DOMSVGTransformList::Initialize(SVGTransform& newItem, ErrorResult& error)
  if (IsAnimValList()) {
    return nullptr;

  // If newItem is already in a list we should insert a clone of newItem, and
  // for consistency, this should happen even if *this* is the list that
  // newItem is currently in. Note that in the case of newItem being in this
  // list, the Clear() call before the InsertItemBefore() call would remove it
  // from this list, and so the InsertItemBefore() call would not insert a
  // clone of newItem, it would actually insert newItem. To prevent that from
  // happening we have to do the clone here, if necessary.

  nsRefPtr<SVGTransform> domItem = &newItem;
  if (domItem->HasOwner()) {
    domItem = newItem.Clone();

  MOZ_ASSERT(!error.Failed(), "How could this fail?");
  return InsertItemBefore(*domItem, 0, error);
DOMSVGTransformList::ReplaceItem(SVGTransform& newItem,
                                 uint32_t index, ErrorResult& error)
  if (IsAnimValList()) {
    return nullptr;

  if (index >= LengthNoFlush()) {
    return nullptr;

  nsRefPtr<SVGTransform> domItem = &newItem;
  if (newItem.HasOwner()) {
    domItem = newItem.Clone(); // must do this before changing anything!

  AutoChangeTransformListNotifier notifier(this);
  if (mItems[index]) {
    // Notify any existing DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so
    // that the DOM item can copy the *old* value at its index:

  InternalList()[index] = domItem->ToSVGTransform();
  mItems[index] = domItem;

  // This MUST come after the ToSVGPoint() call, otherwise that call
  // would end up reading bad data from InternalList()!
  domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, index, IsAnimValList());

  return domItem.forget();
DOMSVGTransformList::InsertItemBefore(SVGTransform& newItem,
                                      uint32_t index, ErrorResult& error)
  if (IsAnimValList()) {
    return nullptr;

  index = std::min(index, LengthNoFlush());
  if (index >= SVGTransform::MaxListIndex()) {
    return nullptr;

  nsRefPtr<SVGTransform> domItem = &newItem;
  if (newItem.HasOwner()) {
    domItem = newItem.Clone(); // must do this before changing anything!

  // Ensure we have enough memory so we can avoid complex error handling below:
  if (!mItems.SetCapacity(mItems.Length() + 1) ||
      !InternalList().SetCapacity(InternalList().Length() + 1)) {
    return nullptr;

  nsAttrValue emptyOrOldValue = Element()->WillChangeTransformList();
  // Now that we know we're inserting, keep animVal list in sync as necessary.

  InternalList().InsertItem(index, domItem->ToSVGTransform());
  mItems.InsertElementAt(index, domItem.get());

  // This MUST come after the insertion into InternalList(), or else under the
  // insertion into InternalList() the values read from domItem would be bad
  // data from InternalList() itself!:
  domItem->InsertingIntoList(this, index, IsAnimValList());

  UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(mItems, index + 1);

  if (mAList->IsAnimating()) {
  return domItem.forget();