Beispiel #1
BSONObj S2CellIdToIndexKey(const S2CellId& cellId, S2IndexVersion indexVersion) {
    // The range of an unsigned long long is
    // |-----------------|------------------|
    // 0                2^32               2^64 - 1
    // 000...           100...             111...
    // The range of a signed long long is
    // |-----------------|------------------|
    // -2^63             0                 2^63 - 1
    // 100...           000...             011...
    // S2 gives us an unsigned long long, and we need
    // to use signed long longs for the index.
    // The relative ordering may be changed with unsigned
    // numbers around 2^32 being converted to signed
    // However, because a single cell cannot span over
    // more than once face, individual intervals will
    // never cross that threshold. Thus, scans will still
    // produce the same results.
    BSONObjBuilder b;
    if (indexVersion >= S2_INDEX_VERSION_3) {
        b.append("", static_cast<long long>(;
    } else {
        b.append("", cellId.ToString());
    return b.obj();
Beispiel #2
BSONObj S2CellIdToIndexKey(const S2CellId& cellId, S2IndexVersion indexVersion) {
    // The range of an unsigned long long is
    // |-----------------|------------------|
    // 0                2^32               2^64 - 1
    // 000...           100...             111...
    // The range of a signed long long is
    // |-----------------|------------------|
    // -2^63             0                 2^63 - 1
    // 100...           000...             011...
    // S2 gives us an unsigned long long, and we need
    // to use signed long longs for the index.
    // The relative ordering may be changed with unsigned
    // numbers around 2^32 being converted to signed
    // However, because a single cell cannot span over
    // more than once face, individual intervals will
    // never cross that threshold. Thus, scans will still
    // produce the same results.
    if (indexVersion >= S2_INDEX_VERSION_3) {
        // The size of an index BSONObj in S2 index version 3 is 15 bytes.
        // total size (4 bytes)  |  type code 0x12 (1)  |  field name "" 0x00 (1)  |
        // long long cell id (8) | EOO (1)
        BSONObjBuilder b(15);
        b.append("", static_cast<long long>(;
        return b.obj();

    // The size of an index BSONObj in older versions is 10 ~ 40 bytes.
    // total size (4 bytes)  |  type code 0x12 (1)  |  field name "" 0x00 (1)  |
    // cell id string (2 ~ 32) 0x00 (1) | EOO (1)
    BSONObjBuilder b;
    b.append("", cellId.ToString());
    // Return a copy so its buffer size fits the object size.
    return b.obj().copy();