Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#include <MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp>

  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::Time;
  using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;

  // MPI initialization using Teuchos

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv, NULL);
  RCP< const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();

  // Parameters

  Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor clp(false);

  GO nx, ny, nz;
  Galeri::Xpetra::Parameters<GO> matrixParameters(clp, nx, ny, nz, "Laplace2D"); // manage parameters of the test case
  Xpetra::Parameters             xpetraParameters(clp);                          // manage parameters of Xpetra

  int  optNraps   = 5;  clp.setOption("nraps",                &optNraps,   "number of RAPS to perform");
  bool optTimings = true; clp.setOption("timings", "notimings", &optTimings, "print timings to screen");

  switch (clp.parse(argc, argv)) {
  case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED:        return EXIT_SUCCESS; break;
  case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_ERROR:
  case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_UNRECOGNIZED_OPTION: return EXIT_FAILURE; break;
  case Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL:                               break;

  if (comm->getRank() == 0) {
    std::cout << "========================================================" << std::endl
              << xpetraParameters << matrixParameters;

  // Construct the problem

    TimeMonitor globalTimeMonitor(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("RAPScalingTest: S - Global Time"));

    RCP<Matrix> A;
    RCP<MultiVector> coordinates;
      TimeMonitor tm(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("RAPScalingTest: 1 - Matrix creation"));

      RCP<const Map> map;

      // Retrieve matrix parameters (they may have been changed on the command line), and pass them to Galeri.
      // Galeri will attempt to create a square-as-possible distribution of subdomains di, e.g.,
      //                                 d1  d2  d3
      //                                 d4  d5  d6
      //                                 d7  d8  d9
      //                                 d10 d11 d12
      // A perfect distribution is only possible when the #processors is a perfect square.
      // This *will* result in "strip" distribution if the #processors is a prime number or if the factors are very different in
      // size. For example, np=14 will give a 7-by-2 distribution.
      // If you don't want Galeri to do this, specify mx or my on the galeriList.
      Teuchos::ParameterList pl = matrixParameters.GetParameterList();
      Teuchos::ParameterList galeriList;
      galeriList.set("nx", pl.get("nx", nx));
      galeriList.set("ny", pl.get("ny", ny));
      galeriList.set("nz", pl.get("nz", nz));

      if (matrixParameters.GetMatrixType() == "Laplace1D") {
        map = MapFactory::Build(xpetraParameters.GetLib(), matrixParameters.GetNumGlobalElements(), 0, comm);
        coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC, LO, GO, Map, MultiVector>("1D", map, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());
      else if (matrixParameters.GetMatrixType() == "Laplace2D" || matrixParameters.GetMatrixType() == "Star2D") {
        map = Galeri::Xpetra::CreateMap<LO, GO, Node>(xpetraParameters.GetLib(), "Cartesian2D", comm, galeriList);
        coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC, LO, GO, Map, MultiVector>("2D", map, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());
      else if (matrixParameters.GetMatrixType() == "Laplace3D") {
        map = Galeri::Xpetra::CreateMap<LO, GO, Node>(xpetraParameters.GetLib(), "Cartesian3D", comm, galeriList);
        coordinates = Galeri::Xpetra::Utils::CreateCartesianCoordinates<SC, LO, GO, Map, MultiVector>("3D", map, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());

      if (comm->getRank() == 0) {
        GO mx = galeriList.get("mx", -1);
        GO my = galeriList.get("my", -1);
        std::cout << "Processor subdomains in x direction: " << mx << std::endl
                  << "Processor subdomains in y direction: " << my << std::endl
                  << "========================================================" << std::endl;

      Teuchos::RCP<Galeri::Xpetra::Problem<Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector> > Pr =
          Galeri::Xpetra::BuildProblem<SC,LO,GO,Map,CrsMatrixWrap,MultiVector>(matrixParameters.GetMatrixType(), map, matrixParameters.GetParameterList());
      A = Pr->BuildMatrix();

    Level fineLevel, coarseLevel;
    RAPFactory AcFact;
    RCP<SaPFactory>    PFact;
    // Setup P
      TimeMonitor tm(*TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("RAPScalingTest: 2 - P Setup"));

      MueLuTests::TestHelpers::TestFactory<SC, LO, GO, NO, LMO>::createTwoLevelHierarchy(fineLevel, coarseLevel); // set a default FactoryManager
      fineLevel.Set("A", A);

      PFact = rcp(new SaPFactory());

      coarseLevel.Request("P", PFact.get());
      PFact->Build(fineLevel, coarseLevel);
      AcFact.SetFactory("P", PFact);

    // Setup R, repeatedly   
    RCP<Time> RKernelTimer = TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("RAPScalingTest: 3 - R Setup"); // re-use the same timer in the loop
    RCP<TransPFactory> RFact = rcp(new TransPFactory());
    RFact->SetFactory("P", PFact);
    for (int i=0; i<optNraps; ++i) {
      coarseLevel.Request("R", RFact.get());
        TimeMonitor tm(*RKernelTimer);
        RFact->Build(fineLevel, coarseLevel);
      coarseLevel.Release("R", RFact.get());

  } // end of globalTimeMonitor

  if (optTimings) {
    Teuchos::TableFormat &format = TimeMonitor::format();

} //main