Beispiel #1
qint64 LimitedNodeList::writeUnverifiedDatagram(const QByteArray& datagram, const SharedNodePointer& destinationNode,
        const HifiSockAddr& overridenSockAddr) {
    if (destinationNode) {
        // if we don't have an ovveriden address, assume they want to send to the node's active socket
        const HifiSockAddr* destinationSockAddr = &overridenSockAddr;
        if (overridenSockAddr.isNull()) {
            if (destinationNode->getActiveSocket()) {
                // use the node's active socket as the destination socket
                destinationSockAddr = destinationNode->getActiveSocket();
            } else {
                // we don't have a socket to send to, return 0
                return 0;

        PacketType packetType = packetTypeForPacket(datagram);

        // optionally peform sequence number replacement in the header
        if (SEQUENCE_NUMBERED_PACKETS.contains(packetType)) {

            QByteArray datagramCopy = datagram;

            PacketSequenceNumber sequenceNumber = getNextSequenceNumberForPacket(destinationNode->getUUID(), packetType);
            replaceSequenceNumberInPacket(datagramCopy, sequenceNumber, packetType);

            // send the datagram with sequence number replaced in header
            return writeDatagram(datagramCopy, *destinationSockAddr);
        } else {
            return writeDatagram(datagram, *destinationSockAddr);

    // didn't have a destinationNode to send to, return 0
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
qint64 LimitedNodeList::writeDatagram(const QByteArray& datagram,
                                      const SharedNodePointer& destinationNode,
                                      const HifiSockAddr& overridenSockAddr) {
    if (destinationNode) {
        PacketType packetType = packetTypeForPacket(datagram);

        if (NON_VERIFIED_PACKETS.contains(packetType)) {
            return writeUnverifiedDatagram(datagram, destinationNode, overridenSockAddr);

        // if we don't have an overridden address, assume they want to send to the node's active socket
        const HifiSockAddr* destinationSockAddr = &overridenSockAddr;
        if (overridenSockAddr.isNull()) {
            if (destinationNode->getActiveSocket()) {
                // use the node's active socket as the destination socket
                destinationSockAddr = destinationNode->getActiveSocket();
            } else {
                // we don't have a socket to send to, return 0
                return 0;

        QByteArray datagramCopy = datagram;

        // if we're here and the connection secret is null, debug out - this could be a problem
        if (destinationNode->getConnectionSecret().isNull()) {
            qDebug() << "LimitedNodeList::writeDatagram called for verified datagram with null connection secret for"
                     << "destination node" << destinationNode->getUUID() << " - this is either not secure or will cause"
                     << "this packet to be unverifiable on the receiving side.";

        // perform replacement of hash and optionally also sequence number in the header
        if (SEQUENCE_NUMBERED_PACKETS.contains(packetType)) {
            PacketSequenceNumber sequenceNumber = getNextSequenceNumberForPacket(destinationNode->getUUID(), packetType);
            replaceHashAndSequenceNumberInPacket(datagramCopy, destinationNode->getConnectionSecret(),
                                                 sequenceNumber, packetType);
        } else {
            replaceHashInPacket(datagramCopy, destinationNode->getConnectionSecret(), packetType);

        emit dataSent(destinationNode->getType(), datagram.size());
        auto bytesWritten = writeDatagram(datagramCopy, *destinationSockAddr);
        // Keep track of per-destination-node bandwidth
        return bytesWritten;

    // didn't have a destinationNode to send to, return 0
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
bool JurisdictionSender::process() {
    bool continueProcessing = isStillRunning();

    // call our ReceivedPacketProcessor base class process so we'll get any pending packets
    if (continueProcessing && (continueProcessing = ReceivedPacketProcessor::process())) {
        int nodeCount = 0;

        while (!_nodesRequestingJurisdictions.empty()) {

            QUuid nodeUUID = _nodesRequestingJurisdictions.front();
            SharedNodePointer node = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->nodeWithUUID(nodeUUID);

            if (node && node->getActiveSocket()) {
                auto packet = (_jurisdictionMap) ? _jurisdictionMap->packIntoPacket()
                                                 : JurisdictionMap::packEmptyJurisdictionIntoMessage(getNodeType());
                _packetSender.queuePacketForSending(node, std::move(packet));

        // set our packets per second to be the number of nodes

        continueProcessing = _packetSender.process();
    return continueProcessing;
Beispiel #4
void AudioMixer::processDatagram(const QByteArray& dataByteArray, const HifiSockAddr& senderSockAddr) {
    // pull any new audio data from nodes off of the network stack
    PacketType mixerPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(dataByteArray);
    if (mixerPacketType == PacketTypeMicrophoneAudioNoEcho
        || mixerPacketType == PacketTypeMicrophoneAudioWithEcho
        || mixerPacketType == PacketTypeInjectAudio) {
        QUuid nodeUUID;
        deconstructPacketHeader(dataByteArray, nodeUUID);

        NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance();

        SharedNodePointer matchingNode = nodeList->nodeWithUUID(nodeUUID);

        if (matchingNode) {
            nodeList->updateNodeWithData(, senderSockAddr, dataByteArray);

            if (!matchingNode->getActiveSocket()) {
                // we don't have an active socket for this node, but they're talking to us
                // this means they've heard from us and can reply, let's assume public is active
    } else {
        // let processNodeData handle it.
        NodeList::getInstance()->processNodeData(senderSockAddr, dataByteArray);
Beispiel #5
void NodeList::activateSocketFromNodeCommunication(const QByteArray& packet, const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode) {
    // deconstruct this ping packet to see if it is a public or local reply
    QDataStream packetStream(packet);
    quint8 pingType;
    packetStream >> pingType;
    // if this is a local or public ping then we can activate a socket
    // we do nothing with agnostic pings, those are simply for timing
    if (pingType == PingType::Local && sendingNode->getActiveSocket() != &sendingNode->getLocalSocket()) {
    } else if (pingType == PingType::Public && !sendingNode->getActiveSocket()) {
    } else if (pingType == PingType::Symmetric && !sendingNode->getActiveSocket()) {
void AudioMixerSlave::mix(const SharedNodePointer& node) {
    // check that the node is valid
    AudioMixerClientData* data = (AudioMixerClientData*)node->getLinkedData();
    if (data == nullptr) {

    if (node->isUpstream()) {

    // check that the stream is valid
    auto avatarStream = data->getAvatarAudioStream();
    if (avatarStream == nullptr) {

    // send mute packet, if necessary
    if (AudioMixer::shouldMute(avatarStream->getQuietestFrameLoudness()) || data->shouldMuteClient()) {
        sendMutePacket(node, *data);

    // send audio packets, if necessary
    if (node->getType() == NodeType::Agent && node->getActiveSocket()) {

        // mix the audio
        bool mixHasAudio = prepareMix(node);

        // send audio packet
        if (mixHasAudio || data->shouldFlushEncoder()) {
            QByteArray encodedBuffer;
            if (mixHasAudio) {
                // encode the audio
                QByteArray decodedBuffer(reinterpret_cast<char*>(_bufferSamples), AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_BYTES_STEREO);
                data->encode(decodedBuffer, encodedBuffer);
            } else {
                // time to flush (resets shouldFlush until the next encode)

            sendMixPacket(node, *data, encodedBuffer);
        } else {
            sendSilentPacket(node, *data);

        // send environment packet
        sendEnvironmentPacket(node, *data);

        // send stats packet (about every second)
        const unsigned int NUM_FRAMES_PER_SEC = (int)ceil(AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAMES_PER_SEC);
        if (data->shouldSendStats(_frame % NUM_FRAMES_PER_SEC)) {
Beispiel #7
void NodeList::handleNodePingTimeout() {
    Node* senderNode = qobject_cast<Node*>(sender());
    if (senderNode) {
        SharedNodePointer sharedNode = nodeWithUUID(senderNode->getUUID());

        if (sharedNode && !sharedNode->getActiveSocket()) {
Beispiel #8
void NodeList::activateSocketFromNodeCommunication(ReceivedMessage& message, const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode) {
    // deconstruct this ping packet to see if it is a public or local reply
    QDataStream packetStream(message.getMessage());

    quint8 pingType;
    packetStream >> pingType;

    // if this is a local or public ping then we can activate a socket
    // we do nothing with agnostic pings, those are simply for timing
    if (pingType == PingType::Local && sendingNode->getActiveSocket() != &sendingNode->getLocalSocket()) {
    } else if (pingType == PingType::Public && !sendingNode->getActiveSocket()) {
    } else if (pingType == PingType::Symmetric && !sendingNode->getActiveSocket()) {

    if (sendingNode->getType() == NodeType::AudioMixer) {
Beispiel #9
qint64 LimitedNodeList::writeDatagram(const QByteArray& datagram, const SharedNodePointer& destinationNode,
                               const HifiSockAddr& overridenSockAddr) {
    if (destinationNode) {
        // if we don't have an ovveriden address, assume they want to send to the node's active socket
        const HifiSockAddr* destinationSockAddr = &overridenSockAddr;
        if (overridenSockAddr.isNull()) {
            if (destinationNode->getActiveSocket()) {
                // use the node's active socket as the destination socket
                destinationSockAddr = destinationNode->getActiveSocket();
            } else {
                // we don't have a socket to send to, return 0
                return 0;
        return writeDatagram(datagram, *destinationSockAddr, destinationNode->getConnectionSecret());
    // didn't have a destinationNode to send to, return 0
    return 0;
Beispiel #10
void AbstractAudioInterface::emitAudioPacket(const void* audioData, size_t bytes, quint16& sequenceNumber,
                                             const Transform& transform, glm::vec3 avatarBoundingBoxCorner, glm::vec3 avatarBoundingBoxScale,
                                             PacketType packetType, QString codecName) {
    static std::mutex _mutex;
    using Locker = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;
    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
    SharedNodePointer audioMixer = nodeList->soloNodeOfType(NodeType::AudioMixer);
    if (audioMixer && audioMixer->getActiveSocket()) {
        Locker lock(_mutex);
        auto audioPacket = NLPacket::create(packetType);

        // FIXME - this is not a good way to determine stereoness with codecs.... 
        quint8 isStereo = bytes == AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_BYTES_STEREO ? 1 : 0;

        // write sequence number
        auto sequence = sequenceNumber++;

        // write the codec

        if (packetType == PacketType::SilentAudioFrame) {
            // pack num silent samples
            quint16 numSilentSamples = isStereo ?
                AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO :
        } else {
            // set the mono/stereo byte

        // pack the three float positions
        // pack the orientation


        if (audioPacket->getType() != PacketType::SilentAudioFrame) {
            // audio samples have already been packed (written to networkAudioSamples)
            int leadingBytes = audioPacket->getPayloadSize();
            audioPacket->setPayloadSize(leadingBytes + bytes);
            memcpy(audioPacket->getPayload() + leadingBytes, audioData, bytes);
        nodeList->sendUnreliablePacket(*audioPacket, *audioMixer);
void AbstractAudioInterface::emitAudioPacket(const void* audioData, size_t bytes, quint16& sequenceNumber, const Transform& transform, PacketType packetType) {
    static std::mutex _mutex;
    using Locker = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;
    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
    SharedNodePointer audioMixer = nodeList->soloNodeOfType(NodeType::AudioMixer);
    if (audioMixer && audioMixer->getActiveSocket()) {
        Locker lock(_mutex);
        static std::unique_ptr<NLPacket> audioPacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::Unknown);
        quint8 isStereo = bytes == AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_BYTES_STEREO ? 1 : 0;
        // reset the audio packet so we can start writing
        // write sequence number
        if (audioPacket->getType() == PacketType::SilentAudioFrame) {
            // pack num silent samples
            quint16 numSilentSamples = isStereo ?
                AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO :
        } else {
            // set the mono/stereo byte

        // pack the three float positions
        // pack the orientation

        if (audioPacket->getType() != PacketType::SilentAudioFrame) {
            // audio samples have already been packed (written to networkAudioSamples)
            audioPacket->setPayloadSize(audioPacket->getPayloadSize() + bytes);
            static const int leadingBytes = sizeof(quint16) + sizeof(glm::vec3) + sizeof(glm::quat) + sizeof(quint8);
            memcpy(audioPacket->getPayload() + leadingBytes, audioData, bytes);
        nodeList->sendUnreliablePacket(*audioPacket, *audioMixer);
void OctreePacketProcessor::processPacket(const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode, const QByteArray& packet) {
    PerformanceWarning warn(Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::PipelineWarnings),
    QByteArray mutablePacket = packet;

    const int WAY_BEHIND = 300;

    if (packetsToProcessCount() > WAY_BEHIND && Application::getInstance()->getLogger()->extraDebugging()) {
        qDebug("OctreePacketProcessor::processPacket() packets to process=%d", packetsToProcessCount());
    int messageLength = mutablePacket.size();

    Application* app = Application::getInstance();
    bool wasStatsPacket = false;

    PacketType voxelPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(mutablePacket);
    // note: PacketType_OCTREE_STATS can have PacketType_VOXEL_DATA
    // immediately following them inside the same packet. So, we process the PacketType_OCTREE_STATS first
    // then process any remaining bytes as if it was another packet
    if (voxelPacketType == PacketTypeOctreeStats) {
        int statsMessageLength = app->parseOctreeStats(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
        wasStatsPacket = true;
        if (messageLength > statsMessageLength) {
            mutablePacket = mutablePacket.mid(statsMessageLength);
            // TODO: this does not look correct, the goal is to test the packet version for the piggyback, but
            //       this is testing the version and hash of the original packet
            if (!DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->packetVersionAndHashMatch(packet)) {
                return; // bail since piggyback data doesn't match our versioning
        } else {
            // Note... stats packets don't have sequence numbers, so we don't want to send those to trackIncomingVoxelPacket()
            return; // bail since no piggyback data
    } // fall through to piggyback message
    voxelPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(mutablePacket);
    PacketVersion packetVersion = mutablePacket[1];
    PacketVersion expectedVersion = versionForPacketType(voxelPacketType);
    // check version of piggyback packet against expected version
    if (packetVersion != expectedVersion) {
        static QMultiMap<QUuid, PacketType> versionDebugSuppressMap;
        QUuid senderUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);
        if (!versionDebugSuppressMap.contains(senderUUID, voxelPacketType)) {
            qDebug() << "Packet version mismatch on" << voxelPacketType << "- Sender"
            << senderUUID << "sent" << (int)packetVersion << "but"
            << (int)expectedVersion << "expected.";
            emit packetVersionMismatch();

            versionDebugSuppressMap.insert(senderUUID, voxelPacketType);
        return; // bail since piggyback version doesn't match
    app->trackIncomingOctreePacket(mutablePacket, sendingNode, wasStatsPacket);

    if (sendingNode) {

        switch(voxelPacketType) {
            case PacketTypeEntityErase: {
                if (DependencyManager::get<SceneScriptingInterface>()->shouldRenderEntities()) {
                    app->_entities.processEraseMessage(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
            } break;

            case PacketTypeEntityData: {
                if (DependencyManager::get<SceneScriptingInterface>()->shouldRenderEntities()) {
                    app->_entities.processDatagram(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
            } break;

            case PacketTypeEnvironmentData: {
                app->_environment.parseData(*sendingNode->getActiveSocket(), mutablePacket);
            } break;

            default: {
                // nothing to do
            } break;
Beispiel #13
int OctreeSendThread::handlePacketSend(const SharedNodePointer& node, OctreeQueryNode* nodeData, int& trueBytesSent, int& truePacketsSent) {
    bool debug = _myServer->wantsDebugSending();
    quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();

    bool packetSent = false; // did we send a packet?
    int packetsSent = 0;
    // double check that the node has an active socket, otherwise, don't send...

    quint64 lockWaitStart = usecTimestampNow();
    QMutexLocker locker(&node->getMutex());
    quint64 lockWaitEnd = usecTimestampNow();
    float lockWaitElapsedUsec = (float)(lockWaitEnd - lockWaitStart);
    const HifiSockAddr* nodeAddress = node->getActiveSocket();
    if (!nodeAddress) {
        return packetsSent; // without sending...
    // Here's where we check to see if this packet is a duplicate of the last packet. If it is, we will silently
    // obscure the packet and not send it. This allows the callers and upper level logic to not need to know about
    // this rate control savings.
    if (nodeData->shouldSuppressDuplicatePacket()) {
        nodeData->resetOctreePacket(true); // we still need to reset it though!
        return packetsSent; // without sending...

    const unsigned char* messageData = nodeData->getPacket();
    int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(messageData));
    const unsigned char* dataAt = messageData + numBytesPacketHeader;
    dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS);
    dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SEQUENCE);

    // If we've got a stats message ready to send, then see if we can piggyback them together
    if (nodeData->stats.isReadyToSend()) {
        // Send the stats message to the client
        unsigned char* statsMessage = nodeData->stats.getStatsMessage();
        int statsMessageLength = nodeData->stats.getStatsMessageLength();
        int piggyBackSize = nodeData->getPacketLength() + statsMessageLength;

        // If the size of the stats message and the voxel message will fit in a packet, then piggyback them
        if (piggyBackSize < MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {

            // copy voxel message to back of stats message
            memcpy(statsMessage + statsMessageLength, nodeData->getPacket(), nodeData->getPacketLength());
            statsMessageLength += nodeData->getPacketLength();

            // since a stats message is only included on end of scene, don't consider any of these bytes "wasted", since
            // there was nothing else to send.
            int thisWastedBytes = 0;
            _totalWastedBytes += thisWastedBytes;
            _totalBytes += nodeData->getPacketLength();
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "Adding stats to packet at " << now << " [" << _totalPackets <<"]: sequence: " << sequence <<
                        " statsMessageLength: " << statsMessageLength <<
                        " original size: " << nodeData->getPacketLength() << " [" << _totalBytes <<
                        "] wasted bytes:" << thisWastedBytes << " [" << _totalWastedBytes << "]";

            // actually send it
            NodeList::getInstance()->writeDatagram((char*) statsMessage, statsMessageLength, SharedNodePointer(node));
            packetSent = true;
        } else {
            // not enough room in the packet, send two packets
            NodeList::getInstance()->writeDatagram((char*) statsMessage, statsMessageLength, SharedNodePointer(node));

            // since a stats message is only included on end of scene, don't consider any of these bytes "wasted", since
            // there was nothing else to send.
            int thisWastedBytes = 0;
            _totalWastedBytes += thisWastedBytes;
            _totalBytes += statsMessageLength;
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "Sending separate stats packet at " << now << " [" << _totalPackets <<"]: sequence: " << sequence <<
                        " size: " << statsMessageLength << " [" << _totalBytes <<
                        "] wasted bytes:" << thisWastedBytes << " [" << _totalWastedBytes << "]";

            trueBytesSent += statsMessageLength;

            NodeList::getInstance()->writeDatagram((char*) nodeData->getPacket(), nodeData->getPacketLength(),

            packetSent = true;

            thisWastedBytes = MAX_PACKET_SIZE - nodeData->getPacketLength();
            _totalWastedBytes += thisWastedBytes;
            _totalBytes += nodeData->getPacketLength();
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "Sending packet at " << now << " [" << _totalPackets <<"]: sequence: " << sequence <<
                        " size: " << nodeData->getPacketLength() << " [" << _totalBytes <<
                        "] wasted bytes:" << thisWastedBytes << " [" << _totalWastedBytes << "]";
    } else {
        // If there's actually a packet waiting, then send it.
        if (nodeData->isPacketWaiting()) {
            // just send the voxel packet
            NodeList::getInstance()->writeDatagram((char*) nodeData->getPacket(), nodeData->getPacketLength(),
            packetSent = true;

            int thisWastedBytes = MAX_PACKET_SIZE - nodeData->getPacketLength();
            _totalWastedBytes += thisWastedBytes;
            _totalBytes += nodeData->getPacketLength();
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "Sending packet at " << now << " [" << _totalPackets <<"]: sequence: " << sequence <<
                        " size: " << nodeData->getPacketLength() << " [" << _totalBytes <<
                        "] wasted bytes:" << thisWastedBytes << " [" << _totalWastedBytes << "]";
    // remember to track our stats
    if (packetSent) {
        trueBytesSent += nodeData->getPacketLength();

    return packetsSent;
Beispiel #14
void VoxelPacketProcessor::processPacket(const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode, const QByteArray& packet) {
    PerformanceWarning warn(Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::PipelineWarnings),
    QByteArray mutablePacket = packet;

    const int WAY_BEHIND = 300;

    if (packetsToProcessCount() > WAY_BEHIND && Application::getInstance()->getLogger()->extraDebugging()) {
        qDebug("VoxelPacketProcessor::processPacket() packets to process=%d", packetsToProcessCount());
    ssize_t messageLength = mutablePacket.size();

    Application* app = Application::getInstance();
    bool wasStatsPacket = false;

    // check to see if the UI thread asked us to kill the voxel tree. since we're the only thread allowed to do that
    if (app->_wantToKillLocalVoxels) {
        app->_wantToKillLocalVoxels = false;
    PacketType voxelPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(mutablePacket);

    // note: PacketType_OCTREE_STATS can have PacketType_VOXEL_DATA
    // immediately following them inside the same packet. So, we process the PacketType_OCTREE_STATS first
    // then process any remaining bytes as if it was another packet
    if (voxelPacketType == PacketTypeOctreeStats) {

        int statsMessageLength = app->parseOctreeStats(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
        wasStatsPacket = true;
        if (messageLength > statsMessageLength) {
            mutablePacket = mutablePacket.mid(statsMessageLength);
            // TODO: this does not look correct, the goal is to test the packet version for the piggyback, but
            //       this is testing the version and hash of the original packet
            if (!NodeList::getInstance()->packetVersionAndHashMatch(packet)) {
                return; // bail since piggyback data doesn't match our versioning
        } else {
            // Note... stats packets don't have sequence numbers, so we don't want to send those to trackIncomingVoxelPacket()
            return; // bail since no piggyback data
    } // fall through to piggyback message
    voxelPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(mutablePacket);
    if (Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::Voxels)) {
        app->trackIncomingVoxelPacket(mutablePacket, sendingNode, wasStatsPacket);

        if (sendingNode) {

            switch(voxelPacketType) {
                case PacketTypeParticleErase: {
                    app->_particles.processEraseMessage(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
                } break;

                case PacketTypeParticleData: {
                    app->_particles.processDatagram(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
                } break;

                case PacketTypeEnvironmentData: {
                    app->_environment.parseData(*sendingNode->getActiveSocket(), mutablePacket);
                } break;

                default : {
                } break;
Beispiel #15
void AudioInjector::injectAudio() {

    QByteArray soundByteArray = _sound->getByteArray();

    // make sure we actually have samples downloaded to inject
    if (soundByteArray.size()) {
        // give our sample byte array to the local audio interface, if we have it, so it can be handled locally
        if (_options.getLoopbackAudioInterface()) {
            // assume that localAudioInterface could be on a separate thread, use Qt::AutoConnection to handle properly
            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_options.getLoopbackAudioInterface(), "handleAudioByteArray",
                                      Q_ARG(QByteArray, soundByteArray));


        NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance();

        // setup the packet for injected audio
        QByteArray injectAudioPacket = byteArrayWithPopluatedHeader(PacketTypeInjectAudio);
        QDataStream packetStream(&injectAudioPacket, QIODevice::Append);

        packetStream << QUuid::createUuid();

        // pack the flag for loopback
        uchar loopbackFlag = (uchar) (_options.getLoopbackAudioInterface() == NULL);
        packetStream << loopbackFlag;

        // pack the position for injected audio
        packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_options.getPosition()), sizeof(_options.getPosition()));

        // pack our orientation for injected audio
        packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_options.getOrientation()), sizeof(_options.getOrientation()));

        // pack zero for radius
        float radius = 0;
        packetStream << radius;

        // pack 255 for attenuation byte
        quint8 volume = MAX_INJECTOR_VOLUME * _options.getVolume();
        packetStream << volume;

        timeval startTime = {};
        gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);
        int nextFrame = 0;

        int currentSendPosition = 0;

        int numPreAudioDataBytes = injectAudioPacket.size();

        // loop to send off our audio in NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL byte chunks
        while (currentSendPosition < soundByteArray.size()) {

            int bytesToCopy = std::min(NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL,
                                       soundByteArray.size() - currentSendPosition);

            // resize the QByteArray to the right size
            injectAudioPacket.resize(numPreAudioDataBytes + bytesToCopy);

            // copy the next NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL bytes to the packet
            memcpy( + numPreAudioDataBytes, + currentSendPosition, bytesToCopy);

            // grab our audio mixer from the NodeList, if it exists
            SharedNodePointer audioMixer = nodeList->soloNodeOfType(NodeType::AudioMixer);

            if (audioMixer && nodeList->getNodeActiveSocketOrPing( {
                // send off this audio packet

            currentSendPosition += bytesToCopy;

            // send two packets before the first sleep so the mixer can start playback right away

            if (currentSendPosition != bytesToCopy && currentSendPosition < soundByteArray.size()) {
                // not the first packet and not done
                // sleep for the appropriate time
                int usecToSleep = usecTimestamp(&startTime) + (++nextFrame * BUFFER_SEND_INTERVAL_USECS) - usecTimestampNow();

                if (usecToSleep > 0) {

    emit finished();