StVKStiffnessMatrix::StVKStiffnessMatrix(StVKInternalForces *  stVKInternalForces)
  precomputedIntegrals = stVKInternalForces->GetPrecomputedIntegrals();
  volumetricMesh = stVKInternalForces->GetVolumetricMesh();
  numElementVertices = volumetricMesh->getNumElementVertices();
  int numElements = volumetricMesh->getNumElements();

  lambdaLame = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * numElements);
  muLame = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * numElements);

  for(int el=0; el<numElements; el++)
    VolumetricMesh::Material * material = volumetricMesh->getElementMaterial(el);
    VolumetricMesh::ENuMaterial * eNuMaterial = downcastENuMaterial(material);
    if (eNuMaterial == NULL)
      printf("Error: mesh does not consist of E, nu materials.\n");
      throw 1;

    lambdaLame[el] = eNuMaterial->getLambda();
    muLame[el] = eNuMaterial->getMu();

  // build stiffness matrix skeleton 
  SparseMatrix * stiffnessMatrixTopology;

  // build acceleration indices
  row_ = (int**) malloc (sizeof(int*) * numElements);
  column_ = (int**) malloc (sizeof(int*) * numElements);

  for (int el=0; el < numElements; el++)
    row_[el] = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * numElementVertices);
    column_[el] = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * numElementVertices * numElementVertices);

    for(int ver=0; ver<numElementVertices; ver++)
      row_[el][ver] = volumetricMesh->getVertexIndex(el, ver);

    // seek for value row[j] in list associated with row[i]
    for(int i=0; i<numElementVertices; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<numElementVertices; j++)
        column_[el][numElementVertices * i + j] =
          stiffnessMatrixTopology->GetInverseIndex(3*row_[el][i],3*row_[el][j]) / 3;

