Beispiel #1
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeB(double time, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& B)
  if (_pluginJacglambda->fPtr)
    ((FOMatPtr1) _pluginJacglambda->fPtr)(time, B.size(0), B.size(1), &(B)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Beispiel #2
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeF(double time, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& F)
  if (_pluginf->fPtr)
    ((FOMatPtr1)(_pluginf->fPtr))(time, F.size(0), F.size(1), &(F)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Beispiel #3
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeD(double time, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& D)
  if (_pluginJachlambda->fPtr)
    ((FOMatPtr1)(_pluginJachlambda->fPtr))(time, D.size(0), D.size(1), &(D)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Beispiel #4
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeC(double time, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& C)
  if (_pluginJachx->fPtr)
    ((FOMatPtr1)(_pluginJachx->fPtr))(time, C.size(0), C.size(1), &(C)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Beispiel #5
/* XXX Find out if we can use an elementwise ublas operation */
SP::SiconosVector compareMatrices(const SimpleMatrix& data, const SimpleMatrix& ref)
  SimpleMatrix diff(data.size(0), data.size(1));
  SP::SiconosVector res(new SiconosVector(data.size(1)));
  diff = data - ref;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(0); ++i)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < data.size(1); ++j)
      diff(i, j) /= 1 + fabs(ref(i, j));
  return res;

Beispiel #6
void FirstOrderType1R::computeJachx(double time, SiconosVector& x, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& C)
  assert(_pluginJachx && "FirstOrderType1R::computeJacobianH() failed; not linked to a plug-in function.");

  ((Type1Ptr)(_pluginJachx->fPtr))(x.size(), &(x)(0), C.size(0), C.getArray(), z.size(), &(z)(0));

Beispiel #7
// Copy constructors
SimpleMatrix::SimpleMatrix(const SimpleMatrix &smat): SiconosMatrix(smat.getNum()), _isPLUFactorized(false), _isQRFactorized(false), _isPLUInversed(false)
  if (num == 1)
    mat.Dense = new DenseMat(smat.size(0), smat.size(1));
    noalias(*mat.Dense) = (*smat.dense());
  //   mat.Dense = new DenseMat(*smat.dense());

  else if (num == 2)
    mat.Triang = new TriangMat(*smat.triang());

  else if (num == 3)

    mat.Sym = new SymMat(*smat.sym());

  else if (num == 4)
    mat.Sparse = new SparseMat(*smat.sparse());

  else if (num == 5)
    mat.Banded = new BandedMat(*smat.banded());

  else if (num == 6)
    mat.Zero = new ZeroMat(smat.size(0), smat.size(1));

  else// if(num == 7)
    mat.Identity = new IdentityMat(smat.size(0), smat.size(1));
Beispiel #8
void FirstOrderType1R::computeJacglambda(double time, SiconosVector& lambda, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& B)
  assert(_pluginJacglambda && "FirstOrderType1R::computeJacobiang() failed; not linked to a plug-in function.");

  ((Type1Ptr)(_pluginJacglambda->fPtr))(lambda.size(), &(lambda)(0), B.size(0), B.getArray(), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Beispiel #9
void FirstOrderType1R::computeJachz(double time, SiconosVector& x, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& F)
  if (_pluginJachz && _pluginJachz->fPtr)
    ((Type1Ptr)(_pluginJachz->fPtr))(x.size(), &(x)(0), F.size(0), F.getArray(), z.size(), &(z)(0));

Beispiel #10
const SimpleMatrix matrix_pow(const SimpleMatrix& m, unsigned int power)
  if (m.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix, pow function: not yet implemented for BlockMatrix.");
  if ( m.size(0) != m.size(1))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("matrix_pow(SimpleMatrix), matrix is not square.");

  if (power > 0)
    unsigned int num = m.num();
    if (num == 1)
      DenseMat p = *m.dense();
      for (unsigned int i = 1; i < power; i++)
        p = prod(p, *m.dense());
      return p;
    else if (num == 2)
      TriangMat t = *m.triang();
      for (unsigned int i = 1; i < power; i++)
        t = prod(t, *m.triang());
      return t;
    else if (num == 3)
      SymMat s = *m.sym();
      for (unsigned int i = 1; i < power; i++)
        s = prod(s, *m.sym());
      return s;
    else if (num == 4)
      SparseMat sp = *m.sparse();
      for (unsigned int i = 1; i < power; i++)
        sp = prod(sp, *m.sparse());
      return sp;
    else if (num == 5)
      DenseMat b = *m.banded();
      for (unsigned int i = 1; i < power; i++)
        b = prod(b, *m.banded());
      return b;
    else if (num == 6)
      ZeroMat z(m.size(0), m.size(1));
      return z;
    else // if (num==7)
      IdentityMat I(m.size(0), m.size(1));;
      return I;
  else// if(power == 0)
    IdentityMat I = ublas::identity_matrix<double>(m.size(0), m.size(1));
    return I;