Beispiel #1
void createSphereInVolume(SimpleVolume<Density8>& volData, float fRadius)
	//This vector hold the position of the center of the volume
	Vector3DFloat v3dVolCenter(volData.getWidth() / 2, volData.getHeight() / 2, volData.getDepth() / 2);

	//This three-level for loop iterates over every voxel in the volume
	for (int z = 0; z < volData.getWidth(); z++)
		for (int y = 0; y < volData.getHeight(); y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < volData.getDepth(); x++)
				//Store our current position as a vector...
				Vector3DFloat v3dCurrentPos(x,y,z);	
				//And compute how far the current position is from the center of the volume
				float fDistToCenter = (v3dCurrentPos - v3dVolCenter).length();

				if(fDistToCenter <= fRadius)
					//Our new density value
					uint8_t uDensity = Density8::getMaxDensity();

					//Get the old voxel
					Density8 voxel = volData.getVoxelAt(x,y,z);

					//Modify the density

					//Wrte the voxel value into the volume	
					volData.setVoxelAt(x, y, z, voxel);

				//144 in the middle, (144 - 32) at the edges. Threshold of 128 is between these
				//volData.setVoxelAt(x, y, z, 144 - fDistToCenter);