Beispiel #1
* Creates an XMP object from an RDF string.  The string is used to
* to simulate creating and XMP object from multiple input buffers.
* The last call to ParseFromBuffer has no kXMP_ParseMoreBuffers options,
* thereby indicating this is the last input buffer.
SXMPMeta createXMPFromRDF()
	const char * rdf = 
		"<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=''>"
			"<rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:dc=''>"

	SXMPMeta meta;
	// Loop over the rdf string and create the XMP object
	// 10 characters at a time 
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < (long)strlen(rdf) - 10; i += 10 )
		meta.ParseFromBuffer ( &rdf[i], 10, kXMP_ParseMoreBuffers );
	// The last call has no kXMP_ParseMoreBuffers options, signifying 
	// this is the last input buffer
	meta.ParseFromBuffer ( &rdf[i], (XMP_StringLen) strlen(rdf) - i );
	return meta;

Beispiel #2
static void FullUnicodeParse ( FILE * log, const char * encoding, size_t bufferSize,
                               const std::string & packet, const std::string & fullUnicode )
	if ( bufferSize > sizeof(sU32) ) {
		fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: FullUnicodeParse buffer overrun for %s, %d byte buffers\n", encoding, bufferSize );

	SXMPMeta meta;
	try {
		memset ( sU32, -1, sizeof(sU32) );
		for ( size_t i = 0; i < packet.size(); i += bufferSize ) {
			size_t count = bufferSize;
			if ( count > (packet.size() - i) ) count = packet.size() - i;
			memcpy ( sU32, &packet[i], count );
			meta.ParseFromBuffer ( XMP_StringPtr(sU32), count, kXMP_ParseMoreBuffers );
		meta.ParseFromBuffer ( XMP_StringPtr(sU32), 0 );
	} catch ( XMP_Error& excep ) {
		char message [200];
		sprintf ( message, "#ERROR: Full Unicode parsing error for %s, %d byte buffers", encoding, bufferSize );
		PrintXMPErrorInfo ( excep, message );
	std::string value;
	bool found = meta.GetProperty ( kNS1, "FullUnicode", &value, 0 );
	if ( (! found) || (value != fullUnicode) ) fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: Failed to get full Unicode value for %s, %d byte buffers\n", encoding, bufferSize );
}	// FullUnicodeParse
Beispiel #3
bool xmp_parse(XmpPtr xmp, const char *buffer, size_t len)
	CHECK_PTR(xmp, false);
	CHECK_PTR(buffer, false);

	SXMPMeta *txmp = (SXMPMeta *)xmp;
	try {
		txmp->ParseFromBuffer(buffer, len, kXMP_RequireXMPMeta );
	catch(const XMP_Error & e)
		return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #4
static void
ProcessPacket ( const char * fileName,
				FILE *       inFile,
			    size_t		 offset,
			    size_t       length )
	std::string xmlString;
	xmlString.append ( length, ' ' );
	fseek ( inFile, offset, SEEK_SET );
	fread ( (void*), 1, length, inFile );
	char title [1000];
	sprintf ( title, "// Dumping raw input for \"%s\" (%d..%d)", fileName, offset, (offset + length - 1) );
	printf ( "// " );
	for ( size_t i = 3; i < strlen(title); ++i ) printf ( "=" );
	printf ( "\n\n%s\n\n%.*s\n\n", title, length, xmlString.c_str() );
	fflush ( stdout );
	SXMPMeta xmpObj;
	try {
		xmpObj.ParseFromBuffer ( xmlString.c_str(), length );
	} catch ( ... ) {
		printf ( "## Parse failed\n\n" );
	xmpObj.DumpObject ( DumpCallback, stdout );
	fflush ( stdout );
	string xmpString;
	xmpObj.SerializeToBuffer ( &xmpString, kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper );
	printf ( "\nPretty serialization, %d bytes :\n\n%s\n", xmpString.size(), xmpString.c_str() );
	fflush ( stdout );

	xmpObj.SerializeToBuffer ( &xmpString, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_UseCompactFormat) );
	printf ( "Compact serialization, %d bytes :\n\n%s\n", xmpString.size(), xmpString.c_str() );
	fflush ( stdout );

}	// ProcessPacket
Beispiel #5
void Scanner_MetaHandler::CacheFileData()
	LFA_FileRef fileRef   = this->parent->fileRef;
	bool        beLenient = XMP_OptionIsClear ( this->parent->openFlags, kXMPFiles_OpenStrictly );

	int			pkt;
	XMP_Int64	bufPos;
	size_t		bufLen;
	SXMPMeta *	newMeta;
	XMP_AbortProc abortProc  = this->parent->abortProc;
	void *            abortArg   = this->parent->abortArg;
	const bool        checkAbort = (abortProc != 0);

	std::vector<CandidateInfo> candidates;	// ! These have SXMPMeta* fields, don't leak on exceptions.
	this->containsXMP = false;
	try {
		// ------------------------------------------------------
		// Scan the entire file to find all of the valid packets.
		XMP_Int64  fileLen = LFA_Measure ( fileRef );
		XMPScanner scanner ( fileLen );

		enum { kBufferSize = 64*1024 };
		XMP_Uns8	buffer [kBufferSize];

		LFA_Seek ( fileRef, 0, SEEK_SET );
		for ( bufPos = 0; bufPos < fileLen; bufPos += bufLen ) {
			if ( checkAbort && abortProc(abortArg) ) {
				XMP_Throw ( "Scanner_MetaHandler::LocateXMP - User abort", kXMPErr_UserAbort );
			bufLen = LFA_Read ( fileRef, buffer, kBufferSize );
			if ( bufLen == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Scanner_MetaHandler::LocateXMP: Read failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
			scanner.Scan ( buffer, bufPos, bufLen );
		// --------------------------------------------------------------
		// Parse the valid packet snips, building a vector of candidates.
		long snipCount = scanner.GetSnipCount();
		XMPScanner::SnipInfoVector snips ( snipCount );
		scanner.Report ( snips );
		for ( pkt = 0; pkt < snipCount; ++pkt ) {

			if ( checkAbort && abortProc(abortArg) ) {
				XMP_Throw ( "Scanner_MetaHandler::LocateXMP - User abort", kXMPErr_UserAbort );
			// Seek to the packet then try to parse it.
			if ( snips[pkt].fState != XMPScanner::eValidPacketSnip ) continue;
			LFA_Seek ( fileRef, snips[pkt].fOffset, SEEK_SET );
			newMeta = new SXMPMeta();
			std::string xmpPacket;
			xmpPacket.reserve ( (size_t)snips[pkt].fLength );

			try {
				for ( bufPos = 0; bufPos < snips[pkt].fLength; bufPos += bufLen ) {
					bufLen = kBufferSize;
					if ( (bufPos + bufLen) > (size_t)snips[pkt].fLength ) bufLen = size_t ( snips[pkt].fLength - bufPos );
					(void) LFA_Read ( fileRef, buffer, (XMP_Int32)bufLen, kLFA_RequireAll );
					xmpPacket.append ( (const char *)buffer, bufLen );
					newMeta->ParseFromBuffer ( (char *)buffer, (XMP_StringLen)bufLen, kXMP_ParseMoreBuffers );
				newMeta->ParseFromBuffer ( 0, 0, kXMP_NoOptions );
			} catch ( ... ) {
				delete newMeta;
				if ( beLenient ) continue;	// Skip if we're being lenient, else rethrow.

			// It parsed OK, add it to the array of candidates.
			candidates.push_back ( CandidateInfo() );
			CandidateInfo & newInfo = candidates.back();
			newInfo.xmpObj = newMeta;
			newInfo.xmpPacket.swap ( xmpPacket );
			newInfo.packetInfo.offset = snips[pkt].fOffset;
			newInfo.packetInfo.length = (XMP_Int32)snips[pkt].fLength;
			newInfo.packetInfo.charForm  = snips[pkt].fCharForm;
			newInfo.packetInfo.writeable = (snips[pkt].fAccess == 'w');

		// ----------------------------------------
		// Figure out which packet is the main one.
		int main = PickMainPacket ( candidates, beLenient );
		if ( main != -1 ) {
			this->packetInfo = candidates[main].packetInfo;
			this->xmpPacket.swap ( candidates[main].xmpPacket );
			this->xmpObj = *candidates[main].xmpObj;
			this->containsXMP = true;
			this->processedXMP = true;
		for ( pkt = 0; pkt < (int)candidates.size(); ++pkt ) {
			if ( candidates[pkt].xmpObj != 0 ) delete candidates[pkt].xmpObj;
	} catch ( ... ) {
		// Clean up the SXMPMeta* fields from the vector of candidates.
		for ( pkt = 0; pkt < (int)candidates.size(); ++pkt ) {
			if ( candidates[pkt].xmpObj != 0 ) delete candidates[pkt].xmpObj;

}	// Scanner_MetaHandler::CacheFileData
Beispiel #6
static void DoTest ( FILE * log )
	SXMPMeta meta;
	size_t u8Count, u32Count;
	SXMPMeta meta8, meta16b, meta16l, meta32b, meta32l;
	std::string u8Packet, u16bPacket, u16lPacket, u32bPacket, u32lPacket;


	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	fprintf ( log, "// ------------------------------------------------\n" );
	fprintf ( log, "// Test basic serialization and parsing using ASCII\n\n" );
	// ----------------------------------------------------
	// Create basic ASCII packets in each of the encodings.
	meta.ParseFromBuffer ( kSimpleRDF, kXMP_UseNullTermination );
	meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u8Packet,   (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF8) );
	meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u16bPacket, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF16Big) );
	meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u16lPacket, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF16Little) );
	meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u32bPacket, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF32Big) );
	meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u32lPacket, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF32Little) );
	#if 0
		FILE* dump;
		dump = fopen ( "u8Packet.txt", "w" );
		fwrite ( u8Packet.c_str(), 1, u8Packet.size(), dump );
		fclose ( dump );
		dump = fopen ( "u16bPacket.txt", "w" );
		fwrite ( u16bPacket.c_str(), 1, u16bPacket.size(), dump );
		fclose ( dump );
		dump = fopen ( "u16lPacket.txt", "w" );
		fwrite ( u16lPacket.c_str(), 1, u16lPacket.size(), dump );
		fclose ( dump );
		dump = fopen ( "u32bPacket.txt", "w" );
		fwrite ( u32bPacket.c_str(), 1, u32bPacket.size(), dump );
		fclose ( dump );
		dump = fopen ( "u32lPacket.txt", "w" );
		fwrite ( u32lPacket.c_str(), 1, u32lPacket.size(), dump );
		fclose ( dump );
	// Verify the character form. The conversion functions are tested separately.
	const char * ptr;
	ptr = u8Packet.c_str();
	fprintf ( log, "UTF-8    : %d : %.2X %.2X  \"%.10s...\"\n", u8Packet.size(), *ptr, *(ptr+1), ptr );
	ptr = u16bPacket.c_str();
	fprintf ( log, "UTF-16BE : %d : %.2X %.2X %.2X\n", u16bPacket.size(), *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2) );
	ptr = u16lPacket.c_str();
	fprintf ( log, "UTF-16LE : %d : %.2X %.2X %.2X\n", u16lPacket.size(), *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2) );
	ptr = u32bPacket.c_str();
	fprintf ( log, "UTF-32BE : %d : %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X\n", u32bPacket.size(), *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2), *(ptr+3), *(ptr+4) );
	ptr = u32lPacket.c_str();
	fprintf ( log, "UTF-32LE : %d : %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X\n", u32lPacket.size(), *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2), *(ptr+3), *(ptr+4) );
	fprintf ( log, "\nBasic serialization tests done\n" );
	// -------------------------------------------------
	// Verify round trip reparsing of the basic packets.
	std::string origDump, rtDump;
	 meta.DumpObject ( DumpToString, &origDump );
	fprintf ( log, "Original dump\n%s\n", origDump.c_str() );

	try {
		meta8.ParseFromBuffer   ( u8Packet.c_str(), u8Packet.size() );
		meta16b.ParseFromBuffer ( u16bPacket.c_str(), u16bPacket.size() );
		meta16l.ParseFromBuffer ( u16lPacket.c_str(), u16lPacket.size() );
		meta32b.ParseFromBuffer ( u32bPacket.c_str(), u32bPacket.size() );
		meta32l.ParseFromBuffer ( u32lPacket.c_str(), u32lPacket.size() );
	} catch ( XMP_Error& excep ) {
		PrintXMPErrorInfo ( excep, "## Caught reparsing exception" );
		fprintf ( log, "\n" );
	#if 0
		fprintf ( log, "After UTF-8 roundtrip\n" );
		meta8.DumpObject ( DumpToFile, log );
		fprintf ( log, "\nAfter UTF-16 BE roundtrip\n" );
		meta16b.DumpObject ( DumpToFile, log );
		fprintf ( log, "\nAfter UTF-16 LE roundtrip\n" );
		meta16l.DumpObject ( DumpToFile, log );
		fprintf ( log, "\nAfter UTF-32 BE roundtrip\n" );
		meta32b.DumpObject ( DumpToFile, log );
		fprintf ( log, "\nAfter UTF-32 LE roundtrip\n" );
		meta32l.DumpObject ( DumpToFile, log );
	meta8.DumpObject ( DumpToString, &rtDump );
	if ( rtDump != origDump ) fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: Roundtrip failure for UTF-8\n%s\n", rtDump.c_str() );

	meta16b.DumpObject ( DumpToString, &rtDump );
	if ( rtDump != origDump ) fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: Roundtrip failure for UTF-16BE\n%s\n", rtDump.c_str() );

	meta16l.DumpObject ( DumpToString, &rtDump );
	if ( rtDump != origDump ) fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: Roundtrip failure for UTF-16LE\n%s\n", rtDump.c_str() );

	#if IncludeUTF32

		meta32b.DumpObject ( DumpToString, &rtDump );
		if ( rtDump != origDump ) fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: Roundtrip failure for UTF-32BE\n%s\n", rtDump.c_str() );

		meta32l.DumpObject ( DumpToString, &rtDump );
		if ( rtDump != origDump ) fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: Roundtrip failure for UTF-32LE\n%s\n", rtDump.c_str() );

	fprintf ( log, "Basic round-trip parsing tests done\n\n" );

	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	fprintf ( log, "// --------------------------------------------------\n" );
	fprintf ( log, "// Test parse buffering logic using full Unicode data\n\n" );

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Construct the packets to parse in all encodings. There is just one property with a value
	// containing all of the Unicode representations. This isn't all of the Unicode characters, but
	// is more than enough to establish correctness of the buffering logic. It is almost everything
	// in the BMP, plus the range U+100000..U+10FFFF beyond the BMP. Doing all Unicode characters
	// takes far to long to execute and does not provide additional confidence. Skip ASCII controls,
	// they are not allowed in XML and get changed to spaces by SetProperty. Skip U+FFFE and U+FFFF,
	// the expat parser rejects them.
	#define kTab	0x09
	#define kLF		0x0A
	#define kCR		0x0D
	size_t i;
	UTF32Unit cp;
	sU32[0] = kTab; sU32[1] = kLF; sU32[2] = kCR;
	for ( i = 3, cp = 0x20; cp < 0x7F; ++i, ++cp ) sU32[i] = cp;
	for ( cp = 0x80; cp < 0xD800; ++i, ++cp ) sU32[i] = cp;
	for ( cp = 0xE000; cp < 0xFFFE; ++i, ++cp ) sU32[i] = cp;
	for ( cp = 0x100000; cp < 0x110000; ++i, ++cp ) sU32[i] = cp;
	u32Count = i;
	assert ( u32Count == (3 + (0x7F-0x20) + (0xD800-0x80) + (0xFFFE - 0xE000) + (0x110000-0x100000)) );

	if ( kBigEndianHost ) {
		UTF32BE_to_UTF8 ( sU32, u32Count, sU8, sizeof(sU8), &i, &u8Count );
	} else {
		UTF32LE_to_UTF8 ( sU32, u32Count, sU8, sizeof(sU8), &i, &u8Count );
	if ( i != u32Count ) fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: Failed to convert full UTF-32 buffer\n" );
	assert ( u8Count == (3 + (0x7F-0x20) + 2*(0x800-0x80) + 3*(0xD800-0x800) + 3*(0xFFFE - 0xE000) + 4*(0x110000-0x100000)) );
	sU8[u8Count] = 0;
	std::string fullUnicode;
	SXMPUtils::RemoveProperties ( &meta, "", "", kXMPUI_DoAllProperties );
	meta.SetProperty ( kNS1, "FullUnicode", XMP_StringPtr(sU8) );
	meta.GetProperty ( kNS1, "FullUnicode", &fullUnicode, 0 );
	if ( (fullUnicode.size() != u8Count) || (fullUnicode != XMP_StringPtr(sU8)) ) {
		fprintf ( log, "#ERROR: Failed to set full UTF-8 value\n" );
		if ( (fullUnicode.size() != u8Count) ) {
			fprintf ( log, "        Size mismatch, want %d, got %d\n", u8Count, fullUnicode.size() );
		} else {
			for ( size_t b = 0; b < u8Count; ++b ) {
				if ( fullUnicode[b] != sU8[b] ) fprintf ( log, "        Byte mismatch at %d\n", b );
	meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u8Packet,   (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF8) );
	meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u16bPacket, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF16Big) );
	meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u16lPacket, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF16Little) );
	#if IncludeUTF32
		meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u32bPacket, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF32Big) );
		meta.SerializeToBuffer ( &u32lPacket, (kXMP_OmitPacketWrapper | kXMP_EncodeUTF32Little) );
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Parse the whole packet as a sanity check, then at a variety of sizes.

	FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-8", u8Packet.size(), u8Packet, fullUnicode );
	FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16BE", u16bPacket.size(), u16bPacket, fullUnicode );
	FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16LE", u16lPacket.size(), u16lPacket, fullUnicode );
	#if IncludeUTF32
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32BE", u32bPacket.size(), u32bPacket, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32LE", u32lPacket.size(), u32lPacket, fullUnicode );
	fprintf ( log, "Full packet, no BOM, buffered parsing tests done\n" );

#if 0	// Skip the partial buffer tests, there seem to be problems, but no client uses partial buffers.

	for ( i = 1; i <= 3; ++i ) {
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-8", i, u8Packet, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16BE", i, u16bPacket, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16LE", i, u16lPacket, fullUnicode );
		#if IncludeUTF32
			FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32BE", i, u32bPacket, fullUnicode );
			FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32LE", i, u32lPacket, fullUnicode );
		fprintf ( log, "%d byte buffers, no BOM, buffered parsing tests done\n", i );
	for ( i = 4; i <= 16; i *= 2 ) {
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-8", i, u8Packet, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16BE", i, u16bPacket, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16LE", i, u16lPacket, fullUnicode );
		#if IncludeUTF32
			FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32BE", i, u32bPacket, fullUnicode );
			FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32LE", i, u32lPacket, fullUnicode );
		fprintf ( log, "%d byte buffers, no BOM, buffered parsing tests done\n", i );


	fprintf ( log, "\n" );	

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Redo the buffered parsing tests, now with a leading BOM in the packets.

	u8Packet.insert ( 0, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3 );
	UTF32Unit NatBOM  = 0x0000FEFF;
	UTF32Unit SwapBOM = 0xFFFE0000;
	if ( kBigEndianHost ) {
		u16bPacket.insert ( 0, XMP_StringPtr(&NatBOM)+2, 2 );
		u16lPacket.insert ( 0, XMP_StringPtr(&SwapBOM), 2 );
		u32bPacket.insert ( 0, XMP_StringPtr(&NatBOM), 4 );
		u32lPacket.insert ( 0, XMP_StringPtr(&SwapBOM), 4 );
	} else {
		u16lPacket.insert ( 0, XMP_StringPtr(&NatBOM), 2 );
		u16bPacket.insert ( 0, XMP_StringPtr(&SwapBOM)+2, 2 );
		u32lPacket.insert ( 0, XMP_StringPtr(&NatBOM), 4 );
		u32bPacket.insert ( 0, XMP_StringPtr(&SwapBOM), 4 );
	FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-8", u8Packet.size(), u8Packet, fullUnicode );
	FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16BE", u16bPacket.size(), u16bPacket, fullUnicode );
	FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16LE", u16lPacket.size(), u16lPacket, fullUnicode );
	#if IncludeUTF32
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32BE", u32bPacket.size(), u32bPacket, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32LE", u32lPacket.size(), u32lPacket, fullUnicode );
	fprintf ( log, "Full packet, leading BOM, buffered parsing tests done\n" );
#if 0	// Skip the partial buffer tests, there seem to be problems, but no client uses partial buffers.

	for ( i = 1; i <= 3; ++i ) {
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-8", i, u8Packet, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16BE", i, u16bPacket, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16LE", i, u16lPacket, fullUnicode );
		#if IncludeUTF32
			FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32BE", i, u32bPacket, fullUnicode );
			FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32LE", i, u32lPacket, fullUnicode );
		fprintf ( log, "%d byte buffers, leading BOM, buffered parsing tests done\n", i );
	for ( i = 4; i <= 16; i *= 2 ) {
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-8", i, u8Packet, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16BE", i, u16bPacket, fullUnicode );
		FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-16LE", i, u16lPacket, fullUnicode );
		#if IncludeUTF32
			FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32BE", i, u32bPacket, fullUnicode );
			FullUnicodeParse ( log, "UTF-32LE", i, u32lPacket, fullUnicode );
		fprintf ( log, "%d byte buffers, leading BOM, buffered parsing tests done\n", i );


	fprintf ( log, "\n" );	

}	// DoTest