Beispiel #1
void Scene::Polygon (short n, float *x, float *y, float *z,
		     long color, short mode)
    // check for valid range of vertices
    if (n < 3 || n > MaxVertices) 
      Matpack.Error("Scene::Polygon: number of vertices (%d) not within 3..%d",
    Scene scn;                      // local scene copying the original settings
    Facet& f = scn.AddFacet(n);     // add one facet to our local scene
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) f(i) = &scn.AddVertex(x[i],y[i],z[i]);
    scn.ClipBoxScene();             // clip at box
    scn.ObserveFacets();            // do observer transformation
    scn.ClipViewScene();            // clip at viewport
    scn.ProjectFacets();            // do perspective projection
    Facet* cf;                      // find the clipped facet
    for (cf = scn.facets; cf && cf->clipped; cf = cf->next);
    if ( cf ) {                     // something left after clipping ?
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // copy projected vertices to polygon array
	    pix[i] = (*cf)[i].p;
	Polygon(n,pix,color,mode);  // draw the facet within the original scene 