Beispiel #1
RNScalar R3MeshSearchTree::
DistanceSquared(const R3Point& query_position, const R3Box& box, RNScalar max_distance_squared) const
  // Find and check axial distances from face to node box
  RNScalar dx, dy, dz;
  if (query_position.X() > box.XMax()) dx = query_position.X() - box.XMax();
  else if (query_position.X() < box.XMin()) dx = box.XMin()- query_position.X();
  else dx = 0.0;
  RNScalar dx_squared = dx * dx;
  if (dx_squared >= max_distance_squared) return dx_squared;
  if (query_position.Y() > box.YMax()) dy = query_position.Y() - box.YMax();
  else if (query_position.Y() < box.YMin()) dy = box.YMin()- query_position.Y();
  else dy = 0.0;
  RNScalar dy_squared = dy * dy;
  if (dy_squared >= max_distance_squared) return dy_squared;
  if (query_position.Z() > box.ZMax()) dz = query_position.Z() - box.ZMax();
  else if (query_position.Z() < box.ZMin()) dz = box.ZMin()- query_position.Z();
  else dz = 0.0;
  RNScalar dz_squared = dz * dz;
  if (dz_squared >= max_distance_squared) return dz_squared;

  // Find and check actual distance from face to node box
  RNScalar distance_squared = 0;
  if ((dy == 0.0) && (dz == 0.0)) distance_squared = dx_squared;
  else if ((dx == 0.0) && (dz == 0.0)) distance_squared = dy_squared;
  else if ((dx == 0.0) && (dy == 0.0)) distance_squared = dz_squared;
  else distance_squared = dx_squared + dy_squared + dz_squared;

  // Return distance squared
  return distance_squared;
   static R3Vector calculate_sink_force(R3Scene* scene, R3Particle* particle)
      R3ParticleSink* sink;
      R3Vector force = R3Vector(0,0,0);  
      for (int i = 0; i < scene->NParticleSinks(); i++)
         sink = scene->ParticleSink(i);
         if (sink->shape->type == R3_SPHERE_SHAPE)
            R3Sphere* sphere = sink->shape->sphere;
            R3Point center = sphere->Center();
            R3Vector f = -(particle->position - center);
            double d = f.Length() - sphere->Radius();
            double mag = sink->intensity / (sink->constant_attenuation + 
               						sink->linear_attenuation*d + 
            force += f*mag;
         else if (sink->shape->type == R3_MESH_SHAPE)
      		R3Mesh* mesh = sink->shape->mesh;
      		R3Point center = R3Point(0,0,0);
      		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mesh->vertices.size(); j++)
      			center += mesh->vertices[i]->position / mesh->vertices.size();
      		R3Vector f = -(particle->position - center);
            double d = f.Length();
            double mag = sink->intensity / (sink->constant_attenuation + 
               						sink->linear_attenuation*d + 
            force += f*mag;
      	else if (sink->shape->type == R3_BOX_SHAPE)
      		R3Box* box = sink->shape->box;
      		R3Point center = R3Point((box->XMax() - box->XMin())/2 + box->XMin(),
      										 (box->YMax() - box->YMin())/2 + box->YMin(),
      										 (box->ZMax() - box->ZMin())/2 + box->ZMin());
      		R3Vector f = -(particle->position - center);
            double d = f.Length();
            double mag = sink->intensity / (sink->constant_attenuation + 
               						sink->linear_attenuation*d + 
            force += f*mag;

      return force;
Beispiel #3
void R3Box::
Intersect (const R3Box& box) 
    // Intersect with box
    if (minpt.X() < box.XMin()) minpt[0] = box.XMin();
    if (minpt.Y() < box.YMin()) minpt[1] = box.YMin();
    if (minpt.Z() < box.ZMin()) minpt[2] = box.ZMin();
    if (maxpt.X() > box.XMax()) maxpt[0] = box.XMax();
    if (maxpt.Y() > box.YMax()) maxpt[1] = box.YMax();
    if (maxpt.Z() > box.ZMax()) maxpt[2] = box.ZMax();
Beispiel #4
void R3Box::
Union (const R3Box& box) 
    // Expand this to include box
    if (minpt.X() > box.XMin()) minpt[0] = box.XMin();
    if (minpt.Y() > box.YMin()) minpt[1] = box.YMin();
    if (minpt.Z() > box.ZMin()) minpt[2] = box.ZMin();
    if (maxpt.X() < box.XMax()) maxpt[0] = box.XMax();
    if (maxpt.Y() < box.YMax()) maxpt[1] = box.YMax();
    if (maxpt.Z() < box.ZMax()) maxpt[2] = box.ZMax();
Beispiel #5
RNBoolean R3Contains(const R3Box& box1, const R3Box& box2) 
    // Return whether box1 contains box2
    if (box1.IsEmpty()) return FALSE;
    if (box2.IsEmpty()) return TRUE;
    if (RNIsLess(box2.XMin(), box1.XMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsLess(box2.YMin(), box1.YMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsLess(box2.ZMin(), box1.ZMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(box2.XMax(), box1.XMax())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(box2.YMax(), box1.YMax())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(box2.ZMax(), box1.ZMax())) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #6
double R3Distance(const R3Point& point, const R3Box& box)
  // Find axial distances from point to box
  double dx, dy, dz;
  if (point.X() > box.XMax()) dx = point.X() - box.XMax();
  else if (point.X() < box.XMin()) dx = box.XMin()- point.X();
  else dx = 0.0;
  if (point.Y() > box.YMax()) dy = point.Y() - box.YMax();
  else if (point.Y() < box.YMin()) dy = box.YMin()- point.Y();
  else dy = 0.0;
  if (point.Z() > box.ZMax()) dz = point.Z() - box.ZMax();
  else if (point.Z() < box.ZMin()) dz = box.ZMin()- point.Z();
  else dz = 0.0;
  // Return distance between point and closest point in box 
  if ((dy == 0.0) && (dz == 0.0)) return dx;
  else if ((dx == 0.0) && (dz == 0.0)) return dy;
  else if ((dx == 0.0) && (dy == 0.0)) return dz;
  else return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
Beispiel #7
RNBoolean R3Contains(const R3Box& box, const R3Point& point)
    // Return whether box contains point
    if (box.IsEmpty()) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsLess(point.X(), box.XMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsLess(point.Y(), box.YMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsLess(point.Z(), box.ZMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(point.X(), box.XMax())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(point.Y(), box.YMax())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(point.Z(), box.ZMax())) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #8
RNBoolean R3Contains(const R3Box& box, const R3Sphere& sphere)
    // Return whether box contains sphere 
    if (box.IsEmpty()) return FALSE;
    if (sphere.IsEmpty()) return TRUE;
    if (RNIsLess(sphere.Center().X() - sphere.Radius(), box.XMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsLess(sphere.Center().Y() - sphere.Radius(), box.YMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsLess(sphere.Center().Z() - sphere.Radius(), box.ZMin())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(sphere.Center().X() + sphere.Radius(), box.XMax())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(sphere.Center().Y() + sphere.Radius(), box.YMax())) return FALSE;
    if (RNIsGreater(sphere.Center().Z() + sphere.Radius(), box.ZMax())) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #9
// Check for collisions with rocks
void CheckCollisions(R3Scene *scene)
  const double MOVEMENT_WEIGHT = 0.02;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
    R3Bobsled *bobsled = scene->bobsleds[i];
    bobsled->x_vibration = 0.0;
    R3Box &bbox = bobsled->sleds[0]->mesh->bbox;
  //  printf("bobsled: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", bbox.XMin(), bbox.XMax(), bbox.YMin(), bbox.YMax(), bbox.ZMin(), bbox.ZMax());
    // check each obstacle for a collision
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < scene->obstacles.size(); j++)
      R3Obstacle *obstacle = scene->obstacles[j];
      R3Box intersection = bbox;
      R3Box *obstacle_box = ObstacleBBox(obstacle);
      if (intersection.XMin() < intersection.XMax() &&
          intersection.YMin() < intersection.YMax() &&
          intersection.ZMin() < intersection.ZMax())
        double current_z = bobsled->velocity.Z();
        // slow down
        if (obstacle->hit_count == 0 && abs(current_z) > 40)
          bobsled->velocity.SetZ(current_z * 0.6);
        // add left-to-right vibration if this is a rock
        if (obstacle->type == OBSTACLE_ROCK)
          if (obstacle->hit_count - 2 * ((int) obstacle->hit_count / 2) == 0)
            bobsled->x_vibration = MOVEMENT_WEIGHT * (1 + Rand());
            bobsled->x_vibration = - MOVEMENT_WEIGHT * (1 + Rand());
      delete obstacle_box;
 static bool in_sink(R3Scene* scene, R3Particle* particle, double delta_time)
    R3ParticleSink* sink;
    for (int i = 0; i < scene->NParticleSinks(); i++)
       sink = scene->ParticleSink(i);
       if (sink->shape->type == R3_SPHERE_SHAPE)
          R3Sphere* sphere = sink->shape->sphere;
          R3Point center = sphere->Center();
          double radius = sphere->Radius();  
          if ((particle->position - center).Length() < radius)
             return true;
       else if (sink->shape->type == R3_MESH_SHAPE)
    		R3Ray ray = R3Ray(particle->position, particle->velocity);
    		R3Node node;
    		node.shape = sink->shape;
    		R3Intersection inter = IntersectMesh(&node, &ray);
    		if (inter.hit == true
    		&&  inter.t <= ((particle->velocity).Length() * (delta_time) * 2))
    			return true;
    	else if (sink->shape->type == R3_BOX_SHAPE)
    	 	R3Box* box = sink->shape->box;
    		if (particle->position.Z() < box->ZMax() && particle->position.Z() > box->ZMin()
          &&  particle->position.Y() < box->YMax() && particle->position.Y() > box->YMin()
          &&  particle->position.X() < box->XMax() && particle->position.X() > box->XMin())
             return true;
    return false;
 static R3Particle* generate_random_box_particle(R3ParticleSource* source)
    R3Box* box = source->shape->box;
    int which_face = RandomNumber() * 6;
    R3Point pos;
    R3Vector dir;
    if (which_face == 0)
       pos = R3Point(box->XMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->XMax()-box->XMin()), 
          	 		  box->YMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->YMax()-box->YMin()),
       dir = R3Vector(0, 0, -1);
    else if (which_face == 1)
       pos = R3Point(box->XMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->XMax()-box->XMin()), 
          	 		  box->YMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->YMax()-box->YMin()),
       dir = R3Vector(0, 0, 1);
    else if (which_face == 2)
       pos = R3Point(box->XMin(), 
          	 		  box->YMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->YMax()-box->YMin()),
          			  box->ZMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->ZMax()-box->ZMin()));
       dir = R3Vector(-1, 0, 0);
    else if (which_face == 3)
       pos = R3Point(box->XMax(), 
          	 		  box->YMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->YMax()-box->YMin()),
          			  box->ZMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->ZMax()-box->ZMin()));
       dir = R3Vector(1, 0, 0);
    else if (which_face == 4)
       pos = R3Point(box->XMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->XMax()-box->XMin()), 
          			  box->ZMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->ZMax()-box->ZMin()));
       dir = R3Vector(0, -1, 0);
    else if (which_face == 5)
       pos = R3Point(box->XMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->XMax()-box->XMin()), 
          			  box->ZMin() + RandomNumber()*(box->ZMax()-box->ZMin()));
       dir = R3Vector(0, 1, 0);
    R3Particle* particle = new R3Particle();
    particle->position = pos;
    particle->velocity = source->velocity * dir;
    particle->mass = source->mass;
    particle->fixed = source->fixed;
    particle->drag = source->drag;
    particle->elasticity = source->elasticity;
    particle->lifetime = source->lifetime;
    particle->material = source->material; 
    return particle;
// test if a point is inside a bounding box
bool InsideBBox(R3Box box, R3Point point)
  return point.X() > box.XMin() && point.X() < box.XMax() && point.Y() > box.YMin() && point.Y() < box.YMax() && point.Z() > box.ZMin() && point.Z() < box.ZMax();