// TODO: remove me, this is taken from cppeditor.cpp. Find some common place for this method
static Document::Ptr findDefinition(Function *functionDeclaration, int *line)
    if (CppModelManagerInterface *cppModelManager = CppModelManagerInterface::instance()) {
        const Snapshot snapshot = cppModelManager->snapshot();

        if (Symbol *def = snapshot.findMatchingDefinition(functionDeclaration)) {
            if (line)
                *line = def->line();

            return snapshot.document(QString::fromUtf8(def->fileName(), def->fileNameLength()));

    return Document::Ptr();
/// Currently, we return the end of fileName.cpp
/// \todo take the definitions of the surrounding declarations into account
QList<InsertionLocation> InsertionPointLocator::methodDefinition(
    Declaration *declaration) const
    QList<InsertionLocation> result;
    if (!declaration)
        return result;

    const QString declFileName = QString::fromUtf8(declaration->fileName(),
    QString target = declFileName;
    if (!isSourceFile(declFileName)) {
        Internal::CppToolsPlugin *cpptools = Internal::CppToolsPlugin::instance();
        QString candidate = cpptools->correspondingHeaderOrSource(declFileName);
        if (!candidate.isEmpty())
            target = candidate;

    Document::Ptr doc = m_refactoringChanges->file(target).cppDocument();
    if (doc.isNull())
        return result;

    Snapshot simplified = m_refactoringChanges->snapshot().simplified(doc);
    if (Symbol *s = simplified.findMatchingDefinition(declaration)) {
        if (Function *f = s->asFunction()) {
            if (f->isConst() == declaration->type().isConst()
                    && f->isVolatile() == declaration->type().isVolatile())
                return result;

    TranslationUnit *xUnit = doc->translationUnit();
    unsigned tokenCount = xUnit->tokenCount();
    if (tokenCount < 2) // no tokens available
        return result;

    unsigned line = 0, column = 0;
    xUnit->getTokenEndPosition(xUnit->tokenCount() - 2, &line, &column);

    const QLatin1String prefix("\n\n");
    result.append(InsertionLocation(target, prefix, QString(), line, column));

    return result;