const char *foundryname, int weight, bool italic, int pixelSize,
                                   const QByteArray &file, int fileIndex, bool antialiased,
                                   const QList<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem> &writingSystems)
//    qDebug() << "Adding font" << familyname << weight << italic << pixelSize << file << fileIndex << antialiased;
    QtFontStyle::Key styleKey; = italic ? QFont::StyleItalic : QFont::StyleNormal;
    styleKey.weight = weight;
    styleKey.stretch = 100;
    QtFontFamily *f = family(familyname, true);

    if (writingSystems.isEmpty()) {
        for (int ws = 1; ws < QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount; ++ws) {
            f->writingSystems[ws] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
        f->bogusWritingSystems = true;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < writingSystems.count(); ++i) {
            f->writingSystems[] = QtFontFamily::Supported;

    QtFontFoundry *foundry = f->foundry(QString::fromLatin1(foundryname), true);
    QtFontStyle *style = foundry->style(styleKey,  true);
    style->smoothScalable = (pixelSize == 0);
    style->antialiased = antialiased;
    QtFontSize *size = style->pixelSize(pixelSize?pixelSize:SMOOTH_SCALABLE, true);
    size->fileName = file;
    size->fileIndex = fileIndex;

    if (stream) {
        *stream << familyname << foundry->name << weight << quint8(italic) << pixelSize
                << file << fileIndex << quint8(antialiased);
        *stream << quint8(writingSystems.count());
        for (int i = 0; i < writingSystems.count(); ++i)
            *stream << quint8(;
Beispiel #3
void addFontToDatabase(QString familyName, const QString &scriptName,
                       TEXTMETRIC *textmetric,
                       const FONTSIGNATURE *signature,
                       int type)
    const int script = -1;
    const QString foundryName;

    bool italic = false;
    int weight;
    bool fixed;
    bool ttf;
    bool scalable;
    int size;

//    QString escript = QString::fromWCharArray(f->elfScript);
//    qDebug("script=%s", escript.latin1());

    NEWTEXTMETRIC *tm = (NEWTEXTMETRIC *)textmetric;
    fixed = !(tm->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH);
    ttf = (tm->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE);
    scalable = tm->tmPitchAndFamily & (TMPF_VECTOR|TMPF_TRUETYPE);
    size = scalable ? SMOOTH_SCALABLE : tm->tmHeight;
    italic = tm->tmItalic;
    weight = tm->tmWeight;

    // the "@family" fonts are just the same as "family". Ignore them.
    if (familyName[0] != QLatin1Char('@') && !familyName.startsWith(QLatin1String("WST_"))) {
        QtFontStyle::Key styleKey; = italic ? QFont::StyleItalic : QFont::StyleNormal;
        styleKey.weight = weightFromInteger(weight);

        QtFontFamily *family = privateDb()->family(familyName, true);

        if(ttf && localizedName(familyName) && family->english_name.isEmpty())
            family->english_name = getEnglishName(familyName);

        QtFontFoundry *foundry = family->foundry(foundryName, true);
        QtFontStyle *style = foundry->style(styleKey, QString(), true);
        style->smoothScalable = scalable;
        style->pixelSize( size, TRUE);

        // add fonts windows can generate for us:
        if (styleKey.weight <= QFont::DemiBold) {
            QtFontStyle::Key key(styleKey);
            key.weight = QFont::Bold;
            QtFontStyle *style = foundry->style(key, QString(), true);
            style->smoothScalable = scalable;
            style->pixelSize( size, TRUE);
        if ( != QFont::StyleItalic) {
            QtFontStyle::Key key(styleKey);
   = QFont::StyleItalic;
            QtFontStyle *style = foundry->style(key, QString(), true);
            style->smoothScalable = scalable;
            style->pixelSize( size, TRUE);
        if (styleKey.weight <= QFont::DemiBold && != QFont::StyleItalic) {
            QtFontStyle::Key key(styleKey);
            key.weight = QFont::Bold;
   = QFont::StyleItalic;
            QtFontStyle *style = foundry->style(key, QString(), true);
            style->smoothScalable = scalable;
            style->pixelSize( size, TRUE);

        family->fixedPitch = fixed;

        if (!family->writingSystemCheck && type & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) {
            quint32 unicodeRange[4] = {
                signature->fsUsb[0], signature->fsUsb[1],
                signature->fsUsb[2], signature->fsUsb[3]
#ifdef Q_WS_WINCE
            if (signature->fsUsb[0] == 0) {
                // If the unicode ranges bit mask is zero then
                // EnumFontFamiliesEx failed to determine it properly.
                // In this case we just pretend that the font supports all languages.
                unicodeRange[0] = 0xbfffffff;   // second most significant bit must be zero
                unicodeRange[1] = 0xffffffff;
                unicodeRange[2] = 0xffffffff;
                unicodeRange[3] = 0xffffffff;
            quint32 codePageRange[2] = {
                signature->fsCsb[0], signature->fsCsb[1]
            QList<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem> systems = qt_determine_writing_systems_from_truetype_bits(unicodeRange, codePageRange);

            for (int i = 0; i < systems.count(); ++i) {
                QFontDatabase::WritingSystem writingSystem =;

                // ### Hack to work around problem with Thai text on Windows 7. Segoe UI contains
                // the symbol for Baht, and Windows thus reports that it supports the Thai script.
                // Since it's the default UI font on this platform, most widgets will be unable to
                // display Thai text by default. As a temporary work around, we special case Segoe UI
                // and remove the Thai script from its list of supported writing systems.
                if (writingSystem != QFontDatabase::Thai || familyName != QLatin1String("Segoe UI"))
                    family->writingSystems[writingSystem] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
        } else if (!family->writingSystemCheck) {
            //qDebug("family='%s' script=%s", family->name.latin1(), script.latin1());
            if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Western")
                || scriptName == QLatin1String("Baltic")
                || scriptName == QLatin1String("Central European")
                || scriptName == QLatin1String("Turkish")
                || scriptName == QLatin1String("Vietnamese"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Latin] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Thai"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Thai] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Symbol")
                     || scriptName == QLatin1String("Other"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Symbol] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("OEM/Dos"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Latin] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("CHINESE_GB2312"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::SimplifiedChinese] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("CHINESE_BIG5"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::TraditionalChinese] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Cyrillic"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Cyrillic] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Hangul"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Korean] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Hebrew"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Hebrew] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Greek"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Greek] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Japanese"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Japanese] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
            else if (scriptName == QLatin1String("Arabic"))
                family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Arabic] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
static void initializeDb()
    QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb();
    if(!db || db->count)

if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion >= QSysInfo::MV_10_5) {
    QCFType<CTFontCollectionRef> collection = CTFontCollectionCreateFromAvailableFonts(0);
    QCFType<CFArrayRef> fonts = CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(collection);
    QString foundry_name = "CoreText";
    const int numFonts = CFArrayGetCount(fonts);
    for(int i = 0; i < numFonts; ++i) {
        CTFontDescriptorRef font = (CTFontDescriptorRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(fonts, i);

        QCFString family_name = (CFStringRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(font, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute);
        QtFontFamily *family = db->family(family_name, true);
        for(int ws = 1; ws < QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount; ++ws)
            family->writingSystems[ws] = QtFontFamily::Supported;
        QtFontFoundry *foundry = family->foundry(foundry_name, true);

        QtFontStyle::Key styleKey;
        if(QCFType<CFDictionaryRef> styles = (CFDictionaryRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(font, kCTFontTraitsAttribute)) {
            if(CFNumberRef weight = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(styles, kCTFontWeightTrait)) {
                double d;
                if(CFNumberGetValue(weight, kCFNumberDoubleType, &d)) {
                    //qDebug() << "BOLD" << (QString)family_name << d;
                    styleKey.weight = (d > 0.0) ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal;
            if(CFNumberRef italic = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(styles, kCTFontSlantTrait)) {
                double d;
                if(CFNumberGetValue(italic, kCFNumberDoubleType, &d)) {
                    //qDebug() << "ITALIC" << (QString)family_name << d;
                    if (d > 0.0)
               = QFont::StyleItalic;

        QtFontStyle *style = foundry->style(styleKey, true);
        style->smoothScalable = true;
        if(QCFType<CFNumberRef> size = (CFNumberRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(font, kCTFontSizeAttribute)) {
            //qDebug() << "WHEE";
            int pixel_size=0;
            if(CFNumberIsFloatType(size)) {
                double d;
                CFNumberGetValue(size, kCFNumberDoubleType, &d);
                pixel_size = d;
            } else {
                CFNumberGetValue(size, kCFNumberIntType, &pixel_size);
            //qDebug() << "SIZE" << (QString)family_name << pixel_size;
                style->pixelSize(pixel_size, true);
        } else {
            //qDebug() << "WTF?";
} else 
    FMFontIterator it;
    if (!FMCreateFontIterator(0, 0, kFMUseGlobalScopeOption, &it)) {
        while (true) {
            FMFont fmFont;
            if (FMGetNextFont(&it, &fmFont) != noErr)

            FMFontFamily fmFamily;
            FMFontStyle fmStyle;
            QString familyName;

            QtFontStyle::Key styleKey;

            ATSFontRef atsFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont(fmFont);

            if (!FMGetFontFamilyInstanceFromFont(fmFont, &fmFamily, &fmStyle)) {
                { //sanity check the font, and see if we can use it at all! --Sam
                    ATSUFontID fontID;
                    if(ATSUFONDtoFontID(fmFamily, 0, &fontID) != noErr)

                if (fmStyle & ::italic)
           = QFont::StyleItalic;
                if (fmStyle & ::bold)
                    styleKey.weight = QFont::Bold;

                ATSFontFamilyRef familyRef = FMGetATSFontFamilyRefFromFontFamily(fmFamily);
                QCFString cfFamilyName;;
                ATSFontFamilyGetName(familyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &cfFamilyName);
                familyName = cfFamilyName;
            } else {
                QCFString cfFontName;
                ATSFontGetName(atsFont, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &cfFontName);
                familyName = cfFontName;
                quint16 macStyle = 0;
                    uchar data[4];
                    ByteCount len = 4;
                    if (ATSFontGetTable(atsFont, MAKE_TAG('h', 'e', 'a', 'd'), 44, 4, &data, &len) == noErr)
                        macStyle = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(data);
                if (macStyle & 1)
                    styleKey.weight = QFont::Bold;
                if (macStyle & 2)
           = QFont::StyleItalic;

            QtFontFamily *family = db->family(familyName, true);
            QtFontFoundry *foundry = family->foundry(QString(), true);
            QtFontStyle *style = foundry->style(styleKey, true);
            style->pixelSize(0, true);
            style->smoothScalable = true;

            initWritingSystems(family, atsFont);