// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUPnPXMLParserLite::SetAttributesL // See upnpxmlparser.h // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CUPnPXMLParserLite::SetAttributesL( CUpnpObjectLite& aObject, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes ) { __LOG( "CUPnPXMLParserLite::SetAttributesL" ); if ( iStack->Count() ) { // Object has a parent. // Should not really happen __LOG( "Object has a parent!" ); __PANICD(__FILE__, __LINE__); } RAttribute attribute; TInt count = aAttributes.Count(); for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < count; i++ ) // Read attributes. { attribute = aAttributes[ i ]; const TDesC8& name = attribute.Attribute().LocalName().DesC(); if( !name.CompareF( KId ) ) { aObject.SetObjectIdL( attribute.Value().DesC() ); } } __LOG( "CUPnPXMLParserLite::SetAttributesL - End" ); }
/** This method is a callback to indicate an element has been parsed. @param aElement is a handle to the element's details. @param aAttributes contains the attributes for the element. @param aErrorCode is the error code. If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required. */ void CTestHandler::OnStartElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode) { _LIT8(KOnStartElementFuncName,"OnStartElement()\r\n"); _LIT8(KInfoOnStartElePU,"\tElement start namespace: %S \t prefix: %S \tname: %S\r\n"); _LIT8(KInfoOnAttributePU,"\t\tAttribute namaspace: %S \t prefix: %S \tname: %S \t value: %S\r\n"); _LIT8(KInfoOnError,"Error occurs %d \r\n"); iLog.Write(KOnStartElementFuncName); if (aErrorCode == KErrNone) { TBuf8<KShortInfoSize> info; TBuf8<KShortInfoSize> info2; TBuf8<KShortInfoSize> info3; TBuf8<KShortInfoSize> info4; TBuf8<KShortInfoSize> info5; info2.Copy(aElement.LocalName().DesC()); info3.Copy(aElement.Uri().DesC()); info4.Copy(aElement.Prefix().DesC()); info.Format(KInfoOnStartElePU,&info3,&info4,&info2); iLog.Write(info); RArray <RAttribute> array = aAttributes; TInt size = array.Count(); RAttribute attr; if ( size > 0 ) { for ( TInt i = 0; i < size; i++) { attr = array[i]; info2.Copy(attr.Attribute().LocalName().DesC()); info3.Copy(attr.Attribute().Uri().DesC()); info4.Copy(attr.Attribute().Prefix().DesC()); info5.Copy(attr.Value().DesC()); info.Format(KInfoOnAttributePU,&info3,&info4,&info2,&info5); iLog.Write(info); } } } else { TBuf8<KShortInfoSize> info; info.Format(KInfoOnError,aErrorCode); iLog.Write(info); } }
EXPORT_C RAttribute RAttribute::Copy() /** Copy method. The original and copy must be closed seperately. */ { RAttribute copy; RTagInfo tagCopy = iAttribute.Copy(); copy.Open(const_cast <RString&> (tagCopy.Uri()), const_cast <RString&> (tagCopy.Prefix()), const_cast <RString&> (tagCopy.LocalName()), iValue.Copy(), iType); return copy; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CRoapParser::GetAttributeValueL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HBufC8* CRoapParser::GetAttributeValueL( const RAttributeArray& aAttrList, const TDesC8& aAttrName) { HBufC8* r = NULL; RAttribute a; TInt i; for (i = 0; !r && i < aAttrList.Count(); i++) { a = aAttrList[i]; if (a.Attribute().LocalName().DesC().Compare(aAttrName) == 0) { r = a.Value().DesC().AllocL(); } } return r; }
void CTFXConfigParser::OnStartElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode) { if (iFileType == EConfigFileManifest) { OnMfStartElementL(aElement, aAttributes, aErrorCode); return; } else if (iFileType == EConfigFileSel) { OnSelStartElementL(aElement, aAttributes, aErrorCode); return; } if (!aElement.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KManifestTag)) { iFileType = EConfigFileManifest; return; } else if (!aElement.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KSelTag)) { iFileType = EConfigFileSel; // find if there's baseskin attribute // if baseskin is found then parsing is stopped and // baseskin is parsed and registered first TInt attrCount( aAttributes.Count() ); for( TInt i( 0 ); i < attrCount; i++ ) { RAttribute attribute = aAttributes[i]; RTagInfo tag = attribute.Attribute(); if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KBaseSkinTag)) { // base skin can be found once per parser if( iBaseSkinSelFile.Length() == 0 ) { iBaseSkinSelFile.Copy( attribute.Value().DesC() ); User::Leave( KBaseSkinParserLeave ); } } } return; } }
void CBLParser::OnStartElementL( const RTagInfo &aElement, const RAttributeArray &aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode ) { (void)aErrorCode; TBuf<KMaxFileName> name; RAttribute attr; TBuf<10> num; TLex lex; TInt err(KErrNone); TUint32 scan(0); name.Copy(aElement.LocalName().DesC()); if(aAttributes.Count()) { attr = aAttributes[0]; num.Copy(attr.Value().DesC()); lex.Assign(num); if(name == KBlacklist) { err = lex.Val(scan,EHex); iObserver.AddToBlacklist(scan); } } }
void CTFXConfigParser::OnSelStartElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, TInt /*aErrorCode*/) { if (!aElement.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KFullSCRTransTag)) { iFsTransitionArray = new (ELeave) RPointerArray<CTFxTransition>; iParserState = EStateParsingFs; return; } else if (!aElement.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KCtrlTransTag)) { iCtrlTransitionArray = new (ELeave) RPointerArray<CTFxCtrlTransition>; iParserState = EStateParsingCtrl; return; } else if(!aElement.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KListTransTag)) { iListTransitionArray = new (ELeave) RPointerArray<CTFxTransition>; iParserState = EStateParsingList; } else if (!aElement.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KTransitionTag)) { if (iParserState == EStateParsingFs && !iFsTransitionArray) { User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); } else if (iParserState == EStateParsingCtrl && !iCtrlTransitionArray) { User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); } else if (iParserState == EStateParsingList && !iListTransitionArray) { User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); } // list transition has same params as fs transition if (iParserState == EStateParsingFs || iParserState == EStateParsingList) { iCurrentTransition = new (ELeave) CTFxTransition; for (TInt count = 0; count < aAttributes.Count(); count++) { RAttribute attribute = aAttributes[count]; RTagInfo tag = attribute.Attribute(); if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KContextTag)) { iCurrentTransition->SetContextId(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectTag)) { iCurrentTransition->SetEffectNameL(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KUidTag)) { iCurrentTransition->SetUid(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if( !tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KTypeTag)) { iCurrentTransition->SetType(attribute.Value().DesC()); } } } else if (iParserState == EStateParsingCtrl) { iCurrentCtrlTransition = new (ELeave) CTFxCtrlTransition; for (TInt count = 0; count < aAttributes.Count(); count++) { RAttribute attribute = aAttributes[count]; RTagInfo tag = attribute.Attribute(); if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KContextUidTag)) { iCurrentCtrlTransition->SetContextUidL(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectTag)) { iCurrentCtrlTransition->SetEffectNameL(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KActionTag)) { iCurrentCtrlTransition->SetActionL(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KActionStringTag)) { iCurrentCtrlTransition->SetActionStringL(attribute.Value().DesC()); } } } } }
void CTFXConfigParser::OnMfStartElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, TInt /*aErrorCode*/) { if (!aElement.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectDefinitionsTag)) { if (!iFsEffectArray) { iFsEffectArray = new (ELeave) RPointerArray<CTFxEffect>; } if (!iEffectDefPathArray) { iEffectDefPathArray = new (ELeave) RPointerArray<HBufC>; } for (TInt count = 0; count < aAttributes.Count(); count++) { RAttribute attribute = aAttributes[count]; RTagInfo tag = attribute.Attribute(); if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KPathTag)) { HBufC* path; path = HBufC::NewL(attribute.Value().DesC().Length()*2); path->Des().Copy(attribute.Value().DesC()); iEffectDefPathArray->Append(path); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KMaxTransCacheSizeTag)) { SetMaxTransCacheSizeL(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KMaxCacheSizeTag)) { SetMaxCacheSizeL(attribute.Value().DesC()); } } return; } else if (!aElement.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectTag)) { if (!iFsEffectArray) { User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); } iCurrentEffect = new (ELeave) CTFxEffect; iCurrentEffect->SetPathIndex(iEffectDefPathArray->Count()-1); iCurrentEffect->SetMaxTransCacheSize(iMaxTransCacheSize); iCurrentEffect->SetMaxCacheSize(iMaxCacheSize); } for (TInt count = 0; count < aAttributes.Count(); count++) { RAttribute attribute = aAttributes[count]; RTagInfo tag = attribute.Attribute(); if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectNameTag)) { iCurrentEffect->SetName(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectFileTag)) { iCurrentEffect->SetFilename(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectWantedTimeTag)) { iCurrentEffect->SetWantedTime(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectMinTimeTag)) { iCurrentEffect->SetMinTime(attribute.Value().DesC()); } else if (!tag.LocalName().DesC().CompareF(KEffectCachePriorityTag)) { iCurrentEffect->SetCachePriority(attribute.Value().DesC()); } } }
void CSenXmlReader::OnStartElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, TInt /* aErrorCode */) { if(!iContentHandler) { SENDEBUG_L("OnStartElementL: KErrSenXmlContentHandlerNotSet"); User::Leave(KErrSenXmlContentHandlerNotSet); } const TPtrC8 localName = aElement.LocalName().DesC(); const TPtrC8 nsUri = aElement.Uri().DesC(); const TPtrC8 prefix = aElement.Prefix().DesC(); TPtrC8 qualifiedName = localName; if (prefix != KNullDesC8) { HBufC8* pQName = HBufC8::NewLC(prefix.Length()+localName.Length()+ KSenColon().Length()); TPtr8 qName = pQName->Des(); qName.Append(prefix); qName.Append(KSenColon); qName.Append(localName); qualifiedName.Set(qName); } if(ipNsPrefixes) { // there are namespaces to declare! // make a new array for all attributes including namespace (to be added) RAttributeArray attributesAndNamespaces; CleanupClosePushL(attributesAndNamespaces); TInt nsDeclarationCount(ipNsPrefixes->Count()); for(TInt i=0; i<nsDeclarationCount; i++) { // open and take ownership of RString - xmlnsAttrPrefix RAttribute nsAttribute; //CleanupClosePushL(nsAttribute); TPtrC8 nsPrefix = ipNsPrefixes->MdcaPoint(i); TPtrC8 nsURI = ipNsUris->MdcaPoint(i); if (nsPrefix != KNullDesC8) { nsAttribute.Open(iStringPool.OpenStringL(nsURI), iStringPool.OpenStringL(KSenXmlns()), iStringPool.OpenStringL(nsPrefix), iStringPool.OpenStringL(nsURI) ); } else { nsAttribute.Open(iStringPool.OpenStringL(nsURI), iStringPool.OpenStringL(KNullDesC8()), iStringPool.OpenStringL(KSenXmlns()), iStringPool.OpenStringL(nsURI) ); } // append the namespace attribute (declaration) CleanupClosePushL(nsAttribute); attributesAndNamespaces.AppendL(nsAttribute); CleanupStack::Pop(); // nsAttribute } // the ns declarations have been done using NON-CANONIZING method delete ipNsPrefixes; ipNsPrefixes = NULL; delete ipNsUris; ipNsUris = NULL; // append all other ("real") attributes TInt count(aAttributes.Count()); for(TInt a=0; a<count; a++) { attributesAndNamespaces.AppendL(const_cast <RAttribute&> (aAttributes[a]).Copy()); } // now give the stream content forward to the interested handler object. // we have successfully added the namespace declaration as NON-canonized(!) // attribute (if conditions have been met). iContentHandler->StartElement(nsUri, localName, qualifiedName, attributesAndNamespaces); // close the copied attributes previously added into this array as copies count = attributesAndNamespaces.Count(); for(TInt j=0; j<count; j++) { attributesAndNamespaces[j].Close(); } // close the actual array CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // attributesAndNamespaces.Close(); } else { // give the original attributes to content handler (no new namespaces declared in attrs) iContentHandler->StartElement(nsUri, localName, qualifiedName, aAttributes); } // delete qualified element name, if one was allocated if (prefix != KNullDesC8) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // pQName } }