Beispiel #1
    void run() {

      // declare an instance of the USART and the stream that we'll use to write to it

      _usart=new MyUsart(57600);
      _outputStream=new UsartPollingOutputStream(*_usart);

      // declare the RTC that that stack requires. it's used for cache timeouts, DHCP lease expiry
      // and such like so it does not have to be calibrated for accuracy. A few seconds here or there
      // over a 24 hour period isn't going to make any difference. Start it ticking at zero which is
      // some way back in 1970 but that doesn't matter to us

      Rtc<RtcLsiClockFeature<Rtc32kHzLsiFrequencyProvider>,RtcSecondInterruptFeature> rtc;

      // declare an instance of the network stack

      MyNetworkStack::Parameters params;
      _net=new MyNetworkStack;

      // the stack requires the RTC


      // It's nice to give the DHCP client a host name because then it'll show up in DHCP
      // 'active leases' page. In a home router this is often called 'attached devices'


      // spy on the DHCP announcements for IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS servers
      // by subscribing to the notification events passed around the network stack. we will
      // also receive notification that the DHCP lease will be renewed via this event.


      // subscribe to error events from the network stack


      // Initialise the stack. This will reset the PHY, initialise the MAC
      // and attempt to create a link to our link partner. Ensure your cable
      // is plugged in when you run this or be prepared to handle the error


      // start the ethernet MAC Tx/Rx DMA channels
      // this will trigger the DHCP transaction


      // nothing more to do

    void run() {

      // declare an instance of the USART and the stream that we'll use to write to it

      _usart=new MyUsart(57600);
      _outputStream=new UsartPollingOutputStream(*_usart);

      // declare the RTC that that stack requires. it's used for cache timeouts, DHCP lease expiry
      // and such like so it does not have to be calibrated for accuracy. A few seconds here or there
      // over a 24 hour period isn't going to make any difference. Start it ticking at zero which is
      // some way back in 2000 but that doesn't matter to us

      Rtc<RtcLsiClockFeature<Rtc32kHzLsiFrequencyProvider>,RtcSecondInterruptFeature> rtc;

      // declare an instance of the network stack

      MyNetworkStack::Parameters params;
      _net=new MyNetworkStack;

      // the stack requires the RTC


      // It's nice to give the DHCP client a host name because then it'll show up in DHCP
      // 'active leases' page. In a home router this is often called 'attached devices'


      // subscribe to error events from the network stack


      // Initialise the stack. This will reset the PHY, initialise the MAC
      // and attempt to create a link to our link partner. Ensure your cable
      // is plugged in when you run this or be prepared to handle the error


      // start the ethernet MAC Tx/Rx DMA channels
      // this will trigger the DHCP transaction


      // look up the IP address for

      *_outputStream << "Looking up the DNS address for\r\n";

      IpAddress address;
      if(!_net->dnsHostnameQuery("",address)) {
        *_outputStream << "Failed to look up\r\n";

      *_outputStream << "Connecting to\r\n";

      // create the connection

      TcpClientConnection *ptr;

      if(!_net->tcpConnect<TcpClientConnection>(address,80,ptr)) {
        *_outputStream << "Failed to connect to\r\n";

        // manage the connection pointer in a scoped_ptr so it's automatically deleted (and closed)
        // when it goes out of scope

        scoped_ptr<TcpClientConnection> conn(ptr);
        HttpClient httpClient(*conn);

        // set the parameters for the HTTP GET

        httpClient.setUri("/");             // get the root document
        httpClient.setHost("");   // host header is mandatory for HTTP/1.1

        // send it

        *_outputStream << "Sending request to server\r\n";

        if(!httpClient.sendRequest()) {
          *_outputStream << "Failed to send the request to the server\r\n";

        // must have a content-length for this test call

        int32_t contentLength;

        if((contentLength=httpClient.getResponseContentLength())==-1) {
          *_outputStream << "Server did not send a Content-Length header\r\n";

        // read back the response in 100 byte chunks with a 60 second timeout

        uint8_t buffer[100];
        uint32_t actuallyRead;

        *_outputStream << "Reading response body from the server\r\n";

        while(contentLength) {

          // read a chunk

          if(!conn->receive(buffer,Min(contentLength,100L),actuallyRead,60000)) {
            *_outputStream << "Timed out waiting for data from the server\r\n";

          if(actuallyRead==0) {
            *_outputStream << "The remote end has closed the connection\r\n";

          // push out to the USART


          // decrease amount remaining


        *_outputStream << "Finished reading response body\r\n";

      // finished, reset the board to try again

Beispiel #3
    void run() {

      // reset state


      // declare an instance of the USART and the stream that we'll use to write to it

      _usart=new MyUsart(57600);
      _outputStream=new UsartPollingOutputStream(*_usart);

      // declare the RTC that that stack requires. it's used for cache timeouts, DHCP lease expiry
      // and such like so it does not have to be calibrated for accuracy. A few seconds here or there
      // over a 24 hour period isn't going to make any difference.

      Rtc<RtcLsiClockFeature<Rtc32kHzLsiFrequencyProvider>,RtcSecondInterruptFeature> rtc;

      // declare an instance of the network stack

      MyNetworkStack::Parameters params;
      _net=new MyNetworkStack;


      // declare our IP address and subnet mask


      // Initialise the stack. This will reset the PHY, initialise the MAC
      // and attempt to create a link to our link partner. Ensure your cable
      // is plugged in when you run this or be prepared to handle the error


      // we'd like to be notified when there's a change in the link status so configure the
      // PHY interrupt mask to report that change. My development board has the PHY interrupt
      // line on PB14 so we'll need an active-low EXTI configured for that

      GpioB<DefaultDigitalInputFeature<14> > pb;
      Exti14 exti(EXTI_Mode_Interrupt,EXTI_Trigger_Falling,pb[14]);



      // subscribe to error events from the network stack


      // start the ethernet MAC Tx/Rx DMA channels


      for(;;) {

        char buf[20];
        uint32_t elapsed;

        // send a ping every 2 seconds

        if(_net->ping("",elapsed)) {
          *_outputStream << "Reply received in " << buf << "ms.\r\n";
          *_outputStream << "Timed out waiting for a reply\r\n";


        // check on the link state

        if(_linkStatusChanged) {
          *_outputStream << "The link state changed\r\n";
    void run() {

      // nothing arrived yet


      // declare an instance of the USART and the stream that we'll use to write to it

      _usart=new MyUsart(57600);
      UsartPollingOutputStream usartStream(*_usart);
      _outputStream=new TextOutputStream(usartStream);

      // declare the RTC that that stack requires. it's used for cache timeouts, DHCP lease expiry
      // and such like so it does not have to be calibrated for accuracy. A few seconds here or there
      // over a 24 hour period isn't going to make any difference. Start it ticking at zero which is
      // some way back in 2000 but that doesn't matter to us

      Rtc<RtcLsiClockFeature<Rtc32kHzLsiFrequencyProvider>,RtcSecondInterruptFeature> rtc;

      // declare an instance of the network stack

      MyNetworkStack::Parameters params;
      _net=new MyNetworkStack;

      // the stack requires the RTC


      // It's nice to give the DHCP client a host name because then it'll show up in DHCP
      // 'active leases' page. In a home router this is often called 'attached devices'


      // subscribe to error events from the network stack


      // subscribe to incoming datagrams from the UDP module


      // Initialise the stack. This will reset the PHY, initialise the MAC
      // and attempt to create a link to our link partner. Ensure your cable
      // is plugged in when you run this or be prepared to handle the error


      // start the ethernet MAC Tx/Rx DMA channels
      // this will trigger the DHCP transaction


      for(;;) {

        char buffer[20];

        if(_datagramArrived) {

          // a datagram has been received, print the address of the sender


          *(_outputStream) << "From: " << buffer << ": ";

          // now print out the first 10 bytes

          for(uint16_t i=0;i<_datagramDataSize;i++)
            (*_outputStream) << (uint16_t) _datagramData[i] << " ";

          (*_outputStream) << "\r\n";

          // ready for another

Beispiel #5
    void run() {

      // declare an instance of the USART and the stream that we'll use to write to it

      _usart=new MyUsart(57600);
      _outputStream=new UsartPollingOutputStream(*_usart);

      // declare the RTC that that stack requires. it's used for cache timeouts, DHCP lease expiry
      // and such like so it does not have to be calibrated for accuracy. A few seconds here or there
      // over a 24 hour period isn't going to make any difference. Start it ticking at zero which is
      // some way back in 2000 but that doesn't matter to us

      Rtc<RtcLsiClockFeature<Rtc32kHzLsiFrequencyProvider>,RtcSecondInterruptFeature> rtc;

      // declare an instance of the network stack

      MyNetworkStack::Parameters params;
      _net=new MyNetworkStack;

      // the stack requires the RTC


      // It's nice to give the DHCP client a host name because then it'll show up in DHCP
      // 'active leases' page. In a home router this is often called 'attached devices'


      // subscribe to error events from the network stack


      // Initialise the stack. This will reset the PHY, initialise the MAC
      // and attempt to create a link to our link partner. Ensure your cable
      // is plugged in when you run this or be prepared to handle the error


      // start the ethernet MAC Tx/Rx DMA channels
      // this will trigger the DHCP transaction


      *_outputStream << "The TCP client is ready to run\r\n";

      TcpClientConnection *ptr;
      uint32_t actuallyReceived,actuallySent;
      char buffer[100];

      for(;;) {

        // connect to the remote end using a random local ephemeral port

        if(_net->tcpConnect<TcpClientConnection>("",12345,ptr)) {

          // manage the connection pointer in a scoped_ptr so it's automatically deleted (and closed)
          // when it goes out of scope

          scoped_ptr<TcpClientConnection> conn(ptr);

          // send 11 bytes of text and a newline to the other end (blocking). We have to copy the data to
          // a sram buffer before sending because the STM32 Ethernet DMA peripheral cannot transmit from
          // flash memory. (string constants are compiled into flash).

          strcpy(buffer,"Hello World\n");

          if(conn->send(buffer,12,actuallySent) && actuallySent==12) {

            // receive the response line from the other end (blocking)

            if(conn->receive(buffer,100,actuallyReceived) && actuallyReceived>0) {

              // write the response to the USART stream

          *_outputStream << "Timed out while trying to connect, trying again...\r\n";

        // pause for 5 seconds to avoid flooding the network before doing it again
