Beispiel #1
checkPragmaRHSUnionControl (const Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * >unionFields,
			    const Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * >classFields,
			    const string pragmaRHS, 
                            const string controlPrefix)

  string returnString = "";
cout << "BEFORE checkPragmaRHSUnionControl" << endl;
  const string leftCondition = "(";
  const string rightCondition = ")";
  string controlVariable = "";
  string condition = "";

  string substring = pragmaRHS;
  string subConditionToCheck;

  int leftBorder = 0;
  int rightBorder = 0;

  while (substring.find (leftCondition) != string::npos)
      string tempString = "";
      leftBorder = substring.find (leftCondition);
      rightBorder = substring.find (rightCondition);

      subConditionToCheck =
	substring.substr (leftBorder + 1, rightBorder - 1);

      if (subConditionToCheck.find ("==") != string::npos)
	  string controlVariableName =
	    subConditionToCheck.substr (0, subConditionToCheck.find ("=="));
	  string condition =
	    subConditionToCheck.substr (subConditionToCheck.find ("==") + 2,
					subConditionToCheck.length ());
          controlVariableName= trim(controlVariableName);
          condition = trim(condition);
          //AS(040904) Ugly fix of bug. At a later point find the bug which
          //          makes is so that there a paranthesis is inside the 
          //          condition string when there are multiple conditions. 
         if(condition.find(")") != string::npos)
          ROSE_ASSERT( condition.find(")") == string::npos );
          ROSE_ASSERT( condition.find("(") == string::npos ); 

          //See if this control variable name is redefined as another name in the
          //parent class
          if((classFields.empty() != true) & (controlVariableName.length()>0)){
          SgNodePtrVector parentScopes = findScopes (isSgNode(*classFields.begin()));
          for(SgNodePtrVector::iterator scope = parentScopes.begin() ;
              scope != parentScopes.end(); scope++ ){
                 SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(*scope);
                 //in some parts of the program a class containing a union which is used in
                 //many calsses can replace the standard control variable name with another.
                 //See if the parent class defines such an exception.
                 Rose_STL_Container<ControlStructureContainer*> pragmaExceptionList =
                     queryFindCommentsInScope("//pragma", "GenUnionControlException_",
                 for (Rose_STL_Container< ControlStructureContainer * >::iterator i =
	             pragmaExceptionList.begin (); i != pragmaExceptionList.end (); ++i)
	                 ControlStructureContainer *controlStructure = *i;
	                 ROSE_ASSERT (controlStructure != NULL);
	                //get the variable which corresponds to the variable name in the control structure
	                 string exceptionName =
		                 parsePragmaStringRHS (controlStructure->getPragmaString (),
	                	 "GenUnionControlException_", controlVariableName);
                         if(exceptionName.length() > 0 ){
                            controlVariableName = trim(exceptionName);

	                 //if the control variable exist set the name variableControl to that name
              }/* End if(isSgClassDefiniton()!=NULL) */
          } /*End for(SgNodePtrVecto::iterator ... ) */

	  //check to see if a a variable exist in the parent scope of the union with the name controlVariableName 
	  Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * >variableDeclaration =
	    NodeQuery::queryNodeList (classFields,
				      new SgName (controlVariableName.
						  c_str ()),
          cout << "control variable name \"" << controlVariableName << "\"" << endl;
          if(unionFields.empty() == true)
               cout << "Union has no fieds" << endl;
          if(classFields.empty() == true)
               cout << "Parent class has no fields" << endl;
          else if(variableDeclaration.empty() == true){
                        }/* End if(variableDeclaration.empty() == true */
	  ROSE_ASSERT (variableDeclaration.empty () == false);

	  tempString =
	    " ("+ controlPrefix + controlVariableName + "==" + condition +
	    ") ";
      else if (subConditionToCheck.find ("!=") != string::npos)
	  string controlVariableName =
	    subConditionToCheck.substr (0, subConditionToCheck.find ("!="));
	  string condition =
	    subConditionToCheck.substr (subConditionToCheck.find ("!=") + 2,
					subConditionToCheck.length ());
          if((classFields.empty()!=true)&(controlVariableName.length() > 0)){
          SgNodePtrVector parentScopes = findScopes (isSgNode(*classFields.begin()));
          for(SgNodePtrVector::iterator scope = parentScopes.begin() ;
              scope != parentScopes.end(); scope++ ){
                 SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(*scope);
                 //in some parts of the program a class containing a union which is used in
                 //many calsses can replace the standard control variable name with another.
                 //See if the parent class defines such an exception.
                 Rose_STL_Container<ControlStructureContainer*> pragmaExceptionList =
                     queryFindCommentsInScope("//pragma", "GenUnionControlException_",
                 for (Rose_STL_Container< ControlStructureContainer * >::iterator i =
	             pragmaExceptionList.begin (); i != pragmaExceptionList.end (); ++i)
	                 ControlStructureContainer *controlStructure = *i;
	                 ROSE_ASSERT (controlStructure != NULL);
	                //get the variable which corresponds to the variable name in the control structure
	                 string exceptionName =
		                 parsePragmaStringRHS (controlStructure->getPragmaString (),
	                	 "GenUnionControlException_", controlVariableName);
                         if(exceptionName.length() > 0 ){
                            controlVariableName = trim(exceptionName);

	                 //if the control variable exist set the name variableControl to that name
              }/* End if(isSgClassDefiniton()!=NULL) */
          } /*End for(SgNodePtrVecto::iterator ... ) */

	  //check to see if a a variable exist in the parent scope of the union with the name controlVariableName 
	  Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * >variableDeclaration =
	    NodeQuery::queryNodeList (classFields,
				      new SgName (controlVariableName.
						  c_str ()),
	  ROSE_ASSERT (variableDeclaration.empty () == false);

	  tempString =
	    " ("+ controlPrefix + controlVariableName + "!=" + condition +
	    ") ";

	  cerr <<
	    "Case not implemented yet in (controlVariableName??condition). Terminating.\n";
	  cout << pragmaRHS << "\n";
	  exit (1);

      //check to see if there exist any more control variables
      substring = substring.substr (rightBorder + 1, substring.length ());

      if (substring.find (leftCondition) != string::npos)
	  if (substring.find ("&") != string::npos)
	      returnString = returnString + tempString + " & ";
	      substring =
		substring.substr (substring.find ("&") + 1,
				  substring.length ());
	  else if (substring.find ("|") != string::npos)
	      returnString = returnString + tempString + " | ";
	      substring =
		substring.substr (substring.find ("|") + 1,
				  substring.length ());

	      cerr << "Case not implemented yet in (--)?(--). Terminating\n";
	      cout << "Pragma RHS:" << pragmaRHS << "\n Substring:\"\n" << substring << "\"\n";
	      cout << substring.
		find (leftCondition) << "::" << string::npos << "\n";
	      exit (1);

	returnString = returnString + tempString;
    }				/* end while */

cout << "AFTER checkPragmaRHSUnionControl" << endl;

  return "if(" + returnString + ")";
};				/* End function: checkPragmaRHSUnionControl() */
generateModFile(SgFile *sfile)
     ROSE_ASSERT(sfile != NULL);

  // file name, with full path.
     string  originalModuleFilenameWithPath = sfile->get_file_info()->get_filenameString();

#if 0
  // DQ (10/24/2010): This is overly restrictive...we still want to generate the rmod file.
  // It does not matter is we compile or not compile any generated file.  This premature
  // exit will cause F03 code to fail to be processed by ROSE since any mod file required 
  // will not generated.
  // FMZ (10/28/2009): don't generate the .rmod for the readin .rmod file
     if (sfile->get_skipfinalCompileStep() == true)
          if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
               printf ("Skipping generation of rmod file: %s \n",originalModuleFilenameWithPath.c_str());


  // Cause the output of a message with verbose level is turned on.
     if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
          printf ("In generateModFile(): Generating a Fortran 90 specific module (*.rmod file) for file = %s \n",originalModuleFilenameWithPath.c_str());

  // Get the list of SgModuleStatement objects for the current AST.
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> moduleDeclarationList = NodeQuery::querySubTree (sfile,V_SgModuleStatement);

#if 0
  // DQ: I think this case is not required since the loop (below) would be empty.
     if (moduleDeclarationList.empty())
       // no module in the file

     for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator i = moduleDeclarationList.begin(); i != moduleDeclarationList.end(); i++)
       // For a module named "xx" generate a file "xx.rose_mod" which contains 
       // all the variable definitions and function declarations 
          SgModuleStatement* module_stmt = isSgModuleStatement(*i);

          ROSE_ASSERT(module_stmt != NULL);
string outputDir = get_rmod_dir(sfile);
string outputFilename;
if (outputDir !="")
          outputFilename =outputDir + module_stmt->get_name() + MOD_FILE_SUFFIX;
          outputFilename = module_stmt->get_name() + MOD_FILE_SUFFIX;

          string lowerCaseOutputFilename = StringUtility::convertToLowerCase(outputFilename);

       // Cause the output of a message with verbose level is turned on.
          if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
               printf ("In generateModFile() (loop over module declarations): Generating a Fortran 90 specific module file %s for module = %s \n",lowerCaseOutputFilename.c_str(),outputFilename.c_str());

       // Use a lower case generate filename for the generated ROSE mod (or rmod) file. 
       // fstream Module_OutputFile(outputFilename.c_str(),ios::out);
          fstream Module_OutputFile(lowerCaseOutputFilename.c_str(),ios::out);

          if (!Module_OutputFile) {
             cout << "Error detected in opening file " << lowerCaseOutputFilename.c_str()
                  << "for output" << endl;

       // Output header at the top of the generate *.rmod file.
          Module_OutputFile <<  endl
               << "! =================================================================================== \n"
               << "! <<Automatically generated for Rose Fortran Separate Compilation, DO NOT MODIFY IT>> \n"
               << "! =================================================================================== \n"
               << endl;
          SgUnparse_Info ninfo;



       // set the flag bit "outputFortranModFile" 

          ostringstream outputString;
          Unparser_Opt options(false, false,false,false,true,false,false,false,false,false);

       // This is a confusing use of originalModuleFilename vs. outputFilename (Oh, the first one has the full path!).
       // The originalModuleFilename will be used to build a FortranCodeGeneration_locatedNode using
       // the originalModuleFilename as a basis.
       // printf ("originalModuleFilenameWithPath = %s outputFilename = %s \n",originalModuleFilenameWithPath.c_str(),outputFilename.c_str());
          Unparser unp(&Module_OutputFile, originalModuleFilenameWithPath,options,NULL,NULL);
          unp.currentFile = sfile;

       // The outputFilename is the name that will be matched against in the selection of statements to unparse.
       // However, that its suffix is ".rmod" will cause UnparseLanguageIndependentConstructs::statementFromFile() 
       // to always return true.  So use of outputFilename should map to the file from the file constructed.
          FortranCodeGeneration_locatedNode myunp(&unp, outputFilename);

       // This calls the unparser for just the module declaration.
