Beispiel #1
// General test for the SP3EphemerisStore
// Makes sure SP3EphemerisStore can be instantiated and can load
// a file; also ensures that nonexistent files throw an exception
   int SP3ESTest(void)
      TUDEF( "SP3EphemerisStore", "Constructor" );

         // Verify the consturctor builds the SP3EphemerisStore object
         SP3EphemerisStore store;
         TUPASS("SP3EphemerisStore object successfully created");
      catch (...)
         TUFAIL("SP3EphemerisStore object could not be created");

      SP3EphemerisStore store;

         // Verify opening an empty file throws an error
         TUFAIL("Opening an empty file did not throw an exception");
      catch (Exception& e)
         TUPASS("Opening an empty file threw the correct exception");
      catch (...)
         TUFAIL("Opening an empty file caused an unexpected exception");

         // Verify opening a file works with no errors
  fstream smoo;,std::ios::in);
  testFramework.assert(smoo, "plain file open fail", __LINE__);
  cerr << "-------------------------" << endl;
//         cerr << "-------------------------" << endl;
         TUPASS("Opening a valid file works with no exceptions");
      catch (...)
//         cerr << "-------------------------" << endl;
         TUFAIL("Exception thrown when opening a valid file");

         // Write the dump of the loaded file
      ofstream DumpData; (outputDataDump.c_str());

      return testFramework.countFails();
Beispiel #2
// Configure(1)
// open and read navigation files
// open and read headers of all observation files
int Initialize(void) throw(Exception)
try {
   size_t i;
   // global pEph will point to one of these
   static GPSEphemerisStore BCEphList;
   static SP3EphemerisStore SP3EphList;

   if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "BEGIN Configure(1)"
      << " at total time " << fixed << setprecision(3)
      << double(clock()-totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds."
      << endl;
   if(CI.Frequency == 1) wave = wl1;
   if(CI.Frequency == 2) wave = wl2;
      // NB wave should never be used for L3 -- see warning in CommandInput.cpp
   else if(CI.Frequency == 3) wave = wl1;

      // open nav files, if any, and read EphemerisStore into EphLists
   if(CI.NavFileNames.size() > 0) {
         for(i=0; i<CI.NavFileNames.size(); i++)
            CI.NavFileNames[i] = CI.NavPath + "/" + CI.NavFileNames[i];

      // fill ephemeris store -- this routine in RinexUtilities.cpp
      FillEphemerisStore(CI.NavFileNames, SP3EphList, BCEphList);

      // read all headers and store information in Station object

      // use the information gathered in ReadAllObsHeaders to determine DT
      // if the user did not specify --DT, set it
      // else if the --DT the user chose is too small, reset it
      // else leave --DT alone
   double DT=-1.0;
   for(i=0; i<ObsFileList.size(); i++) {
      if(ObsFileList[i].dt > DT)
         DT = ObsFileList[i].dt;
      if(ObsFileList[i].firstTime > CI.BegTime)
         CI.BegTime = ObsFileList[i].firstTime;
   if(CI.DataInterval == -1) {
      CI.DataInterval = DT;
      if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "DDBase has determined the data interval (--DT) to be "
         << CI.DataInterval << " seconds." << endl;
   else if(CI.DataInterval < DT) {
      CI.DataInterval = DT;
      oflog << "Warning - DDBase has changed the data interval (--DT) to "
         << CI.DataInterval << " seconds." << endl;

      // dump SP3 store to log
   if(SP3EphList.size()) {
      if(CI.Verbose) SP3EphList.dump(oflog,0);
   else if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "SP3 Ephemeris store is empty" << endl;

      // dump BCE store to log
   if(BCEphList.size()) {
         // this causes the CorrectedEphemerisRange routines to pick the
         // closest TOE in either future or past of the epoch, rather
         // than the closest in the past -- see GPSEphemerisStore.hpp

      if(CI.Debug) BCEphList.dump(oflog,1);
      else if(CI.Verbose) BCEphList.dump(oflog,0);
   else if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "BC Ephemeris store is empty" << endl;

      // assign pointer
      // NB SP3 takes precedence
   if(SP3EphList.size())     pEph = &SP3EphList;
   else if(BCEphList.size()) pEph = &BCEphList;
   else {
      cerr << "Initialize ERROR: no ephemeris. Abort." << endl;
      oflog << "Initialize ERROR: no ephemeris. Abort." << endl;
      return 1;

      // open all EOP files and fill the EOPstore
      for(i=0; i<CI.EOPFileNames.size(); i++)
         CI.EOPFileNames[i] = CI.EOPPath + "/" + CI.EOPFileNames[i];

   if(CI.EOPFileNames.size() > 0) {
      for(i=0; i<CI.EOPFileNames.size(); i++)
   else {
      try {
      catch(FileMissingException& fme) {
         string msg("DDBase was unable to find any Earth Orientation parameters:\n"
           " either add option --EOPFile <file> or put file 'finals.daily' in the"
           " current directory.\n  (\n");
         cerr << msg;
         oflog << msg;

   if(EOPList.size()) {
      if(CI.Debug) EOPList.dump(1,oflog);
      else if(CI.Verbose) EOPList.dump(0,oflog);
   else oflog << "Warning - no Earth Orientation Parameters were input\n";

      // add path to output files
   if(!CI.OutPath.empty()) {
         CI.OutputClkFile = CI.OutPath + "/" + CI.OutputClkFile;
         CI.OutputDDDFile = CI.OutPath + "/" + CI.OutputDDDFile;
         CI.OutputTDDFile = CI.OutPath + "/" + CI.OutputTDDFile;
         CI.OutputRawFile = CI.OutPath + "/" + CI.OutputRawFile;
         CI.OutputRawDDFile = CI.OutPath + "/" + CI.OutputRawDDFile;
         CI.OutputPRSFile = CI.OutPath + "/" + CI.OutputPRSFile;
         CI.OutputDDRFile = CI.OutPath + "/" + CI.OutputDDRFile;

      // assign trop model for RAIM (model for DD est assigned in Configure(2))
      // NB using another, like Saastamoinen, here, is problematic because it
      // requires height, latitude and DOY input, [ this because RAIM calls
      // CI.pTropModel->correction(elevation) ], and that info is different for
      // different sites and not all available.
   CI.pTropModel = &TropModelSimple;
      // TD per site

      // Define first and last epochs
   FirstEpoch = CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME;
   LastEpoch = CommonTime::END_OF_TIME;

   return 0;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(std::exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }