Beispiel #1
 * Load the extension pack descriptor from an XML document.
 * @returns NULL on success, pointer to an error message on failure (caller
 *          deletes it).
 * @param   a_pDoc              Pointer to the XML document.
 * @param   a_pExtPackDesc      Where to store the extension pack descriptor.
static RTCString *vboxExtPackLoadDescFromDoc(xml::Document *a_pDoc, PVBOXEXTPACKDESC a_pExtPackDesc)
     * Get the main element and check its version.
    const xml::ElementNode *pVBoxExtPackElm = a_pDoc->getRootElement();
    if (   !pVBoxExtPackElm
        || strcmp(pVBoxExtPackElm->getName(), "VirtualBoxExtensionPack") != 0)
        return new RTCString("No VirtualBoxExtensionPack element");

    RTCString strFormatVersion;
    if (!pVBoxExtPackElm->getAttributeValue("version", strFormatVersion))
        return new RTCString("Missing format version");
    if (!strFormatVersion.equals("1.0"))
        return &(new RTCString("Unsupported format version: "))->append(strFormatVersion);

     * Read and validate mandatory bits.
    const xml::ElementNode *pNameElm = pVBoxExtPackElm->findChildElement("Name");
    if (!pNameElm)
        return new RTCString("The 'Name' element is missing");
    const char *pszName = pNameElm->getValue();
    if (!VBoxExtPackIsValidName(pszName))
        return &(new RTCString("Invalid name: "))->append(pszName);

    const xml::ElementNode *pDescElm = pVBoxExtPackElm->findChildElement("Description");
    if (!pDescElm)
        return new RTCString("The 'Description' element is missing");
    const char *pszDesc = pDescElm->getValue();
    if (!pszDesc || *pszDesc == '\0')
        return new RTCString("The 'Description' element is empty");
    if (strpbrk(pszDesc, "\n\r\t\v\b") != NULL)
        return new RTCString("The 'Description' must not contain control characters");

    const xml::ElementNode *pVersionElm = pVBoxExtPackElm->findChildElement("Version");
    if (!pVersionElm)
        return new RTCString("The 'Version' element is missing");
    const char *pszVersion = pVersionElm->getValue();
    if (!pszVersion || *pszVersion == '\0')
        return new RTCString("The 'Version' element is empty");
    if (!VBoxExtPackIsValidVersionString(pszVersion))
        return &(new RTCString("Invalid version string: "))->append(pszVersion);

    uint32_t uRevision;
    if (!pVersionElm->getAttributeValue("revision", uRevision))
        uRevision = 0;

    const char *pszEdition;
    if (!pVersionElm->getAttributeValue("edition", pszEdition))
        pszEdition = "";
    if (!VBoxExtPackIsValidEditionString(pszEdition))
        return &(new RTCString("Invalid edition string: "))->append(pszEdition);

    const xml::ElementNode *pMainModuleElm = pVBoxExtPackElm->findChildElement("MainModule");
    if (!pMainModuleElm)
        return new RTCString("The 'MainModule' element is missing");
    const char *pszMainModule = pMainModuleElm->getValue();
    if (!pszMainModule || *pszMainModule == '\0')
        return new RTCString("The 'MainModule' element is empty");
    if (!VBoxExtPackIsValidModuleString(pszMainModule))
        return &(new RTCString("Invalid main module string: "))->append(pszMainModule);

     * The VRDE module, optional.
     * Accept both none and empty as tokens of no VRDE module.
    const char *pszVrdeModule = NULL;
    const xml::ElementNode *pVrdeModuleElm = pVBoxExtPackElm->findChildElement("VRDEModule");
    if (pVrdeModuleElm)
        pszVrdeModule = pVrdeModuleElm->getValue();
        if (!pszVrdeModule || *pszVrdeModule == '\0')
            pszVrdeModule = NULL;
        else if (!VBoxExtPackIsValidModuleString(pszVrdeModule))
            return &(new RTCString("Invalid VRDE module string: "))->append(pszVrdeModule);

     * Whether to show the license, optional. (presense is enough here)
    const xml::ElementNode *pShowLicenseElm = pVBoxExtPackElm->findChildElement("ShowLicense");
    bool fShowLicense = pShowLicenseElm != NULL;

     * Parse plug-in descriptions (last because of the manual memory management).
    uint32_t                cPlugIns  = 0;
    RTCString *pstrRet = vboxExtPackLoadPlugInDescs(pVBoxExtPackElm, &cPlugIns, &paPlugIns);
    if (pstrRet)
        return pstrRet;

     * Everything seems fine, fill in the return values and return successfully.
    a_pExtPackDesc->strName         = pszName;
    a_pExtPackDesc->strDescription  = pszDesc;
    a_pExtPackDesc->strVersion      = pszVersion;
    a_pExtPackDesc->strEdition      = pszEdition;
    a_pExtPackDesc->uRevision       = uRevision;
    a_pExtPackDesc->strMainModule   = pszMainModule;
    a_pExtPackDesc->strVrdeModule   = pszVrdeModule;
    a_pExtPackDesc->cPlugIns        = cPlugIns;
    a_pExtPackDesc->paPlugIns       = paPlugIns;
    a_pExtPackDesc->fShowLicense    = fShowLicense;

    return NULL;