WallTensionEstimatorCylindricalCoordinates<Mesh >::constructGlobalStressVector()

    //Creating the local stress tensors
    VectorElemental elVecSigmaX (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), this->M_FESpace->fieldDim() );
    VectorElemental elVecSigmaY (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), this->M_FESpace->fieldDim() );
    VectorElemental elVecSigmaZ (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), this->M_FESpace->fieldDim() );

    LifeChrono chrono;

    //Constructing the patch area vector for reconstruction purposes
    solutionVect_Type patchArea (* (this->M_displacement), Unique, Add);
    patchArea *= 0.0;

    super::constructPatchAreaVector ( patchArea );

    //Before assembling the reconstruction process is done
    solutionVect_Type patchAreaR (patchArea, Repeated);

    QuadratureRule fakeQuadratureRule;

    Real refElemArea (0); //area of reference element
    //compute the area of reference element
    for (UInt iq = 0; iq < this->M_FESpace->qr().nbQuadPt(); iq++)
        refElemArea += this->M_FESpace->qr().weight (iq);

    Real wQuad (refElemArea / this->M_FESpace->refFE().nbDof() );

    //Setting the quadrature Points = DOFs of the element and weight = 1
    std::vector<GeoVector> coords = this->M_FESpace->refFE().refCoor();
    std::vector<Real> weights (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), wQuad);
    fakeQuadratureRule.setDimensionShape ( shapeDimension (this->M_FESpace->refFE().shape() ), this->M_FESpace->refFE().shape() );
    fakeQuadratureRule.setPoints (coords, weights);

    //Set the new quadrature rule
    this->M_FESpace->setQuadRule (fakeQuadratureRule);

    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint (" \n*********************************\n  ");
    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint ("   Performing the analysis recovering the Cauchy stresses..., ", this->M_dataMaterial->solidType() );
    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint (" \n*********************************\n  ");

    UInt totalDof = this->M_FESpace->dof().numTotalDof();
    VectorElemental dk_loc (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), this->M_FESpace->fieldDim() );

    //Vectors for the deformation tensor
    std::vector<matrix_Type> vectorDeformationF (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), * (this->M_deformationF) );
    //Copying the displacement field into a vector with repeated map for parallel computations
    solutionVect_Type dRep (* (this->M_displacement), Repeated);


    //Loop on each volume
    for ( UInt i = 0; i < this->M_FESpace->mesh()->numVolumes(); ++i )
        this->M_FESpace->fe().updateFirstDerivQuadPt ( this->M_FESpace->mesh()->volumeList ( i ) );


        this->M_marker = this->M_FESpace->mesh()->volumeList ( i ).markerID();

        UInt eleID = this->M_FESpace->fe().currentLocalId();

        //Extracting the local displacement
        for ( UInt iNode = 0; iNode < ( UInt ) this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(); iNode++ )
            UInt  iloc = this->M_FESpace->fe().patternFirst ( iNode );

            for ( UInt iComp = 0; iComp < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); ++iComp )
                UInt ig = this->M_FESpace->dof().localToGlobalMap ( eleID, iloc ) + iComp * this->M_FESpace->dim() + this->M_offset;
                dk_loc[iloc + iComp * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof()] = dRep[ig];

        //Compute the element tensor F
        AssemblyElementalStructure::computeLocalDeformationGradientWithoutIdentity ( dk_loc, vectorDeformationF, this->M_FESpace->fe() );

        //Compute the local vector of the principal stresses
        for ( UInt nDOF = 0; nDOF < ( UInt ) this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(); nDOF++ )
            UInt  iloc = this->M_FESpace->fe().patternFirst ( nDOF );

            vector_Type localDisplacement (this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(), 0.0);

            for ( UInt coor = 0; coor < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); coor++ )
                localDisplacement[coor] = iloc + coor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof();

            this->M_sigma->Scale (0.0);
            this->M_firstPiola->Scale (0.0);
            this->M_cofactorF->Scale (0.0);
            this->M_deformationCylindricalF->Scale (0.0);

            moveToCylindricalCoordinates (vectorDeformationF[nDOF], iloc, *M_deformationCylindricalF);

            //Compute the rightCauchyC tensor
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeInvariantsRightCauchyGreenTensor (this->M_invariants, *M_deformationCylindricalF, * (this->M_cofactorF) );

            //Compute the first Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
            this->M_material->computeLocalFirstPiolaKirchhoffTensor (* (this->M_firstPiola), *M_deformationCylindricalF, * (this->M_cofactorF), this->M_invariants, this->M_marker);

            //Compute the Cauchy tensor
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeCauchyStressTensor (* (this->M_sigma), * (this->M_firstPiola), this->M_invariants[3], *M_deformationCylindricalF);

            //Assembling the local vectors for local tensions Component X
            for ( int coor = 0; coor < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); coor++ )
                (elVecSigmaX) [iloc + coor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof()] = (* (this->M_sigma) ) (coor, 0);

            //Assembling the local vectors for local tensions Component Y
            for ( int coor = 0; coor < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); coor++ )
                (elVecSigmaY) [iloc + coor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof()] = (* (this->M_sigma) ) (coor, 1);

            //Assembling the local vectors for local tensions Component Z
            for ( int coor = 0; coor < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); coor++ )
                (elVecSigmaZ) [iloc + coor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof()] = (* (this->M_sigma) ) (coor, 2);


        super::reconstructElementaryVector ( elVecSigmaX, patchAreaR, *this->M_FESpace );
        super::reconstructElementaryVector ( elVecSigmaY, patchAreaR, *this->M_FESpace );
        super::reconstructElementaryVector ( elVecSigmaZ, patchAreaR, *this->M_FESpace );

        //Assembling the three elemental vector in the three global
        for ( UInt ic = 0; ic < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); ++ic )
            assembleVector (*this->M_sigmaX, elVecSigmaX, this->M_FESpace->fe(), this->M_FESpace->dof(), ic, this->M_offset +  ic * totalDof );
            assembleVector (*this->M_sigmaY, elVecSigmaY, this->M_FESpace->fe(), this->M_FESpace->dof(), ic, this->M_offset +  ic * totalDof );
            assembleVector (*this->M_sigmaZ, elVecSigmaZ, this->M_FESpace->fe(), this->M_FESpace->dof(), ic, this->M_offset +  ic * totalDof );

WallTensionEstimatorCylindricalCoordinates<Mesh >::analyzeTensionsRecoveryEigenvaluesCylindrical ( void )

    LifeChrono chrono;

    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint (" \n*********************************\n  ");
    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint ("   Performing the analysis recovering the tensions..., ", this->M_dataMaterial->solidType() );
    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint (" \n*********************************\n  ");

    solutionVect_Type patchArea (* (this->M_displacement), Unique, Add);
    patchArea *= 0.0;

    super::constructPatchAreaVector ( patchArea );

    //Before assembling the reconstruction process is done
    solutionVect_Type patchAreaR (patchArea, Repeated);

    QuadratureRule fakeQuadratureRule;

    Real refElemArea (0); //area of reference element
    //compute the area of reference element
    for (UInt iq = 0; iq < this->M_FESpace->qr().nbQuadPt(); iq++)
        refElemArea += this->M_FESpace->qr().weight (iq);

    Real wQuad (refElemArea / this->M_FESpace->refFE().nbDof() );

    //Setting the quadrature Points = DOFs of the element and weight = 1
    std::vector<GeoVector> coords = this->M_FESpace->refFE().refCoor();
    std::vector<Real> weights (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), wQuad);
    fakeQuadratureRule.setDimensionShape ( shapeDimension (this->M_FESpace->refFE().shape() ), this->M_FESpace->refFE().shape() );
    fakeQuadratureRule.setPoints (coords, weights);

    //Set the new quadrature rule
    this->M_FESpace->setQuadRule (fakeQuadratureRule);

    UInt totalDof = this->M_FESpace->dof().numTotalDof();
    VectorElemental dk_loc (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), this->M_FESpace->fieldDim() );

    //Vectors for the deformation tensor
    std::vector<matrix_Type> vectorDeformationF (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), * (this->M_deformationF) );
    //Copying the displacement field into a vector with repeated map for parallel computations
    solutionVect_Type dRep (* (this->M_displacement), Repeated);

    VectorElemental elVecTens (this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(), this->M_FESpace->fieldDim() );


    //Loop on each volume
    for ( UInt i = 0; i < this->M_FESpace->mesh()->numVolumes(); ++i )
        this->M_FESpace->fe().updateFirstDerivQuadPt ( this->M_FESpace->mesh()->volumeList ( i ) );

        this->M_marker = this->M_FESpace->mesh()->volumeList ( i ).markerID();

        UInt eleID = this->M_FESpace->fe().currentLocalId();

        //Extracting the local displacement
        for ( UInt iNode = 0; iNode < ( UInt ) this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(); iNode++ )
            UInt  iloc = this->M_FESpace->fe().patternFirst ( iNode );

            for ( UInt iComp = 0; iComp < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); ++iComp )
                UInt ig = this->M_FESpace->dof().localToGlobalMap ( eleID, iloc ) + iComp * this->M_FESpace->dim() + this->M_offset;
                dk_loc[iloc + iComp * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof()] = dRep[ig];

        //Compute the element tensor F
        AssemblyElementalStructure::computeLocalDeformationGradientWithoutIdentity ( dk_loc, vectorDeformationF, this->M_FESpace->fe() );

        //Compute the local vector of the principal stresses
        for ( UInt nDOF = 0; nDOF < ( UInt ) this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof(); nDOF++ )
            UInt  iloc = this->M_FESpace->fe().patternFirst ( nDOF );
            vector_Type localDisplacement (this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(), 0.0);

            for ( UInt coor = 0; coor < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); coor++ )
                localDisplacement[coor] = iloc + coor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof();

            this->M_sigma->Scale (0.0);
            this->M_firstPiola->Scale (0.0);
            this->M_cofactorF->Scale (0.0);
            M_deformationCylindricalF->Scale (0.0);

            moveToCylindricalCoordinates (vectorDeformationF[nDOF], iloc, *M_deformationCylindricalF);

            //Compute the rightCauchyC tensor
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeInvariantsRightCauchyGreenTensor (this->M_invariants, *M_deformationCylindricalF, * (this->M_cofactorF) );

            //Compute the first Piola-Kirchhoff tensor
            this->M_material->computeLocalFirstPiolaKirchhoffTensor (* (this->M_firstPiola), *M_deformationCylindricalF, * (this->M_cofactorF), this->M_invariants, this->M_marker);

            //Compute the Cauchy tensor
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeCauchyStressTensor (* (this->M_sigma), * (this->M_firstPiola), this->M_invariants[3], *M_deformationCylindricalF);

            //Compute the eigenvalue
            AssemblyElementalStructure::computeEigenvalues (* (this->M_sigma), this->M_eigenvaluesR, this->M_eigenvaluesI);

            //The Cauchy tensor is symmetric and therefore, the eigenvalues are real
            //Check on the imaginary part of eigen values given by the Lapack method
            Real sum (0);
            for ( int i = 0; i < this->M_eigenvaluesI.size(); i++ )
                sum += std::abs (this->M_eigenvaluesI[i]);
            ASSERT_PRE ( sum < 1e-6 , "The eigenvalues of the Cauchy stress tensors have to be real!" );

            std::sort ( this->M_eigenvaluesR.begin(), this->M_eigenvaluesR.end() );

            //Assembling the local vector
            for ( int coor = 0; coor < this->M_eigenvaluesR.size(); coor++ )
                elVecTens[iloc + coor * this->M_FESpace->fe().nbFEDof()] = this->M_eigenvaluesR[coor];

        super::reconstructElementaryVector ( elVecTens, patchAreaR, *this->M_FESpace );

        //Assembling the local into global vector
        for ( UInt ic = 0; ic < this->M_FESpace->fieldDim(); ++ic )
            assembleVector (* (this->M_globalEigenvalues), elVecTens, this->M_FESpace->fe(), this->M_FESpace->dof(), ic, this->M_offset +  ic * totalDof );


    this->M_displayer->leaderPrint ("Analysis done in: ", chrono.diff() );