Beispiel #1
 // Constructor from just gravity magnitude; use negative of System "up"
 // direction as the down direction here.
 GravityImpl(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter,
             Real                            magnitude,
             Real                            zeroHeight)
 :   matter(matter)
 {   // Invoke the general constructor using system up direction.
     new (this) GravityImpl(matter, -matter.getSystem().getUpDirection(),
                            magnitude, zeroHeight);
Beispiel #2
 // Constructor from a gravity vector, which might have zero magnitude.
 // In that case we'll negate the default up direction in the System as the
 // default direction. That would only be noticeable if the magnitude were
 // later increased without giving a new direction.
 GravityImpl(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter,
             const Vec3&                     gravityVec,
             Real                            zeroHeight)
 :   matter(matter)
 {   // Invoke the general constructor using system up direction.
     new (this) GravityImpl(matter, -matter.getSystem().getUpDirection(),
                            gravityVec.norm(), zeroHeight);
     if (defMagnitude > 0)