Beispiel #1
void GeodesicObjectProposal::getSegments(const cv::Mat src, std::vector<cv::Mat> &segments, const int nSuperPixels, const int top_segments){

    /* Create the proposlas */
    Proposal prop( this->prop_settings );

    // swap BGR2RGB
    cv::Mat rgb;
    cv::cvtColor(src, rgb, CV_BGR2RGB);

    Image8u im(rgb.cols, rgb.rows, rgb.channels()); // we should copy the image data
    memcpy(,, sizeof(unsigned char) *3 * rgb.rows * rgb.cols);

    static int nIters = 10;
    // Create an over-segmentation
    std::shared_ptr<ImageOverSegmentation> s = geodesicKMeans( im, detector, nSuperPixels,  nIters);

    RMatrixXb p = prop.propose( *s );

    for (int idx = 0; idx < std::min(top_segments, (int)p.rows()); ++idx){
        cv::Mat segment(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1);
#pragma omp parallel for
        for( int j=0; j<s->s().rows(); ++j ){
            unsigned char *ptr = segment.ptr<unsigned char>(j);
            for( int i=0; i<s->s().cols(); ++i )
                ptr[i] = p( idx, s->s()(j,i) );

Beispiel #2
void GeodesicObjectProposal::apply(const cv::Mat src, std::vector<cv::Mat> &segments, std::vector<cv::Rect> &bboxes, const int nSuperPixels, const int top_segments){

    /* Create the proposlas */
    Proposal prop( this->prop_settings );

    // swap BGR2RGB
    cv::Mat rgb;
    cv::cvtColor(src, rgb, CV_BGR2RGB);

    Image8u im(rgb.cols, rgb.rows, rgb.channels()); // we should copy the image data
    memcpy(,, sizeof(unsigned char) *3 * rgb.rows * rgb.cols);

    /****** LOCK MUTEX ******/

    static int nIters = 10;
    // Create an over-segmentation
    std::shared_ptr<ImageOverSegmentation> s = geodesicKMeans( im, detector, nSuperPixels,  nIters);

    RMatrixXb p = prop.propose( *s );

    int nSegments;
    if (top_segments < 0)
        nSegments = (int)p.rows();
        nSegments = top_segments;

    // boxes -> [x0, y0, x1, y1]
    RMatrixXi boxes = s->maskToBox( p );

    for (int idx = 0; idx < nSegments; ++idx){

        // extract segments
        cv::Mat segment(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1);
#pragma omp parallel for
        for( int j=0; j<s->s().rows(); ++j ){
            unsigned char *ptr = segment.ptr<unsigned char>(j);
            for( int i=0; i<s->s().cols(); ++i )
                ptr[i] = p( idx, s->s()(j,i) );

        // extract bbox
        cv::Rect box(boxes(idx, 0), boxes(idx, 1), boxes(idx, 2) - boxes(idx, 0)+1, boxes(idx, 3) - boxes(idx, 1)+1);

    /****** UNLOCK MUTEX ******/
Beispiel #3
std::tuple<RMatrixXb,RMatrixXb> matchAny( const RMatrixXb & a, const RMatrixXb & b, double max_r ) {
	const int W = a.cols(), H = a.rows();
	eassert( W == b.cols() && H == b.rows() );
	RMatrixXb ma = RMatrixXb::Zero( H, W ), mb = RMatrixXb::Zero( H, W );

	float r2 = max_r*max_r*(W*W+H*H);
	const int rd = (int) ceil(sqrt(r2));
	for( int j=0; j<H; j++ )
		for( int i=0; i<W; i++ )
			if( a(j,i) )
				for( int jj=std::max(j-rd,0); jj<=std::min(j+rd,H-1); jj++ )
					for( int ii=std::max(i-rd,0); ii<=std::min(i+rd,W-1); ii++ )
						if( (i-ii)*(i-ii)+(j-jj)*(j-jj) <= r2 )
							if( b(jj,ii) )
								ma(j,i) = mb(jj,ii) = 1;
	return std::make_tuple( ma, mb );
Beispiel #4
//void matchBp( bool * pr, const bool * pa, const bool * pb, int W, int H, double max_r ) {
//	using namespace EvalPrivate;
//	matchAny( pr, pa, pb, W, H, max_r );
//	float r2 = max_r*max_r*(W*W+H*H);
//    const int rd = (int) ceil(sqrt(r2));
//	// Compute the bipartite graph size
//	std::vector<int> ia(W*H,-1), ib(W*H,-1);
//	int ca=0,cb=0;
//	for( int j=0; j<H; j++ )
//		for( int i=0; i<W; i++ ) {
//			if( pr[j*W+i+0] )
//				ia[j*W+i] = ca++;
//			if( pr[j*W+i+W*H] )
//				ib[j*W+i] = cb++;
//		}
//	std::vector< BipartiteMatch::Edge > edges;
//	for( int j=0; j<H; j++ )
//		for( int i=0; i<W; i++ )
//			if( ia[j*W+i]>=0 )
//				for( int jj=std::max(j-rd,0); jj<=std::min(j+rd,H-1); jj++ )
//					for( int ii=std::max(i-rd,0); ii<=std::min(i+rd,W-1); ii++ )
//						if( (i-ii)*(i-ii)+(j-jj)*(j-jj) <= r2 )
//							if( ib[jj*W+ii]>=0 )
//								edges.push_back( BipartiteMatch::Edge(ia[j*W+i],ib[jj*W+ii]) );
//	BipartiteMatch match( ca, cb, edges );
//	for( int j=0; j<H; j++ )
//		for( int i=0; i<W; i++ ) {
//			if( ia[j*W+i]>=0 )
//				pr[j*W+i+0]   = (match.match_a[ ia[j*W+i] ]>=0);
//			if( ib[j*W+i]>=0 )
//				pr[j*W+i+W*H] = (match.match_b[ ib[j*W+i] ]>=0);
//		}
//np::ndarray matchBp(const np::ndarray & a, const np::ndarray & b, double max_r ) {
//	checkArray( a, bool, 2, 2, true );
//	checkArray( b, bool, 2, 2, true );
//	int H = a.shape(0), W = a.shape(1);
//	if( H != b.shape(0) || W != b.shape(1) )
//		throw std::invalid_argument( "a and b need to have the same shape!\n" );
//	np::ndarray r = np::zeros( make_tuple(2,H,W), a.get_dtype() );
//	matchBp( (bool*)r.get_data(), (const bool*)a.get_data(), (const bool*)b.get_data(), W, H, max_r );
//	return r;
Vector4i evalBoundaryBinary( const RMatrixXb & d, const std::vector<RMatrixXb> & bnd, double max_r, const RMatrixXb & mask ) {
	const int W = d.cols(), H = d.rows(), D = bnd.size();
	eassert( mask.cols() == W && mask.rows() == H );

	int sum_r=0, cnt_r=0;
	RMatrixXb ma, mb, acc = RMatrixXb::Zero(H,W);
	for( int k=0; k<D; k++ ) {
		eassert( W == bnd[k].cols() && H == bnd[k].rows() );

		std::tie(ma,mb) = matchBp( d, bnd[k], max_r );

		acc = acc.array() || (ma.array() && mask.array());
		sum_r += (bnd[k].array() && mask.array()).cast<int>().sum();
		cnt_r += (mb.array() && mask.array()).cast<int>().sum();
	int sum_p = (d.array() && mask.array()).cast<int>().sum();
	int cnt_p = (acc.array() && mask.array()).cast<int>().sum();
	return Vector4i(cnt_r,sum_r,cnt_p,sum_p);
Beispiel #5
static void Proposal_propose( MEX_ARGS ) {
    if( nrhs != 2 ) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Expected to get proposal and ImageOverSegmentation");
    if( nlhs != 1 ) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Expected a single output argument");
    std::shared_ptr<Proposal> p = mat2Ptr<Proposal>( prhs[0] );
    std::shared_ptr<ImageOverSegmentation> os = mat2Ptr<ImageOverSegmentation>( prhs[1] );
    RMatrixXb r = p->propose( *os );
    // Create and write the resulting segmentation
    mwSize dims[2] = {(mwSize)r.rows(), (mwSize)r.cols()};
    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray( 2, dims, mxLOGICAL_CLASS, mxREAL );
    MatrixXb::Map( (mxLogical*)mxGetData(plhs[0]), r.rows(), r.cols() ) = r;
Beispiel #6
std::tuple<RMatrixXb,RMatrixXb> matchBp( const RMatrixXb & a, const RMatrixXb & b, double max_r ) {
	using namespace EvalPrivate;
	const int W = a.cols(), H = a.rows();
	eassert( W == b.cols() && H == b.rows() );
	RMatrixXb ma, mb;

	std::tie(ma,mb) = matchAny( a, b, max_r );

	float r2 = max_r*max_r*(W*W+H*H);
	const int rd = (int) ceil(sqrt(r2));
	// Compute the bipartite graph size
	std::vector<int> ia(W*H,-1), ib(W*H,-1);
	int ca=0,cb=0;
	for( int j=0; j<H; j++ )
		for( int i=0; i<W; i++ ) {
			if( ma(j,i) )
				ia[j*W+i] = ca++;
			if( mb(j,i) )
				ib[j*W+i] = cb++;

	std::vector< BipartiteMatch::Edge > edges;
	for( int j=0; j<H; j++ )
		for( int i=0; i<W; i++ )
			if( ia[j*W+i]>=0 )
				for( int jj=std::max(j-rd,0); jj<=std::min(j+rd,H-1); jj++ )
					for( int ii=std::max(i-rd,0); ii<=std::min(i+rd,W-1); ii++ )
						if( (i-ii)*(i-ii)+(j-jj)*(j-jj) <= r2 )
							if( ib[jj*W+ii]>=0 )
								edges.push_back( BipartiteMatch::Edge(ia[j*W+i],ib[jj*W+ii]) );

	BipartiteMatch match( ca, cb, edges );
	for( int j=0; j<H; j++ )
		for( int i=0; i<W; i++ ) {
			if( ia[j*W+i]>=0 )
				ma(j,i) = (match.match_a[ ia[j*W+i] ]>=0);
			if( ib[j*W+i]>=0 )
				mb(j,i) = (match.match_b[ ib[j*W+i] ]>=0);
	return std::make_tuple(ma, mb);
TEST(Vision, load_default_color_config) {
    RMatrixXb config = load_single_color_config(default_yellow_config, Vision::COLOR_MASK_TYPE::YELLOW);
    ASSERT_TRUE((config.array() > 0).any());
    config *=4;
Beispiel #8
Vector4i evalBoundaryBinary( const RMatrixXb & d, const std::vector<RMatrixXb> & bnd, double max_r ) {
	return evalBoundaryBinary( d, bnd, max_r, RMatrixXb::Ones(d.rows(),d.cols()) );