boost::optional<Quantity> QuantityConverterSingleton::m_convertToSI(const Quantity &original) const
  // create a working copy of the original
  Quantity working(original);
  // Make sure to work unscaled: 10^0
  int scaleExponent = working.scale().exponent;
  if (working.scale().exponent != 0) {
  // build a result quantity with SI units and value equal to original
  Quantity result(working.value(), UnitSystem(UnitSystem::SI));

  // Get the base units of original
  std::vector<std::string> baseOfOriginal = original.baseUnits();
  // Loop over base units in original and apply conversions found in m_toSImap
  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = baseOfOriginal.begin();
  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator end = baseOfOriginal.end();
  while( it != end ) {
    int baseExponent = working.baseUnitExponent(*it);
    // apply conversion factor
    BaseUnitConversionMap::const_iterator mapItr = m_toSImap.find(*it);
    if (mapItr == m_toSImap.end()) {
      LOG(Error,"Cannot convert base unit '" << *it << "' to SI because it is not "
          << "registered with the QuantityConverter.");
      return boost::none;
    baseUnitConversionFactor factor = mapItr->second;
    if (factor.offset != 0.0) {
      for( int i = 0; i < std::abs(baseExponent); ++i) {
        if( baseExponent > 0 ){
          result.setValue( (result.value() * factor.factor) + factor.offset);
        }else {
          result.setValue( (result.value() / factor.factor) + factor.offset);
    else {
      result.setValue( result.value() * std::pow(factor.factor,baseExponent) );
    // Parse the conversion string in case the original converts to more than one SI base unit
    Unit targetBase = parseUnitString(factor.targetUnit);
    std::vector<std::string> targetStrings = targetBase.baseUnits();
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator targetItr = targetStrings.begin();
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator targetEnd = targetStrings.end();
    while( targetItr != targetEnd ) {
      int exp = targetBase.baseUnitExponent( *targetItr );
      if( exp != 0 ) {
        result.setBaseUnitExponent(*targetItr,result.baseUnitExponent(*targetItr) + 
    }//End while( convItr != convEnd )
  }//End while( it != end )

  // Set result scale to match original scale
  if( scaleExponent != 0 ) {

  // Check if there is a pretty string for the result
  std::string pretty = UnitFactory::instance().lookupPrettyString( 
    result.standardUnitsString(false) );
  if( !(pretty.empty()) ) {
    result.setPrettyUnitsString( pretty );

  return result;