Beispiel #1
int getFileList(const string& path, vector<string>& fl, Sector& client, unsigned int thresh)
   SNode attr;
   if (client.stat(path.c_str(), attr) < 0)
      return -1;

   if (attr.m_bIsDir)
      vector<SNode> subdir;
      client.list(path, subdir);

      for (vector<SNode>::iterator i = subdir.begin(); i != subdir.end(); ++ i)
         if (i->m_bIsDir)
            getFileList(path + "/" + i->m_strName, fl, client, thresh);
         else if ((i->m_sLocation.size() < thresh) && (int(i->m_sLocation.size()) < i->m_iReplicaNum))
            fl.push_back(path + "/" + i->m_strName);
   else if ((attr.m_sLocation.size() < thresh) && (int(attr.m_sLocation.size()) < attr.m_iReplicaNum))

   return fl.size();
Beispiel #2
int getFileList(const string& path, vector<string>& fl, Sector& client)
   SNode attr;
   if (client.stat(path, attr) < 0)
      return -1;


   if (attr.m_bIsDir)
      vector<SNode> subdir;
      client.list(path, subdir);

      for (vector<SNode>::iterator i = subdir.begin(); i != subdir.end(); ++ i)
         if (i->m_bIsDir)
            getFileList(path + "/" + i->m_strName, fl, client);
            fl.push_back(path + "/" + i->m_strName);

   return fl.size();
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
   if (argc < 2)
      return -1;

   unsigned int thresh = 65536;
   int timeout = 3600 * 24; // default wait for one day

   CmdLineParser clp;
   if (clp.parse(argc, argv) < 0)
      return -1;

   for (map<string, string>::const_iterator i = clp.m_mDFlags.begin(); i != clp.m_mDFlags.end(); ++ i)
      if (i->first == "w")
         thresh = atoi(i->second.c_str());
      else if (i->first == "t")
         timeout = atoi(i->second.c_str());
         if (timeout < 0)
            timeout = INT_MAX;
         return -1;

   Sector client;
   if (Utility::login(client) < 0)
      return -1;   

   list<string> filelist;

   for (vector<string>::iterator i = clp.m_vParams.begin(); i < clp.m_vParams.end(); ++ i)
      vector<string> fl;

      bool wc = WildCard::isWildCard(*i);
      if (!wc)
         SNode attr;
         if (client.stat(*i, attr) < 0)
            cerr << "ERROR: source file does not exist.\n";
            return -1;
         getFileList(*i, fl, client, thresh);
         string path = *i;
         string orig = path;
         size_t p = path.rfind('/');
         if (p == string::npos)
            path = "/";
            path = path.substr(0, p);
            orig = orig.substr(p + 1, orig.length() - p);

         vector<SNode> filelist;
         int r = client.list(path, filelist);
         if (r < 0)
            cerr << "ERROR: " << r << " " << SectorError::getErrorMsg(r) << endl;

         for (vector<SNode>::iterator i = filelist.begin(); i != filelist.end(); ++ i)
            if (WildCard::match(orig, i->m_strName))
               getFileList(path + "/" + i->m_strName, fl, client, thresh);

      filelist.insert(filelist.end(), fl.begin(), fl.end());

   int result = -1;

   timeval t;
   gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
   int exp_time = t.tv_sec + timeout;

   int interval = 1;
   int total = -1;
   int new_total = 0;

   while (!filelist.empty())
      new_total = 0;

      for (list<string>::iterator i = filelist.begin(); i != filelist.end();)
         SNode sn;
         if (client.stat(*i, sn) < 0)
            cout << "file " << sn.m_strName << " is lost.\n";

         int diff = (sn.m_iReplicaNum > int(thresh)) ? (thresh - sn.m_sLocation.size()) : (sn.m_iReplicaNum - int(sn.m_sLocation.size()));

         if (diff <= 0)
            list<string>::iterator j = i;
            ++ i;
            if ((result = client.copy(*i, *i)) < 0)

               list<string>::iterator j = i;
               ++ i;


            ++ i;
            new_total += diff;

      timeval curr_time;
      gettimeofday(&curr_time, NULL);
      if (curr_time.tv_sec > exp_time)
         cout << "timeout.\n";

      //TODO: sleep diff for the last time
      if (interval < exp_time - curr_time.tv_sec)
         sleep(exp_time - curr_time.tv_sec);

      // wait longer if no progress, otherwise continue to wait for 1 sec
      if ((total > 0) && (new_total < total))
         total = new_total;
         interval = 1;
      else if (interval < 16)
         interval <<= 1;

   if (filelist.empty())
      cout << "all files have enough replicas.\n";
      result = 0;


   return result;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char** argv)
   logger::config( "/tmp", "sector-download" );

   for( int arg = 0; arg < argc; ++arg )
      log().debug << argv[ arg ] << ' ';
   log().debug << std::endl;

   if (argc < 3)
      log().error << "Invalid command-line syntax, exiting with rc = -1" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   CmdLineParser clp;
   if (clp.parse(argc, argv) < 0)
      log().error << "Invalid command-line syntax, exiting with rc = -1" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   if (clp.m_vParams.size() < 2)
      log().error << "Invalid command-line syntax, exiting with rc = -1" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   bool encryption = false;
   bool resume = false;

   for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = clp.m_vSFlags.begin(); i != clp.m_vSFlags.end(); ++ i)
      if (*i == "e")
         encryption = true;
      else if( *i == "smart" )
         resume = true;
         log().error << "Invalid command-line syntax, exiting with rc = -1" << std::endl;
         return -1;

   string newdir = *clp.m_vParams.rbegin();
   clp.m_vParams.erase(clp.m_vParams.begin() + clp.m_vParams.size() - 1);

   // check destination directory, which must exist
   SNode s;
   int r = LocalFS::stat(newdir, s);
   if ((r < 0) || !s.m_bIsDir)
      cerr << "ERROR: destination directory does not exist.\n";
      log().error << "stat failed on destination directory, err = " << r << ", exiting with rc = -1" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   // login to SectorFS
   Sector client;
   int rc = Utility::login(client);
   if (rc < 0)
      cerr << "ERROR: failed to log in to sector\n";
      log().error << "Client login to master failed with err = " << rc << ", exiting with rc = -1" << std::endl;
      return -1;

   // start downloading all files
   for (vector<string>::iterator i = clp.m_vParams.begin(); i != clp.m_vParams.end(); ++ i)
      vector<string> fl;
      bool wc = WildCard::isWildCard(*i);
      if (!wc)
         SNode attr;
         if ((rc = client.stat(*i, attr)) < 0)
            cerr << "ERROR: source file does not exist.\n";
            log().error << "Failed to stat sector file " << *i << ", err = " << rc << std::endl;
            return -1;
         getFileList(*i, fl, client);
         string path = *i;
         string orig = path;
         size_t p = path.rfind('/');
         if (p == string::npos)
            path = "/";
            path = path.substr(0, p);
            orig = orig.substr(p + 1, orig.length() - p);

         vector<SNode> filelist;
         int r = client.list(path, filelist);
         if (r < 0)
            cerr << "ERROR: " << r << " " << SectorError::getErrorMsg(r) << endl;

         for (vector<SNode>::iterator i = filelist.begin(); i != filelist.end(); ++ i)
            if (WildCard::match(orig, i->m_strName))
               getFileList(path + "/" + i->m_strName, fl, client);

      string olddir;
      for (int j = i->length() - 1; j >= 0; -- j)
         if (i->c_str()[j] != '/')
            olddir = i->substr(0, j);
      size_t p = olddir.rfind('/');
      if (p == string::npos)
         olddir = "";
         olddir = olddir.substr(0, p);

      for (vector<string>::iterator i = fl.begin(); i != fl.end(); ++ i)
         string dst = *i;
         if (olddir.length() > 0)
            dst.replace(0, olddir.length(), newdir);
            dst = newdir + "/" + dst;

         string localdir = dst.substr(0, dst.rfind('/'));

         // if localdir does not exist, create it
         if (LocalFS::stat(localdir, s) < 0)
            for (unsigned int p = 1; p < localdir.length(); ++ p)
               if (localdir.c_str()[p] == '/')
                  string substr = localdir.substr(0, p);

                  if ((-1 == ::mkdir(substr.c_str(), S_IRWXU)) && (errno != EEXIST))
                     int errno_save = errno;
                     cerr << "ERROR: unable to create local directory " << substr << endl;
                     log().error << "Failed to create local directory " << substr << ", errno = " << errno_save << std::endl;
                     return -1;

            if ((-1 == ::mkdir(localdir.c_str(), S_IRWXU)) && (errno != EEXIST))
               int errno_save = errno;
               cerr << "ERROR: unable to create local directory " << localdir << endl;
               log().error << "Failed to create local directory " << localdir << ", errno = " << errno_save << std::endl;

         if (!resume )
            string fileName = *i;
            if( fileName.rfind( '/' ) != fileName.npos )
                fileName = fileName.substr( fileName.rfind( '/' ) + 1 );
            string destFile = localdir + '/' + fileName;
            if( LocalFS::stat( destFile, s ) >= 0 )
                cout << "Destination directory already contains file '" << fileName << "', removing." << endl;
                log().debug << "Destination directory already contains file " << fileName << " and smart not specified, removing file" << std::endl;
                if( LocalFS::erase( destFile ) < 0 )
                   int save_errno = errno;
                   cerr << "ERROR: could not remove destination file: " << strerror( save_errno ) << endl
                       << "NOT downloading file!" << endl;
                   log().error << "Failed to remove destination file " << fileName << ", aborting this file" << std::endl;
                   return -1;
            string fileName = *i;
            if( fileName.rfind( '/' ) != fileName.npos )
                fileName = fileName.substr( fileName.rfind( '/' ) + 1 );
            string destFile = localdir + '/' + fileName;
            if( LocalFS::stat( destFile, s ) >= 0 )
                cout << "Destination directory already contains file '" << fileName << "', resuming partial download." << endl;
		log().debug << "Destination file already exists with size " << s.m_llSize << ", resuming partial download" << std::endl;

         if (download(i->c_str(), localdir.c_str(), client, encryption) < 0)
            // calculate total available disk size
            int64_t availdisk = 0;
            LocalFS::get_dir_space(localdir, availdisk);
            if (availdisk <= 0)
               // if no disk space svailable, no need to try any more
               cerr << "insufficient local disk space. quit.\n";
               log().error << "Insufficient disk space" << std::endl;
            return -1;

   log().debug << "Download completed successfully" << std::endl;
   return 0;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char** argv)
   if (argc != 2)
      cout << "USAGE: rm <dir>\n";
      return -1;

   Sector client;

   Session s;

   if (client.init(s.m_ClientConf.m_strMasterIP, s.m_ClientConf.m_iMasterPort) < 0)
      return -1;
   if (client.login(s.m_ClientConf.m_strUserName, s.m_ClientConf.m_strPassword, s.m_ClientConf.m_strCertificate.c_str()) < 0)
      return -1;

   string path = argv[1];
   bool wc = WildCard::isWildCard(path);

   if (!wc)
      int r = client.remove(path);

      if (r == SectorError::E_NOEMPTY)
         if (isRecursive(path))
      else if (r < 0)
         cout << "ERROR: " << r << " " << SectorError::getErrorMsg(r) << endl;
      string orig = path;
      size_t p = path.rfind('/');
      if (p == string::npos)
         path = "/";
         path = path.substr(0, p);
         orig = orig.substr(p + 1, orig.length() - p);

      vector<SNode> filelist;
      int r = client.list(path, filelist);
      if (r < 0)
         cout << "ERROR: " << r << " " << SectorError::getErrorMsg(r) << endl;

      bool recursive = false;

      vector<string> filtered;
      for (vector<SNode>::iterator i = filelist.begin(); i != filelist.end(); ++ i)
         if (WildCard::match(orig, i->m_strName))
            if (recursive)
               client.rmr(path + "/" + i->m_strName);
               r = client.remove(path + "/" + i->m_strName);

               if (r == SectorError::E_NOEMPTY)
                  recursive = isRecursive(path + "/" + i->m_strName);
                  if (recursive)
                     client.rmr(path + "/" + i->m_strName);
               else if (r < 0)
                  cout << "ERROR: " << r << " " << SectorError::getErrorMsg(r) << endl;


   return 1;