unsigned RageSoundReader_Chain::ActivateSound( const sound &s )
	SoundReader *pSound = m_apLoadedSounds[s.sPath];

	ActiveSound add;
	add.fPan = s.fPan;
	add.pSound = pSound->Copy();

	m_apActiveSounds.push_back( add );
	return m_apActiveSounds.size() - 1;
bool test_file( const TestFile &tf, int filters )
	const char *fn = tf.fn;
	LOG->Trace("Testing: %s", fn );
	CString error;
	SoundReader *s = SoundReader_FileReader::OpenFile( fn, error );
	s = ApplyFilters( s, filters );
	if( s == NULL )
		LOG->Trace( "File '%s' failed to open: %s", fn, error.c_str() );
		return false;
	//SoundReader *snd = s;
	SoundReader *snd = s->Copy();
	delete s;

	bool ret = RunTests( snd, tf );

	delete snd;

	/* Check SetPosition_Accurate consistency:
	 * Reopen the file from scratch, seek to 100ms, read some data, do some
	 * operations that would result in the internal TOC being filled (seek
	 * to the end), then re-read the data at 100ms and make sure it's the same. */
	snd = SoundReader_FileReader::OpenFile( fn, error );
	snd = ApplyFilters( snd, filters );
	if( snd == NULL )
		LOG->Trace( "File '%s' failed to open: %s", fn, error.c_str() );
		return false;

	if( !CheckSetPositionAccurate( snd ) )
		ret = false;

	delete snd;
	return ret;