Beispiel #1
static void
create_file (const char * fname, int format)
{	static short buffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;

	SndfileHandle file ;
	int channels = 2 ;
	int srate = 48000 ;

	printf ("Creating file named '%s'\n", fname) ;

	file = SndfileHandle (fname, SFM_WRITE, format, channels, srate) ;

	memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer)) ;
	const int size = srate*3;
	float sample[size];
	float current =0;
	for(int i =0; i<size;i++) sample[i] = sin(float(i)/size*M_PI*1500);
	file.write (&sample[0], size) ;

	puts ("") ;
	**	The SndfileHandle object will automatically close the file and
	**	release all allocated memory when the object goes out of scope.
	**	This is the Resource Acquisition Is Initailization idom.
	**	See :
} /* create_file */
void CSignalRecorder::StoreCapturedSamples(SndfileHandle &CaptureWave)
  ulong capturedSamples = 0;
    capturedSamples = m_CaptureDevice->GetSamples(m_SamplesBuffer->get_Frame(0), m_FrameSize*m_MaxCaptureChannels);
    capturedSamples /= m_MaxCaptureChannels;
    if(capturedSamples > 0)
      ulong writtenSamples = 0;
      if(m_CaptureDevice->get_InputChannelAmount() > 1)
        writtenSamples = (ulong)CaptureWave.writef(m_SamplesBuffer->get_Frame(0), capturedSamples);
        writtenSamples = (ulong)CaptureWave.write(m_SamplesBuffer->get_Frame(0), capturedSamples);

      if(writtenSamples < capturedSamples)
        KODI->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to write to capture wave file!");
  }while(capturedSamples > 0);
Beispiel #3
void AudioManager::testCropping (int sId, int gId) {
  Sample cropped = getGroundTruthAround(sId, gId);
  SF_INFO sfinfo;
  sfinfo.channels = 1;
  sfinfo.samplerate = FS;
  sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;
  string file = "output/cropped.wav";
  cout << "Saving " << file << endl;
  SndfileHandle ofile = SndfileHandle(file, SFM_WRITE, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, 1, 8000);
  ofile.write(, cropped.length);

Beispiel #4
void AudioManager::saveSamples () {
  SF_INFO sfinfo;
  sfinfo.channels = 1;
  sfinfo.samplerate = FS;
  sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;
  for (vector<Sample>::iterator it = samples.begin(); it != samples.end(); ++it) {
    string file = "output/" + to_string(it->offset) + "-" + it->station + ".wav";
    cout << "Saving " << file << endl;
    SndfileHandle ofile = SndfileHandle(file, SFM_WRITE, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, 1, 8000);
    ofile.write(it->audio, it->length);