Beispiel #1
Vector3 Vector3::randomInSphere(double radius, bool only_surface, RandomGenerator &random) {
    // TODO More uniform spatial repartition
    //  The current randomization clusters result near the center and at the poles
    VectorSpherical vec = {only_surface ? radius : random.genDouble() * radius, (random.genDouble() - 0.5) * Maths::PI,
                           random.genDouble() * Maths::TWOPI};
    return Vector3(vec);
void AnalyticGeometry::computeOrthonormalFrameForPlane3(const double* p, const double* n, double** frame)
	RandomGenerator rgen;
	double q[3], x[3], y[3], proj[3];

		// Get a random point "around" the plane point 'p'
		q[0] = rgen.getRandomNumberInInterval(-1.0, 1.0) + p[0];
		q[1] = rgen.getRandomNumberInInterval(-1.0, 1.0) + p[1];
		q[2] = rgen.getRandomNumberInInterval(-1.0, 1.0) + p[2];
		// Project it on the plane
		AnalyticGeometry::projectOnPlane3(q, p, n, proj);
		// Get the connecting vector
		Vector::diff(proj, p, x);
	while ( Vector::length3(x) < 0.0001 );

	// Normalize 'x': this will be the x-axis
	// Compute the y-axis
	Vector::cross3(n, x, y);

	// Save the frame
	frame[0][0] = x[0]; frame[0][1] = y[0]; frame[0][2] = n[0];
	frame[1][0] = x[1]; frame[1][1] = y[1]; frame[1][2] = n[1];
	frame[2][0] = x[2]; frame[2][1] = y[2]; frame[2][2] = n[2];
void Rain::update(float dt)
    //const int count = m_materials.size();
    for (int m=0; m<RAIN_RING_COUNT; m++)
        m_x[m] = m_x[m] + dt*RAIN_DX;
        m_y[m] = m_y[m] + dt*RAIN_DY;
        if (m_x[m] > 1.0f) m_x[m] = fmod(m_x[m], 1.0f);
        if (m_y[m] > 1.0f) m_y[m] = fmod(m_y[m], 1.0f);

        core::matrix4& matrix = m_node[m]->getChild()->getMaterial(0).getTextureMatrix(0);

        matrix.setTextureTranslate(m_x[m], m_y[m]);

    if (m_lightning)
        m_next_lightning -= dt;

        if (m_next_lightning < 0.0f)
            RaceGUIBase* gui_base = World::getWorld()->getRaceGUI();
            if (gui_base != NULL)
                if (m_thunder_sound) m_thunder_sound->play();

            RandomGenerator g;
            m_next_lightning = 35 + (float)g.get(35);

}   // update
int main() {
   RandomGenerator r;
   int f[5] = {0};
   int f2[12] = {0};
   double num;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3000000; i++) {
      num = r.uniform_0_1();
      if (num == 0.0) f2[11]++;
      else if (num == 1.0) f2[10]++;
      else if (num < 0.1) f2[0]++;
      else if (num < 0.2) f2[1]++;
      else if (num < 0.3) f2[2]++;
      else if (num < 0.4) f2[3]++;
      else if (num < 0.5) f2[4]++;
      else if (num < 0.6) f2[5]++;
      else if (num < 0.7) f2[6]++;
      else if (num < 0.8) f2[7]++;
      else if (num < 0.9) f2[8]++;
      else if (num < 1) f2[9]++;
   cout << "0-1" << endl;
   for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
      cout << i << ": " << f2[i] << endl;

   for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
   cout << "n" << endl;
   for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      cout << i << ": " << f[i] << endl;
   return 0;
Vehicle *VehicleFactory::createRandomVehicle()

    Vehicle * vehicle;
//    RandomGenerator * ranGen = new RandomGenerator(1,3);
//    int randomNumber =0;
//    randomNumber = ranGen->createRandomNumber();
      RandomGenerator * ranGen;
      int randomNumber =0;
      randomNumber = ranGen->createRandomNumber(1,3);

    qDebug()<< "result" << randomNumber ;
    //trying to minimise if statments
    switch(randomNumber == 1) {
        case 1:
     //   vehicle = new RegularCar(asubject,0,0,0.0,0,0);//this has to be changed (0,0,0);
        return vehicle;
        case 2:
     //   vehicle = new PoliceCar(asubject,0,0,0.0,0,0);//this has to be changed (0,0,0);
        return vehicle;
        case 3:
     //   vehicle = new PoliceCar(asubject,0,0,0.0,0,0);//this has to be changed (0,0,0);
        return vehicle;
Beispiel #6
void RandomData(PEER_ADDRESS& addr)
	RandomGenerator rnd;
	addr.IP = rnd.NextDWord();
	addr.TcpPort = rnd.NextWord();
	addr.UdpPort = rnd.NextWord();
Beispiel #7
int main() 
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        std::cout << mainRandomGenerator.getRandom(0, 1) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        std::cout << mainRandomGenerator.getRandom(0.2f, 0.2f) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        std::cout << getInt(0, 10) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        std::cout << getFloat(0.0f, 1.0f) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << getString(100) << std::endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TrackObjectPresentationMesh::reset()
    if (m_node->getType()==scene::ESNT_ANIMATED_MESH)
        scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *a_node =


        // trick to reset the animation AND also the timer inside it

        // irrlicht's "setFrameLoop" is a misnomer, it just sets the first and
        // last frame, even if looping is disabled
        RandomGenerator rg;
        int animation_set = 0;
        if (a_node->getAnimationSetNum() > 0)
            animation_set = rg.get(a_node->getAnimationSetNum());
}   // reset
 * Generating samples
 * */
void DataGenerator::t_sink(void) 
	RandomGenerator randomGenerator;
    int packetCounter = 1;
    int currentSample = 1; //1021 samples per TimeWindow, 10 bit per sample
    int currentTimeWindow = 0;

	//Produce samples for given number of time windows
	while(currentTimeWindow < constants::NUMBER_TIME_WINDOWS_TO_SIMULATE)
		//foreach channel for every SAMPA chip
		for(int i = 0; i < (constants::NUMBER_OF_SAMPA_CHIPS * constants::SAMPA_NUMBER_INPUT_PORTS); i++)
			//decide whether sending a sample to the particular channel or not
			//Her er det plass for å implemenetere gauss fordeling
			//Et godt alternativ er å hente data fra en Excel fil, Excel kan generere normaldistribusjon
			//Her kan ogsa injisere real data 
			if(randomGenerator.generate(0, 100) < constants::DG_OCCUPANCY)
				//Create a new sample
				Sample sample(currentTimeWindow, packetCounter, 0);
				//Send a sample to appropriate SAMPA and SAMPAs channel
				//Save event to the logfile
				write_log_to_file_sink(packetCounter, i, currentTimeWindow);	
			//bypass Data Generator with 100% occupancy
			else if (false)
			//else if((currentTimeWindow == 0 || currentTimeWindow == 1) && (i < 30))
			//else if((currentTimeWindow == 0 || currentTimeWindow == 1) && (i==0 || i==1 || i==2))
			//else if(i == 12)
				//Create a new sample
				Sample sample(currentTimeWindow, packetCounter, 0);
				//Send a sample to appropriate SAMPA and SAMPAs channel
				//Save event to the logfile
				write_log_to_file_sink(packetCounter, i, currentTimeWindow);
	 		//Go to the next sample
 	 		packetCounter++; //sample id
		//If this time window is done, go to next time window
		if(currentSample == constants::NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES_IN_EACH_TIME_WINDOW )//1021 samples
			currentSample = 0;
			std::cout << "currrent time window: " << currentTimeWindow << ", TimeStamp: " <<  sc_time_stamp() << std::endl;
		//Each sample gets its own unique id (currentSample)
		//Can be used to identify samples and to track path of the sample in logfile 
		//or in the code
		std::cout << "currrent timebin: " << currentSample << ", TimeStamp: " <<  sc_time_stamp() << std::endl;
		//SAMPA receives 10-bit data on 10 MHz 
		wait(constants::DG_WAIT_TIME, SC_NS);
Beispiel #10
SubMediaPiecePtr Storage::GetSubPiece(UINT64 inTS) const
	SubMediaPiecePtr subPiece;
	if (m_dataPieces.size() > 2)
		MediaDataPiecePtr minPiece = m_dataPieces.begin()->second.GetPiece();
		MediaDataPiecePtr maxPiece = m_dataPieces.rbegin()->second.GetPiece();
		if (inTS >= minPiece->GetTimeStamp() && inTS <= maxPiece->GetTimeStamp())
			double indexDurationOf1s = (double)(maxPiece->GetPieceIndex() - minPiece->GetPieceIndex()) / (double)(maxPiece->GetTimeStamp() - minPiece->GetTimeStamp()) ;
			UINT32 iterIndex = minPiece->GetPieceIndex() + indexDurationOf1s * (inTS - minPiece->GetTimeStamp());

			LIMIT_MIN_MAX(iterIndex, minPiece->GetPieceIndex(), maxPiece->GetPieceIndex());
			PieceInfoCollection::const_iterator iter = m_dataPieces.lower_bound(iterIndex);

			LIVE_ASSERT( iter != m_dataPieces.end() );
			while (iter != m_dataPieces.begin() && inTS < iter->second.GetPiece()->GetTimeStamp())
			while (iter != m_dataPieces.end() && inTS > iter->second.GetPiece()->GetTimeStamp())
			if (iter != m_dataPieces.end())
				RandomGenerator random;
				subPiece = iter->second.GetSubPiece(random.Next() % iter->second.GetSubPieceCount());

	return subPiece;
wxString IdfyScalesCtrol::set_new_problem()
    //This method must prepare the problem score and set variables:
    //  m_pProblemScore - The score with the problem to propose
    //  m_pSolutionScore - The score with the solution or NULL if it is the
    //              same score than the problem score.
    //  m_sAnswer - the message to present when displaying the solution
    //  m_nRespIndex - the number of the button for the right answer
    //  m_nPlayMM - the speed to play the score
    //It must return the message to display to introduce the problem.

    //select a random mode
    m_fAscending = m_pConstrains->GetRandomPlayMode();

    // generate a random scale
    EScaleType nScaleType = m_pConstrains->GetRandomScaleType();

    // select a key signature
    RandomGenerator oGenerator;
    m_nKey = oGenerator.generate_key( m_pConstrains->GetKeyConstrains() );

    // for minor scales use minor key signature and for major scales use a major key
    if (Scale::is_minor(nScaleType) && is_major_key(m_nKey))
        m_nKey = get_relative_minor_key(m_nKey);
    else if (!Scale::is_minor(nScaleType) && is_minor_key(m_nKey))
        m_nKey = get_relative_major_key(m_nKey);

    //Generate a random root note
    EClef nClef = k_clef_G2;
    m_fpRootNote = oGenerator.get_best_root_note(nClef, m_nKey);

    //hide key signature if requested or not tonal scale
    bool fDisplayKey = m_pConstrains->DisplayKey() && Scale::is_tonal(nScaleType);
    if (!fDisplayKey)
        m_nKey = k_key_C;

    //create the score
    m_sAnswer = prepare_score(nClef, nScaleType, &m_pProblemScore);

    //compute the index for the button that corresponds to the right answer
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < k_num_buttons; i++) {
        if (m_nRealScale[i] == nScaleType) break;
    m_nRespIndex = i;

    //if two solutions (minor/major or Gregorian mode) disable answer buttons
    //for the not valid answer

    //return string to introduce the problem
    if (m_pConstrains->is_theory_mode())
        return _("Identify the next scale:");
        return "";
//        return _("Press 'Play' to hear it again");
Beispiel #12
Enemy::Enemy(int lvl) : EnemyBase()
	level = lvl;
	RandomGenerator rg = RandomGenerator();
	name = EnemyName[rg.getRandom(0,5)];
	state = EnemyState[rg.getRandom(0, 5)];
	health = rg.getRandom(2, 6);
	alive = true;
Beispiel #13
RandomVariable::RandomVariable(Distribution * distribution)
	static RandomGenerator gen;

	this->distribution = distribution;
	std::stringstream idStream;
	idStream << gen.nextDouble() + clock();
	this->randomVariableID = idStream.str();
	graph.addRandomVariable(*this, idStream.str());
/// add() : Add a ColorSeries with "levels" levels to the stack.
void ColorSeriesStack::add(unsigned levels){
	// 2015.09.15.ET: "levels" here is the number of NON-MISSING levels and it is possible
	//                and in fact likely to only have one NON-MISSING level
	ColorSeries *pCS;
	unsigned n = _colorSeriesStack.size();
		// Use predefined color series based on DrawingMetrics colors:
			pCS = new ColorSeries(levels,DrawingColor("black","#000"));
			pCS = new ColorSeries(levels,DrawingMetrics::monochromat[n]);
			pCS = new ColorSeries(levels,DrawingMetrics::monochromat[n],DrawingMetrics::bichromat[n]);
		if( _type==BLACKANDWHITE ){
			pCS = new ColorSeries(levels,DrawingColor("black","#000"));
			// Use random colors:
			RandomGenerator r;
			DrawingColor color1;
			// Randomly choose a color with at least 50% saturation and 50% value:
			// i.e., we choose relatively brighter and more saturated colors ...
				// Set color2 to the complement of color1:
				DrawingColor color2;
				pCS = new ColorSeries(levels,color1,color2);
				pCS = new ColorSeries(levels,color1);
/** Picks a random message to be displayed when a kart is hit by a plunger.
 *  \param The kart that was hit (ignored here).
 *  \returns The string to display.
const core::stringw Plunger::getHitString(const AbstractKart *kart) const
    RandomGenerator r;
        //I18N: shown when a player receives a plunger in his face
        case 0: return _LTR("%0 gets a fancy mask from %1");
        //I18N: shown when a player receives a plunger in his face
        case 1: return _LTR("%1 merges %0's face with a plunger");
        default:assert(false); return L"";   // avoid compiler warning
}   // getHitString
Beispiel #16
void RandomPeer(CANDIDATE_PEER_INFO& info)
	RandomGenerator rnd;
	info.Address.IP = rnd.NextDWord();
	info.Address.TcpPort = rnd.NextWord();
	info.Address.UdpPort = rnd.NextWord();
	info.CoreInfo.PeerType = rnd.NextByte();
	info.CoreInfo.Reserved = rnd.NextByte();
	for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
		info.CoreInfo.Reserved1[i] = rnd.NextByte();
bool ScalesConstrains::GetRandomPlayMode()
    //return 'true' for ascending and 'false' for descending

    if (m_nPlayMode == 0) //ascending
        return true;
    else if (m_nPlayMode == 1) //descending
        return false;
    else {  // both modes allowed. Choose one at random
        RandomGenerator oGenerator;
        return oGenerator.flip_coin();
Beispiel #18
/*TODO: this only works if all actions can be performed from all states,
which is not the case for generic MDPs.*/
void Policy::initializeRandomly()
    RandomGenerator *generator = RandomGenerator::getRandomGenerator();
    /*FIXME: this might mess the generator used to generate tasks,
    and therefore the comparison with other freqGovernors be invalid.*/

    ActionSpace *actionSpace = ActionSpace::getActionSpace();
    for (int i = 0; i < nbOfStates; i++)
        std::vector<double> vector = generator->drawDistribution(actionSpace->size());
        update(i, vector);
Beispiel #19
Warp::Warp(int width, int height, float persistence, int scale, RandomGenerator& rng) {
    _width = width;
    _height = height;
    _persistence = persistence;
    _scale = scale;

    for(int i = 0; i < 256; i += 1) {
        _rnd[i] = rng.getRandom() % 255;

    for(int i = 0; i < 256; i += 1) {
        _grads[i] = Vec2(rng.getUniform(), rng.getUniform()).normalize();
/** Picks a random message to be displayed when a kart is hit by the
 *  rubber ball.
 *  \param The kart that was hit (ignored here).
 *  \returns The string to display.
const core::stringw RubberBall::getHitString(const AbstractKart *kart) const
    const int COUNT = 2;
    RandomGenerator r;
    switch (r.get(COUNT))
        //I18N: shown when a player is hit by a rubber ball. %1 is the
        // attacker, %0 is the victim.
        case 0: return _LTR("%s is being bounced around.");
        //I18N: shown when a player is hit by a rubber ball. %1 is the
        // attacker, %0 is the victim.
        case 1: return _LTR("Fetch the ball, %0!");
        default:assert(false); return L"";   // avoid compiler warning
}   // getHitString
Beispiel #21
const wchar_t* getPlungerInFaceString()

    RandomGenerator r;
    const int id = r.get(PLUNGER_IN_FACE_STRINGS_AMOUNT);

    switch (id)
        //I18N: shown when a player receives a plunger in his face
        case 0: return _("%0 gets a fancy mask from %1");
        //I18N: shown when a player receives a plunger in his face
        case 1: return _("%1 merges %0's face with a plunger");
        default:assert(false); return L"";   // avoid compiler warning
Beispiel #22
 /** Returns a random hue when colorized.
 float getRandomHue()
     if (m_hue_settings.empty())
         return 0.0f;
     const unsigned int hue = m_random_hue.get(m_hue_settings.size());
     assert(hue < m_hue_settings.size());
     return m_hue_settings[hue];
Beispiel #23
int getInt(int min, int max)
    return mainRandomGenerator.getRandom(min, max);
Beispiel #24
void LatinHypercube(const RandomGenerator &rng, float *samples,
	u_int nSamples, u_int nDim)
	// Generate LHS samples along diagonal
	float delta = 1.f / nSamples;
	for (u_int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i)
		for (u_int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j)
			samples[nDim * i + j] = (i + rng.floatValue()) * delta;
	// Permute LHS samples in each dimension
	for (u_int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i) {
		for (u_int j = 0; j < nSamples; ++j) {
			u_int other = rng.uintValue() % nSamples;
			swap(samples[nDim * j + i],
			     samples[nDim * other + i]);
Beispiel #25
Path<VertexType, RandomGenerator> makeLightPath(
        const Scene& scene,
        const PowerBasedLightSampler& sampler,
        const RandomGenerator& rng) {
    const Light* pLight = nullptr;
    float lightPdf, positionPdfGivenLight;

    auto lightSample = rng.getFloat();
    auto positionSample = rng.getFloat2();
    auto dirSample = rng.getFloat2();

    return {
        samplePrimaryLightVertex(scene, sampler, lightSample, positionSample,
                                 dirSample, pLight, lightPdf, positionPdfGivenLight),
        rng };
Beispiel #26
void Shuffle(const RandomGenerator &rng, u_int *samp, u_int count, u_int dims)
	for (u_int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
		u_int other = rng.uintValue() % count;
		for (u_int j = 0; j < dims; ++j)
			swap(samp[dims*i + j], samp[dims*other + j]);
Beispiel #27
// Sampling Function Definitions
void StratifiedSample1D(const RandomGenerator &rng, float *samp,
	u_int nSamples, bool jitter)
	float invTot = 1.f / nSamples;
	for (u_int i = 0;  i < nSamples; ++i) {
		float delta = jitter ? rng.floatValue() : 0.5f;
		*samp++ = (i + delta) * invTot;
const Production& Definition::getRandomProduction() const
   int low = 0;
   int high = possibleExpansions.size () - 1; // Convert from count to index.
   int returnIndex = rg.getRandomInteger (low, high);
   assert (returnIndex >= low && returnIndex <= high);

   return (returnIndex);
Beispiel #29
namespace kurento

class RandomGenerator
  boost::uuids::basic_random_generator<boost::mt19937> gen;
  boost::mt19937 ran;
  pid_t pid;

  RandomGenerator () : gen (&ran)
    init ();

  void init ()
    std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point now =

    std::chrono::nanoseconds time =
      (now.time_since_epoch () );

    ran.seed (time.count() );

    pid = getpid();

  void reinit ()
    if (pid != getpid() ) {

  std::string getUUID ()

    std::stringstream ss;
    boost::uuids::uuid uuid = gen ();

    ss << uuid;
    return ss.str();

static RandomGenerator gen;

generateUUID ()
  return gen.getUUID ();

wxString IdfyTonalityCtrol::set_new_problem()
    //This method must prepare the problem score and set variables:
    //  m_pProblemScore, m_pSolutionScore, m_sAnswer, m_nRespIndex and m_nPlayMM

    // select a key signature
    RandomGenerator oGenerator;
    m_nKey = oGenerator.generate_key( m_pConstrains->GetKeyConstrains() );

    //create the score
    EClef nClef = k_clef_G2;
    m_sAnswer = prepare_score(nClef, m_nKey, &m_pProblemScore);

	//compute the index for the button that corresponds to the right answer

    //return string to introduce the problem
	return _("Press 'Play' to hear the problem again.");