Beispiel #1
static void check(skiatest::Reporter* r,
                  const char path[],
                  SkISize size,
                  bool supportsScanlineDecoding,
                  bool supportsSubsetDecoding,
                  bool supports565 = true) {
    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
    if (!stream) {
        SkDebugf("Missing resource '%s'\n", path);
    SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(stream.detach()));
    if (!codec) {
        ERRORF(r, "Unable to decode '%s'", path);

    // This test is used primarily to verify rewinding works properly.  Using kN32 allows
    // us to test this without the added overhead of creating different bitmaps depending
    // on the color type (ex: building a color table for kIndex8).  DM is where we test
    // decodes to all possible destination color types.
    SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, info.dimensions() == size);

        // Test decoding to 565
        SkImageInfo info565 = info.makeColorType(kRGB_565_SkColorType);
        SkCodec::Result expected = (supports565 && info.alphaType() == kOpaque_SkAlphaType) ?
                SkCodec::kSuccess : SkCodec::kInvalidConversion;
        test_info(r, codec, info565, expected, nullptr);

    SkBitmap bm;
    SkAutoLockPixels autoLockPixels(bm);
    SkCodec::Result result =
        codec->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);

    SkMD5::Digest digest;
    md5(bm, &digest);

    // verify that re-decoding gives the same result.
    test_info(r, codec, info, SkCodec::kSuccess, &digest);

        // Check alpha type conversions
        if (info.alphaType() == kOpaque_SkAlphaType) {
            test_info(r, codec, info.makeAlphaType(kUnpremul_SkAlphaType),
                      SkCodec::kInvalidConversion, nullptr);
            test_info(r, codec, info.makeAlphaType(kPremul_SkAlphaType),
                      SkCodec::kInvalidConversion, nullptr);
        } else {
            // Decoding to opaque should fail
            test_info(r, codec, info.makeAlphaType(kOpaque_SkAlphaType),
                      SkCodec::kInvalidConversion, nullptr);
            SkAlphaType otherAt = info.alphaType();
            if (kPremul_SkAlphaType == otherAt) {
                otherAt = kUnpremul_SkAlphaType;
            } else {
                otherAt = kPremul_SkAlphaType;
            // The other non-opaque alpha type should always succeed, but not match.
            test_info(r, codec, info.makeAlphaType(otherAt), SkCodec::kSuccess, nullptr);

    // Scanline decoding follows.

    SkAutoTDelete<SkScanlineDecoder> scanlineDecoder(
    if (supportsScanlineDecoding) {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, scanlineDecoder);

        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, scanlineDecoder->start(info) == SkCodec::kSuccess);

        for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); y++) {
            result = scanlineDecoder->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, y), 1, 0);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
        // verify that scanline decoding gives the same result.
        if (SkScanlineDecoder::kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder == scanlineDecoder->getScanlineOrder()) {
            compare_to_good_digest(r, digest, bm);
    } else {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !scanlineDecoder);

    // The rest of this function tests decoding subsets, and will decode an arbitrary number of
    // random subsets.
    // Do not attempt to decode subsets of an image of only once pixel, since there is no
    // meaningful subset.
    if (size.width() * size.height() == 1) {

    SkRandom rand;
    SkIRect subset;
    SkCodec::Options opts;
    opts.fSubset = &subset;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        subset = generate_random_subset(&rand, size.width(), size.height());
        const bool supported = codec->getValidSubset(&subset);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, supported == supportsSubsetDecoding);

        SkImageInfo subsetInfo = info.makeWH(subset.width(), subset.height());
        SkBitmap bm;
        const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(),
                                                        &opts, nullptr, nullptr);

        if (supportsSubsetDecoding) {
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
            // Webp is the only codec that supports subsets, and it will have modified the subset
            // to have even left/top.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkIsAlign2(subset.fLeft) && SkIsAlign2(subset.fTop));
        } else {
            // No subsets will work.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kUnimplemented);
Beispiel #2
// Get the margin (aka perimeter)
static inline uint32_t get_margin(const SkIRect& rect) {
    return 2 * (rect.width() + rect.height());
SkLatticeIter::SkLatticeIter(const SkCanvas::Lattice& lattice, const SkRect& dst) {
    const int* xDivs = lattice.fXDivs;
    const int origXCount = lattice.fXCount;
    const int* yDivs = lattice.fYDivs;
    const int origYCount = lattice.fYCount;
    const SkIRect src = *lattice.fBounds;

    // In the x-dimension, the first rectangle always starts at x = 0 and is "scalable".
    // If xDiv[0] is 0, it indicates that the first rectangle is degenerate, so the
    // first real rectangle "scalable" in the x-direction.
    // The same interpretation applies to the y-dimension.
    // As we move left to right across the image, alternating patches will be "fixed" or
    // "scalable" in the x-direction.  Similarly, as move top to bottom, alternating
    // patches will be "fixed" or "scalable" in the y-direction.
    int xCount = origXCount;
    int yCount = origYCount;
    bool xIsScalable = (xCount > 0 && src.fLeft == xDivs[0]);
    if (xIsScalable) {
        // Once we've decided that the first patch is "scalable", we don't need the
        // xDiv.  It is always implied that we start at the edge of the bounds.
    bool yIsScalable = (yCount > 0 && src.fTop == yDivs[0]);
    if (yIsScalable) {
        // Once we've decided that the first patch is "scalable", we don't need the
        // yDiv.  It is always implied that we start at the edge of the bounds.

    // Count "scalable" and "fixed" pixels in each dimension.
    int xCountScalable = count_scalable_pixels(xDivs, xCount, xIsScalable, src.fLeft, src.fRight);
    int xCountFixed = src.width() - xCountScalable;
    int yCountScalable = count_scalable_pixels(yDivs, yCount, yIsScalable, src.fTop, src.fBottom);
    int yCountFixed = src.height() - yCountScalable;

    fSrcX.reset(xCount + 2);
    fDstX.reset(xCount + 2);
    set_points(fDstX.begin(), fSrcX.begin(), xDivs, xCount, xCountFixed, xCountScalable,
               src.fLeft, src.fRight, dst.fLeft, dst.fRight, xIsScalable);

    fSrcY.reset(yCount + 2);
    fDstY.reset(yCount + 2);
    set_points(fDstY.begin(), fSrcY.begin(), yDivs, yCount, yCountFixed, yCountScalable,
               src.fTop, src.fBottom, dst.fTop, dst.fBottom, yIsScalable);

    fCurrX = fCurrY = 0;
    fNumRectsInLattice = (xCount + 1) * (yCount + 1);
    fNumRectsToDraw = fNumRectsInLattice;

    if (lattice.fFlags) {

        const SkCanvas::Lattice::Flags* flags = lattice.fFlags;

        bool hasPadRow = (yCount != origYCount);
        bool hasPadCol = (xCount != origXCount);
        if (hasPadRow) {
            // The first row of rects are all empty, skip the first row of flags.
            flags += origXCount + 1;

        int i = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < yCount + 1; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < origXCount + 1; x++) {
                if (0 == x && hasPadCol) {
                    // The first column of rects are all empty.  Skip a rect.

                fFlags[i] = *flags;

        for (int j = 0; j < fFlags.count(); j++) {
            if (SkCanvas::Lattice::kTransparent_Flags == fFlags[j]) {
Beispiel #4
static void draw_nine_clipped(const SkMask& mask, const SkIRect& outerR,
                              const SkIPoint& center, bool fillCenter,
                              const SkIRect& clipR, SkBlitter* blitter) {
    int cx = center.x();
    int cy = center.y();
    SkMask m;

    // top-left
    m.fBounds = mask.fBounds;
    m.fBounds.fRight = cx;
    m.fBounds.fBottom = cy;
    extractMaskSubset(mask, &m);
    blitClippedMask(blitter, m, m.fBounds, clipR);

    // top-right
    m.fBounds = mask.fBounds;
    m.fBounds.fLeft = cx + 1;
    m.fBounds.fBottom = cy;
    extractMaskSubset(mask, &m);
    m.fBounds.offsetTo(outerR.right() - m.fBounds.width(),;
    blitClippedMask(blitter, m, m.fBounds, clipR);

    // bottom-left
    m.fBounds = mask.fBounds;
    m.fBounds.fRight = cx;
    m.fBounds.fTop = cy + 1;
    extractMaskSubset(mask, &m);
    m.fBounds.offsetTo(outerR.left(), outerR.bottom() - m.fBounds.height());
    blitClippedMask(blitter, m, m.fBounds, clipR);

    // bottom-right
    m.fBounds = mask.fBounds;
    m.fBounds.fLeft = cx + 1;
    m.fBounds.fTop = cy + 1;
    extractMaskSubset(mask, &m);
    m.fBounds.offsetTo(outerR.right() - m.fBounds.width(),
                       outerR.bottom() - m.fBounds.height());
    blitClippedMask(blitter, m, m.fBounds, clipR);

    SkIRect innerR;
    innerR.set(outerR.left() + cx - mask.fBounds.left(),
      + cy -,
               outerR.right() + (cx + 1 - mask.fBounds.right()),
               outerR.bottom() + (cy + 1 - mask.fBounds.bottom()));
    if (fillCenter) {
        blitClippedRect(blitter, innerR, clipR);

    const int innerW = innerR.width();
    size_t storageSize = (innerW + 1) * (sizeof(int16_t) + sizeof(uint8_t));
    SkAutoSMalloc<4*1024> storage(storageSize);
    int16_t* runs = (int16_t*)storage.get();
    uint8_t* alpha = (uint8_t*)(runs + innerW + 1);

    SkIRect r;
    // top
    r.set(innerR.left(),, innerR.right(),;
    if (r.intersect(clipR)) {
        int startY = SkMax32(0, -;
        int stopY = startY + r.height();
        int width = r.width();
        for (int y = startY; y < stopY; ++y) {
            runs[0] = width;
            runs[width] = 0;
            alpha[0] = *mask.getAddr8(cx, + y);
            blitter->blitAntiH(r.left(), + y, alpha, runs);
    // bottom
    r.set(innerR.left(), innerR.bottom(), innerR.right(), outerR.bottom());
    if (r.intersect(clipR)) {
        int startY = outerR.bottom() - r.bottom();
        int stopY = startY + r.height();
        int width = r.width();
        for (int y = startY; y < stopY; ++y) {
            runs[0] = width;
            runs[width] = 0;
            alpha[0] = *mask.getAddr8(cx, mask.fBounds.bottom() - y - 1);
            blitter->blitAntiH(r.left(), outerR.bottom() - y - 1, alpha, runs);
    // left
    r.set(outerR.left(),, innerR.left(), innerR.bottom());
    if (r.intersect(clipR)) {
        int startX = r.left() - outerR.left();
        int stopX = startX + r.width();
        int height = r.height();
        for (int x = startX; x < stopX; ++x) {
            blitter->blitV(outerR.left() + x,, height,
                           *mask.getAddr8(mask.fBounds.left() + x, + cy));
    // right
    r.set(innerR.right(),, outerR.right(), innerR.bottom());
    if (r.intersect(clipR)) {
        int startX = outerR.right() - r.right();
        int stopX = startX + r.width();
        int height = r.height();
        for (int x = startX; x < stopX; ++x) {
            blitter->blitV(outerR.right() - x - 1,, height,
                           *mask.getAddr8(mask.fBounds.right() - x - 1, + cy));
bool SkMorphologyImageFilter::filterImageGeneric(SkMorphologyImageFilter::Proc procX,
                                                 SkMorphologyImageFilter::Proc procY,
                                                 Proxy* proxy,
                                                 const SkBitmap& source,
                                                 const Context& ctx,
                                                 SkBitmap* dst,
                                                 SkIPoint* offset) const {
    SkBitmap src = source;
    SkIPoint srcOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    if (getInput(0) && !getInput(0)->filterImage(proxy, source, ctx, &src, &srcOffset)) {
        return false;

    if (src.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
        return false;

    SkIRect bounds;
    if (!this->applyCropRect(ctx, proxy, src, &srcOffset, &bounds, &src)) {
        return false;

    SkAutoLockPixels alp(src);
    if (!src.getPixels()) {
        return false;

    if (!dst->tryAllocPixels(, bounds.height()))) {
        return false;

    SkVector radius = SkVector::Make(SkIntToScalar(this->radius().width()),
    ctx.ctm().mapVectors(&radius, 1);
    int width = SkScalarFloorToInt(radius.fX);
    int height = SkScalarFloorToInt(radius.fY);

    if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
        return false;

    SkIRect srcBounds = bounds;

    if (width == 0 && height == 0) {
        src.extractSubset(dst, srcBounds);
        offset->fX = bounds.left();
        offset->fY =;
        return true;

    SkBitmap temp;
    if (!temp.tryAllocPixels(dst->info())) {
        return false;

    if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
        callProcX(procX, src, &temp, width, srcBounds);
        SkIRect tmpBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(srcBounds.width(), srcBounds.height());
        callProcY(procY, temp, dst, height, tmpBounds);
    } else if (width > 0) {
        callProcX(procX, src, dst, width, srcBounds);
    } else if (height > 0) {
        callProcY(procY, src, dst, height, srcBounds);
    offset->fX = bounds.left();
    offset->fY =;
    return true;
Beispiel #6
void Image::drawPattern(GraphicsContext* context,
                        const FloatRect& floatSrcRect,
                        const AffineTransform& patternTransform,
                        const FloatPoint& phase,
                        ColorSpace styleColorSpace,
                        CompositeOperator compositeOp,
                        const FloatRect& destRect)
    FloatRect normSrcRect = normalizeRect(floatSrcRect);
    if (destRect.isEmpty() || normSrcRect.isEmpty())
        return; // nothing to draw

    NativeImageSkia* bitmap = nativeImageForCurrentFrame();
    if (!bitmap)

    SkIRect srcRect = enclosingIntRect(normSrcRect);

    // Figure out what size the bitmap will be in the destination. The
    // destination rect is the bounds of the pattern, we need to use the
    // matrix to see how big it will be.
    float destBitmapWidth, destBitmapHeight;
    TransformDimensions(patternTransform, srcRect.width(), srcRect.height(),
                        &destBitmapWidth, &destBitmapHeight);

    // Compute the resampling mode.
    ResamplingMode resampling;
    if (context->platformContext()->isAccelerated() || context->platformContext()->printing())
        resampling = RESAMPLE_LINEAR;
        resampling = computeResamplingMode(context->platformContext(), *bitmap, srcRect.width(), srcRect.height(), destBitmapWidth, destBitmapHeight);

    // Load the transform WebKit requested.
    SkMatrix matrix(patternTransform);

    SkShader* shader;
    if (resampling == RESAMPLE_AWESOME) {
        // Do nice resampling.
        int width = static_cast<int>(destBitmapWidth);
        int height = static_cast<int>(destBitmapHeight);
        SkBitmap resampled = bitmap->resizedBitmap(srcRect, width, height);
        shader = SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(resampled, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode);

        // Since we just resized the bitmap, we need to undo the scale set in
        // the image transform.
    } else {
        // No need to do nice resampling.
        SkBitmap srcSubset;
        bitmap->bitmap().extractSubset(&srcSubset, srcRect);
        shader = SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(srcSubset, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode);

    // We also need to translate it such that the origin of the pattern is the
    // origin of the destination rect, which is what WebKit expects. Skia uses
    // the coordinate system origin as the base for the patter. If WebKit wants
    // a shifted image, it will shift it from there using the patternTransform.
    float adjustedX = phase.x() + normSrcRect.x() *
    float adjustedY = phase.y() + normSrcRect.y() *

    SkPaint paint;
    paint.setFilterBitmap(resampling == RESAMPLE_LINEAR);

    context->platformContext()->paintSkPaint(destRect, paint);
Beispiel #7
static SkBitmap unpremultiply_bitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
                                     const SkIRect& srcRect) {
    SkBitmap outBitmap;
    outBitmap.allocPixels(, srcRect.height()));
    int dstRow = 0;

    SkAutoLockPixels outBitmapPixelLock(outBitmap);
    SkAutoLockPixels bitmapPixelLock(bitmap);
    switch (bitmap.colorType()) {
        case kARGB_4444_SkColorType: {
            for (int y = srcRect.fTop; y < srcRect.fBottom; y++) {
                uint16_t* dst = outBitmap.getAddr16(0, dstRow);
                uint16_t* src = bitmap.getAddr16(0, y);
                for (int x = srcRect.fLeft; x < srcRect.fRight; x++) {
                    uint8_t a = SkGetPackedA4444(src[x]);
                    // It is necessary to average the color component of
                    // transparent pixels with their surrounding neighbors
                    // since the PDF renderer may separately re-sample the
                    // alpha and color channels when the image is not
                    // displayed at its native resolution. Since an alpha of
                    // zero gives no information about the color component,
                    // the pathological case is a white image with sharp
                    // transparency bounds - the color channel goes to black,
                    // and the should-be-transparent pixels are rendered
                    // as grey because of the separate soft mask and color
                    // resizing.
                    if (a == (SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT & 0x0F)) {
                        *dst = get_argb4444_neighbor_avg_color(bitmap, x, y);
                    } else {
                        *dst = remove_alpha_argb4444(src[x]);
        case kN32_SkColorType: {
            for (int y = srcRect.fTop; y < srcRect.fBottom; y++) {
                uint32_t* dst = outBitmap.getAddr32(0, dstRow);
                uint32_t* src = bitmap.getAddr32(0, y);
                for (int x = srcRect.fLeft; x < srcRect.fRight; x++) {
                    uint8_t a = SkGetPackedA32(src[x]);
                    if (a == SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT) {
                        *dst = get_argb8888_neighbor_avg_color(bitmap, x, y);
                    } else {
                        *dst = remove_alpha_argb8888(src[x]);


    return outBitmap;
Beispiel #8
DEF_TEST(CanvasState_test_complex_clips, reporter) {
    const int WIDTH = 400;
    const int HEIGHT = 400;
    const int SPACER = 10;

    SkIRect layerRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(WIDTH, HEIGHT / 4);
    layerRect.inset(2*SPACER, 2*SPACER);

    SkIRect clipRect = layerRect;
    clipRect.fRight = clipRect.fLeft + (clipRect.width() / 2) - (2*SPACER);
    clipRect.outset(SPACER, SPACER);

    SkIRect regionBounds = clipRect;
    regionBounds.offset(clipRect.width() + (2*SPACER), 0);

    SkIRect regionInterior = regionBounds;
    regionInterior.inset(SPACER*3, SPACER*3);

    SkRegion clipRegion;
    clipRegion.op(regionInterior, SkRegion::kDifference_Op);

    const SkRegion::Op clipOps[] = { SkRegion::kIntersect_Op,
    const SkCanvas::SaveFlags flags[] = { SkCanvas::kARGB_NoClipLayer_SaveFlag,
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizeof(clipOps) == sizeof(flags));

    bool (*drawFn)(SkCanvasState* state, int32_t l, int32_t t,
                   int32_t r, int32_t b, int32_t clipOp,
                   int32_t regionRects, int32_t* rectCoords);

    OpenLibResult openLibResult(reporter);
    if (openLibResult.handle() != NULL) {
        *(void**) (&drawFn) = dlsym(openLibResult.handle(),
    } else {
        drawFn = complex_clips_draw_from_canvas_state;

    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, drawFn);
    if (!drawFn) {

    SkBitmap bitmaps[2];
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
        bitmaps[i].allocN32Pixels(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

        SkCanvas canvas(bitmaps[i]);


        SkRegion localRegion = clipRegion;

        for (size_t j = 0; j < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(flags); ++j) {
            SkRect layerBounds = SkRect::Make(layerRect);
            canvas.saveLayerAlpha(&layerBounds, 128, flags[j]);

            if (i) {
                SkCanvasState* state = SkCanvasStateUtils::CaptureCanvasState(&canvas);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, state);

                SkRegion::Iterator iter(localRegion);
                SkTDArray<int32_t> rectCoords;
                for (; !iter.done(); {
                    const SkIRect& rect = iter.rect();
                    *rectCoords.append() = rect.fLeft;
                    *rectCoords.append() = rect.fTop;
                    *rectCoords.append() = rect.fRight;
                    *rectCoords.append() = rect.fBottom;
                bool success = drawFn(state, clipRect.fLeft, clipRect.fTop,
                                      clipRect.fRight, clipRect.fBottom, clipOps[j],
                                      rectCoords.count() / 4, rectCoords.begin());
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success);

            } else {
                complex_clips_draw(&canvas, clipRect.fLeft, clipRect.fTop,
                                   clipRect.fRight, clipRect.fBottom, clipOps[j],


            // translate the canvas and region for the next iteration
            canvas.translate(0, SkIntToScalar(2*(layerRect.height() + (SPACER))));
            localRegion.translate(0, 2*(layerRect.height() + SPACER));

    // now we memcmp the two bitmaps
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bitmaps[0].getSize() == bitmaps[1].getSize());
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(bitmaps[0].getPixels(),
Beispiel #9
static void test_complex_clips(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
    const int WIDTH = 400;
    const int HEIGHT = 400;
    const int SPACER = 10;

    SkIRect layerRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(WIDTH, HEIGHT / 4);
    layerRect.inset(2*SPACER, 2*SPACER);

    SkIRect clipRect = layerRect;
    clipRect.fRight = clipRect.fLeft + (clipRect.width() / 2) - (2*SPACER);
    clipRect.outset(SPACER, SPACER);

    SkIRect regionBounds = clipRect;
    regionBounds.offset(clipRect.width() + (2*SPACER), 0);

    SkIRect regionInterior = regionBounds;
    regionInterior.inset(SPACER*3, SPACER*3);

    SkRegion clipRegion;
    clipRegion.op(regionInterior, SkRegion::kDifference_Op);

    const SkRegion::Op clipOps[] = { SkRegion::kIntersect_Op,
    const SkCanvas::SaveFlags flags[] = { SkCanvas::kARGB_NoClipLayer_SaveFlag,
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizeof(clipOps) == sizeof(flags));
    const int layerCombinations = sizeof(flags) / sizeof(SkCanvas::SaveFlags);

    SkBitmap bitmaps[2];
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
        bitmaps[i].allocN32Pixels(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

        SkCanvas canvas(bitmaps[i]);


        SkRegion localRegion = clipRegion;

        for (int j = 0; j < layerCombinations; ++j) {
            SkRect layerBounds = SkRect::Make(layerRect);
            canvas.saveLayerAlpha(&layerBounds, 128, flags[j]);

            SkCanvasState* state = NULL;
            SkCanvas* tmpCanvas = NULL;
            if (i) {
                state = SkCanvasStateUtils::CaptureCanvasState(&canvas);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, state);
                tmpCanvas = SkCanvasStateUtils::CreateFromCanvasState(state);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tmpCanvas);
            } else {
                tmpCanvas = SkRef(&canvas);

            tmpCanvas->clipRect(SkRect::Make(clipRect), clipOps[j]);

            tmpCanvas->clipRegion(localRegion, clipOps[j]);



            // translate the canvas and region for the next iteration
            canvas.translate(0, SkIntToScalar(2*(layerRect.height() + (SPACER))));
            localRegion.translate(0, 2*(layerRect.height() + SPACER));

    // now we memcmp the two bitmaps
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bitmaps[0].getSize() == bitmaps[1].getSize());
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(bitmaps[0].getPixels(),
Beispiel #10
// Basic test of the SkSpecialImage public API (e.g., peekTexture, peekPixels & draw)
static void test_image(const sk_sp<SkSpecialImage>& img, skiatest::Reporter* reporter,
                       GrContext* context, bool peekTextureSucceeds,
                       int offset, int size) {
    const SkIRect subset = img->subset();
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, offset == subset.left());
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, offset ==;
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, kSmallerSize == subset.width());
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, kSmallerSize == subset.height());

    // Test that peekTexture reports the correct backing type
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, peekTextureSucceeds == img->isTextureBacked());

    // Test getTextureAsRef - as long as there is a context this should succeed
    if (context) {
        sk_sp<GrTexture> texture(img->asTextureRef(context));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, texture);

    // Test getROPixels - this should always succeed regardless of backing store
    SkBitmap bitmap;
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, img->getROPixels(&bitmap));
    if (context) {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, kSmallerSize == bitmap.width());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, kSmallerSize == bitmap.height());
    } else {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == bitmap.width());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, size == bitmap.height());

    // Test that draw restricts itself to the subset
    SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(kFullSize, kFullSize, kOpaque_SkAlphaType);

    sk_sp<SkSpecialSurface> surf(img->makeSurface(info));

    SkCanvas* canvas = surf->getCanvas();

    img->draw(canvas, SkIntToScalar(kPad), SkIntToScalar(kPad), nullptr);

    SkBitmap bm;
    bm.allocN32Pixels(kFullSize, kFullSize, true);

    bool result = canvas->readPixels(, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(), 0, 0);

    // Only the center (red) portion should've been drawn into the canvas
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, SK_ColorBLUE == bm.getColor(kPad-1, kPad-1));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, SK_ColorRED  == bm.getColor(kPad, kPad));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, SK_ColorRED  == bm.getColor(kSmallerSize+kPad-1,
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, SK_ColorBLUE == bm.getColor(kSmallerSize+kPad,

    // Test that makeTightSubset & makeTightSurface return appropriately sized objects
    // of the correct backing type
    SkIRect newSubset = SkIRect::MakeWH(subset.width(), subset.height());
        sk_sp<SkImage> tightImg(img->makeTightSubset(newSubset));

        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tightImg->width() == subset.width());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tightImg->height() == subset.height());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, peekTextureSucceeds == !!tightImg->getTexture());
        SkPixmap tmpPixmap;
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, peekTextureSucceeds != !!tightImg->peekPixels(&tmpPixmap));
        SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(subset.width(), subset.height(),
        sk_sp<SkSurface> tightSurf(img->makeTightSurface(info));

        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tightSurf->width() == subset.width());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tightSurf->height() == subset.height());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, peekTextureSucceeds ==
        SkPixmap tmpPixmap;
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, peekTextureSucceeds != !!tightSurf->peekPixels(&tmpPixmap));
Beispiel #11
bool SkBlurImageFilter::onFilterImageDeprecated(Proxy* proxy,
                                                const SkBitmap& source, const Context& ctx,
                                                SkBitmap* dst, SkIPoint* offset) const {
    SkBitmap src = source;
    SkIPoint srcOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    if (!this->filterInputDeprecated(0, proxy, source, ctx, &src, &srcOffset)) {
        return false;

    if (src.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
        return false;

    SkIRect srcBounds = src.bounds();
    SkIRect dstBounds;
    if (!this->applyCropRect(this->mapContext(ctx), srcBounds, &dstBounds)) {
        return false;
    if (!srcBounds.intersect(dstBounds)) {
        return false;

    SkVector sigma = map_sigma(fSigma, ctx.ctm());

    int kernelSizeX, kernelSizeX3, lowOffsetX, highOffsetX;
    int kernelSizeY, kernelSizeY3, lowOffsetY, highOffsetY;
    getBox3Params(sigma.x(), &kernelSizeX, &kernelSizeX3, &lowOffsetX, &highOffsetX);
    getBox3Params(sigma.y(), &kernelSizeY, &kernelSizeY3, &lowOffsetY, &highOffsetY);

    if (kernelSizeX < 0 || kernelSizeY < 0) {
        return false;

    if (kernelSizeX == 0 && kernelSizeY == 0) {
        src.extractSubset(dst, srcBounds);
        offset->fX = srcBounds.x();
        offset->fY = srcBounds.y();
        return true;

    SkAutoLockPixels alp(src);
    if (!src.getPixels()) {
        return false;

    SkAutoTUnref<SkBaseDevice> device(proxy->createDevice(dstBounds.width(), dstBounds.height()));
    if (!device) {
        return false;
    *dst = device->accessBitmap(false);
    SkAutoLockPixels alp_dst(*dst);

    SkAutoTUnref<SkBaseDevice> tempDevice(proxy->createDevice(dst->width(), dst->height()));
    if (!tempDevice) {
        return false;
    SkBitmap temp = tempDevice->accessBitmap(false);
    SkAutoLockPixels alpTemp(temp);

    offset->fX = dstBounds.fLeft;
    offset->fY = dstBounds.fTop;
    SkPMColor* t = temp.getAddr32(0, 0);
    SkPMColor* d = dst->getAddr32(0, 0);
    int w = dstBounds.width(), h = dstBounds.height();
    const SkPMColor* s = src.getAddr32(srcBounds.x() - srcOffset.x(), srcBounds.y() - srcOffset.y());
    srcBounds.offset(-dstBounds.x(), -dstBounds.y());
    dstBounds.offset(-dstBounds.x(), -dstBounds.y());
    SkIRect srcBoundsT = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(, srcBounds.left(), srcBounds.bottom(), srcBounds.right());
    SkIRect dstBoundsT = SkIRect::MakeWH(dstBounds.height(), dstBounds.width());
    int sw = src.rowBytesAsPixels();

     * In order to make memory accesses cache-friendly, we reorder the passes to
     * use contiguous memory reads wherever possible.
     * For example, the 6 passes of the X-and-Y blur case are rewritten as
     * follows. Instead of 3 passes in X and 3 passes in Y, we perform
     * 2 passes in X, 1 pass in X transposed to Y on write, 2 passes in X,
     * then 1 pass in X transposed to Y on write.
     * +----+       +----+       +----+        +---+       +---+       +---+        +----+
     * + AB + ----> | AB | ----> | AB | -----> | A | ----> | A | ----> | A | -----> | AB |
     * +----+ blurX +----+ blurX +----+ blurXY | B | blurX | B | blurX | B | blurXY +----+
     *                                         +---+       +---+       +---+
     * In this way, two of the y-blurs become x-blurs applied to transposed
     * images, and all memory reads are contiguous.
    if (kernelSizeX > 0 && kernelSizeY > 0) {
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(s, sw,  srcBounds,  t, kernelSizeX,  lowOffsetX,  highOffsetX, w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(t,  w,  dstBounds,  d, kernelSizeX,  highOffsetX, lowOffsetX,  w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xy(d,  w,  dstBounds,  t, kernelSizeX3, highOffsetX, highOffsetX, w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(t,  h,  dstBoundsT, d, kernelSizeY,  lowOffsetY,  highOffsetY, h, w);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(d,  h,  dstBoundsT, t, kernelSizeY,  highOffsetY, lowOffsetY,  h, w);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xy(t,  h,  dstBoundsT, d, kernelSizeY3, highOffsetY, highOffsetY, h, w);
    } else if (kernelSizeX > 0) {
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(s, sw,  srcBounds,  d, kernelSizeX,  lowOffsetX,  highOffsetX, w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(d,  w,  dstBounds,  t, kernelSizeX,  highOffsetX, lowOffsetX,  w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(t,  w,  dstBounds,  d, kernelSizeX3, highOffsetX, highOffsetX, w, h);
    } else if (kernelSizeY > 0) {
        SkOpts::box_blur_yx(s, sw,  srcBoundsT, d, kernelSizeY,  lowOffsetY,  highOffsetY, h, w);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(d,  h,  dstBoundsT, t, kernelSizeY,  highOffsetY, lowOffsetY,  h, w);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xy(t,  h,  dstBoundsT, d, kernelSizeY3, highOffsetY, highOffsetY, h, w);
    return true;
Beispiel #12
sk_sp<GrTexture> GrClipMaskManager::CreateSoftwareClipMask(
                                                    GrTextureProvider* texProvider,
                                                    int32_t elementsGenID,
                                                    GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState,
                                                    const GrReducedClip::ElementList& elements,
                                                    const SkVector& clipToMaskOffset,
                                                    const SkIRect& clipSpaceIBounds) {
    GrUniqueKey key;
    GetClipMaskKey(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds, &key);
    if (GrTexture* texture = texProvider->findAndRefTextureByUniqueKey(key)) {
        return sk_sp<GrTexture>(texture);

    // The mask texture may be larger than necessary. We round out the clip space bounds and pin
    // the top left corner of the resulting rect to the top left of the texture.
    SkIRect maskSpaceIBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(clipSpaceIBounds.width(), clipSpaceIBounds.height());

    GrSWMaskHelper helper(texProvider);

    // Set the matrix so that rendered clip elements are transformed to mask space from clip
    // space.
    SkMatrix translate;

    helper.init(maskSpaceIBounds, &translate);
    helper.clear(GrReducedClip::kAllIn_InitialState == initialState ? 0xFF : 0x00);

    for (GrReducedClip::ElementList::Iter iter(elements.headIter()) ; iter.get(); {
        const Element* element = iter.get();
        SkRegion::Op op = element->getOp();

        if (SkRegion::kIntersect_Op == op || SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op == op) {
            // Intersect and reverse difference require modifying pixels outside of the geometry
            // that is being "drawn". In both cases we erase all the pixels outside of the geometry
            // but leave the pixels inside the geometry alone. For reverse difference we invert all
            // the pixels before clearing the ones outside the geometry.
            if (SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op == op) {
                SkRect temp = SkRect::Make(clipSpaceIBounds);
                // invert the entire scene
                helper.drawRect(temp, SkRegion::kXOR_Op, false, 0xFF);
            SkPath clipPath;
            GrShape shape(clipPath, GrStyle::SimpleFill());
            helper.drawShape(shape, SkRegion::kReplace_Op, element->isAA(), 0x00);

        // The other ops (union, xor, diff) only affect pixels inside
        // the geometry so they can just be drawn normally
        if (Element::kRect_Type == element->getType()) {
            helper.drawRect(element->getRect(), op, element->isAA(), 0xFF);
        } else {
            SkPath path;
            GrShape shape(path, GrStyle::SimpleFill());
            helper.drawShape(shape, op, element->isAA(), 0xFF);

    // Allocate clip mask texture
    GrSurfaceDesc desc;
    desc.fWidth = clipSpaceIBounds.width();
    desc.fHeight = clipSpaceIBounds.height();
    desc.fConfig = kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;

    sk_sp<GrTexture> result(texProvider->createApproxTexture(desc));
    if (!result) {
        return nullptr;


    return result;
Beispiel #13
sk_sp<GrTexture> GrClipMaskManager::CreateAlphaClipMask(GrContext* context,
                                                        int32_t elementsGenID,
                                                        GrReducedClip::InitialState initialState,
                                                        const GrReducedClip::ElementList& elements,
                                                        const SkVector& clipToMaskOffset,
                                                        const SkIRect& clipSpaceIBounds) {
    GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider = context->resourceProvider();
    GrUniqueKey key;
    GetClipMaskKey(elementsGenID, clipSpaceIBounds, &key);
    if (GrTexture* texture = resourceProvider->findAndRefTextureByUniqueKey(key)) {
        return sk_sp<GrTexture>(texture);

    // There's no texture in the cache. Let's try to allocate it then.
    GrPixelConfig config = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
    if (context->caps()->isConfigRenderable(kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig, false)) {
        config = kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;

    sk_sp<GrDrawContext> dc(context->newDrawContext(SkBackingFit::kApprox,
    if (!dc) {
        return nullptr;
    // The texture may be larger than necessary, this rect represents the part of the texture
    // we populate with a rasterization of the clip.
    SkIRect maskSpaceIBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(clipSpaceIBounds.width(), clipSpaceIBounds.height());

    // The scratch texture that we are drawing into can be substantially larger than the mask. Only
    // clear the part that we care about.
              GrReducedClip::kAllIn_InitialState == initialState ? 0xffffffff : 0x00000000,

    // Set the matrix so that rendered clip elements are transformed to mask space from clip
    // space.
    const SkMatrix translate = SkMatrix::MakeTrans(clipToMaskOffset.fX, clipToMaskOffset.fY);

    // It is important that we use maskSpaceIBounds as the stencil rect in the below loop.
    // The second pass that zeros the stencil buffer renders the rect maskSpaceIBounds so the first
    // pass must not set values outside of this bounds or stencil values outside the rect won't be
    // cleared.

    // walk through each clip element and perform its set op
    for (GrReducedClip::ElementList::Iter iter = elements.headIter(); iter.get(); {
        const Element* element = iter.get();
        SkRegion::Op op = element->getOp();
        bool invert = element->isInverseFilled();
        if (invert || SkRegion::kIntersect_Op == op || SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op == op) {
            GrFixedClip clip(maskSpaceIBounds);

            // draw directly into the result with the stencil set to make the pixels affected
            // by the clip shape be non-zero.
            static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings kStencilInElement(
            if (!stencil_element(dc.get(), clip, &kStencilInElement,
                                 translate, element)) {
                return nullptr;

            // Draw to the exterior pixels (those with a zero stencil value).
            static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings kDrawOutsideElement(
            if (!dc->drawContextPriv().drawAndStencilRect(clip, &kDrawOutsideElement,
                                                          op, !invert, false,
                                                          SkRect::Make(clipSpaceIBounds))) {
                return nullptr;
        } else {
            // all the remaining ops can just be directly draw into the accumulation buffer
            GrPaint paint;
            paint.setCoverageSetOpXPFactory(op, false);

            draw_element(dc.get(), GrNoClip(), paint, translate, element);

    sk_sp<GrTexture> texture(dc->asTexture());
    return texture;
void NinePatch_Draw(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRect& bounds,
                       const SkBitmap& bitmap, const android::Res_png_9patch& chunk,
                       const SkPaint* paint, SkRegion** outRegion) {
    if (canvas && canvas->quickReject(bounds, SkCanvas::kBW_EdgeType)) {
    // if our canvas is GL, draw this as a mesh, which will be faster than
    // in parts (which is faster for raster)
    if (canvas && canvas->getViewport(NULL)) {
        SkNinePatch::DrawMesh(canvas, bounds, bitmap,
                              chunk.xDivs, chunk.numXDivs,
                              chunk.yDivs, chunk.numYDivs,

#ifdef USE_TRACE
    gTrace = true;

    SkASSERT(canvas || outRegion);

#if 0
    if (canvas) {
        const SkMatrix& m = canvas->getTotalMatrix();
        SkDebugf("ninepatch [%g %g %g] [%g %g %g]\n",
                 SkScalarToFloat(m[0]), SkScalarToFloat(m[1]), SkScalarToFloat(m[2]),
                 SkScalarToFloat(m[3]), SkScalarToFloat(m[4]), SkScalarToFloat(m[5]));

#ifdef USE_TRACE
    if (gTrace) {
        SkDEBUGF(("======== ninepatch bounds [%g %g]\n", SkScalarToFloat(bounds.width()), SkScalarToFloat(bounds.height())));
        SkDEBUGF(("======== ninepatch paint bm [%d,%d]\n", bitmap.width(), bitmap.height()));
        SkDEBUGF(("======== ninepatch xDivs [%d,%d]\n", chunk.xDivs[0], chunk.xDivs[1]));
        SkDEBUGF(("======== ninepatch yDivs [%d,%d]\n", chunk.yDivs[0], chunk.yDivs[1]));

    if (bounds.isEmpty() ||
        bitmap.width() == 0 || bitmap.height() == 0 ||
        (paint && paint->getXfermode() == NULL && paint->getAlpha() == 0))
#ifdef USE_TRACE
        if (gTrace) SkDEBUGF(("======== abort ninepatch draw\n"));
    // should try a quick-reject test before calling lockPixels 

    SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap);
    // after the lock, it is valid to check getPixels()
    if (bitmap.getPixels() == NULL)

    SkPaint defaultPaint;
    if (NULL == paint) {
        paint = &defaultPaint;

    const bool hasXfer = paint->getXfermode() != NULL;
    SkRect      dst;
    SkIRect     src;

    const int32_t x0 = chunk.xDivs[0];
    const int32_t y0 = chunk.yDivs[0];
    const SkColor initColor = ((SkPaint*)paint)->getColor();
    const uint8_t numXDivs = chunk.numXDivs;
    const uint8_t numYDivs = chunk.numYDivs;
    int i;
    int j;
    int colorIndex = 0;
    uint32_t color;
    bool xIsStretchable;
    const bool initialXIsStretchable =  (x0 == 0);
    bool yIsStretchable = (y0 == 0);
    const int bitmapWidth = bitmap.width();
    const int bitmapHeight = bitmap.height();

    SkScalar* dstRights = (SkScalar*) alloca((numXDivs + 1) * sizeof(SkScalar));
    bool dstRightsHaveBeenCached = false;

    int numStretchyXPixelsRemaining = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numXDivs; i += 2) {
        numStretchyXPixelsRemaining += chunk.xDivs[i + 1] - chunk.xDivs[i];
    int numFixedXPixelsRemaining = bitmapWidth - numStretchyXPixelsRemaining;
    int numStretchyYPixelsRemaining = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numYDivs; i += 2) {
        numStretchyYPixelsRemaining += chunk.yDivs[i + 1] - chunk.yDivs[i];
    int numFixedYPixelsRemaining = bitmapHeight - numStretchyYPixelsRemaining;

#if 0
    SkDebugf("NinePatch [%d %d] bounds [%g %g %g %g] divs [%d %d]\n",
             bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(),
             SkScalarToFloat(bounds.fLeft), SkScalarToFloat(bounds.fTop),
             SkScalarToFloat(bounds.width()), SkScalarToFloat(bounds.height()),
             numXDivs, numYDivs);

    src.fTop = 0;
    dst.fTop = bounds.fTop;
    // The first row always starts with the top being at y=0 and the bottom
    // being either yDivs[1] (if yDivs[0]=0) of yDivs[0].  In the former case
    // the first row is stretchable along the Y axis, otherwise it is fixed.
    // The last row always ends with the bottom being bitmap.height and the top
    // being either yDivs[numYDivs-2] (if yDivs[numYDivs-1]=bitmap.height) or
    // yDivs[numYDivs-1]. In the former case the last row is stretchable along
    // the Y axis, otherwise it is fixed.
    // The first and last columns are similarly treated with respect to the X
    // axis.
    // The above is to help explain some of the special casing that goes on the
    // code below.

    // The initial yDiv and whether the first row is considered stretchable or
    // not depends on whether yDiv[0] was zero or not.
    for (j = yIsStretchable ? 1 : 0;
          j <= numYDivs && src.fTop < bitmapHeight;
          j++, yIsStretchable = !yIsStretchable) {
        src.fLeft = 0;
        dst.fLeft = bounds.fLeft;
        if (j == numYDivs) {
            src.fBottom = bitmapHeight;
            dst.fBottom = bounds.fBottom;
        } else {
            src.fBottom = chunk.yDivs[j];
            const int srcYSize = src.fBottom - src.fTop;
            if (yIsStretchable) {
                dst.fBottom = dst.fTop + calculateStretch(bounds.fBottom, dst.fTop,
                numStretchyYPixelsRemaining -= srcYSize;
            } else {
                dst.fBottom = dst.fTop + SkIntToScalar(srcYSize);
                numFixedYPixelsRemaining -= srcYSize;

        xIsStretchable = initialXIsStretchable;
        // The initial xDiv and whether the first column is considered
        // stretchable or not depends on whether xDiv[0] was zero or not.
        for (i = xIsStretchable ? 1 : 0;
              i <= numXDivs && src.fLeft < bitmapWidth;
              i++, xIsStretchable = !xIsStretchable) {
            color = chunk.colors[colorIndex++];
            if (i == numXDivs) {
                src.fRight = bitmapWidth;
                dst.fRight = bounds.fRight;
            } else {
                src.fRight = chunk.xDivs[i];
                if (dstRightsHaveBeenCached) {
                    dst.fRight = dstRights[i];
                } else {
                    const int srcXSize = src.fRight - src.fLeft;
                    if (xIsStretchable) {
                        dst.fRight = dst.fLeft + calculateStretch(bounds.fRight, dst.fLeft,
                        numStretchyXPixelsRemaining -= srcXSize;
                    } else {
                        dst.fRight = dst.fLeft + SkIntToScalar(srcXSize);
                        numFixedXPixelsRemaining -= srcXSize;
                    dstRights[i] = dst.fRight;
            // If this horizontal patch is too small to be displayed, leave
            // the destination left edge where it is and go on to the next patch
            // in the source.
            if (src.fLeft >= src.fRight) {
                src.fLeft = src.fRight;
            // Make sure that we actually have room to draw any bits
            if (dst.fRight <= dst.fLeft || dst.fBottom <= dst.fTop) {
                goto nextDiv;
            // If this patch is transparent, skip and don't draw.
            if (color == android::Res_png_9patch::TRANSPARENT_COLOR && !hasXfer) {
                if (outRegion) {
                    if (*outRegion == NULL) {
                        *outRegion = new SkRegion();
                    SkIRect idst;
                    //LOGI("Adding trans rect: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
                    //     idst.fLeft, idst.fTop, idst.fRight, idst.fBottom);
                    (*outRegion)->op(idst, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
                goto nextDiv;
            if (canvas) {
#if 0
                SkDebugf("-- src [%d %d %d %d] dst [%g %g %g %g]\n",
                         src.fLeft, src.fTop, src.width(), src.height(),
                         SkScalarToFloat(dst.fLeft), SkScalarToFloat(dst.fTop),
                         SkScalarToFloat(dst.width()), SkScalarToFloat(dst.height()));
                if (2 == src.width() && SkIntToScalar(5) == dst.width()) {
                    SkDebugf("--- skip patch\n");
                drawStretchyPatch(canvas, src, dst, bitmap, *paint, initColor,
                                  color, hasXfer);

            src.fLeft = src.fRight;
            dst.fLeft = dst.fRight;
        src.fTop = src.fBottom;
        dst.fTop = dst.fBottom;
        dstRightsHaveBeenCached = true;
Beispiel #15
// Create the layer information for the hoisted layer and secure the
// required texture/render target resources.
static void prepare_for_hoisting(GrLayerCache* layerCache,
                                 const SkPicture* topLevelPicture,
                                 const SkMatrix& initialMat,
                                 const SkLayerInfo::BlockInfo& info,
                                 const SkIRect& srcIR,
                                 const SkIRect& dstIR,
                                 SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>* needRendering,
                                 SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>* recycled,
                                 bool attemptToAtlas,
                                 int numSamples) {
    const SkPicture* pict = info.fPicture ? info.fPicture : topLevelPicture;

    GrCachedLayer* layer = layerCache->findLayerOrCreate(topLevelPicture->uniqueID(),
    GrSurfaceDesc desc;
    desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
    desc.fWidth = srcIR.width();
    desc.fHeight = srcIR.height();
    desc.fConfig = kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig;
    desc.fSampleCnt = numSamples;

    bool locked, needsRendering;
    if (attemptToAtlas) {
        locked = layerCache->tryToAtlas(layer, desc, &needsRendering);
    } else {
        locked = layerCache->lock(layer, desc, &needsRendering);
    if (!locked) {
        // GPU resources could not be secured for the hoisting of this layer

    if (attemptToAtlas) {

    GrHoistedLayer* hl;

    if (needsRendering) {
        if (!attemptToAtlas) {
        hl = needRendering->append();
    } else {
        hl = recycled->append();

    hl->fLayer = layer;
    hl->fPicture = pict;
    hl->fLocalMat = info.fLocalMat;
    hl->fInitialMat = initialMat;
    hl->fPreMat = initialMat;
Beispiel #16
static bool sectsrect_proc(SkRegion& a, SkRegion& b) {
    SkIRect r = a.getBounds();
    r.inset(r.width()/4, r.height()/4);
    return a.intersects(r);
Beispiel #17
static void check(skiatest::Reporter* r,
                  const char path[],
                  SkISize size,
                  bool supportsScanlineDecoding,
                  bool supportsSubsetDecoding,
                  bool supportsIncomplete = true) {

    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
    if (!stream) {
        SkDebugf("Missing resource '%s'\n", path);

    SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(nullptr);
    bool isIncomplete = supportsIncomplete;
    if (isIncomplete) {
        size_t size = stream->getLength();
        sk_sp<SkData> data((SkData::MakeFromStream(stream, 2 * size / 3)));
    } else {
    if (!codec) {
        ERRORF(r, "Unable to decode '%s'", path);

    // Test full image decodes with SkCodec
    SkMD5::Digest codecDigest;
    const SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
    SkBitmap bm;
    SkCodec::Result expectedResult = isIncomplete ? SkCodec::kIncompleteInput : SkCodec::kSuccess;
    test_codec(r, codec.get(), bm, info, size, expectedResult, &codecDigest, nullptr);

    // Scanline decoding follows.
    // Need to call startScanlineDecode() first.
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, 0), 1, 0)
            == 0);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->skipScanlines(1)
            == 0);

    const SkCodec::Result startResult = codec->startScanlineDecode(info);
    if (supportsScanlineDecoding) {

        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, startResult == SkCodec::kSuccess);

        for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); y++) {
            const int lines = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, y), 1, 0);
            if (!isIncomplete) {
                REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 1 == lines);
        // verify that scanline decoding gives the same result.
        if (SkCodec::kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder == codec->getScanlineOrder()) {
            compare_to_good_digest(r, codecDigest, bm);

        // Cannot continue to decode scanlines beyond the end
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, 0), 1, 0)
                == 0);

        // Interrupting a scanline decode with a full decode starts from
        // scratch
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->startScanlineDecode(info) == SkCodec::kSuccess);
        const int lines = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, 0), 1, 0);
        if (!isIncomplete) {
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, lines == 1);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getPixels(, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes())
                == expectedResult);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, 0), 1, 0)
                == 0);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->skipScanlines(1)
                == 0);

        // Test partial scanline decodes
        if (supports_partial_scanlines(path) && info.width() >= 3) {
            SkCodec::Options options;
            int width = info.width();
            int height = info.height();
            SkIRect subset = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(2 * (width / 3), 0, width / 3, height);
            options.fSubset = &subset;

            const SkCodec::Result partialStartResult = codec->startScanlineDecode(info, &options,
                    nullptr, nullptr);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, partialStartResult == SkCodec::kSuccess);

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                const int lines = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, y), 1, 0);
                if (!isIncomplete) {
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 1 == lines);
    } else {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, startResult == SkCodec::kUnimplemented);

    // The rest of this function tests decoding subsets, and will decode an arbitrary number of
    // random subsets.
    // Do not attempt to decode subsets of an image of only once pixel, since there is no
    // meaningful subset.
    if (size.width() * size.height() == 1) {

    SkRandom rand;
    SkIRect subset;
    SkCodec::Options opts;
    opts.fSubset = &subset;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        subset = generate_random_subset(&rand, size.width(), size.height());
        const bool supported = codec->getValidSubset(&subset);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, supported == supportsSubsetDecoding);

        SkImageInfo subsetInfo = info.makeWH(subset.width(), subset.height());
        SkBitmap bm;
        const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(),
                                                        &opts, nullptr, nullptr);

        if (supportsSubsetDecoding) {
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == expectedResult);
            // Webp is the only codec that supports subsets, and it will have modified the subset
            // to have even left/top.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkIsAlign2(subset.fLeft) && SkIsAlign2(subset.fTop));
        } else {
            // No subsets will work.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kUnimplemented);

    // SkAndroidCodec tests
    if (supportsScanlineDecoding || supportsSubsetDecoding) {

        SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
        if (!stream) {
            SkDebugf("Missing resource '%s'\n", path);

        SkAutoTDelete<SkAndroidCodec> androidCodec(nullptr);
        if (isIncomplete) {
            size_t size = stream->getLength();
            sk_sp<SkData> data((SkData::MakeFromStream(stream, 2 * size / 3)));
        } else {
        if (!androidCodec) {
            ERRORF(r, "Unable to decode '%s'", path);

        SkBitmap bm;
        SkMD5::Digest androidCodecDigest;
        test_codec(r, androidCodec.get(), bm, info, size, expectedResult, &androidCodecDigest,

    if (!isIncomplete) {
        // Test SkCodecImageGenerator
        SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
        sk_sp<SkData> fullData(SkData::MakeFromStream(stream, stream->getLength()));
        SkAutoTDelete<SkImageGenerator> gen(
        SkBitmap bm;
        SkAutoLockPixels autoLockPixels(bm);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, gen->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes()));
        compare_to_good_digest(r, codecDigest, bm);

        // Test using SkFrontBufferedStream, as Android does
        SkStream* bufferedStream = SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(
                new SkMemoryStream(std::move(fullData)), SkCodec::MinBufferedBytesNeeded());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bufferedStream);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec);
        if (codec) {
            test_info(r, codec.get(), info, SkCodec::kSuccess, &codecDigest);

    // If we've just tested incomplete decodes, let's run the same test again on full decodes.
    if (isIncomplete) {
        check(r, path, size, supportsScanlineDecoding, supportsSubsetDecoding, false);
static SkRect offset_center_to(const SkIRect& src, SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
    SkScalar halfW = 0.5f * src.width();
    SkScalar halfH = 0.5f * src.height();

    return SkRect::MakeLTRB(x - halfW, y - halfH, x + halfW, y + halfH);
Beispiel #19
static void create(SkBitmap* bm, SkIRect bound, SkBitmap::Config config) {
    bm->setConfig(config, bound.width(), bound.height());
static void toString(const SkIRect& r, SkString* str) {
    str->appendf("[%d,%d %d:%d]", r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.width(), r.height());
Beispiel #21
static void blitClippedRect(SkBlitter* blitter, const SkIRect& rect, const SkIRect& clipR) {
    SkIRect r;
    if (r.intersect(rect, clipR)) {
        blitter->blitRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height());
Beispiel #22
void SkScalerContext::getMetrics(SkGlyph* glyph) {

    // for now we have separate cache entries for devkerning on and off
    // in the future we might share caches, but make our measure/draw
    // code make the distinction. Thus we zap the values if the caller
    // has not asked for them.
    if ((fRec.fFlags & SkScalerContext::kDevKernText_Flag) == 0) {
        // no devkern, so zap the fields
        glyph->fLsbDelta = glyph->fRsbDelta = 0;

    // if either dimension is empty, zap the image bounds of the glyph
    if (0 == glyph->fWidth || 0 == glyph->fHeight) {
        glyph->fWidth   = 0;
        glyph->fHeight  = 0;
        glyph->fTop     = 0;
        glyph->fLeft    = 0;
        glyph->fMaskFormat = 0;

    if (fGenerateImageFromPath) {
        SkPath      devPath, fillPath;
        SkMatrix    fillToDevMatrix;

        this->internalGetPath(*glyph, &fillPath, &devPath, &fillToDevMatrix);

        if (fRasterizer) {
            SkMask  mask;

            if (fRasterizer->rasterize(fillPath, fillToDevMatrix, NULL,
                                       fMaskFilter, &mask,
                                       SkMask::kJustComputeBounds_CreateMode)) {
                glyph->fLeft    = mask.fBounds.fLeft;
                glyph->fTop     = mask.fBounds.fTop;
                glyph->fWidth   = SkToU16(mask.fBounds.width());
                glyph->fHeight  = SkToU16(mask.fBounds.height());
            } else {
                goto SK_ERROR;
        } else {
            // just use devPath
            SkIRect ir;

            if (ir.isEmpty() || !ir.is16Bit()) {
                goto SK_ERROR;
            glyph->fLeft    = ir.fLeft;
            glyph->fTop     = ir.fTop;
            glyph->fWidth   = SkToU16(ir.width());
            glyph->fHeight  = SkToU16(ir.height());

    if (SkMask::kARGB32_Format != glyph->fMaskFormat) {
        glyph->fMaskFormat = fRec.fMaskFormat;

    if (fMaskFilter) {
        SkMask      src, dst;
        SkMatrix    matrix;


        src.fImage = NULL;  // only want the bounds from the filter
        if (fMaskFilter->filterMask(&dst, src, matrix, NULL)) {
            if (dst.fBounds.isEmpty() || !dst.fBounds.is16Bit()) {
                goto SK_ERROR;
            SkASSERT(dst.fImage == NULL);
            glyph->fLeft    = dst.fBounds.fLeft;
            glyph->fTop     = dst.fBounds.fTop;
            glyph->fWidth   = SkToU16(dst.fBounds.width());
            glyph->fHeight  = SkToU16(dst.fBounds.height());
            glyph->fMaskFormat = dst.fFormat;

    // draw nothing 'cause we failed
    glyph->fLeft    = 0;
    glyph->fTop     = 0;
    glyph->fWidth   = 0;
    glyph->fHeight  = 0;
    // put a valid value here, in case it was earlier set to
    glyph->fMaskFormat = fRec.fMaskFormat;
IntRect::IntRect(const SkIRect& r)
    : m_location(r.fLeft, r.fTop)
    , m_size(r.width(), r.height())
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkTileImageFilter::onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source,
                                                       const Context& ctx,
                                                       SkIPoint* offset) const {
    SkIPoint inputOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> input(this->filterInput(0, source, ctx, &inputOffset));
    if (!input) {
        return nullptr;

    SkRect dstRect;
    ctx.ctm().mapRect(&dstRect, fDstRect);
    if (!dstRect.intersect(SkRect::Make(ctx.clipBounds()))) {
        return nullptr;

    const SkIRect dstIRect = dstRect.roundOut();
    if (!fSrcRect.width() || !fSrcRect.height() || !dstIRect.width() || !dstIRect.height()) {
        return nullptr;

    SkRect srcRect;
    ctx.ctm().mapRect(&srcRect, fSrcRect);
    SkIRect srcIRect;
    const SkIRect inputBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(input->width(), input->height());

    if (!SkIRect::Intersects(srcIRect, inputBounds)) {
        return nullptr;

    // We create an SkImage here b.c. it needs to be a tight fit for the tiling
    sk_sp<SkImage> subset;
    if (inputBounds.contains(srcIRect)) {
        subset = input->makeTightSubset(srcIRect);
        if (!subset) {
            return nullptr;
    } else {
        sk_sp<SkSurface> surf(input->makeTightSurface(ctx.outputProperties(), srcIRect.size()));
        if (!surf) {
            return nullptr;

        SkCanvas* canvas = surf->getCanvas();

        SkPaint paint;

                    SkIntToScalar(inputOffset.x()), SkIntToScalar(inputOffset.y()),

        subset = surf->makeImageSnapshot();
    SkASSERT(subset->width() == srcIRect.width());
    SkASSERT(subset->height() == srcIRect.height());

    sk_sp<SkSpecialSurface> surf(source->makeSurface(ctx.outputProperties(), dstIRect.size()));
    if (!surf) {
        return nullptr;

    SkCanvas* canvas = surf->getCanvas();

    SkPaint paint;
    paint.setShader(subset->makeShader(SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode));
    canvas->translate(-dstRect.fLeft, -dstRect.fTop);
    canvas->drawRect(dstRect, paint);
    offset->fX = dstIRect.fLeft;
    offset->fY = dstIRect.fTop;
    return surf->makeImageSnapshot();
Beispiel #25
static inline uint32_t get_area(const SkIRect& rect) {
    return rect.width() * rect.height();
Beispiel #26
void SkDevice::writePixels(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
                           int x, int y,
                           SkCanvas::Config8888 config8888) {
    if (bitmap.isNull() || bitmap.getTexture()) {
    const SkBitmap* sprite = &bitmap;
    // check whether we have to handle a config8888 that doesn't match SkPMColor
    if (SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config == bitmap.config() &&
        SkCanvas::kNative_Premul_Config8888 != config8888 &&
        kPMColorAlias != config8888) {

        // We're going to have to convert from a config8888 to the native config
        // First we clip to the device bounds.
        SkBitmap dstBmp = this->accessBitmap(true);
        SkIRect spriteRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(x, y,
                                               bitmap.width(), bitmap.height());
        SkIRect devRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(dstBmp.width(), dstBmp.height());
        if (!spriteRect.intersect(devRect)) {

        // write directly to the device if it has pixels and is SkPMColor
        bool drawSprite;
        if (SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config == dstBmp.config() && !dstBmp.isNull()) {
            // we can write directly to the dst when doing the conversion
            dstBmp.extractSubset(&dstBmp, spriteRect);
            drawSprite = false;
        } else {
            // we convert to a temporary bitmap and draw that as a sprite
            if (!dstBmp.allocPixels()) {
            drawSprite = true;

        // copy pixels to dstBmp and convert from config8888 to native config.
        SkAutoLockPixels alp(bitmap);
        uint32_t* srcPixels = bitmap.getAddr32(spriteRect.fLeft - x,
                                               spriteRect.fTop - y);

        if (drawSprite) {
            // we've clipped the sprite when we made a copy
            x = spriteRect.fLeft;
            y = spriteRect.fTop;
            sprite = &dstBmp;
        } else {

    SkPaint paint;
    SkCanvas canvas(this);
    canvas.drawSprite(*sprite, x, y, &paint);
Beispiel #27
bool SkMergeImageFilter::onFilterImageDeprecated(Proxy* proxy, const SkBitmap& src,
                                                 const Context& ctx,
                                                 SkBitmap* result, SkIPoint* offset) const {
    int inputCount = this->countInputs();
    if (inputCount < 1) {
        return false;

    SkIRect bounds;

    SkAutoTDeleteArray<SkBitmap> inputs(new SkBitmap[inputCount]);
    SkAutoTDeleteArray<SkIPoint> offsets(new SkIPoint[inputCount]);
    bool didProduceResult = false;

    // Filter all of the inputs.
    for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; ++i) {
        inputs[i] = src;
        if (!this->filterInputDeprecated(i, proxy, src, ctx, &inputs[i], &offsets[i])) {
        SkIRect srcBounds;
        if (!didProduceResult) {
            bounds = srcBounds;
            didProduceResult = true;
        } else {
    if (!didProduceResult) {
        return false;

    // Apply the crop rect to the union of the inputs' bounds.
    this->getCropRect().applyTo(bounds, ctx.ctm(), &bounds);
    if (!bounds.intersect(ctx.clipBounds())) {
        return false;

    const int x0 = bounds.left();
    const int y0 =;

    // Allocate the destination buffer.
    SkAutoTUnref<SkBaseDevice> dst(proxy->createDevice(bounds.width(), bounds.height()));
    if (nullptr == dst) {
        return false;
    SkCanvas canvas(dst);

    // Composite all of the filter inputs.
    for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; ++i) {
        SkPaint paint;
        if (fModes) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(inputs[i], SkIntToScalar(offsets[i].x() - x0),
                                     SkIntToScalar(offsets[i].y() - y0), &paint);

    offset->fX = bounds.left();
    offset->fY =;
    *result = dst->accessBitmap(false);
    return true;
Beispiel #28
// Atlased layers must be small enough to fit in the atlas, not have a
// paint with an image filter and be neither nested nor nesting.
// TODO: allow leaf nested layers to appear in the atlas.
void GrLayerHoister::FindLayersToAtlas(GrContext* context,
                                       const SkPicture* topLevelPicture,
                                       const SkMatrix& initialMat,
                                       const SkRect& query,
                                       SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>* atlased,
                                       SkTDArray<GrHoistedLayer>* recycled,
                                       int numSamples) {
    if (0 != numSamples) {
        // MSAA layers are currently never atlased

    GrLayerCache* layerCache = context->getLayerCache();

    const SkBigPicture::AccelData* topLevelData = NULL;
    if (const SkBigPicture* bp = topLevelPicture->asSkBigPicture()) {
        topLevelData = bp->accelData();
    if (!topLevelData) {

    const SkLayerInfo *topLevelGPUData = static_cast<const SkLayerInfo*>(topLevelData);
    if (0 == topLevelGPUData->numBlocks()) {

    atlased->setReserve(atlased->count() + topLevelGPUData->numBlocks());

    for (int i = 0; i < topLevelGPUData->numBlocks(); ++i) {
        const SkLayerInfo::BlockInfo& info = topLevelGPUData->block(i);

        // TODO: ignore perspective projected layers here?
        bool disallowAtlasing = info.fHasNestedLayers || info.fIsNested ||
                                (info.fPaint && info.fPaint->getImageFilter());

        if (disallowAtlasing) {

        SkRect layerRect;
        initialMat.mapRect(&layerRect, info.fBounds);
        if (!layerRect.intersect(query)) {

        const SkIRect dstIR = layerRect.roundOut();

        SkIRect srcIR;

        if (!compute_source_rect(info, initialMat, dstIR, &srcIR) ||
            !GrLayerCache::PlausiblyAtlasable(srcIR.width(), srcIR.height())) {

        prepare_for_hoisting(layerCache, topLevelPicture, initialMat,
                             info, srcIR, dstIR, atlased, recycled, true, 0);

static void callProcX(SkMorphologyImageFilter::Proc procX, const SkBitmap& src, SkBitmap* dst, int radiusX, const SkIRect& bounds)
    procX(src.getAddr32(bounds.left(),, dst->getAddr32(0, 0),
          radiusX, bounds.width(), bounds.height(),
          src.rowBytesAsPixels(), dst->rowBytesAsPixels());
Beispiel #30
// Draws the given bitmap to the given canvas. The subset of the source bitmap
// identified by src_rect is drawn to the given destination rect. The bitmap
// will be resampled to resample_width * resample_height (this is the size of
// the whole image, not the subset). See shouldResampleBitmap for more.
// This does a lot of computation to resample only the portion of the bitmap
// that will only be drawn. This is critical for performance since when we are
// scrolling, for example, we are only drawing a small strip of the image.
// Resampling the whole image every time is very slow, so this speeds up things
// dramatically.
static void drawResampledBitmap(SkCanvas& canvas, SkPaint& paint, const NativeImageSkia& bitmap, const SkIRect& srcIRect, const SkRect& destRect)
    // First get the subset we need. This is efficient and does not copy pixels.
    SkBitmap subset;
    bitmap.extractSubset(&subset, srcIRect);
    SkRect srcRect;

    // Whether we're doing a subset or using the full source image.
    bool srcIsFull = srcIRect.fLeft == 0 && srcIRect.fTop == 0
        && srcIRect.width() == bitmap.width()
        && srcIRect.height() == bitmap.height();

    // We will always draw in integer sizes, so round the destination rect.
    SkIRect destRectRounded;
    SkIRect resizedImageRect =  // Represents the size of the resized image.
        { 0, 0, destRectRounded.width(), destRectRounded.height() };

    if (srcIsFull && bitmap.hasResizedBitmap(destRectRounded.width(), destRectRounded.height())) {
        // Yay, this bitmap frame already has a resized version.
        SkBitmap resampled = bitmap.resizedBitmap(destRectRounded.width(), destRectRounded.height());
        canvas.drawBitmapRect(resampled, 0, destRect, &paint);

    // Compute the visible portion of our rect.
    SkRect destBitmapSubsetSk;
    ClipRectToCanvas(canvas, destRect, &destBitmapSubsetSk);
    destBitmapSubsetSk.offset(-destRect.fLeft, -destRect.fTop);

    // The matrix inverting, etc. could have introduced rounding error which
    // causes the bounds to be outside of the resized bitmap. We round outward
    // so we always lean toward it being larger rather than smaller than we
    // need, and then clamp to the bitmap bounds so we don't get any invalid
    // data.
    SkIRect destBitmapSubsetSkI;
    if (!destBitmapSubsetSkI.intersect(resizedImageRect))
        return;  // Resized image does not intersect.

    if (srcIsFull && bitmap.shouldCacheResampling(
            destBitmapSubsetSkI.height())) {
        // We're supposed to resize the entire image and cache it, even though
        // we don't need all of it.
        SkBitmap resampled = bitmap.resizedBitmap(destRectRounded.width(),
        canvas.drawBitmapRect(resampled, 0, destRect, &paint);
    } else {
        // We should only resize the exposed part of the bitmap to do the
        // minimal possible work.

        // Resample the needed part of the image.
        SkBitmap resampled = skia::ImageOperations::Resize(subset,
            destRectRounded.width(), destRectRounded.height(),

        // Compute where the new bitmap should be drawn. Since our new bitmap
        // may be smaller than the original, we have to shift it over by the
        // same amount that we cut off the top and left.
        destBitmapSubsetSkI.offset(destRect.fLeft, destRect.fTop);
        SkRect offsetDestRect;

        canvas.drawBitmapRect(resampled, 0, offsetDestRect, &paint);