Beispiel #1
/// RewriteUsesOfClonedInstructions - We just cloned the instructions from the
/// old header into the preheader.  If there were uses of the values produced by
/// these instruction that were outside of the loop, we have to insert PHI nodes
/// to merge the two values.  Do this now.
static void RewriteUsesOfClonedInstructions(BasicBlock *OrigHeader,
                                            BasicBlock *OrigPreheader,
                                            ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap) {
  // Remove PHI node entries that are no longer live.
  BasicBlock::iterator I, E = OrigHeader->end();
  for (I = OrigHeader->begin(); PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I); ++I)

  // Now fix up users of the instructions in OrigHeader, inserting PHI nodes
  // as necessary.
  SSAUpdater SSA;
  for (I = OrigHeader->begin(); I != E; ++I) {
    Value *OrigHeaderVal = I;

    // If there are no uses of the value (e.g. because it returns void), there
    // is nothing to rewrite.
    if (OrigHeaderVal->use_empty())

    Value *OrigPreHeaderVal = ValueMap[OrigHeaderVal];

    // The value now exits in two versions: the initial value in the preheader
    // and the loop "next" value in the original header.
    SSA.Initialize(OrigHeaderVal->getType(), OrigHeaderVal->getName());
    SSA.AddAvailableValue(OrigHeader, OrigHeaderVal);
    SSA.AddAvailableValue(OrigPreheader, OrigPreHeaderVal);

    // Visit each use of the OrigHeader instruction.
    for (Value::use_iterator UI = OrigHeaderVal->use_begin(),
         UE = OrigHeaderVal->use_end(); UI != UE; ) {
      // Grab the use before incrementing the iterator.
      Use &U = *UI;

      // Increment the iterator before removing the use from the list.

      // SSAUpdater can't handle a non-PHI use in the same block as an
      // earlier def. We can easily handle those cases manually.
      Instruction *UserInst = cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
      if (!isa<PHINode>(UserInst)) {
        BasicBlock *UserBB = UserInst->getParent();

        // The original users in the OrigHeader are already using the
        // original definitions.
        if (UserBB == OrigHeader)

        // Users in the OrigPreHeader need to use the value to which the
        // original definitions are mapped.
        if (UserBB == OrigPreheader) {
          U = OrigPreHeaderVal;

      // Anything else can be handled by SSAUpdater.
Beispiel #2
void BBCloner::UpdateSSA(Function &F) {
  DominatorTree &DT = getAnalysis<DominatorTree>();
  // The function has been greatly modified since the beginning.

  vector<pair<Instruction *, Use *> > ToResolve;
  for (ValueToValueMapTy::iterator I = CloneMap.begin();
       I != CloneMap.end();
       ++I) {
    Value *Key = const_cast<Value *>(I->first);
    if (Instruction *OldIns = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Key)) {
      for (Value::use_iterator UI = OldIns->use_begin();
           UI != OldIns->use_end();
           ++UI) {
        if (Instruction *User = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*UI)) {
          if (!DT.dominates(OldIns, User))
            ToResolve.push_back(make_pair(OldIns, &UI.getUse()));
      Instruction *NewIns = cast<Instruction>(I->second);
      for (Value::use_iterator UI = NewIns->use_begin();
           UI != NewIns->use_end();
           ++UI) {
        if (Instruction *User = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*UI)) {
          if (!DT.dominates(NewIns, User)) {
            // Use OldIns intentionally.
            ToResolve.push_back(make_pair(OldIns, &UI.getUse()));

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ToResolve.size(); ) {
    Instruction *OldIns = ToResolve[i].first;
    Instruction *NewIns = cast<Instruction>(CloneMap.lookup(OldIns));
    SSAUpdater SU;
    SU.Initialize(OldIns->getType(), OldIns->getName());
    SU.AddAvailableValue(OldIns->getParent(), OldIns);
    SU.AddAvailableValue(NewIns->getParent(), NewIns);
    size_t j = i;
    while (j < ToResolve.size() && ToResolve[j].first == ToResolve[i].first) {
    i = j;
Beispiel #3
/// ProcessInstruction - Given an instruction in the loop, check to see if it
/// has any uses that are outside the current loop.  If so, insert LCSSA PHI
/// nodes and rewrite the uses.
bool LCSSA::ProcessInstruction(Instruction *Inst,
                               const SmallVectorImpl<BasicBlock*> &ExitBlocks) {
  SmallVector<Use*, 16> UsesToRewrite;
  BasicBlock *InstBB = Inst->getParent();
  for (Value::use_iterator UI = Inst->use_begin(), E = Inst->use_end();
       UI != E; ++UI) {
    User *U = *UI;
    BasicBlock *UserBB = cast<Instruction>(U)->getParent();
    if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(U))
      UserBB = PN->getIncomingBlock(UI);
    if (InstBB != UserBB && !inLoop(UserBB))

  // If there are no uses outside the loop, exit with no change.
  if (UsesToRewrite.empty()) return false;
  ++NumLCSSA; // We are applying the transformation

  // Invoke instructions are special in that their result value is not available
  // along their unwind edge. The code below tests to see whether DomBB dominates
  // the value, so adjust DomBB to the normal destination block, which is
  // effectively where the value is first usable.
  BasicBlock *DomBB = Inst->getParent();
  if (InvokeInst *Inv = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Inst))
    DomBB = Inv->getNormalDest();

  DomTreeNode *DomNode = DT->getNode(DomBB);

  SSAUpdater SSAUpdate;
  SSAUpdate.Initialize(Inst->getType(), Inst->getName());
  // Insert the LCSSA phi's into all of the exit blocks dominated by the
  // value, and add them to the Phi's map.
  for (SmallVectorImpl<BasicBlock*>::const_iterator BBI = ExitBlocks.begin(),
      BBE = ExitBlocks.end(); BBI != BBE; ++BBI) {
    BasicBlock *ExitBB = *BBI;
    if (!DT->dominates(DomNode, DT->getNode(ExitBB))) continue;
    // If we already inserted something for this BB, don't reprocess it.
    if (SSAUpdate.HasValueForBlock(ExitBB)) continue;
    PHINode *PN = PHINode::Create(Inst->getType(), Inst->getName()+".lcssa",

    // Add inputs from inside the loop for this PHI.
    for (BasicBlock **PI = PredCache.GetPreds(ExitBB); *PI; ++PI) {
      PN->addIncoming(Inst, *PI);

      // If the exit block has a predecessor not within the loop, arrange for
      // the incoming value use corresponding to that predecessor to be
      // rewritten in terms of a different LCSSA PHI.
      if (!inLoop(*PI))
    // Remember that this phi makes the value alive in this block.
    SSAUpdate.AddAvailableValue(ExitBB, PN);
  // Rewrite all uses outside the loop in terms of the new PHIs we just
  // inserted.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = UsesToRewrite.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    // If this use is in an exit block, rewrite to use the newly inserted PHI.
    // This is required for correctness because SSAUpdate doesn't handle uses in
    // the same block.  It assumes the PHI we inserted is at the end of the
    // block.
    Instruction *User = cast<Instruction>(UsesToRewrite[i]->getUser());
    BasicBlock *UserBB = User->getParent();
    if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(User))
      UserBB = PN->getIncomingBlock(*UsesToRewrite[i]);

    if (isa<PHINode>(UserBB->begin()) &&
        isExitBlock(UserBB, ExitBlocks)) {
    // Otherwise, do full PHI insertion.
  return true;
Beispiel #4
/// RewriteUsesOfClonedInstructions - We just cloned the instructions from the
/// old header into the preheader.  If there were uses of the values produced by
/// these instruction that were outside of the loop, we have to insert PHI nodes
/// to merge the two values.  Do this now.
static void RewriteUsesOfClonedInstructions(BasicBlock *OrigHeader,
                                            BasicBlock *OrigPreheader,
                                            ValueToValueMapTy &ValueMap) {
  // Remove PHI node entries that are no longer live.
  BasicBlock::iterator I, E = OrigHeader->end();
  for (I = OrigHeader->begin(); PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I); ++I)

  // Now fix up users of the instructions in OrigHeader, inserting PHI nodes
  // as necessary.
  SSAUpdater SSA;
  for (I = OrigHeader->begin(); I != E; ++I) {
    Value *OrigHeaderVal = &*I;

    // If there are no uses of the value (e.g. because it returns void), there
    // is nothing to rewrite.
    if (OrigHeaderVal->use_empty())

    Value *OrigPreHeaderVal = ValueMap.lookup(OrigHeaderVal);

    // The value now exits in two versions: the initial value in the preheader
    // and the loop "next" value in the original header.
    SSA.Initialize(OrigHeaderVal->getType(), OrigHeaderVal->getName());
    SSA.AddAvailableValue(OrigHeader, OrigHeaderVal);
    SSA.AddAvailableValue(OrigPreheader, OrigPreHeaderVal);

    // Visit each use of the OrigHeader instruction.
    for (Value::use_iterator UI = OrigHeaderVal->use_begin(),
         UE = OrigHeaderVal->use_end(); UI != UE; ) {
      // Grab the use before incrementing the iterator.
      Use &U = *UI;

      // Increment the iterator before removing the use from the list.

      // SSAUpdater can't handle a non-PHI use in the same block as an
      // earlier def. We can easily handle those cases manually.
      Instruction *UserInst = cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
      if (!isa<PHINode>(UserInst)) {
        BasicBlock *UserBB = UserInst->getParent();

        // The original users in the OrigHeader are already using the
        // original definitions.
        if (UserBB == OrigHeader)

        // Users in the OrigPreHeader need to use the value to which the
        // original definitions are mapped.
        if (UserBB == OrigPreheader) {
          U = OrigPreHeaderVal;

      // Anything else can be handled by SSAUpdater.

    // Replace MetadataAsValue(ValueAsMetadata(OrigHeaderVal)) uses in debug
    // intrinsics.
    LLVMContext &C = OrigHeader->getContext();
    if (auto *VAM = ValueAsMetadata::getIfExists(OrigHeaderVal)) {
      if (auto *MAV = MetadataAsValue::getIfExists(C, VAM)) {
        for (auto UI = MAV->use_begin(), E = MAV->use_end(); UI != E; ) {
          // Grab the use before incrementing the iterator. Otherwise, altering
          // the Use will invalidate the iterator.
          Use &U = *UI++;
          DbgInfoIntrinsic *UserInst = dyn_cast<DbgInfoIntrinsic>(U.getUser());
          if (!UserInst) continue;

          // The original users in the OrigHeader are already using the original
          // definitions.
          BasicBlock *UserBB = UserInst->getParent();
          if (UserBB == OrigHeader)

          // Users in the OrigPreHeader need to use the value to which the
          // original definitions are mapped and anything else can be handled by
          // the SSAUpdater. To avoid adding PHINodes, check if the value is
          // available in UserBB, if not substitute undef.
          Value *NewVal;
          if (UserBB == OrigPreheader)
            NewVal = OrigPreHeaderVal;
          else if (SSA.HasValueForBlock(UserBB))
            NewVal = SSA.GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(UserBB);
            NewVal = UndefValue::get(OrigHeaderVal->getType());
          U = MetadataAsValue::get(C, ValueAsMetadata::get(NewVal));
bool WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj::runSjLjOnFunction(Function &F) {
  Module &M = *F.getParent();
  LLVMContext &C = F.getContext();
  IRBuilder<> IRB(C);
  SmallVector<Instruction *, 64> ToErase;
  // Vector of %setjmpTable values
  std::vector<Instruction *> SetjmpTableInsts;
  // Vector of %setjmpTableSize values
  std::vector<Instruction *> SetjmpTableSizeInsts;

  // Setjmp preparation

  // This instruction effectively means %setjmpTableSize = 4.
  // We create this as an instruction intentionally, and we don't want to fold
  // this instruction to a constant 4, because this value will be used in
  // SSAUpdater.AddAvailableValue(...) later.
  BasicBlock &EntryBB = F.getEntryBlock();
  BinaryOperator *SetjmpTableSize = BinaryOperator::Create(
      Instruction::Add, IRB.getInt32(4), IRB.getInt32(0), "setjmpTableSize",
  // setjmpTable = (int *) malloc(40);
  Instruction *SetjmpTable = CallInst::CreateMalloc(
      SetjmpTableSize, IRB.getInt32Ty(), IRB.getInt32Ty(), IRB.getInt32(40),
      nullptr, nullptr, "setjmpTable");
  // setjmpTable[0] = 0;
  IRB.CreateStore(IRB.getInt32(0), SetjmpTable);

  // Setjmp transformation
  std::vector<PHINode *> SetjmpRetPHIs;
  Function *SetjmpF = M.getFunction("setjmp");
  for (User *U : SetjmpF->users()) {
    auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U);
    if (!CI)
      report_fatal_error("Does not support indirect calls to setjmp");

    BasicBlock *BB = CI->getParent();
    if (BB->getParent() != &F) // in other function

    // The tail is everything right after the call, and will be reached once
    // when setjmp is called, and later when longjmp returns to the setjmp
    BasicBlock *Tail = SplitBlock(BB, CI->getNextNode());
    // Add a phi to the tail, which will be the output of setjmp, which
    // indicates if this is the first call or a longjmp back. The phi directly
    // uses the right value based on where we arrive from
    PHINode *SetjmpRet = IRB.CreatePHI(IRB.getInt32Ty(), 2, "setjmp.ret");

    // setjmp initial call returns 0
    SetjmpRet->addIncoming(IRB.getInt32(0), BB);
    // The proper output is now this, not the setjmp call itself
    // longjmp returns to the setjmp will add themselves to this phi

    // Fix call target
    // Our index in the function is our place in the array + 1 to avoid index
    // 0, because index 0 means the longjmp is not ours to handle.
    Value *Args[] = {CI->getArgOperand(0), IRB.getInt32(SetjmpRetPHIs.size()),
                     SetjmpTable, SetjmpTableSize};
    Instruction *NewSetjmpTable =
        IRB.CreateCall(SaveSetjmpF, Args, "setjmpTable");
    Instruction *NewSetjmpTableSize =
        IRB.CreateLoad(TempRet0GV, "setjmpTableSize");

  // Update each call that can longjmp so it can return to a setjmp where
  // relevant.

  // Because we are creating new BBs while processing and don't want to make
  // all these newly created BBs candidates again for longjmp processing, we
  // first make the vector of candidate BBs.
  std::vector<BasicBlock *> BBs;
  for (BasicBlock &BB : F)

  // BBs.size() will change within the loop, so we query it every time
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < BBs.size(); i++) {
    BasicBlock *BB = BBs[i];
    for (Instruction &I : *BB) {
      auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I);
      if (!CI)

      const Value *Callee = CI->getCalledValue();
      if (!canLongjmp(M, Callee))

      Value *Threw = nullptr;
      BasicBlock *Tail;
      if (Callee->getName().startswith(InvokePrefix)) {
        // If invoke wrapper has already been generated for this call in
        // previous EH phase, search for the load instruction
        // %__THREW__.val = __THREW__;
        // in postamble after the invoke wrapper call
        LoadInst *ThrewLI = nullptr;
        StoreInst *ThrewResetSI = nullptr;
        for (auto I = std::next(BasicBlock::iterator(CI)), IE = BB->end();
             I != IE; ++I) {
          if (auto *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I))
            if (auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(LI->getPointerOperand()))
              if (GV == ThrewGV) {
                Threw = ThrewLI = LI;
        // Search for the store instruction after the load above
        // __THREW__ = 0;
        for (auto I = std::next(BasicBlock::iterator(ThrewLI)), IE = BB->end();
             I != IE; ++I) {
          if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I))
            if (auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(SI->getPointerOperand()))
              if (GV == ThrewGV && SI->getValueOperand() == IRB.getInt32(0)) {
                ThrewResetSI = SI;
        assert(Threw && ThrewLI && "Cannot find __THREW__ load after invoke");
        assert(ThrewResetSI && "Cannot find __THREW__ store after invoke");
        Tail = SplitBlock(BB, ThrewResetSI->getNextNode());

      } else {
        // Wrap call with invoke wrapper and generate preamble/postamble
        Threw = wrapInvoke(CI);
        Tail = SplitBlock(BB, CI->getNextNode());

      // We need to replace the terminator in Tail - SplitBlock makes BB go
      // straight to Tail, we need to check if a longjmp occurred, and go to the
      // right setjmp-tail if so

      // Generate a function call to testSetjmp function and preamble/postamble
      // code to figure out (1) whether longjmp occurred (2) if longjmp
      // occurred, which setjmp it corresponds to
      Value *Label = nullptr;
      Value *LongjmpResult = nullptr;
      BasicBlock *EndBB = nullptr;
      wrapTestSetjmp(BB, CI, Threw, SetjmpTable, SetjmpTableSize, Label,
                     LongjmpResult, EndBB);
      assert(Label && LongjmpResult && EndBB);

      // Create switch instruction
      SwitchInst *SI = IRB.CreateSwitch(Label, Tail, SetjmpRetPHIs.size());
      // -1 means no longjmp happened, continue normally (will hit the default
      // switch case). 0 means a longjmp that is not ours to handle, needs a
      // rethrow. Otherwise the index is the same as the index in P+1 (to avoid
      // 0).
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < SetjmpRetPHIs.size(); i++) {
        SI->addCase(IRB.getInt32(i + 1), SetjmpRetPHIs[i]->getParent());
        SetjmpRetPHIs[i]->addIncoming(LongjmpResult, EndBB);

      // We are splitting the block here, and must continue to find other calls
      // in the block - which is now split. so continue to traverse in the Tail

  // Erase everything we no longer need in this function
  for (Instruction *I : ToErase)

  // Free setjmpTable buffer before each return instruction
  for (BasicBlock &BB : F) {
    TerminatorInst *TI = BB.getTerminator();
    if (isa<ReturnInst>(TI))
      CallInst::CreateFree(SetjmpTable, TI);

  // Every call to saveSetjmp can change setjmpTable and setjmpTableSize
  // (when buffer reallocation occurs)
  // entry:
  //   setjmpTableSize = 4;
  //   setjmpTable = (int *) malloc(40);
  //   setjmpTable[0] = 0;
  // ...
  // somebb:
  //   setjmpTable = saveSetjmp(buf, label, setjmpTable, setjmpTableSize);
  //   setjmpTableSize = __tempRet0;
  // So we need to make sure the SSA for these variables is valid so that every
  // saveSetjmp and testSetjmp calls have the correct arguments.
  SSAUpdater SetjmpTableSSA;
  SSAUpdater SetjmpTableSizeSSA;
  SetjmpTableSSA.Initialize(Type::getInt32PtrTy(C), "setjmpTable");
  SetjmpTableSizeSSA.Initialize(Type::getInt32Ty(C), "setjmpTableSize");
  for (Instruction *I : SetjmpTableInsts)
    SetjmpTableSSA.AddAvailableValue(I->getParent(), I);
  for (Instruction *I : SetjmpTableSizeInsts)
    SetjmpTableSizeSSA.AddAvailableValue(I->getParent(), I);

  for (auto UI = SetjmpTable->use_begin(), UE = SetjmpTable->use_end();
       UI != UE;) {
    // Grab the use before incrementing the iterator.
    Use &U = *UI;
    // Increment the iterator before removing the use from the list.
    if (Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser()))
      if (I->getParent() != &EntryBB)
  for (auto UI = SetjmpTableSize->use_begin(), UE = SetjmpTableSize->use_end();
       UI != UE;) {
    Use &U = *UI;
    if (Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser()))
      if (I->getParent() != &EntryBB)

  // Finally, our modifications to the cfg can break dominance of SSA variables.
  // For example, in this code,
  // if (x()) { .. setjmp() .. }
  // if (y()) { .. longjmp() .. }
  // We must split the longjmp block, and it can jump into the block splitted
  // from setjmp one. But that means that when we split the setjmp block, it's
  // first part no longer dominates its second part - there is a theoretically
  // possible control flow path where x() is false, then y() is true and we
  // reach the second part of the setjmp block, without ever reaching the first
  // part. So, we rebuild SSA form here.
  return true;
Beispiel #6
/// Given an instruction in the loop, check to see if it has any uses that are
/// outside the current loop.  If so, insert LCSSA PHI nodes and rewrite the
/// uses.
static bool processInstruction(Loop &L, Instruction &Inst, DominatorTree &DT,
                               const SmallVectorImpl<BasicBlock *> &ExitBlocks,
                               PredIteratorCache &PredCache, LoopInfo *LI) {
  SmallVector<Use *, 16> UsesToRewrite;

  // Tokens cannot be used in PHI nodes, so we skip over them.
  // We can run into tokens which are live out of a loop with catchswitch
  // instructions in Windows EH if the catchswitch has one catchpad which
  // is inside the loop and another which is not.
  if (Inst.getType()->isTokenTy())
    return false;

  BasicBlock *InstBB = Inst.getParent();

  for (Use &U : Inst.uses()) {
    Instruction *User = cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
    BasicBlock *UserBB = User->getParent();
    if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(User))
      UserBB = PN->getIncomingBlock(U);

    if (InstBB != UserBB && !L.contains(UserBB))

  // If there are no uses outside the loop, exit with no change.
  if (UsesToRewrite.empty())
    return false;

  ++NumLCSSA; // We are applying the transformation

  // Invoke instructions are special in that their result value is not available
  // along their unwind edge. The code below tests to see whether DomBB
  // dominates the value, so adjust DomBB to the normal destination block,
  // which is effectively where the value is first usable.
  BasicBlock *DomBB = Inst.getParent();
  if (InvokeInst *Inv = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(&Inst))
    DomBB = Inv->getNormalDest();

  DomTreeNode *DomNode = DT.getNode(DomBB);

  SmallVector<PHINode *, 16> AddedPHIs;
  SmallVector<PHINode *, 8> PostProcessPHIs;

  SSAUpdater SSAUpdate;
  SSAUpdate.Initialize(Inst.getType(), Inst.getName());

  // Insert the LCSSA phi's into all of the exit blocks dominated by the
  // value, and add them to the Phi's map.
  for (BasicBlock *ExitBB : ExitBlocks) {
    if (!DT.dominates(DomNode, DT.getNode(ExitBB)))

    // If we already inserted something for this BB, don't reprocess it.
    if (SSAUpdate.HasValueForBlock(ExitBB))

    PHINode *PN = PHINode::Create(Inst.getType(), PredCache.size(ExitBB),
                                  Inst.getName() + ".lcssa", &ExitBB->front());

    // Add inputs from inside the loop for this PHI.
    for (BasicBlock *Pred : PredCache.get(ExitBB)) {
      PN->addIncoming(&Inst, Pred);

      // If the exit block has a predecessor not within the loop, arrange for
      // the incoming value use corresponding to that predecessor to be
      // rewritten in terms of a different LCSSA PHI.
      if (!L.contains(Pred))
                 PN->getNumIncomingValues() - 1)));


    // Remember that this phi makes the value alive in this block.
    SSAUpdate.AddAvailableValue(ExitBB, PN);

    // LoopSimplify might fail to simplify some loops (e.g. when indirect
    // branches are involved). In such situations, it might happen that an exit
    // for Loop L1 is the header of a disjoint Loop L2. Thus, when we create
    // PHIs in such an exit block, we are also inserting PHIs into L2's header.
    // This could break LCSSA form for L2 because these inserted PHIs can also
    // have uses outside of L2. Remember all PHIs in such situation as to
    // revisit than later on. FIXME: Remove this if indirectbr support into
    // LoopSimplify gets improved.
    if (auto *OtherLoop = LI->getLoopFor(ExitBB))
      if (!L.contains(OtherLoop))

  // Rewrite all uses outside the loop in terms of the new PHIs we just
  // inserted.
  for (Use *UseToRewrite : UsesToRewrite) {
    // If this use is in an exit block, rewrite to use the newly inserted PHI.
    // This is required for correctness because SSAUpdate doesn't handle uses in
    // the same block.  It assumes the PHI we inserted is at the end of the
    // block.
    Instruction *User = cast<Instruction>(UseToRewrite->getUser());
    BasicBlock *UserBB = User->getParent();
    if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(User))
      UserBB = PN->getIncomingBlock(*UseToRewrite);

    if (isa<PHINode>(UserBB->begin()) && isExitBlock(UserBB, ExitBlocks)) {
      // Tell the VHs that the uses changed. This updates SCEV's caches.
      if (UseToRewrite->get()->hasValueHandle())
        ValueHandleBase::ValueIsRAUWd(*UseToRewrite, &UserBB->front());

    // Otherwise, do full PHI insertion.

  // Post process PHI instructions that were inserted into another disjoint loop
  // and update their exits properly.
  for (auto *I : PostProcessPHIs) {
    if (I->use_empty())

    BasicBlock *PHIBB = I->getParent();
    Loop *OtherLoop = LI->getLoopFor(PHIBB);
    SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 8> EBs;
    if (EBs.empty())

    // Recurse and re-process each PHI instruction. FIXME: we should really
    // convert this entire thing to a worklist approach where we process a
    // vector of instructions...
    processInstruction(*OtherLoop, *I, DT, EBs, PredCache, LI);

  // Remove PHI nodes that did not have any uses rewritten.
  for (PHINode *PN : AddedPHIs)
    if (PN->use_empty())

  return true;