Beispiel #1
/** Returns a label for the value.  The label consists of the base object name (if available) or address, followed by a plus
 *  sign or minus sign, followed by the offset from that object.  The empty string is returned if this integer value expression
 *  has no base object (i.e., it's absolute).
 *  If the base object has no name and the integer value points directly at the object (offset=0) then one of two things
 *  happen: if @p quiet is true, the empty string is returned, otherwise the label is the name of the node type enclosed in an
 *  extra set of angle brackets.  This is useful to indicate that a value is relative rather than absolute.  For instance, the
 *  instruction listing "call 0x004126bb" is ambiguous as to whether 0x004126bb points to a known, unnamed function, a non-entry
 *  instruction within a function, or some memory location we didn't disassemble.  But when labeled with @p quiet being false,
 *  the output will be:
 *  <ul>
 *    <li>call 0x004126bb<main>; points to a function with a name</li>
 *    <li>call 0x004126bb<<Func>>; points to a function without a name</li>
 *    <li>call 0x004126bb<<Insn>>; points to an instruction that's not a function entry point</li>
 *    <li>call 0x004126bb; points to something that's not been disassembled</li>
 *  </ul>
SgAsmIntegerValueExpression::get_label(bool quiet/*=false*/) const
    SgNode *node = get_base_node();
    if (!node)
        return "";

    // Get the name of the base object if possible.
    std::string retval;
    std::string refkind;
    if (isSgAsmFunction(node)) {
        retval = isSgAsmFunction(node)->get_name();
        refkind = "Func";
    } else if (isSgAsmGenericSymbol(node)) {
        retval = isSgAsmGenericSymbol(node)->get_name()->get_string();
        refkind = "Sym";
    } else if (isSgAsmPEImportItem(node)) {
        retval = isSgAsmPEImportItem(node)->get_name()->get_string();
        refkind = "Import";
    } else if (isSgAsmGenericSection(node)) {
        retval = isSgAsmGenericSection(node)->get_short_name();
        refkind = "Section";
    } else if (isSgAsmInstruction(node)) {
        refkind = "Insn";
    } else if (isSgAsmStaticData(node)) {
        SgAsmBlock *blk = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmBlock>(node);
        if (blk && 0!=(blk->get_reason() & SgAsmBlock::BLK_JUMPTABLE)) {
            refkind = "JumpTable";
        } else {
            refkind = "StaticData";
    } else if (isSgAsmBlock(node)) {
        refkind = "BBlock";
    } else if (isSgAsmPERVASizePair(node)) {
        refkind = "Rva/Size";
    } else {
        refkind = "Reference";

    // If it has no name, then use something fairly generic.  That way we can at least indicate that the value is relative.
    int64_t offset = (int64_t)get_relative_value();
    if (retval.empty()) {
        retval = "<" + refkind; // extra level of brackets to indicate that it's not a real name
        if (offset)
            retval += "@" + StringUtility::addrToString(virtual_address(node), 32);
        retval += ">";

    // Append the offset, but consider it to be signed.  Disregard the number of significant bits in the absolute value and use
    // a smaller bit width if possible.  But don't use the minimum bit width since this makes it hard to tell how many bits
    // there are at a glance (use only 8, 16, 32, or 64).
    size_t nbits = 0;
    if (offset > 0xffffffffll) {
        nbits = 64;
        retval += "+";
    } else if (offset > 0xffffll) {
        nbits = 32;
        retval += "+";
    } else if (offset > 0xffll) {
        nbits = 16;
        retval += "+";
    } else if (offset > 9) {
        nbits = 8;
        retval += "+";
    } else if (offset > 0) {
        char buf[64];
        snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "+%"PRId64, offset);
        retval += buf;
    } else if (offset==0) {
    } else if (-offset > 0xffffffffll) {
        nbits = 64;
        offset = -offset;
        retval += "-";
    } else if (-offset > 0xffffll) {
        nbits = 32;
        offset = -offset;
        retval += "-";
    } else if (-offset > 0xffll) {
        nbits = 16;
        offset = -offset;
        retval += "-";
    } else if (-offset > 9) {
        nbits = 8;
        offset = -offset;
        retval += "-";
    } else {
        char buf[64];
        snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%"PRId64, offset);
        retval += buf;
    if (nbits!=0)
        retval += StringUtility::addrToString(offset, nbits);

    return retval;