/** Create the elastic rod model
void createRod()
	ParticleData &particles = model.getParticles();
	ParticleData &ghostParticles = model.getGhostParticles();
	SimulationModel::ConstraintVector &constraints = model.getConstraints();

	//centreline points
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
		particles.addVertex(Vector3r((float)i*1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

	//edge ghost points
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints-1; i++)
		ghostParticles.addVertex(Vector3r((float)i*1.0f + 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

	//lock two first particles and first ghost point
	particles.setMass(0, 0.0f);
	particles.setMass(1, 0.0f);
	ghostParticles.setMass(0, 0.0f);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints - 1; i++)
		model.addElasticRodEdgeConstraint(i, i + 1, i);
		if (i < numberOfPoints - 2)
			//  Single rod element:
			//      D   E		//ghost points
			//		|	|
			//  --A---B---C--	// rod points
			int pA = i;
			int pB = i + 1;
			int pC = i + 2;
			int pD = i;
			int pE = i + 1;
			model.addElasticRodBendAndTwistConstraint(pA, pB, pC, pD, pE);