void PerScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  if (sid >= m_ref_lengths.size()) {
    stringstream msg;
    msg << "Sentence id (" << sid << ") not found in reference set";
    throw runtime_error(msg.str());

  string sentence = this->preprocessSentence(text);

  // Calculate correct, output_length and ref_length for
  // the line and store it in entry
  vector<int> testtokens;
  TokenizeAndEncode(sentence, testtokens);
  multiset<int> testtokens_all(testtokens.begin(),testtokens.end());
  set<int> testtokens_unique(testtokens.begin(),testtokens.end());
  int correct = 0;
  for (set<int>::iterator i = testtokens_unique.begin();
       i != testtokens_unique.end(); ++i) {
    int token = *i;
    correct += min(m_ref_tokens[sid].count(token), testtokens_all.count(token));

  ostringstream stats;
  stats << correct << " " << testtokens.size() << " " << m_ref_lengths[sid] << " " ;
  string stats_str = stats.str();
void InterpolatedScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  stringstream buff;
  string align = text;
  string sentence = "";
  size_t alignmentData = text.find("|||");
  //Get sentence and alignment parts
  if(alignmentData != string::npos) {
    getNextPound(align,sentence, "|||");

  int i = 0;
  for (ScopedVector<Scorer>::iterator itsc = m_scorers.begin(); itsc != m_scorers.end(); ++itsc) {
    ScoreStats tempEntry;
    if ((*itsc)->useAlignment()) {
      (*itsc)->prepareStats(sid, text, tempEntry);
    else {
      (*itsc)->prepareStats(sid, sentence, tempEntry);
    if (i > 0) buff <<  " ";
    buff << tempEntry;
  //cout << " Scores for interpolated: " << buff << endl;
  string str = buff.str();
void BleuScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  if (sid >= m_references.size()) {
    stringstream msg;
    msg << "Sentence id (" << sid << ") not found in reference set";
    throw runtime_error(msg.str());
  NgramCounts testcounts;
  // stats for this line
  vector<ScoreStatsType> stats(kBleuNgramOrder * 2);
  string sentence = preprocessSentence(text);
  const size_t length = CountNgrams(sentence, testcounts, kBleuNgramOrder, true);

  const int reference_len = CalcReferenceLength(sid, length);

  //precision on each ngram type
  for (NgramCounts::const_iterator testcounts_it = testcounts.begin();
       testcounts_it != testcounts.end(); ++testcounts_it) {
    const NgramCounts::Value guess = testcounts_it->second;
    const size_t len = testcounts_it->first.size();
    NgramCounts::Value correct = 0;

    NgramCounts::Value v = 0;
    if (m_references[sid]->get_counts()->Lookup(testcounts_it->first, &v)) {
      correct = min(v, guess);
    stats[len * 2 - 2] += correct;
    stats[len * 2 - 1] += guess;
void CderScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  string sentence = this->preprocessSentence(text);

  vector<ScoreStatsType> stats;
  prepareStatsVector(sid, sentence, stats);
void TerScorer::prepareStats ( size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry )

  terAlignment result;
  result.numEdits = 0.0 ;
  result.numWords = 0.0 ;
  result.averageWords = 0.0;

  for ( int incRefs = 0; incRefs < ( int ) m_multi_references.size(); incRefs++ ) {
    if ( sid >= m_multi_references.at(incRefs).size() ) {
      stringstream msg;
      msg << "Sentence id (" << sid << ") not found in reference set";
      throw runtime_error ( msg.str() );

    vector<int> testtokens;
    vector<int> reftokens;
    reftokens = m_multi_references.at ( incRefs ).at ( sid );
    double averageLength=0.0;
    for ( int incRefsBis = 0; incRefsBis < ( int ) m_multi_references.size(); incRefsBis++ ) {
      if ( sid >= m_multi_references.at(incRefsBis).size() ) {
        stringstream msg;
        msg << "Sentence id (" << sid << ") not found in reference set";
        throw runtime_error ( msg.str() );
      averageLength+=(double)m_multi_references.at ( incRefsBis ).at ( sid ).size();
    averageLength=averageLength/( double ) m_multi_references.size();
    TokenizeAndEncode(text, testtokens);
    terCalc * evaluation=new terCalc();
    evaluation->setDebugMode ( false );
    terAlignment tmp_result = evaluation->TER ( reftokens, testtokens );
    if ( ( result.numEdits == 0.0 ) && ( result.averageWords == 0.0 ) ) {
      result = tmp_result;
    } else if ( result.scoreAv() > tmp_result.scoreAv() ) {
      result = tmp_result;
    delete evaluation;
  ostringstream stats;
  // multiplication by 100 in order to keep the average precision
  // in the TER calculation.
  stats << result.numEdits*100.0 << " " << result.averageWords*100.0 << " " << result.scoreAv()*100.0 << " " ;
  string stats_str = stats.str();
  entry.set ( stats_str );
void HwcmScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  if (sid >= m_ref_trees.size()) {
    stringstream msg;
    msg << "Sentence id (" << sid << ") not found in reference set";
    throw runtime_error(msg.str());

  string sentence = this->preprocessSentence(text);

  // if sentence has '|||', assume that tree is in second position (n-best-list);
  // otherwise, assume it is in first position (calling 'evaluate' with tree as reference)
  util::TokenIter<util::MultiCharacter> it(sentence, util::MultiCharacter("|||"));
  if (it) {
    sentence = it->as_string();

  TreePointer tree (boost::make_shared<InternalTree>(sentence));
  vector<map<string, int> > hwc_test (kHwcmOrder);
  vector<string> history(kHwcmOrder);
  extractHeadWordChain(tree, history, hwc_test);

  ostringstream stats;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kHwcmOrder; i++) {
    int correct = 0;
    int test_total = 0;
    for (map<string, int>::const_iterator it = hwc_test[i].begin(); it != hwc_test[i].end(); it++) {
      test_total += it->second;
      map<string, int>::const_iterator it2 = m_ref_hwc[sid][i].find(it->first);
      if (it2 != m_ref_hwc[sid][i].end()) {
        correct += std::min(it->second, it2->second);
    stats << correct << " " << test_total << " " << m_ref_lengths[sid][i] << " " ;

  string stats_str = stats.str();
Beispiel #7
void SerScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  if (sid >= m_ref_sentences[0].size()) {
    stringstream msg;
    msg << "Sentence id (" << sid << ") not found in reference set";
    throw runtime_error(msg.str());

  string sentence = this->preprocessSentence(text);
  int n_ser = 1; // if we don't find a reference of the same length, the error is 1

  // Check whether the guessed text is equal to the reference 
  // for this line and store it in entry
  vector<int> testtokens;
  TokenizeAndEncode(sentence, testtokens);
  for (size_t rid = 0; rid < m_ref_sentences.size(); ++rid) {
    const sent_t& ref = m_ref_sentences[rid][sid];

    // we can only have a perfect match if the sentence length is equal
    if (testtokens.size() == ref.size()) {
      int errors = 0;
      for (size_t tid = 0; tid < testtokens.size(); tid++) {
	// token mismatch: error 1 w.r.t. this reference; move to next ref.
	if (ref[tid] != testtokens[tid]) { 
	  errors = 1;
      if (errors == 0) {
        n_ser = 0;
  ostringstream stats;
  stats << n_ser << " " << 1; // sentence error (0 or 1), number of sentences (1)
  string stats_str = stats.str();
void SemposScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  vector<ScoreStatsType> stats;

  const string& sentence = preprocessSentence(text);
  str_sentence_t splitCandSentence;
  splitSentence(sentence, splitCandSentence);

  sentence_t encodedCandSentence;
  encodeSentence(splitCandSentence, encodedCandSentence);

  if (m_ref_sentences.size() == 1) {
    stats = m_ovr->prepareStats(encodedCandSentence, m_ref_sentences[0][sid]);
  } else {
    float max = -1.0f;
    for (size_t rid = 0; rid < m_ref_sentences.size(); ++rid) {
      const vector<ScoreStatsType>& tmp = m_ovr->prepareStats(encodedCandSentence, m_ref_sentences[rid][sid]);
      if (m_ovr->calculateScore(tmp) > max) {
        stats = tmp;
void PermutationScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  //cout << "*******prepareStats" ;
  //cout << text << endl;
  //cout << sid << endl;
  //cout << "Reference0align:" << endl;

  string sentence = "";
  string align = text;
  size_t alignmentData = text.find("|||");
  //Get sentence and alignment parts
  if(alignmentData != string::npos) {
    getNextPound(align,sentence, "|||");
  } else {
    align = text;
  int translationLength = getNumberWords(sentence);

  //A vector of Permutations for each sentence
  vector< vector<Permutation> > nBestPerms;
  float distanceValue;

  //need to create permutations for each nbest line
  string standardFormat = Permutation::convertMosesToStandard(align);
  Permutation perm(standardFormat, m_sourceLengths[sid],translationLength);

  if (m_refChoiceStrategy == REFERENCE_CHOICE_AVERAGE) {
    float total = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_referencePerms.size(); ++i) {
      float dist = perm.distance(m_referencePerms[i][sid], m_distanceMetric);
      total += dist;
      //cout << "Ref number: " << i << " distance: " << dist << endl;
    float mean = (float)total/m_referencePerms.size();
    //cout << "MultRef strategy AVERAGE: total " << total << " mean " << mean << " number " << m_referencePerms.size() << endl;
    distanceValue = mean;
  } else if (m_refChoiceStrategy == REFERENCE_CHOICE_CLOSEST)  {
    float max_val = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_referencePerms.size(); ++i) {
      //look for the closest reference
      float value = perm.distance(m_referencePerms[i][sid], m_distanceMetric);
      //cout << "Ref number: " << i << " distance: " << value << endl;
      if (value > max_val) {
        max_val = value;
    distanceValue = max_val;
    //cout << "MultRef strategy CLOSEST: max_val " << distanceValue << endl;
  } else {
    throw runtime_error("Unsupported reflength strategy");

  //SCOREROUT eg: 0.04546
  ostringstream tempStream;
  tempStream << distanceValue;
  string str = tempStream.str();

  //cout << tempStream.str();
void PermutationScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
  //bool debug= (verboselevel()>3); // TODO: fix verboselevel()
  bool debug=false;
  if (debug) {
    cout << "*******prepareStats" ;
    cout << text << endl;
    cout << sid << endl;
    cout << "Reference0align:" << endl;

  string sentence = "";
  string align = text;
  size_t alignmentData = text.find("|||");
  //Get sentence and alignment parts
  if(alignmentData != string::npos) {
    getNextPound(align,sentence, "|||");
  } else {
    align = text;
  int translationLength = getNumberWords(sentence);

  //A vector of Permutations for each sentence
  vector< vector<Permutation> > nBestPerms;
  float distanceValue;

  //need to create permutations for each nbest line
  //here we check if the alignments extracted from the nbest are phrase-based or word-based, in which case no conversion is needed
  bool isWordAlignment=true;
  string alignCopy = align;
  string align1;
  getNextPound(alignCopy,align1," ");
  if (align1.length() > 0) {
    size_t phraseDelimeter = align1.find("=");
    if(phraseDelimeter!= string::npos)
  string standardFormat = align;
    standardFormat= Permutation::convertMosesToStandard(align);

  if (debug) {
    cerr << "Nbest alignment:  " << align << endl;
    cerr << "-->std alignment: " << standardFormat << endl;

  Permutation perm(standardFormat, m_sourceLengths[sid],translationLength);

  if (m_refChoiceStrategy == REFERENCE_CHOICE_AVERAGE) {
    float total = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_referencePerms.size(); ++i) {
      float dist = perm.distance(m_referencePerms[i][sid], m_distanceMetric);
      total += dist;
      //cout << "Ref number: " << i << " distance: " << dist << endl;
    float mean = (float)total/m_referencePerms.size();
    //cout << "MultRef strategy AVERAGE: total " << total << " mean " << mean << " number " << m_referencePerms.size() << endl;
    distanceValue = mean;
  } else if (m_refChoiceStrategy == REFERENCE_CHOICE_CLOSEST)  {
    float max_val = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_referencePerms.size(); ++i) {
      //look for the closest reference
      float value = perm.distance(m_referencePerms[i][sid], m_distanceMetric);
      //cout << "Ref number: " << i << " distance: " << value << endl;
      if (value > max_val) {
        max_val = value;
    distanceValue = max_val;
    //cout << "MultRef strategy CLOSEST: max_val " << distanceValue << endl;
  } else {
    throw runtime_error("Unsupported reflength strategy");

  //SCOREROUT eg: 0.04546
  distanceValue*=SCORE_MULTFACT; //SCOREROUT eg: 4546 to transform float into integer
  ostringstream tempStream;
  tempStream.precision(0);	// decimal precision not needed as score was multiplied per SCORE_MULTFACT
  tempStream << std::fixed << distanceValue << " 1"; //use for final normalization over the amount of test sentences
  string str = tempStream.str();

//cout << distanceValue << "=" << distanceValue << " (str:" << tempStream.str() << ")" << endl;
void BleuScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
//      cerr << text << endl;
//      cerr << sid << endl;
  if (sid >= m_ref_counts.size()) {
    stringstream msg;
    msg << "Sentence id (" << sid << ") not found in reference set";
    throw runtime_error(msg.str());
  counts_t testcounts;
  //stats for this line
  vector<float> stats(kLENGTH*2);;
  size_t length = countNgrams(text,testcounts,kLENGTH);
  if (m_ref_length_type == SHORTEST) {
    //cerr << reflengths.size() << " " << sid << endl;
    int shortest = *min_element(m_ref_lengths[sid].begin(), m_ref_lengths[sid].end());
  } else if (m_ref_length_type == AVERAGE) {
    int total = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ref_lengths[sid].size(); ++i) {
      total += m_ref_lengths[sid][i];
    const float mean = static_cast<float>(total) / m_ref_lengths[sid].size();
  } else if (m_ref_length_type == CLOSEST)  {
    int min_diff = INT_MAX;
    int min_idx = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ref_lengths[sid].size(); ++i) {
      const int reflength = m_ref_lengths[sid][i];
      const int diff = reflength - static_cast<int>(length);
      const int absolute_diff = abs(diff) - abs(min_diff);

      if (absolute_diff < 0) { //look for the closest reference
        min_diff = diff;
        min_idx = i;
      } else if (absolute_diff == 0) { // if two references has the same closest length, take the shortest
        if (reflength < static_cast<int>(m_ref_lengths[sid][min_idx])) {
          min_idx = i;
  } else {
    throw runtime_error("Unsupported reflength strategy");
  //cerr << "computed length" << endl;
  //precision on each ngram type
  for (counts_iterator testcounts_it = testcounts.begin();
       testcounts_it != testcounts.end(); ++testcounts_it) {
    counts_iterator refcounts_it = m_ref_counts[sid]->find(testcounts_it->first);
    int correct = 0;
    int guess = testcounts_it->second;
    if (refcounts_it != m_ref_counts[sid]->end()) {
      correct = min(refcounts_it->second,guess);
    size_t len = testcounts_it->first.size();
    stats[len*2-2] += correct;
    stats[len*2-1] += guess;
  stringstream sout;
  copy(stats.begin(),stats.end(),ostream_iterator<float>(sout," "));
  //TRACE_ERR(sout.str() << endl);
  string stats_str = sout.str();