main (int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc != 3)
      std::cerr << "Usage: test_nmc SOURCE HASH" << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  const std::string source = argv[1];
  const std::string hash = argv[2];

  RpcSettings settings;
  settings.readDefaultConfig ();
  JsonRpc rpc(settings);
  NamecoinInterface nc(rpc);
  NMC_Verifier verify(nc);
  const bool res = verify.verifyCredentialHashAtSource (hash, source);

  if (res)
    std::cout << "Credential hash is ok." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Verification failed." << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
main ()
  RpcSettings settings;
  settings.readDefaultConfig ();
  JsonRpc rpc(settings);
  NameInterface nc(rpc);

  unsigned cnt = 0;
  const auto cb = [&cnt] (const std::string& str)
      /* FIXME: Adapt to change in call-back interface.  */
      std::cout << str << std::endl;
  nc.forAllNames (cb);
  std::cout << "Total: " << cnt << " names" << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
main ()
  RpcSettings settings;
  settings.readDefaultConfig ();
  JsonRpc rpc(settings);

  JsonRpc::JsonData res = rpc.executeRpc ("getinfo");
  assert (res.isObject ());
  std::cout << "Running version: " << res["version"].asInt () << std::endl;

  res = rpc.executeRpc ("name_show", "id/domob");
  assert (res.isObject ());
  assert (res["name"].asString () == "id/domob");
  assert (res["value"].isString ());
  assert (res["expires_in"].isInt ());

      rpc.executeRpc ("method-does-not-exist", 5, "");
      assert (false);
  catch (const JsonRpc::RpcError& err)
      assert (err.getErrorCode () == -32601);

      rpc.executeRpc ("name_history", "name-does-not-exist");
      assert (false);
  catch (const JsonRpc::RpcError& err)
      assert (err.getErrorCode () == -4);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #4
 * Main routine with the usual interface.
main (int argc, char** argv)
      if (argc < 2)
          displayHelp ();
          return EXIT_FAILURE;
      const std::string command = argv[1];

      if (command == "help")
          displayHelp ();
          return EXIT_SUCCESS;

      RpcSettings settings;
      settings.readDefaultConfig ();
      JsonRpc rpc(settings);
      NamecoinInterface nc(rpc);

      if (command == "check")
          if (argc != 3)
            throw std::runtime_error ("Expected: nmreg check FILE");

          doCheck (nc, argv[2]);
          return EXIT_SUCCESS;

      if (argc < 3)
        throw std::runtime_error ("Need FILE argument.");
      const std::string stateFile = argv[2];

      RegistrationManager reg(rpc, nc);

      std::ifstream fileIn (stateFile.c_str ());
      if (fileIn)
          std::cout << "Reading old state." << std::endl;
          fileIn >> reg;
          fileIn.close ();
        std::cout << "No old state to read, intialising empty." << std::endl;

      if (command == "info")
        doInfo (reg);
      else if (command == "clear")
          const unsigned cleaned = reg.cleanUp ();
          std::cout << "Removed " << cleaned << " finished names." << std::endl;
          std::string passphrase;
          if (nc.needWalletPassphrase ())
              std::cout << "Enter wallet passphrase: ";
              std::getline (std::cin, passphrase);
          NamecoinInterface::WalletUnlocker unlock(nc);
          unlock.unlock (passphrase);

          if (command == "update")
              reg.update ();
              std::cout << "Updated all processes." << std::endl;
          else if (command == "register")
              if (argc != 5)
                throw std::runtime_error ("Expected: nmreg register"
                                          " FILE NAME VALUE");

              const std::string name = argv[3];
              const std::string val = argv[4];

              doRegister (reg, nc, name, val);
          else if (command == "multi") 
              if (argc != 5)
                throw std::runtime_error ("Expected: nmreg multi"
                                          " FILE LIST-FILE VALUE");

              const std::string listFile = argv[3];
              const std::string val = argv[4];

              std::ifstream listIn (listFile.c_str ());
              if (!listIn)
                throw std::runtime_error ("Could not read list of names.");

              while (listIn)
                  std::string line;
                  std::getline (listIn, line);

                  if (!line.empty ())
                    doRegister (reg, nc, line, val);
            throw std::runtime_error ("Unknown command '" + command + "'.");

      std::ofstream fileOut (stateFile.c_str ());
      fileOut << reg;
      fileOut.close ();
      std::cout << "Wrote new state." << std::endl;