void ComputeMSURFDescriptor(
    const ImageT & Lx ,
    const ImageT & Ly ,
    const int id_octave ,
    const SIOPointFeature & ipt ,
    Descriptor< Real , 64 > & desc )

    Real dx = 0, dy = 0, mdx = 0, mdy = 0, gauss_s1 = 0, gauss_s2 = 0;
    Real rx = 0, ry = 0, rrx = 0, rry = 0, ys = 0, xs = 0;
    Real sample_x = 0, sample_y = 0;
    int kx = 0, ky = 0, i = 0, j = 0, dcount = 0;

    // Subregion centers for the 4x4 gaussian weighting
    Real cx = - static_cast<Real>( 0.5 ) , cy = static_cast<Real>( 0.5 ) ;

    // Set the descriptor size and the sample and pattern sizes
    const int sample_step = 5;
    const int pattern_size = 12;

    // Get the information from the keypoint
    const Real ratio = static_cast<Real>( 1 << id_octave );
    const int scale = MathTrait<float>::round( ipt.scale() / ratio );
    const Real angle = ipt.orientation() ;
    const Real yf = ipt.y() / ratio;
    const Real xf = ipt.x() / ratio;
    const Real co = MathTrait<Real>::cos( angle );
    const Real si = MathTrait<Real>::sin( angle );

    i = -8;

    const image::Sampler2d<image::SamplerLinear> sampler;

    // Calculate descriptor for this interest point
    // Area of size 24 s x 24 s
    while ( i < pattern_size )
      j = -8;
      i = i - 4;

      cx += 1.0;
      cy = -0.5;

      while ( j < pattern_size )
        dx = dy = mdx = mdy = 0.0;
        cy += 1.0;
        j = j - 4;

        ky = i + sample_step;
        kx = j + sample_step;

        xs = xf + ( -kx * scale * si + ky * scale * co );
        ys = yf + ( kx * scale * co + ky * scale * si );

        for ( int k = i; k < i + 9; ++k )
          for ( int l = j; l < j + 9; ++l )
            // Get coords of sample point on the rotated axis
            sample_y = yf + ( l * scale * co + k * scale * si );
            sample_x = xf + ( -l * scale * si + k * scale * co );

            // Get the gaussian weighted x and y responses
            gauss_s1 = gaussian( xs - sample_x, ys - sample_y, static_cast<Real>( 2.5 ) * static_cast<Real>( scale ) );

            rx = sampler( Lx, sample_y, sample_x );
            ry = sampler( Ly, sample_y, sample_x );

            // Get the x and y derivatives on the rotated axis
            rry = gauss_s1 * ( rx * co + ry * si );
            rrx = gauss_s1 * ( -rx * si + ry * co );

            // Sum the derivatives to the cumulative descriptor
            dx += rrx;
            dy += rry;
            mdx += MathTrait<Real>::abs( rrx );
            mdy += MathTrait<Real>::abs( rry );

        // Add the values to the descriptor vector
        gauss_s2 = gaussian( cx - static_cast<Real>( 2.0 ) , cy - static_cast<Real>( 2.0 ) , static_cast<Real>( 1.5 ) ) ;
        desc[dcount++] = dx * gauss_s2;
        desc[dcount++] = dy * gauss_s2;
        desc[dcount++] = mdx * gauss_s2;
        desc[dcount++] = mdy * gauss_s2;

        j += 9;

      i += 9;

    // convert to unit vector (L2 norm)
Beispiel #2
static bool SIFTDetector(const Image<unsigned char>& I,
  std::vector<SIOPointFeature>& feats,
  std::vector<Descriptor<type,128> >& descs,
  bool bDezoom = false,
  bool bRootSift = false,
  float dPeakThreshold = 0.04f)
  // First Octave Index.
  int firstOctave = (bDezoom == true) ? -1 : 0;
  // Number of octaves.
  int numOctaves = 6;
  // Number of scales per octave.
  int numScales = 3;
  // Max ratio of Hessian eigenvalues.
  float edgeThresh = 10.0f;
  // Min contrast.
  float peakThresh = dPeakThreshold;

  int w=I.Width(), h=I.Height();
  //Convert to float
  Image<float> If( I.GetMat().cast<float>() );


  VlSiftFilt *filt = vl_sift_new(w,h,numOctaves,numScales,firstOctave);
  if (edgeThresh >= 0)
    vl_sift_set_edge_thresh(filt, edgeThresh);
  if (peakThresh >= 0)
    vl_sift_set_peak_thresh(filt, 255*peakThresh/numScales);

  vl_sift_process_first_octave(filt, If.data());

  vl_sift_pix descr[128];
  Descriptor<type, 128> descriptor;

  while (true) {

    VlSiftKeypoint const *keys  = vl_sift_get_keypoints(filt);
    int nkeys = vl_sift_get_nkeypoints(filt);

    for (int i=0;i<nkeys;++i) {
      double angles [4];
      int	nangles=vl_sift_calc_keypoint_orientations(filt,angles,keys+i);

      for (int q=0 ; q < nangles ; ++q) {
        vl_sift_calc_keypoint_descriptor(filt,descr, keys+i, angles [q]);
        SIOPointFeature fp;
        fp.x() = keys[i].x;
        fp.y() = keys[i].y;
        fp.scale() = keys[i].sigma;
        fp.orientation() = static_cast<float>(angles[q]);

        siftDescToFloat(descr, descriptor, bRootSift);
    if (vl_sift_process_next_octave(filt))
      break; // Last octave


  return true;