Beispiel #1
    void RocksRecordStore::dropRsMetaData( OperationContext* opCtx ) {
        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = _getRecoveryUnit( opCtx );

        boost::mutex::scoped_lock dataSizeLk( _dataSizeLock );
        ru->writeBatch()->Delete( _metadataColumnFamily, _dataSizeKey );

        boost::mutex::scoped_lock numRecordsLk( _numRecordsLock );
        ru->writeBatch()->Delete( _metadataColumnFamily, _numRecordsKey );
Beispiel #2
    Status RocksRecordStore::updateWithDamages( OperationContext* txn,
                                                const DiskLoc& loc,
                                                const char* damangeSource,
                                                const mutablebson::DamageVector& damages ) {
        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = _getRecoveryUnit( txn );

        rocksdb::Slice key = _makeKey( loc );

        // get original value
        std::string value;
        rocksdb::Status status;
        status = _db->Get( _readOptions( txn ), _columnFamily, key, &value );

        if ( !status.ok() ) {
            if ( status.IsNotFound() )
                return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, "doc not found for in-place update" );

            log() << "rocks Get failed, blowing up: " << status.ToString();
            invariant( false );

        // apply changes to our copy
        for( size_t i = 0; i < damages.size(); i++ ) {
            mutablebson::DamageEvent event = damages[i];
            const char* sourcePtr = damangeSource + event.sourceOffset;

            invariant( event.targetOffset + event.size < value.length() );
            value.replace( event.targetOffset, event.size, sourcePtr, event.size );

        // write back
        ru->writeBatch()->Put( _columnFamily, key, value );

        return Status::OK();
Beispiel #3
    StatusWith<DiskLoc> RocksRecordStore::updateRecord( OperationContext* txn,
                                                        const DiskLoc& loc,
                                                        const char* data,
                                                        int len,
                                                        bool enforceQuota,
                                                        UpdateMoveNotifier* notifier ) {
        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = _getRecoveryUnit( txn );

        std::string old_value;
        // XXX Be sure to also first query the write batch once Facebook implements that
        rocksdb::Status status = _db->Get( _readOptions( txn ),
                                           _makeKey( loc ),
                                           &old_value );

        if ( !status.ok() ) {
            return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ErrorCodes::InternalError, status.ToString() );

        int old_length = old_value.size();

        ru->writeBatch()->Put( _columnFamily, _makeKey( loc ), rocksdb::Slice( data, len ) );

        _increaseDataSize(txn, len - old_length);


        return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( loc );
    Status RocksSortedDataImpl::insert(OperationContext* txn,
                                       const BSONObj& key,
                                       const DiskLoc& loc,
                                       bool dupsAllowed) {

        if (key.objsize() >= kTempKeyMaxSize) {
            string msg = mongoutils::str::stream()
                         << "RocksSortedDataImpl::insert: key too large to index, failing " << ' '
                         << key.objsize() << ' ' << key;
                return Status(ErrorCodes::KeyTooLong, msg);

        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = RocksRecoveryUnit::getRocksRecoveryUnit(txn);

        if ( !dupsAllowed ) {
            // TODO need key locking to support unique indexes.
            Status status = dupKeyCheck( txn, key, loc );
            if ( !status.isOK() ) {
                return status;

        ru->registerChange(new ChangeNumEntries(&_numEntries, true));
        ru->writeBatch()->Put(_columnFamily.get(), makeString(key, loc), emptyByteSlice);

        return Status::OK();
Beispiel #5
    void RocksRecordStore::_increaseDataSize( OperationContext* txn, int amount ) {
        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lk( _dataSizeLock );

        _dataSize += amount;
        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = _getRecoveryUnit( txn );
        const char* ds_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>( &_dataSize );

        ru->writeBatch()->Put( _metadataColumnFamily,
                               rocksdb::Slice( _dataSizeKey ),
                               rocksdb::Slice( ds_ptr, sizeof(long long) ) );
Beispiel #6
    void RocksRecordStore::deleteRecord( OperationContext* txn, const DiskLoc& dl ) {
        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = _getRecoveryUnit( txn );

        std::string oldValue;
        _db->Get( _readOptions( txn ), _columnFamily, _makeKey( dl ), &oldValue );
        int oldLength = oldValue.size();

        ru->writeBatch()->Delete( _columnFamily, _makeKey( dl ) );

        _changeNumRecords(txn, false);
        _increaseDataSize(txn, -oldLength);
Beispiel #7
    // XXX make sure these work with rollbacks (I don't think they will)
    void RocksRecordStore::_changeNumRecords( OperationContext* txn, bool insert ) {
        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lk( _numRecordsLock );

        if ( insert ) {
        else {
        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = _getRecoveryUnit( txn );
        const char* nr_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>( &_numRecords );

        ru->writeBatch()->Put( _metadataColumnFamily,
                               rocksdb::Slice( _numRecordsKey ),
                               rocksdb::Slice( nr_ptr, sizeof(long long) ) );
    bool RocksSortedDataImpl::unindex(OperationContext* txn,
                                      const BSONObj& key,
                                      const DiskLoc& loc) {
        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = RocksRecoveryUnit::getRocksRecoveryUnit(txn);

        const string keyData = makeString( key, loc );

        string dummy;
        if (ru->Get(_columnFamily.get(), keyData, &dummy).IsNotFound()) {
            return false;

        ru->registerChange(new ChangeNumEntries(&_numEntries, false));
        ru->writeBatch()->Delete(_columnFamily.get(), keyData);
        return true;
Beispiel #9
    StatusWith<DiskLoc> RocksRecordStore::insertRecord( OperationContext* txn,
                                                        const char* data,
                                                        int len,
                                                        bool enforceQuota ) {
        if ( _isCapped && len > _cappedMaxSize ) {
            return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                       "object to insert exceeds cappedMaxSize" );

        RocksRecoveryUnit* ru = _getRecoveryUnit( txn );

        DiskLoc loc = _nextId();

        ru->writeBatch()->Put( _columnFamily, _makeKey( loc ), rocksdb::Slice( data, len ) );

        _changeNumRecords( txn, true );
        _increaseDataSize( txn, len );


        return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( loc );