bool PhyloMOCHC::exist(Solution & s1, SolutionSet & set2) { for (int i = 0; i < set2.size(); i++) { if (equalsIndividuals(s1,*set2.get(i))) return true; } return false; }
/** * Performs the operation * @param object Object representing a SolutionSet * @return the selected solution */ void * BinaryTournament2::execute(void * object) { SolutionSet * population = (SolutionSet *)object; if (index_ == 0) //Create the permutation { PermutationUtility * permutationUtility = new PermutationUtility(); delete [] a_; a_= permutationUtility->intPermutation(population->size()); delete permutationUtility; } Solution * solution1; Solution * solution2; solution1 = population->get(a_[index_]); solution2 = population->get(a_[index_+1]); index_ = (index_ + 2) % population->size(); int flag = dominance_->compare(solution1,solution2); if (flag == -1) return solution1; else if (flag == 1) return solution2; else if (solution1->getCrowdingDistance() > solution2->getCrowdingDistance()) return solution1; else if (solution2->getCrowdingDistance() > solution1->getCrowdingDistance()) return solution2; else if (PseudoRandom::randDouble()<0.5) return solution1; else return solution2; } // execute
bool PhyloMOCHC::equals(SolutionSet & set1, SolutionSet & set2) { if (set1.size() != set2.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < set1.size(); i++) { if (!exist(*set1.get(i),set2)) return false; } return true; } // returns the equal
SolutionSet *MOCHC::rankingAndCrowdingSelection(SolutionSet * pop, int size) { SolutionSet *result = new SolutionSet(size); // Ranking the union Ranking * ranking = new Ranking(pop); Distance * distance = new Distance(); int remain = size; int index = 0; SolutionSet * front = NULL; // Obtain the next front front = ranking->getSubfront(index); while ((remain > 0) && (remain >= front->size())) { //Assign crowding distance to individuals distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(front, problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); //Add the individuals of this front for (int k = 0; k < front->size(); k++) { result->add(new Solution(front->get(k))); } // for //Decrement remain remain = remain - front->size(); //Obtain the next front index++; if (remain > 0) { front = ranking->getSubfront(index); } // if } // while // Remain is less than front(index).size, insert only the best one if (remain > 0) { // front contains individuals to insert distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(front, problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); Comparator * c = new CrowdingComparator(); front->sort(c); delete c; for (int k = 0; k < remain; k++) { result->add(new Solution(front->get(k))); } // for remain = 0; } // if delete ranking; delete distance; return result; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { clock_t t_ini, t_fin; Problem * problem ; // The problem to solve Algorithm * algorithm ; // The algorithm to use //Operator * mutation ; // "Turbulence" operator if (argc>=2) { problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(argc, argv); cout << "Selected problem: " << problem->getName() << endl; } else { cout << "No problem selected." << endl; cout << "Default problem will be used: Sphere" << endl; problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(const_cast<char *>("Sphere")); } algorithm = new StandardPSO2007(problem); // Algorithm parameters int swarmSize = 10 + (int) (2 * sqrt(problem->getNumberOfVariables())); int maxIterations = 80000; int numberOfParticlesToInform = 3; algorithm->setInputParameter("swarmSize",&swarmSize); algorithm->setInputParameter("maxIterations",&maxIterations); algorithm->setInputParameter("numberOfParticlesToInform", &numberOfParticlesToInform); // Execute the Algorithm t_ini = clock(); SolutionSet * population = algorithm->execute(); t_fin = clock(); double secs = (double) (t_fin - t_ini); secs = secs / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // Result messages cout << "Total execution time: " << secs << "s" << endl; cout << "Variables values have been written to file VAR" << endl; population->printVariablesToFile("VAR"); cout << "Objectives values have been written to file FUN" << endl; population->printObjectivesToFile("FUN"); delete population; delete algorithm; } // main
/** * Executes the operation * @param object An object containing the population and the position (index) * of the current individual * @return An object containing the three selected parents */ void * DifferentialEvolutionSelection::execute(void * object) { void ** parameters = (void **)object ; SolutionSet * population = (SolutionSet *) parameters[0]; int index = *(int *) parameters[1] ; Solution ** parents = new Solution*[3]; int r1, r2, r3; if (population->size() < 4) { cerr << "DifferentialEvolutionSelection: the population has less than four solutions" << endl; exit(-1); } do { r1 = PseudoRandom::randInt(0,population->size()-1); } while ( r1==index ); do { r2 = PseudoRandom::randInt(0,population->size()-1); } while ( r2==index || r2==r1 ); do { r3 = PseudoRandom::randInt(0,population->size()-1); } while( r3==index || r3==r1 || r3==r2 ); parents[0] = population->get(r1); parents[1] = population->get(r2); parents[2] = population->get(r3); return parents ; } // execute
bool MOCHC::equals(SolutionSet & set1, SolutionSet & set2) { for (int i = 0; i < set1.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < set2.size(); j++) { Solution *s1 = set1.get(i); Solution *s2 = set2.get(j); for (int var = 0; var < s1->getNumberOfVariables(); var++) { Binary *b1, *b2; b1 = (Binary *)s1->getDecisionVariables()[var]; b2 = (Binary *)s2->getDecisionVariables()[var]; for (int bit = 0; bit < b1->getNumberOfBits(); bit++) { if (b1->getIth(bit)!=b2->getIth(bit)) { return false; } } } } } return true; } // returns the equal
/** * Performs the operation * @param object Object representing a SolutionSet * @return the worst solution found */ void * WorstSolutionSelection::execute(void * object) { SolutionSet * solutionSet = (SolutionSet *)object; if (solutionSet->size() == 0) { return NULL; } int worstSolution = 0; for (int i = 1; i < solutionSet->size(); i++) { if (comparator_->compare(solutionSet->get(i), solutionSet->get(worstSolution)) > 0) { worstSolution = i; } } // for int * intPtr = new int(worstSolution); return intPtr; } // execute
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { clock_t t_ini, t_fin; Problem * problem; // The problem to solve Algorithm * algorithm; // The algorithm to use Operator * crossover; // Crossover operator Operator * mutation; // Mutation operator //QualityIndicator * indicators ; // Object to get quality indicators map<string, void *> parameters; // Operator parameters //TODO: QualityIndicator * indicators; // Object to get quality indicators if (argc>=2) { problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(argc, argv); cout << "Selected problem: " << problem->getName() << endl; } else { cout << "No problem selected." << endl; cout << "Default problem will be used: Kursawe" << endl; problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(const_cast<char *>("Kursawe")); } algorithm = new MOEAD(problem); // Algorithm parameters int populationSizeValue = 300; int maxEvaluationsValue = 150000; algorithm->setInputParameter("populationSize",&populationSizeValue); algorithm->setInputParameter("maxEvaluations",&maxEvaluationsValue); // Directory with the files containing the weight vectors used in // Q. Zhang, W. Liu, and H Li, The Performance of a New Version of MOEA/D // on CEC09 Unconstrained MOP Test Instances Working Report CES-491, School // of CS & EE, University of Essex, 02/2009. // string dataDirectoryValue = "../../data/Weight"; algorithm->setInputParameter("dataDirectory", &dataDirectoryValue); // Crossover operator double crParameter = 1.0; double fParameter = 0.5; parameters["CR"] = &crParameter; parameters["F"] = &fParameter; crossover = new DifferentialEvolutionCrossover(parameters); // Mutation operator parameters.clear(); double probabilityParameter = 1.0/(problem->getNumberOfVariables()); double distributionIndexParameter = 20.0; parameters["probability"] = &probabilityParameter; parameters["distributionIndex"] = &distributionIndexParameter; mutation = new PolynomialMutation(parameters); // Add the operators to the algorithm algorithm->addOperator("crossover",crossover); algorithm->addOperator("mutation",mutation); // Add the indicator object to the algorithm //algorithm->setInputParameter("indicators", indicators) ; // Execute the Algorithm t_ini = clock(); SolutionSet * population = algorithm->execute(); t_fin = clock(); double secs = (double) (t_fin - t_ini); secs = secs / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // Result messages cout << "Total execution time: " << secs << "s" << endl; cout << "Variables values have been written to file VAR" << endl; population->printVariablesToFile("VAR"); cout << "Objectives values have been written to file FUN" << endl; population->printObjectivesToFile("FUN"); delete mutation; delete crossover; delete population; delete algorithm; } // main
/** * Assigns crowding distances to all solutions in a <code>SolutionSet</code>. * @param solutionSet The <code>SolutionSet</code>. * @param nObjs Number of objectives. */ void Distance::crowdingDistanceAssignment(SolutionSet * solutionSet, int nObjs) { int size = solutionSet->size(); if (size == 0) return; if (size == 1) { solutionSet->get(0)->setCrowdingDistance(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); return; } // if if (size == 2) { solutionSet->get(0)->setCrowdingDistance(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); solutionSet->get(1)->setCrowdingDistance(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); return; } // if //Use a new SolutionSet to evite alter original solutionSet SolutionSet * front = new SolutionSet(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){ front->add(solutionSet->get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) front->get(i)->setCrowdingDistance(0.0); double objetiveMaxn; double objetiveMinn; double distance; for (int i = 0; i<nObjs; i++) { // Sort the population by Obj n Comparator * c = new ObjectiveComparator(i); front->sort(c); delete c; objetiveMinn = front->get(0)->getObjective(i); objetiveMaxn = front->get(front->size()-1)->getObjective(i); //Set de crowding distance front->get(0)->setCrowdingDistance(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); front->get(size-1)->setCrowdingDistance(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()); for (int j = 1; j < size-1; j++) { distance = front->get(j+1)->getObjective(i) - front->get(j-1)->getObjective(i); distance = distance / (objetiveMaxn - objetiveMinn); distance += front->get(j)->getCrowdingDistance(); front->get(j)->setCrowdingDistance(distance); } // for } // for front->clear(); delete front; } // crowdingDistanceAssignment
SolutionSet *MOCHC::execute() { int populationSize; int iterations; int maxEvaluations; int convergenceValue; int minimumDistance; int evaluations; double preservedPopulation; double initialConvergenceCount; bool condition = false; SolutionSet *solutionSet, *offSpringPopulation, *newPopulation; Comparator * crowdingComparator = new CrowdingComparator(); SolutionSet * population; SolutionSet * offspringPopulation; SolutionSet * unionSolution; Operator * cataclysmicMutation; Operator * crossover; Operator * parentSelection; //Read the parameters populationSize = *(int *) getInputParameter("populationSize"); maxEvaluations = *(int *) getInputParameter("maxEvaluations"); convergenceValue = *(int *) getInputParameter("convergenceValue"); initialConvergenceCount = *(double *)getInputParameter("initialConvergenceCount"); preservedPopulation = *(double *)getInputParameter("preservedPopulation"); //Read the operators cataclysmicMutation = operators_["mutation"]; crossover = operators_["crossover"]; parentSelection = operators_["parentSelection"]; iterations = 0; evaluations = 0; // calculating the maximum problem sizes .... Solution * sol = new Solution(problem_); int size = 0; for (int var = 0; var < problem_->getNumberOfVariables(); var++) { Binary *binaryVar; binaryVar = (Binary *)sol->getDecisionVariables()[var]; size += binaryVar->getNumberOfBits(); } minimumDistance = (int) std::floor(initialConvergenceCount*size); // Create the initial solutionSet Solution * newSolution; population = new SolutionSet(populationSize); for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { newSolution = new Solution(problem_); problem_->evaluate(newSolution); problem_->evaluateConstraints(newSolution); evaluations++; population->add(newSolution); } //for while (!condition) { offSpringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize); Solution **parents = new Solution*[2]; for (int i = 0; i < population->size()/2; i++) { parents[0] = (Solution *) (parentSelection->execute(population)); parents[1] = (Solution *) (parentSelection->execute(population)); if (hammingDistance(*parents[0],*parents[1])>= minimumDistance) { Solution ** offSpring = (Solution **) (crossover->execute(parents)); problem_->evaluate(offSpring[0]); problem_->evaluateConstraints(offSpring[0]); problem_->evaluate(offSpring[1]); problem_->evaluateConstraints(offSpring[1]); evaluations+=2; offSpringPopulation->add(offSpring[0]); offSpringPopulation->add(offSpring[1]); } } SolutionSet *join = population->join(offSpringPopulation); delete offSpringPopulation; newPopulation = rankingAndCrowdingSelection(join,populationSize); delete join; if (equals(*population,*newPopulation)) { minimumDistance--; } if (minimumDistance <= -convergenceValue) { minimumDistance = (int) (1.0/size * (1-1.0/size) * size); int preserve = (int) std::floor(preservedPopulation*populationSize); newPopulation->clear(); //do the new in c++ really hurts me(juanjo) population->sort(crowdingComparator); for (int i = 0; i < preserve; i++) { newPopulation->add(new Solution(population->get(i))); } for (int i = preserve; i < populationSize; i++) { Solution * solution = new Solution(population->get(i)); cataclysmicMutation->execute(solution); problem_->evaluate(solution); problem_->evaluateConstraints(solution); newPopulation->add(solution); } } iterations++; delete population; population = newPopulation; if (evaluations >= maxEvaluations) { condition = true; } } return population; }
SolutionSet *PhyloMOCHC::execute() { int populationSize; int iterations; int maxEvaluations; int convergenceValue; int minimumDistance; int evaluations; int IntervalOptSubsModel; double preservedPopulation; double initialConvergenceCount; bool condition = false; SolutionSet *solutionSet, *offSpringPopulation, *newPopulation; Comparator * crowdingComparator = new CrowdingComparator(); SolutionSet * population; SolutionSet * offspringPopulation; SolutionSet * unionSolution; Operator * cataclysmicMutation; Operator * crossover; Operator * parentSelection; //Read the parameters populationSize = *(int *) getInputParameter("populationSize"); maxEvaluations = *(int *) getInputParameter("maxEvaluations"); IntervalOptSubsModel = *(int *) getInputParameter("intervalupdateparameters"); convergenceValue = *(int *) getInputParameter("convergenceValue"); initialConvergenceCount = *(double *)getInputParameter("initialConvergenceCount"); preservedPopulation = *(double *)getInputParameter("preservedPopulation"); //Read the operators cataclysmicMutation = operators_["mutation"]; crossover = operators_["crossover"]; parentSelection = operators_["selection"]; iterations = 0; evaluations = 0; // calculating the maximum problem sizes .... int size = 0; Solution * sol = new Solution(problem_); PhyloTree *Pt1 = (PhyloTree *)sol->getDecisionVariables()[0]; TreeTemplate<Node> * tree1 = Pt1->getTree(); BipartitionList* bipL1 = new BipartitionList(*tree1, true); bipL1->removeTrivialBipartitions(); size = bipL1->getNumberOfBipartitions() * 2; delete bipL1; delete sol; minimumDistance = (int) std::floor(initialConvergenceCount*size); cout << "Minimun Distance " << minimumDistance << endl; // Create the initial solutionSet Solution * newSolution; ApplicationTools::displayTask("Initial Population", true); population = new SolutionSet(populationSize); Phylogeny * p = (Phylogeny *) problem_; for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { newSolution = new Solution(problem_); if(p->StartingOptRamas){ p->BranchLengthOptimization(newSolution,p->StartingMetodoOptRamas,p->StartingNumIterOptRamas,p->StartingTolerenciaOptRamas); } if(p->OptimizacionSubstModel){ p->OptimizarParamModeloSust(newSolution); } problem_->evaluate(newSolution); problem_->evaluateConstraints(newSolution); evaluations++; population->add(newSolution); } //for ApplicationTools::displayTaskDone(); while (!condition) { cout << "Evaluating " << evaluations << endl; offSpringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize); Solution **parents = new Solution*[2]; for (int i = 0; i < population->size()/2; i++) { parents[0] = (Solution *) (parentSelection->execute(population)); parents[1] = (Solution *) (parentSelection->execute(population)); if (RFDistance(parents[0],parents[1])>= minimumDistance) { Solution ** offSpring = (Solution **) (crossover->execute(parents)); ((Phylogeny *)problem_)->Optimization(offSpring[0]); //Optimize and update the scores (Evaluate OffSpring) ((Phylogeny *)problem_)->Optimization(offSpring[1]); /*problem_->evaluate(offSpring[0]); problem_->evaluateConstraints(offSpring[0]); problem_->evaluate(offSpring[1]); problem_->evaluateConstraints(offSpring[1]);*/ evaluations+=2; offSpringPopulation->add(offSpring[0]); offSpringPopulation->add(offSpring[1]); delete[] offSpring; } } SolutionSet *join = population->join(offSpringPopulation); delete offSpringPopulation; newPopulation = rankingAndCrowdingSelection(join,populationSize); delete join; if (equals(*population,*newPopulation)) { minimumDistance--; } if (minimumDistance <= -convergenceValue) { minimumDistance = (int) (1.0/size * (1-1.0/size) * size); int preserve = (int) std::floor(preservedPopulation*populationSize); newPopulation->clear(); population->sort(crowdingComparator); for (int i = 0; i < preserve; i++) { newPopulation->add(new Solution(population->get(i))); } for (int i = preserve; i < populationSize; i++) { Solution * solution = new Solution(population->get(i)); cataclysmicMutation->execute(solution); problem_->evaluate(solution); problem_->evaluateConstraints(solution); newPopulation->add(solution); } } //Update Interval if(evaluations%IntervalOptSubsModel==0 and IntervalOptSubsModel > 0){ Solution * sol; double Lk; Phylogeny * p = (Phylogeny*) problem_; cout << "Updating and Optimizing Parameters.." << endl; for(int i=0; i<newPopulation->size(); i++){ sol = newPopulation->get(i); Lk= p->BranchLengthOptimization(sol,p->OptimizationMetodoOptRamas,p->OptimizationNumIterOptRamas,p->OptimizationTolerenciaOptRamas); sol->setObjective(1,Lk*-1); } cout << "Update Interval Done!!" << endl; } iterations++; delete population; population = newPopulation; if (evaluations >= maxEvaluations) { condition = true; } } return population; }
/* * Runs the ssNSGA-II algorithm. * @return a <code>SolutionSet</code> that is a set of non dominated solutions * as a result of the algorithm execution */ SolutionSet * ssNSGAII::execute() { int populationSize; int maxEvaluations; int evaluations; int IntervalOptSubsModel; // TODO: QualityIndicator indicators; // QualityIndicator object int requiredEvaluations; // Use in the example of use of the // indicators object (see below) SolutionSet * population; SolutionSet * offspringPopulation; SolutionSet * unionSolution; Operator * mutationOperator; Operator * crossoverOperator; Operator * selectionOperator; Distance * distance = new Distance(); //Read the parameters populationSize = *(int *) getInputParameter("populationSize"); maxEvaluations = *(int *) getInputParameter("maxEvaluations"); IntervalOptSubsModel = *(int *) getInputParameter("intervalupdateparameters"); // TODO: indicators = (QualityIndicator) getInputParameter("indicators"); //Initialize the variables population = new SolutionSet(populationSize); evaluations = 0; requiredEvaluations = 0; //Read the operators mutationOperator = operators_["mutation"]; crossoverOperator = operators_["crossover"]; selectionOperator = operators_["selection"]; ApplicationTools::displayTask("Initial Population", true); // Create the initial solutionSet Solution * newSolution; Phylogeny * p = (Phylogeny *) problem_; for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { newSolution = new Solution(problem_); if(p->StartingOptRamas){ p->BranchLengthOptimization(newSolution,p->StartingMetodoOptRamas,p->StartingNumIterOptRamas,p->StartingTolerenciaOptRamas); } if(p->OptimizacionSubstModel) p->OptimizarParamModeloSust(newSolution); problem_->evaluate(newSolution); problem_->evaluateConstraints(newSolution); evaluations++; population->add(newSolution); } //for ApplicationTools::displayTaskDone(); // Generations while (evaluations < maxEvaluations) { // Create the offSpring solutionSet offspringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize); Solution ** parents = new Solution*[2]; if(evaluations%100==0){ cout << "Evaluating " << evaluations << endl; } //obtain parents parents[0] = (Solution *) (selectionOperator->execute(population)); parents[1] = (Solution *) (selectionOperator->execute(population)); // crossover Solution ** offSpring = (Solution **) (crossoverOperator->execute(parents)); // mutation mutationOperator->execute(offSpring[0]); ((Phylogeny *)problem_)->Optimization(offSpring[0]); //Optimize and update the scores (Evaluate OffSpring) // evaluation //problem_->evaluate(offSpring[0]); //problem_->evaluateConstraints(offSpring[0]); // insert child into the offspring population offspringPopulation->add(offSpring[0]); evaluations ++; delete[] offSpring; delete[] parents; // Create the solutionSet union of solutionSet and offSpring unionSolution = population->join(offspringPopulation); delete offspringPopulation; // Ranking the union Ranking * ranking = new Ranking(unionSolution); int remain = populationSize; int index = 0; SolutionSet * front = NULL; for (int i=0;i<population->size();i++) { delete population->get(i); } population->clear(); // Obtain the next front front = ranking->getSubfront(index); while ((remain > 0) && (remain >= front->size())) { //Assign crowding distance to individuals distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(front, problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); //Add the individuals of this front for (int k = 0; k < front->size(); k++) { population->add(new Solution(front->get(k))); } // for //Decrement remain remain = remain - front->size(); //Obtain the next front index++; if (remain > 0) { front = ranking->getSubfront(index); } // if } // while // Remain is less than front(index).size, insert only the best one if (remain > 0) { // front contains individuals to insert distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(front, problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); Comparator * c = new CrowdingComparator(); front->sort(c); delete c; for (int k = 0; k < remain; k++) { population->add(new Solution(front->get(k))); } // for remain = 0; } // if delete ranking; delete unionSolution; //Update Interval if(evaluations%IntervalOptSubsModel==0 and IntervalOptSubsModel > 0){ Solution * sol; double Lk; Phylogeny * p = (Phylogeny*) problem_; //cout << "Updating and Optimizing Parameters.." << endl; for(int i=0; i<population->size(); i++){ sol = population->get(i); Lk= p->BranchLengthOptimization(sol,p->OptimizationMetodoOptRamas,p->OptimizationNumIterOptRamas,p->OptimizationTolerenciaOptRamas); sol->setObjective(1,Lk*-1); } //cout << "Update Interval Done!!" << endl; } // This piece of code shows how to use the indicator object into the code // of NSGA-II. In particular, it finds the number of evaluations required // by the algorithm to obtain a Pareto front with a hypervolume higher // than the hypervolume of the true Pareto front. // TODO: // if ((indicators != NULL) && // (requiredEvaluations == 0)) { // double HV = indicators.getHypervolume(population); // if (HV >= (0.98 * indicators.getTrueParetoFrontHypervolume())) { // requiredEvaluations = evaluations; // } // if // } // if } // while delete distance; // Return as output parameter the required evaluations // TODO: //setOutputParameter("evaluations", requiredEvaluations); // Return the first non-dominated front Ranking * ranking = new Ranking(population); SolutionSet * result = new SolutionSet(ranking->getSubfront(0)->size()); for (int i=0;i<ranking->getSubfront(0)->size();i++) { result->add(new Solution(ranking->getSubfront(0)->get(i))); } delete ranking; delete population; return result; } // execute
/* * Runs the ssNSGA-II algorithm. * @return a <code>SolutionSet</code> that is a set of non dominated solutions * as a result of the algorithm execution */ SolutionSet * ssNSGAII::execute() { int populationSize; int maxEvaluations; int evaluations; // TODO: QualityIndicator indicators; // QualityIndicator object int requiredEvaluations; // Use in the example of use of the // indicators object (see below) SolutionSet * population; SolutionSet * offspringPopulation; SolutionSet * unionSolution; Operator * mutationOperator; Operator * crossoverOperator; Operator * selectionOperator; Distance * distance = new Distance(); //Read the parameters populationSize = *(int *) getInputParameter("populationSize"); maxEvaluations = *(int *) getInputParameter("maxEvaluations"); // TODO: indicators = (QualityIndicator) getInputParameter("indicators"); //Initialize the variables population = new SolutionSet(populationSize); evaluations = 0; requiredEvaluations = 0; //Read the operators mutationOperator = operators_["mutation"]; crossoverOperator = operators_["crossover"]; selectionOperator = operators_["selection"]; // Create the initial solutionSet Solution * newSolution; for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { newSolution = new Solution(problem_); problem_->evaluate(newSolution); problem_->evaluateConstraints(newSolution); evaluations++; population->add(newSolution); } //for // Generations while (evaluations < maxEvaluations) { // Create the offSpring solutionSet offspringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize); Solution ** parents = new Solution*[2]; //obtain parents parents[0] = (Solution *) (selectionOperator->execute(population)); parents[1] = (Solution *) (selectionOperator->execute(population)); // crossover Solution ** offSpring = (Solution **) (crossoverOperator->execute(parents)); // mutation mutationOperator->execute(offSpring[0]); // evaluation problem_->evaluate(offSpring[0]); problem_->evaluateConstraints(offSpring[0]); // insert child into the offspring population offspringPopulation->add(offSpring[0]); evaluations ++; delete[] offSpring; delete[] parents; // Create the solutionSet union of solutionSet and offSpring unionSolution = population->join(offspringPopulation); delete offspringPopulation; // Ranking the union Ranking * ranking = new Ranking(unionSolution); int remain = populationSize; int index = 0; SolutionSet * front = NULL; for (int i=0;i<population->size();i++) { delete population->get(i); } population->clear(); // Obtain the next front front = ranking->getSubfront(index); while ((remain > 0) && (remain >= front->size())) { //Assign crowding distance to individuals distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(front, problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); //Add the individuals of this front for (int k = 0; k < front->size(); k++) { population->add(new Solution(front->get(k))); } // for //Decrement remain remain = remain - front->size(); //Obtain the next front index++; if (remain > 0) { front = ranking->getSubfront(index); } // if } // while // Remain is less than front(index).size, insert only the best one if (remain > 0) { // front contains individuals to insert distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(front, problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); Comparator * c = new CrowdingComparator(); front->sort(c); delete c; for (int k = 0; k < remain; k++) { population->add(new Solution(front->get(k))); } // for remain = 0; } // if delete ranking; delete unionSolution; // This piece of code shows how to use the indicator object into the code // of NSGA-II. In particular, it finds the number of evaluations required // by the algorithm to obtain a Pareto front with a hypervolume higher // than the hypervolume of the true Pareto front. // TODO: // if ((indicators != NULL) && // (requiredEvaluations == 0)) { // double HV = indicators.getHypervolume(population); // if (HV >= (0.98 * indicators.getTrueParetoFrontHypervolume())) { // requiredEvaluations = evaluations; // } // if // } // if } // while delete distance; // Return as output parameter the required evaluations // TODO: //setOutputParameter("evaluations", requiredEvaluations); // Return the first non-dominated front Ranking * ranking = new Ranking(population); SolutionSet * result = new SolutionSet(ranking->getSubfront(0)->size()); for (int i=0;i<ranking->getSubfront(0)->size();i++) { result->add(new Solution(ranking->getSubfront(0)->get(i))); } delete ranking; delete population; return result; } // execute
/** * Runs of the SMPSO algorithm. * @return a <code>SolutionSet</code> that is a set of non dominated solutions * as a result of the algorithm execution */ SolutionSet * PSO::execute() { initParams(); success_ = false; globalBest_ = NULL; //->Step 1 (and 3) Create the initial population and evaluate for (int i = 0; i < particlesSize_; i++) { Solution * particle = new Solution(problem_); problem_->evaluate(particle); evaluations_ ++; particles_->add(particle); if ((globalBest_ == NULL) || (particle->getObjective(0) < globalBest_->getObjective(0))) { if (globalBest_!= NULL) { delete globalBest_; } globalBest_ = new Solution(particle); } } //-> Step2. Initialize the speed_ of each particle to 0 for (int i = 0; i < particlesSize_; i++) { speed_[i] = new double[problem_->getNumberOfVariables()]; for (int j = 0; j < problem_->getNumberOfVariables(); j++) { speed_[i][j] = 0.0; } } //-> Step 6. Initialize the memory of each particle for (int i = 0; i < particles_->size(); i++) { Solution * particle = new Solution(particles_->get(i)); localBest_[i] = particle; } //-> Step 7. Iterations .. while (iteration_ < maxIterations_) { int * bestIndividualPtr = (int*)findBestSolution_->execute(particles_); int bestIndividual = *bestIndividualPtr; delete bestIndividualPtr; computeSpeed(iteration_, maxIterations_); //Compute the new positions for the particles_ computeNewPositions(); //Mutate the particles_ //mopsoMutation(iteration_, maxIterations_); //Evaluate the new particles_ in new positions for (int i = 0; i < particles_->size(); i++) { Solution * particle = particles_->get(i); problem_->evaluate(particle); evaluations_ ++; } //Actualize the memory of this particle for (int i = 0; i < particles_->size(); i++) { //int flag =, localBest_[i]); //if (flag < 0) { // the new particle is best_ than the older remember if ((particles_->get(i)->getObjective(0) < localBest_[i]->getObjective(0))) { Solution * particle = new Solution(particles_->get(i)); delete localBest_[i]; localBest_[i] = particle; } // if if ((particles_->get(i)->getObjective(0) < globalBest_->getObjective(0))) { Solution * particle = new Solution(particles_->get(i)); delete globalBest_; globalBest_ = particle; } // if } iteration_++; } // Return a population with the best individual SolutionSet * resultPopulation = new SolutionSet(1); int * bestIndexPtr = (int *)findBestSolution_->execute(particles_); int bestIndex = *bestIndexPtr; delete bestIndexPtr; cout << "Best index = " << bestIndex << endl; Solution * s = particles_->get(bestIndex); resultPopulation->add(new Solution(s)); // Free memory deleteParams(); return resultPopulation; } // execute
/** * Runs of the SMPSO algorithm. * @return a <code>SolutionSet</code> that is a set of non dominated solutions * as a result of the algorithm execution */ SolutionSet *SMPSOhv::execute() { initParams(); success = false; //->Step 1 (and 3) Create the initial population and evaluate for (int i = 0; i < swarmSize; i++){ Solution *particle = new Solution(problem_); problem_->evaluate(particle); problem_->evaluateConstraints(particle); particles->add(particle); } //-> Step2. Initialize the speed of each particle to 0 for (int i = 0; i < swarmSize; i++) { speed[i] = new double[problem_->getNumberOfVariables()]; for (int j = 0; j < problem_->getNumberOfVariables(); j++) { speed[i][j] = 0.0; } } // Step4 and 5 for (int i = 0; i < particles->size(); i++){ Solution *particle = new Solution(particles->get(i)); if (leaders->add(particle) == false){ delete particle; } } //-> Step 6. Initialize the memory of each particle for (int i = 0; i < particles->size(); i++){ Solution *particle = new Solution(particles->get(i)); best[i] = particle; } //Crowding the leaders_ //distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(leaders, problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); leaders->computeHVContribution(); //-> Step 7. Iterations .. while (iteration < maxIterations) { //Compute the speed_ computeSpeed(iteration, maxIterations); //Compute the new positions for the particles_ computeNewPositions(); //Mutate the particles_ mopsoMutation(iteration,maxIterations); //Evaluate the new particles in new positions for (int i = 0; i < particles->size(); i++){ Solution *particle = particles->get(i); problem_->evaluate(particle); problem_->evaluateConstraints(particle); } //Update the archive for (int i = 0; i < particles->size(); i++) { Solution *particle = new Solution(particles->get(i)); if (leaders->add(particle) == false) { delete particle; } } //Update the memory of this particle for (int i = 0; i < particles->size(); i++) { int flag = dominance->compare(particles->get(i), best[i]); if (flag != 1) { // the new particle is best_ than the older remembered Solution *particle = new Solution(particles->get(i)); delete best[i]; best[i] = particle; } } iteration++; } // Build the solution set result SolutionSet * result = new SolutionSet(leaders->size()); for (int i=0;i<leaders->size();i++) { result->add(new Solution(leaders->get(i))); } // Free memory deleteParams(); return result; } // execute
/* * Runs the GDE3 algorithm. * @return a <code>SolutionSet</code> that is a set of non dominated solutions * as a result of the algorithm execution */ SolutionSet * GDE3::execute() { int populationSize; int maxIterations; int evaluations; int iterations; SolutionSet * population; SolutionSet * offspringPopulation; Distance * distance; Comparator * dominance; Operator * crossoverOperator; Operator * selectionOperator; distance = new Distance(); dominance = new DominanceComparator(); Solution ** parent; //Read the parameters populationSize = *(int *) getInputParameter("populationSize"); maxIterations = *(int *) getInputParameter("maxIterations"); //Initialize the variables population = new SolutionSet(populationSize); evaluations = 0; iterations = 0; //Read the operators crossoverOperator = operators_["crossover"]; selectionOperator = operators_["selection"]; // Create the initial solutionSet Solution * newSolution; for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { newSolution = new Solution(problem_); problem_->evaluate(newSolution); problem_->evaluateConstraints(newSolution); evaluations++; population->add(newSolution); } //for // Generations ... while (iterations < maxIterations) { // Create the offSpring solutionSet offspringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize * 2); for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++){ // Obtain parents. Two parameters are required: the population and the // index of the current individual void ** object1 = new void*[2]; object1[0] = population; object1[1] = &i; parent = (Solution **) (selectionOperator->execute(object1)); delete[] object1; Solution * child ; // Crossover. Two parameters are required: the current individual and the // array of parents void ** object2 = new void*[2]; object2[0] = population->get(i); object2[1] = parent; child = (Solution *) (crossoverOperator->execute(object2)); delete[] object2; delete[] parent; problem_->evaluate(child) ; problem_->evaluateConstraints(child); evaluations++ ; // Dominance test int result ; result = dominance->compare(population->get(i), child) ; if (result == -1) { // Solution i dominates child offspringPopulation->add(new Solution(population->get(i))); delete child; } // if else if (result == 1) { // child dominates offspringPopulation->add(child) ; } // else if else { // the two solutions are non-dominated offspringPopulation->add(child) ; offspringPopulation->add(new Solution(population->get(i))); } // else } // for // Ranking the offspring population Ranking * ranking = new Ranking(offspringPopulation); int remain = populationSize; int index = 0; SolutionSet * front = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { delete population->get(i); } population->clear(); // Obtain the next front front = ranking->getSubfront(index); while ((remain > 0) && (remain >= front->size())){ //Assign crowding distance to individuals distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(front,problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); //Add the individuals of this front for (int k = 0; k < front->size(); k++ ) { population->add(new Solution(front->get(k))); } // for //Decrement remain remain = remain - front->size(); //Obtain the next front index++; if (remain > 0) { front = ranking->getSubfront(index); } // if } // while // remain is less than front(index).size, insert only the best one if (remain > 0) { // front contains individuals to insert while (front->size() > remain) { distance->crowdingDistanceAssignment(front,problem_->getNumberOfObjectives()); Comparator * crowdingComparator = new CrowdingComparator(); int indexWorst = front->indexWorst(crowdingComparator); delete crowdingComparator; delete front->get(indexWorst); front->remove(indexWorst); } for (int k = 0; k < front->size(); k++) { population->add(new Solution(front->get(k))); } remain = 0; } // if delete ranking; delete offspringPopulation; iterations ++ ; } // while delete dominance; delete distance; // Return the first non-dominated front Ranking * ranking = new Ranking(population); SolutionSet * result = new SolutionSet(ranking->getSubfront(0)->size()); for (int i=0;i<ranking->getSubfront(0)->size();i++) { result->add(new Solution(ranking->getSubfront(0)->get(i))); } delete ranking; delete population; return result; } // execute
void enumerate(int limit, int timeLimit, int threads, int state_tree_limit, std::ifstream& inFile, const std::string& intervalFile, int lowerbound, bool monoclonal, const std::string& purityString, bool writeCliqueFile, bool readCliqueFile, const std::string& cliqueFile, int offset, const IntSet& whiteList, SolutionSet& sols) { CharacterMatrix M; try { g_lineNumber = 0; inFile >> M; } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { std::cerr << "Character matrix file. " << e.what() << std::endl; exit(1); } if (!intervalFile.empty()) { std::ifstream inFile2(intervalFile.c_str()); if (inFile2.good()) { try { M.setIntervals(inFile2); } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { std::cerr << "Interval file. " << e.what() << std::endl; exit(1); } } } StlDoubleVector purityValues; if (purityString != "" && !parse_purity_vector(purityString, M.m(), purityValues)) { return; } // if (monoclonal && purityString == "") // { // std::cerr << "Expected purity values" << std::endl; // return; // } if (g_verbosity >= VERBOSE_ESSENTIAL) { std::cerr << "Intializing copy-state matrix ..." << std::endl; } M.init(); if (monoclonal) { M.applyHeuristic(); } CompatibilityGraph* pComp = NULL; if (!readCliqueFile) { if (g_verbosity >= VERBOSE_ESSENTIAL) { std::cerr << std::endl << "Initializing compatibility graph ..." << std::endl; } pComp = new CompatibilityGraph(M); pComp->init(IntPairSet(), -1); } else { std::ifstream inFile(cliqueFile); pComp = new CompatibilityGraph(M); pComp->init(inFile); } if (writeCliqueFile) { std::ofstream outFile(cliqueFile); if (outFile.good()) { pComp->write(outFile); } } NoisyCnaEnumerate alg(M, purityValues, *pComp, lowerbound); alg.init(state_tree_limit); alg.enumerate(limit, timeLimit, threads, state_tree_limit, monoclonal, offset, whiteList); sols = alg.sols(); delete pComp; if (g_verbosity >= VERBOSE_ESSENTIAL) { std::cerr << "Generated " << sols.solutionCount() << " solutions" << std::endl; } inFile.close(); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { clock_t t_ini, t_fin; Problem * problem ; // The problem to solve Algorithm * algorithm ; // The algorithm to use Operator * crossover ; // Crossover operator Operator * selection ; // Selection operator map<string, void *> parameters; //TODO: QualityIndicator * indicators; if (argc>=2) { problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(argc, argv); cout << "Selected problem: " << problem->getName() << endl; } else { cout << "No problem selected." << endl; cout << "Default problem will be used: Fonseca" << endl; problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(const_cast<char *>("Fonseca")); } algorithm = new GDE3(problem); // Algorithm parameters int populationSizeValue = 100; int maxIterationsValue = 250; algorithm->setInputParameter("populationSize",&populationSizeValue); algorithm->setInputParameter("maxIterations",&maxIterationsValue); // Crossover operator double crParameter = 0.5; double fParameter = 0.5; parameters["CR"] = &crParameter; parameters["F"] = &fParameter; crossover = new DifferentialEvolutionCrossover(parameters); // Selection operator parameters.clear(); selection = new DifferentialEvolutionSelection(parameters) ; // Add the operators to the algorithm algorithm->addOperator("crossover",crossover); algorithm->addOperator("selection",selection); // Add the indicator object to the algorithm //algorithm->setInputParameter("indicators", indicators) ; // Execute the Algorithm t_ini = clock(); SolutionSet * population = algorithm->execute(); t_fin = clock(); double secs = (double) (t_fin - t_ini); secs = secs / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // Result messages cout << "Total execution time: " << secs << "s" << endl; cout << "Variables values have been written to file VAR" << endl; population->printVariablesToFile("VAR"); cout << "Objectives values have been written to file FUN" << endl; population->printObjectivesToFile("FUN"); delete selection; delete crossover; delete population; delete algorithm; } // main
/** * Class implementing the NSGA-II algorithm. * This implementation of NSGA-II makes use of a QualityIndicator object * to obtained the convergence speed of the algorithm. This version is used * in the paper: * A.J. Nebro, J.J. Durillo, C.A. Coello Coello, F. Luna, E. Alba * "A Study of Convergence Speed in Multi-Objective Metaheuristics." * To be presented in: PPSN'08. Dortmund. September 2008. * * Besides the classic NSGA-II, a steady-state version (ssNSGAII) is also * included (See: J.J. Durillo, A.J. Nebro, F. Luna and E. Alba * "On the Effect of the Steady-State Selection Scheme in * Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms" * 5th International Conference, EMO 2009, pp: 183-197. * April 2009) */ int main(int argc, char ** argv) { clock_t t_ini, t_fin; Problem * problem ; // The problem to solve Algorithm * algorithm ; // The algorithm to use HUXCrossover * crossover ; // Crossover operator BitFlipMutation * mutation ; // Mutation operator BinaryTournament * selection ; // Selection operator if (argc>=2) { problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(argc, argv); cout << "Selected problem: " << problem->getName() << endl; } else { cout << "No problem selected." << endl; cout << "Default problem will be used: Fonseca" << endl; problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(const_cast<char *>("ZDT5")); } // QualityIndicator * indicators ; // Object to get quality indicators // indicators = NULL ; algorithm = new MOCHC(problem); // Algorithm parameters int populationSize = 100; int maxEvaluations = 25000; double initialConvergenceCount = 0.25; double preservedPopulation = 0.05; int convergenceValue = 3; algorithm->setInputParameter("populationSize",&populationSize); algorithm->setInputParameter("maxEvaluations",&maxEvaluations); algorithm->setInputParameter("initialConvergenceCount",&initialConvergenceCount); algorithm->setInputParameter("preservedPopulation",&preservedPopulation); algorithm->setInputParameter("convergenceValue",&convergenceValue); // Mutation and Crossover for Real codification map<string, void *> parameters; double crossoverProbability = 1.0; double crossoverDistributionIndex = 20.0; parameters["probability"] = &crossoverProbability; crossover = new HUXCrossover(parameters); parameters.clear(); double mutationProbability = 0.35; parameters["probability"] = &mutationProbability; mutation = new BitFlipMutation(parameters); // Selection Operator parameters.clear(); selection = new BinaryTournament(parameters); // Add the operators to the algorithm algorithm->addOperator("crossover",crossover); algorithm->addOperator("mutation",mutation); algorithm->addOperator("parentSelection",selection); // Add the indicator object to the algorithm // algorithm->setInputParameter("indicators", indicators) ; // Execute the Algorithm t_ini = clock(); SolutionSet * population = algorithm->execute(); t_fin = clock(); double secs = (double) (t_fin - t_ini); secs = secs / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // Result messages cout << "Total execution time: " << secs << "s" << endl; cout << "Variables values have been written to file VAR" << endl; population->printVariablesToFile("VAR"); cout << "Objectives values have been written to file FUN" << endl; population->printObjectivesToFile("FUN"); delete selection; delete mutation; delete crossover; delete population; delete algorithm; } // main
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { clock_t t_ini, t_fin; Problem * problem; // The problem to solve Algorithm * algorithm; // The algorithm to use Operator * mutation; // "Turbulence" operator map<string, void *> parameters; // Operator parameters //TODO: QualityIndicator * indicators; // Object to get quality indicators if (argc>=2) { problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(argc, argv); cout << "Selected problem: " << problem->getName() << endl; } else { cout << "No problem selected." << endl; cout << "Default problem will be used: Kursawe" << endl; problem = ProblemFactory::getProblem(const_cast<char *>("Kursawe")); } algorithm = new SMPSO(problem); // Algorithm parameters int swarmSizeValue = 100; int archiveSizeValue = 100; int maxIterationsValue = 250; algorithm->setInputParameter("swarmSize",&swarmSizeValue); algorithm->setInputParameter("archiveSize",&archiveSizeValue); algorithm->setInputParameter("maxIterations",&maxIterationsValue); // Mutation operator double probabilityParameter = 1.0/(problem->getNumberOfVariables()); double distributionIndexParameter = 20.0; parameters["probability"] = &probabilityParameter; parameters["distributionIndex"] = &distributionIndexParameter; mutation = new PolynomialMutation(parameters); // Add the operators to the algorithm algorithm->addOperator("mutation",mutation); // Add the indicator object to the algorithm //algorithm->setInputParameter("indicators", indicators) ; // Execute the Algorithm t_ini = clock(); SolutionSet * population = algorithm->execute(); t_fin = clock(); double secs = (double) (t_fin - t_ini); secs = secs / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // Result messages cout << "Total execution time: " << secs << "s" << endl; cout << "Variables values have been written to file VAR" << endl; population->printVariablesToFile("VAR"); cout << "Objectives values have been written to file FUN" << endl; population->printObjectivesToFile("FUN"); delete mutation; delete population; delete algorithm; } // main