Beispiel #1
squared_distance_t squaredDistanceSegmentTriangle3D(
    const Segment_3& sAB,
    const Triangle_3& tABC
    typedef Kernel::FT squared_distance_t ;

     * If [sAsB] intersects the triangle (tA,tB,tC), distance is 0.0
    if ( boost::none != CGAL::intersection( sAB, tABC ) ) {
        return 0.0 ;

     * else, distance is the min of the following values :
     * - distance from sA to the Triangle
     * - distance from sB to the Triangle
     * - distance from sAB to the side of the Triangles
    squared_distance_t dMin = squaredDistancePointTriangle3D( sAB.vertex( 0 ), tABC );
    dMin = std::min( dMin, squaredDistancePointTriangle3D( sAB.vertex( 1 ), tABC ) );

    for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
        dMin = std::min( dMin, CGAL::squared_distance( sAB,
                         Segment_3( tABC.vertex( i ), tABC.vertex( i+1 ) ) )
                       ) ;

    return dMin ;
Beispiel #2
std::string pp(const Segment_3& segment)
    std::stringstream out;
    out << std::setprecision(pp_precision);
    out << "[" << pp(segment.source()) << ", " << pp( << "]";
    return out.str();
Beispiel #3
std::string pp_id(const Segment_3& segment)
    std::stringstream out;
    size_t a = segment.source().id();
    size_t b =;
    if (a > b)
        swap(a, b);
    out << a << "--" << b;
    return out.str();
Beispiel #4
double errorOfLineInPlane(Segment_3 &l, Eigen::Vector3d& point, Eigen::Vector3d& normal)
	Plane_3 plane( Point_3(point.x(), point.y(), point.z()), 
				  Vector_3(normal.x(), normal.y(), normal.z()) );		
	double dist1 = squared_distance(plane, l.point(0));
	double dist2 = squared_distance(plane, l.point(1));
	return 0.5*(sqrt(dist1)+sqrt(dist2));
Beispiel #5
void Viewer::draw()
  if( m_pScene == NULL ) return;

  QFont fontPrompt("Arial", 14);

  if( m_showAxis ) {
    drawAxis( sceneRadius() );

  /* Draw vertices */
  if ( m_showVertex && m_pScene->m_dt.number_of_vertices()>0 ) {
    for(QList<Vertex_handle>::iterator vit = m_pScene->m_vhArray.begin();
        vit < m_pScene->m_vhArray.end(); ++vit) {
      if( m_curMode == SELECT && (*vit)->isSeled() )  continue;
      if( (*vit) == m_nearestNb ) continue;
      drawVertex( (*vit)->point(), m_colorVertex, m_fSizeVertex );

  /* Draw all points during incremental mode */
  if( !m_incrementalPts.isEmpty() ) {
    /* draw the rest to-be-inserted vertices */
    for(QList<Point_3>::iterator pit=m_incrementalPts.begin();
        pit < m_incrementalPts.end(); ++pit) {
      drawVertex( (*pit), ::Qt::gray, m_fSizeVertex );

  	switch( m_curStep ) {
  	case NEWPT:
      /* Show prompt messages */
      qglColor( ::Qt::black );
      drawText( 10, 20, tr("Highlight the next-to-insert point"), fontPrompt );
      /* Highlight the next-to-insert point */
      drawVertex( m_curIncPt, ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );
    case CELL:  // show the tetrahedron that contains the point
      /* Show prompt messages */
      qglColor( ::Qt::black );
      drawText( 10, 20, tr("Show the tetrahedron containing the point"), fontPrompt );
      drawText( 10, 40, tr("(Only finite facets are drawn)"), fontPrompt );
      /* Highlight the next-to-insert vertex */
      drawVertex( m_curIncPt, ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );
      /* Draw the cell containing that point */
      for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
        if( m_pScene->m_dt.is_infinite(m_cellContain, i) )  continue;
        drawFacet( m_pScene->m_dt.triangle( m_cellContain, i ), m_colorFacet );
    case CONFLICT:  // show the conflict region
      /* Show prompt messages */
      qglColor( ::Qt::black );
      drawText( 10, 20, tr("Show the conflict region"), fontPrompt );
      /* Highlight the next-to-insert vertex */
      drawVertex( m_curIncPt, ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );
      /* Draw conflict region */
      for(QList<Facet>::iterator fit = m_boundaryFacets.begin();
          fit < m_boundaryFacets.end(); ++fit) {
        if( m_pScene->m_dt.is_infinite(*fit) )  continue;
        drawFacet( m_pScene->m_dt.triangle(*fit), QColor(215, 80, 0, 96) ); //semi-transparent purple

  /* Draw Delaunay edges */
  if( m_showDEdge ) {
    for(edges_iterator eit = m_pScene->m_dt.finite_edges_begin();
        eit != m_pScene->m_dt.finite_edges_end(); ++eit) {
      Segment_3 seg = m_pScene->m_dt.segment(*eit);
      drawEdge( seg.vertex(0), seg.vertex(1), m_colorDEdge, m_fSizeDEdge );

  /* Draw Voronoi edges */
  if( m_showVEdge ) {
    for(facets_iterator fit = m_pScene->m_dt.finite_facets_begin();
        fit != m_pScene->m_dt.finite_facets_end(); ++fit) {
      Object_3 o = m_pScene->m_dt.dual(*fit);
      if (const Segment_3 *s = CGAL::object_cast<Segment_3>(&o)) {
        drawEdge( s->vertex(0), s->vertex(1), m_colorVEdge, m_fSizeVEdge );
      } else if (const Ray_3 *r = CGAL::object_cast<Ray_3>(&o)) {
        drawEdge( r->point(0),  // the source of the ray
                  r->point(1),  // another point on the ray, different from the source
                  m_colorVEdge, m_fSizeVEdge );

  /* Draw facets */
  if( m_showFacet ) {
    for(facets_iterator fit = m_pScene->m_dt.finite_facets_begin();
        fit != m_pScene->m_dt.finite_facets_end(); ++fit) {
      drawFacet( m_pScene->m_dt.triangle(*fit), m_colorFacet );

  /* Insert vertex mode */
  if( m_curMode == INSERT_V ) {
    /* Show prompt messages */
    qglColor( ::Qt::black );
    drawText( width()-200, 20, tr("Shift+Left: Insert a vertex"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 40, tr("Shift+Wheel: Resize trackball"), fontPrompt );
    /* Draw the trackball */
    drawSphere( m_fRadius, m_colorTrackball );

  /* Insert point mode */
  else if( m_curMode == INSERT_PT ) {
    /* Show prompt messages */
    qglColor( ::Qt::black );
    drawText( width()-200, 20, tr("Shift+Left: Insert a point"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 40, tr("Hold Left: Move the point"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 60, tr("Return: Insert to DT"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 80, tr("Escape: Cancel insertion"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 100, tr("Shift+Wheel: Resize trackball"), fontPrompt );

    /* Draw the trackball */
    drawSphere( m_fRadius, m_colorTrackball );

    if( m_hasNewPt ) {
      /* Draw the newly inserted point */
      drawVertex( m_newPt, ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );
      /* Draw conflict region */
      for(QList<Facet>::iterator fit = m_boundaryFacets.begin();
          fit < m_boundaryFacets.end(); ++fit) {
        if( m_pScene->m_dt.is_infinite(*fit) )  continue;
        drawFacet( m_pScene->m_dt.triangle(*fit), QColor(215, 80, 0, 96) ); //semi-transparent purple

  /* Select mode */
  else if( m_curMode == SELECT) {
    /* Show prompt messages */
    qglColor( ::Qt::black );
    drawText( width()-200, 20, tr("Shift+Left: Select"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 40, tr("Ctrl+Left: Add selection"),
              QFont("Arial", 14) );
    drawText( width()-200, 60, tr("Escape: Cancel selection"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 80, tr("DEL: Delete selected"), fontPrompt );
    /* Highlight the selected vertices */
    for(QList<int>::iterator vit=m_vidSeled.begin(); vit<m_vidSeled.end(); ++vit) {
      drawVertex( m_pScene->*vit)->point(), ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );
    /* Draw the multiple selection window */
    if( m_isPress ) {
      ::glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
      qglColor( QColor(80, 180, 180, 64) );
      ::glVertex2i(m_rectSel.right(), m_rectSel.bottom());
      ::glVertex2i(m_rectSel.left(), m_rectSel.bottom());
      ::glEnable( GL_LIGHTING );

  /* Move mode */
  else if( m_curMode == MOVE ) {
    /* Show prompt messages */
    qglColor( ::Qt::black );
    drawText( width()-200, 20, tr("Left Click: Select"), fontPrompt );

    if( m_isMoving ) {
      drawText( width()-200, 40, tr("Shift+Wheel: Resize trackball"), fontPrompt );
      /* Draw the trackball */
      drawSphere( m_fRadius, m_colorTrackball );
      /* Highlight the moving point */
      drawVertex( m_pScene-> m_vidMoving )->point(), ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );

  /* FindNb mode */
  else if( m_curMode == FINDNB ) {
    /* Show prompt messages */
    qglColor( ::Qt::black );
    drawText( width()-200, 20, tr("Shift+Left: Place query point"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 40, tr("Shift+Wheel: Resize trackball"), fontPrompt );
    /* Draw the trackball */
    drawSphere( m_fRadius, m_colorTrackball );
    /* Draw the nearest neighbor */
    if( m_nearestNb != NULL ) {
      drawVertex( m_queryPt, ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );
      drawVertex( m_nearestNb->point(), ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );

  /* EmptySphere mode */
  else if( m_curMode == EMPTYSPH ) {
    /* Show prompt messages */
    qglColor( ::Qt::black );
    drawText( width()-200, 20, tr("Shift+Left: Place query point"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 40, tr("Press S: Show/Hide trackball"), fontPrompt );
    drawText( width()-200, 60, tr("Shift+Wheel: Resize trackball"), fontPrompt );
    /* Draw the trackball */
    if( m_showTrackball )
      drawSphere( m_fRadius, m_colorTrackball );

    if( m_hasEmptyS ) {
      /* Draw the query point */
      drawVertex( m_queryPt, ::Qt::red, m_fSizeVertex );
      /* Draw the cell containing that point */
      for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
        if( m_pScene->m_dt.is_infinite(m_cellContain, i) )  continue;
        drawFacet( m_pScene->m_dt.triangle( m_cellContain, i ), m_colorFacet );
      /* Draw the sphere */
      drawSphere( m_fREmptyS, m_colorEmptySphere, m_centerPt );
Beispiel #6
Segment_2 project_2(const Segment_3& s)
  return Segment_2(s.source().point_2(),;
Beispiel #7
Segment_3 lexicographically_ordered(const Segment_3& s)
  if (CGAL::lexicographically_xyz_smaller(s.source(),
    return s;
  return s.opposite();
Beispiel #8
void Viewer::compute_elements()
    //glColor3f(1.0f, 0.72f, 0.06f);

    for(Periodic_point_iterator ppit
      = scene->periodic_triangulation.periodic_points_begin(
          P3DT3::UNIQUE) ;
        ppit != scene->periodic_triangulation.periodic_points_end(P3DT3::UNIQUE);
      Point_3 p(scene->periodic_triangulation.point(*ppit));
      pos_points.push_back(p.x()); pos_points.push_back(p.y()); pos_points.push_back(p.z());

    //glColor3f(0.27f, 0.51f, 0.7f);
    for (Periodic_triangle_iterator ptit
       = scene->periodic_triangulation.periodic_triangles_begin(
         ptit != scene->periodic_triangulation.periodic_triangles_end(
        ++ptit) {
      for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
        Segment_3 dual = scene->periodic_triangulation.construct_segment(

        FT sz = dual.source().z();
        FT tz =;

        if (scene->two_dimensional && ((sz-tz > 0.5) || (sz-tz < -0.5))) continue;

        if (scene->two_dimensional) { sz = 0.; tz = 0.; }
        FT sx = dual.source().x();
        FT tx =;
        FT sy = dual.source().y();
        FT ty =;
        pos_lines.push_back(sx); pos_lines.push_back(sy); pos_lines.push_back(sz);
        pos_lines.push_back(tx); pos_lines.push_back(ty); pos_lines.push_back(tz);
        Iso_cuboid_3 d = scene->periodic_triangulation.domain();

        pos_8lines2D.push_back(sx+0.); pos_8lines2D.push_back(sy+d.ymax()-d.ymin()); pos_8lines2D.push_back(sz+0.);
        pos_8lines2D.push_back(tx+0.); pos_8lines2D.push_back(ty+d.ymax()-d.ymin()); pos_8lines2D.push_back(tz+0.);
        pos_8lines2D.push_back(sx+d.xmax()-d.xmin()); pos_8lines2D.push_back(sy+0.); pos_8lines2D.push_back(sz+0.);
        pos_8lines2D.push_back(tx+d.xmax()-d.xmin()); pos_8lines2D.push_back(ty+0.); pos_8lines2D.push_back(tz+0.);
        pos_8lines2D.push_back(sx+d.xmax()-d.xmin()); pos_8lines2D.push_back(sy+d.ymax()-d.ymin()); pos_8lines2D.push_back(sz+0.);
        pos_8lines2D.push_back(tx+d.xmax()-d.xmin()); pos_8lines2D.push_back(ty+d.ymax()-d.ymin()); pos_8lines2D.push_back(tz+0.);

        pos_8lines.push_back(sx+0.); pos_8lines.push_back(sy+0.); pos_8lines.push_back(sz+d.zmax()-d.zmin());
        pos_8lines.push_back(tx+0.); pos_8lines.push_back(ty+0.); pos_8lines.push_back(tz+d.zmax()-d.zmin());
        pos_8lines.push_back(sx+0.); pos_8lines.push_back(sy+d.ymax()-d.ymin()); pos_8lines.push_back(sz+d.zmax()-d.zmin());
        pos_8lines.push_back(tx+0.); pos_8lines.push_back(ty+d.ymax()-d.ymin()); pos_8lines.push_back(tz+d.zmax()-d.zmin());
        pos_8lines.push_back(sx+d.xmax()-d.xmin()); pos_8lines.push_back(sy+0.); pos_8lines.push_back(sz+d.zmax()-d.zmin());
        pos_8lines.push_back(tx+d.xmax()-d.xmin()); pos_8lines.push_back(ty+0.); pos_8lines.push_back(tz+d.zmax()-d.zmin());
        pos_8lines.push_back(sx+d.xmax()-d.xmin()); pos_8lines.push_back(sy+d.ymax()-d.ymin()); pos_8lines.push_back(sz+d.zmax()-d.zmin());
        pos_8lines.push_back(tx+d.xmax()-d.xmin()); pos_8lines.push_back(ty+d.ymax()-d.ymin()); pos_8lines.push_back(tz+d.zmax()-d.zmin());

Beispiel #9
  ::glColor3f(1.0f, 0.72f, 0.06f);


  for(Periodic_point_iterator ppit
	= scene->periodic_triangulation.periodic_points_begin(
	    P3DT3::UNIQUE) ;
      ppit != scene->periodic_triangulation.periodic_points_end(P3DT3::UNIQUE);
    Point_3 p(scene->periodic_triangulation.point(*ppit));
    ::glVertex3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());


  ::glColor3f(0.27f, 0.51f, 0.7f);

  for (Periodic_triangle_iterator ptit
	 = scene->periodic_triangulation.periodic_triangles_begin(
       ptit != scene->periodic_triangulation.periodic_triangles_end(
      ++ptit) {
    for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
      Segment_3 dual = scene->periodic_triangulation.segment(

      FT sz = dual.source().z();
      FT tz =;

      if (scene->two_dimensional && ((sz-tz > 0.5) || (sz-tz < -0.5))) continue;
      if (scene->two_dimensional) { sz = 0.; tz = 0.; }
      FT sx = dual.source().x();
      FT tx =;
      FT sy = dual.source().y();
      FT ty =;

      ::glVertex3d(sx,sy,sz); ::glVertex3d(tx,ty,tz);
      Iso_cuboid_3 d = scene->periodic_triangulation.domain();
      if (scene->eight_copies) {
	::glColor3f(0.69f, 0.77f, 0.87f);
	if (!scene->two_dimensional) {
	::glColor3f(0.27f, 0.51f, 0.7f);


bool Boundary_slice_chords::retired(const Segment_3& chord)
  return (_retired.find(chord) != _retired.end() || _retired.find(chord.opposite()) != _retired.end());