LBAOutOfRangeBare_r12::SendCmdToHdw(SharedSQPtr sq, SharedCQPtr cq,
    SharedCmdPtr cmd, string qualify)
    uint32_t numCE;
    uint32_t isrCount;
    uint32_t isrCountB4;
    string work;
    uint16_t uniqueId;

    if ((numCE = cq->ReapInquiry(isrCountB4, true)) != 0) {
            FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "cq",
            "notEmpty"), "Test assumption have not been met");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Require 0 CE's within CQ %d, not upheld, found %d",
            cq->GetQId(), numCE);

    LOG_NRM("Send the cmd to hdw via SQ %d", sq->GetQId());
    sq->Send(cmd, uniqueId);
    work = str(boost::format(
        "Just B4 ringing SQ %d doorbell, dump entire SQ") % sq->GetQId());
    sq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName,
        "sq." + cmd->GetName(), qualify), work);

    LOG_NRM("Wait for the CE to arrive in CQ %d", cq->GetQId());
    if (cq->ReapInquiryWaitSpecify(CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), 1, numCE, isrCount)
        == false) {

        work = str(boost::format(
            "Unable to see any CE's in CQ %d, dump entire CQ") % cq->GetQId());
            FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "cq." +
            cmd->GetName(), qualify), work);
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Unable to see CE for issued cmd");
    } else if (numCE != 1) {
        work = str(boost::format(
            "Unable to see any CE's in CQ %d, dump entire CQ") % cq->GetQId());
            FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "cq." +
            cmd->GetName(), qualify), work);
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "1 cmd caused %d CE's to arrive in CQ %d",
            numCE, cq->GetQId());
    work = str(boost::format("Just B4 reaping CQ %d, dump entire CQ") %
    cq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName,
        "cq." + cmd->GetName(), qualify), work);

    // throws if an error occurs
    IO::ReapCE(cq, numCE, isrCount, mGrpName, mTestName, qualify,

    // Single cmd submitted on empty ASQ should always yield 1 IRQ on ACQ
    if (gCtrlrConfig->IrqsEnabled() && cq->GetIrqEnabled() &&
        (isrCount != (isrCountB4 + 1))) {

        throw FrmwkEx(HERE,
            "CQ using IRQ's, but IRQ count not expected (%d != %d)",
            isrCount, (isrCountB4 + 1));