TVerdict CEnumerateSubConnectionsStep::doSingleTestStep()
	TUint subConnectionCount;
	// Find the connection to apply the enumerate call to
	RConnection* connection = iEsockTest->FindConnection(iParams.iConnectionName);

	// Enumerate the current connection count
		// Fetch the connection count
		TInt err = connection->EnumerateSubConnections(subConnectionCount);
		if (err != KErrNone)
			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Error when enumerating connections (%d)."), &err);
			return EFail;
		// Compare the connection count with that expected
		if (subConnectionCount == iParams.iExpectedSubConnCount)
			INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Current subconnection count (%d) equal to that expected (%d)."), &subConnectionCount, &iParams.iExpectedSubConnCount);
			INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Current subconnection count (%d) not equal to expected count. (%d)"), &subConnectionCount, &iParams.iExpectedSubConnCount);
			return EFail;
		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Could not find connection (%S)."), &iParams.iConnectionName);
		return EFail;

	// Test passed if we got this far
	return EPass;