Beispiel #1
std::vector<Staff *> Measure::GetFirstStaffGrpStaves(ScoreDef *scoreDef)

    std::vector<Staff *> staves;
    std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
    std::vector<int> staffList;

    // First get all the staffGrps
    AttComparison matchType(STAFFGRP);
    ArrayOfObjects staffGrps;
    ArrayOfObjects::iterator staffGrpIter;
    scoreDef->FindAllChildByComparison(&staffGrps, &matchType);

    // Then the @n of each first staffDef
    for (staffGrpIter = staffGrps.begin(); staffGrpIter != staffGrps.end(); ++staffGrpIter) {
        StaffDef *staffDef = dynamic_cast<StaffDef *>((*staffGrpIter)->GetFirst(STAFFDEF));
        if (staffDef) staffList.push_back(staffDef->GetN());

    // Get the corresponding staves in the measure
    for (iter = staffList.begin(); iter != staffList.end(); ++iter) {
        AttNIntegerComparison matchN(STAFF, *iter);
        Staff *staff = dynamic_cast<Staff *>(this->FindChildByComparison(&matchN, 1));
        if (!staff) {
            // LogDebug("Staff with @n '%d' not found in measure '%s'", *iter, measure->GetUuid().c_str());
    if (staves.empty()) LogDebug("Empty @staff array");
    return staves;
Beispiel #2
bool DarmsInput::ImportString(std::string data_str) {
    int len, res;
    int pos = 0;
    const char *data = data_str.c_str();
    len = data_str.length();

    m_doc->Reset( Raw );
    System *system = new System();
    Page *page = new Page();
    m_staff = new Staff( 1 );
    m_measure = new Measure( true, 1 );
    m_layer = new Layer( 1 );

    m_current_tie = NULL;
    m_measure->AddStaff( m_staff );
    system->AddMeasure( m_measure );

    // do this the C style, char by char
    while (pos < len) {
        char c = data[pos];

        if (c == '!') {
            LogDebug("DarmsInput: Global spec. at %i", pos);
            res = do_globalSpec(pos, data);
            if (res) pos = res;
            // if notehead type was specified in the !Nx option preserve it
            m_staff->notAnc = m_antique_notation;
        } else if (isdigit(c) || c == '-' ) { // check for '-' too as note positions can be negative
            //is number followed by '!' ? it is a clef
            if (data[pos + 1] == '!') {
                res = do_Clef(pos, data);
                if (res) pos = res;
            } else { // we assume it is a note
                res = do_Note(pos, data, false);
                if (res) pos = res;
        } else if (c == 'R') {
            res = do_Note(pos, data, true);
            if (res) pos = res;
        } else {
            //if (!isspace(c))
            //LogMessage("Other %c", c);


    // add miniaml scoreDef
    StaffGrp *staffGrp = new StaffGrp();
    StaffDef *staffDef = new StaffDef();
    staffDef->SetStaffNo( 1 );
    staffGrp->AddStaffDef( staffDef );
    m_doc->m_scoreDef.AddStaffGrp( staffGrp );

    page->AddSystem( system );
    m_doc->AddPage( page );

    return true;
Beispiel #3
void ScoreDef::Replace( StaffDef *newStaffDef )
    // first find the staffDef with the same @n
    StaffDef *staffDef = this->GetStaffDef( newStaffDef->GetStaffNo() );
    // if found, replace attributes
    if (staffDef) {
        staffDef->ReplaceClef( newStaffDef->GetClefAttr() );
        staffDef->ReplaceKeySig( newStaffDef->GetKeySigAttr() );
        staffDef->ReplaceMensur( newStaffDef->GetMensurAttr() );
Beispiel #4
StaffDef *ScoreDef::GetStaffDef( int n )
    StaffDef *staffDef = NULL;
    this->ResetList( this );
    ListOfObjects::iterator iter;
    int i;
    for (iter = m_list.begin(), i = 0; iter != m_list.end(); ++iter, i++)
        staffDef = dynamic_cast<StaffDef*>(*iter);
        if (staffDef && (staffDef->GetStaffNo() == n) ) {
            return staffDef;
    return staffDef;
Beispiel #5
StaffDef *ScoreDef::GetStaffDef( int n )
    StaffDef *staffDef = NULL;
    this->ResetList( this );
    ListOfObjects* childList = this->GetList(this);
    ListOfObjects::iterator iter;

    for (iter = childList->begin(); iter != childList->end(); ++iter)
        staffDef = dynamic_cast<StaffDef*>(*iter);
        if (staffDef && (staffDef->GetN() == n) ) {
            return staffDef;
    return staffDef;
Beispiel #6
int StaffGrp::OptimizeScoreDefEnd(FunctorParams *)
    // OptimizeScoreDefParams *params = dynamic_cast<OptimizeScoreDefParams *>(functorParams);
    // assert(params);


    for (auto &child : m_children) {
        if (child->Is(STAFFDEF)) {
            StaffDef *staffDef = dynamic_cast<StaffDef *>(child);
            if (staffDef->GetDrawingVisibility() != OPTIMIZATION_HIDDEN) {
        else if (child->Is(STAFFGRP)) {
            StaffGrp *staffGrp = dynamic_cast<StaffGrp *>(child);
            if (staffGrp->GetDrawingVisibility() != OPTIMIZATION_HIDDEN) {

    if ((this->GetSymbol() == staffGroupingSym_SYMBOL_brace) && (this->GetDrawingVisibility() != OPTIMIZATION_HIDDEN)) {
        for (auto &child : m_children) {
            if (child->Is(STAFFDEF)) {
                StaffDef *staffDef = dynamic_cast<StaffDef *>(child);

Beispiel #7
void ScoreDef::Replace( StaffDef *newStaffDef )
    // first find the staffDef with the same @n
    StaffDef *staffDef = this->GetStaffDef( newStaffDef->GetN() );
    // if found, replace attributes
    if (staffDef) {
        staffDef->ReplaceClef( newStaffDef->GetClef() );
        staffDef->ReplaceKeySig( newStaffDef->GetKeySig() );
        staffDef->ReplaceMensur( newStaffDef->GetMensur() );
        staffDef->ReplaceMeterSig( newStaffDef->GetMeterSig() );
        // copy other attributes if present
        if ( newStaffDef->HasLabel() ) staffDef->SetLabel( newStaffDef->GetLabel() );
        if ( newStaffDef->HasLabelAbbr() ) staffDef->SetLabelAbbr( newStaffDef->GetLabelAbbr() );
Staff* CScribeToNeoScribeXML::Scribe2MEIXMLStaff(const CScribeReaderVisitable& scribe_data, const scribe_part& partit, StaffGrp* staffgrp, const int i)
    std::string staffnum("s");
    staffnum += std::to_string(i); //autogenerate staff ids
    //finish score definitions
    //add staff definition for current part
    //NB. look to alternatively embedding these in staffs
    StaffDef* staffdef = new StaffDef;
    //define staff from data
    staffdef->addAttribute("id", staffnum);
    staffdef->addAttribute("lines", std::to_string(partit.initial_staff_data.staff_lines));
    staffdef->addAttribute("label", CScribeCodes::voice_labels[partit.voice_type].c_str());
    //define clef from data
    Clef* clef = new Clef;
    scribe_clef loc_clef;
    loc_clef.clef_line = partit.initial_staff_data.clef_line;
    loc_clef.clef = partit.initial_staff_data.clef;
    //convert scribe-based clef position to mei
    //int mei_clef_line = ((loc_clef.clef_line + 1)/2) - 1; = incorrect
    int mei_clef_line = 1 + (loc_clef.clef_line-3)/2;
    //4-line staves are numbered 3, 5, 7, 9 in scribe
    //if (partit->staff_lines<=4) mei_clef_line -= (5 - partit->staff_lines);
    clef->addAttribute("line", std::to_string(mei_clef_line)); //these need to be set for each staff/part
    clef->addAttribute("shape", std::string(&(partit.initial_staff_data.clef),1).c_str()); //the first event in stored memory should be the initial clef
    Staff* staff = new Staff;
    staff->addAttribute("id", staffnum);
    staff->addAttribute("source", partit.abbrev_ms);
    //folio on which part appears
    Pb* pb = new Pb; //new ELEMENT?
    pb->addAttribute("n", partit.folios);
    //first staff on which part appears
    Sb* sb = new Sb;
    sb->addAttribute("n", "0"); //set to "0" since this isn't encoded in scribe; data will need to be enhanced later
    coloration_type current_color = coloration_type::full_black; // this needs to be better handled with a default coloration in a part
    for (std::vector<scribe_row>::const_iterator rowit = partit.rows.begin(); rowit!=partit.rows.end(); rowit++)
        if (rowit->is_comment) {
            //check it this is the correct way to handle a comment
            MeiCommentNode* comment = new MeiCommentNode;
            //NB. syl can have a type (eg. initial) attribute and also encode color as <rend> child element
        } else {
            //syllable container (holds syllables, notes, neumes, and ligatures)
            Syllable* syllable = new Syllable; //neumes.h
            //add actual syllable if present
            if (!rowit->syllable.empty()) {
                Syl* syl = new Syl;
            //extract events - notes, rests ligatures, uneumes and/or ligatures
            for (std::vector<scribe_event>::const_iterator eventit = rowit->events.begin(); eventit!=rowit->events.end(); eventit++ )
                current_color = eventit->local_coloration;
                //use temp TiXML pointer which is either syllable, uneume/ineume or ligature - add notes to this, but make sure that uneume/inueme/ligature pointer is preinserted into syllable
                //handle events for each row
                code_t event_type = scribe_data.GetCodes()->get_code_type(eventit->code);//codes->get_code_type(eventit->code);
                //foster parent will change roles according to child elements that need to be added
                MeiElement* foster = syllable;
                switch (event_type)
                    case code_t::ineume:
                        Ineume* ineume = new Ineume;
                        //ineume->addAttribute("name", scribe_data.GetCodes()->code_to_name(eventit->code));
                        foster = ineume;
#else                   //this needs work, hence excluded
                        if (!eventit->preceding_gap || foster->getChildren().empty())
                            Ineume* ineume = new Ineume;
                            //ineume->addAttribute("name", scribe_data.GetCodes()->code_to_name(eventit->code));
                            foster = ineume;
                            MeiElement* lastNeume = foster->getChildren().back();
                            if (lastNeume->getName() == "ineume")
                                Ineume* newNeume = new Ineume(*dynamic_cast<Ineume*>(lastNeume));
                                /*for (std::vector<MeiElement*>::const_iterator child = lastNeume->getChildren().begin(); child!=lastNeume->getChildren().end(); child++ ) {
                                    MeiElement* clone = new MeiElement(**child);
                                //delete lastNeume;
                                foster = newNeume;
                                foster = lastNeume;
                        goto do_note;
                    case code_t::uneume:
                        Uneume* uneume = new Uneume;
                        uneume->addAttribute("name", scribe_data.GetCodes()->code_to_name(eventit->code));
                        foster = uneume;
                        goto do_note;
                    case code_t::ligature:
                        Ligature* ligature = new Ligature; //mensural.h
                        ligature->addAttribute("name", scribe_data.GetCodes()->code_to_name(eventit->code));
                        foster = ligature;
                        if (current_color!=coloration_type::full_black)
                            switch (current_color) {
                                case full_red:
                                    ligature->addAttribute("color", "red");
                                case void_red:
                                    ligature->addAttribute("color", "red");
                                    ligature->addAttribute("void", "true"); //this seems a sensible solution for this problem and a suitable additional attribute to the MEI description
                                case void_black:
                                    ligature->addAttribute("void", "true"); //**
                                case full_blue:
                                    ligature->addAttribute("color", "blue");
                        //goto do_note;
                    case code_t::note:
                        for (auto i = eventit->pitch_num.begin(); i!=eventit->pitch_num.end(); i++)
                            int note_count = 1;
                            MeiElement* temp_foster = foster;
                            //handle note attributes according to type
                            if ( foster->getName()=="ineume" )
                                Uneume* temp_uneume = new Uneume;  //handle ineumes
                                //find uneume names
                                temp_uneume->addAttribute("name", CScribeReaderVisitable::get_ineume_part(eventit->code, i - eventit->pitch_num.begin(), note_count));
                                temp_foster = temp_uneume; //allow notes to be children of uneume
                            } else if ((eventit->code=="B" || eventit->code=="V" || eventit->code=="L") && eventit->pitch_num.size()>1 && scribe_data.GetType()==chant && i!=eventit->pitch_num.begin()) //codes like virga and punctum may be followed by several pitch numbers, indicating a sequence of simple neumes
                                Uneume* temp_uneume = new Uneume;
                                temp_uneume->addAttribute("name", scribe_data.GetCodes()->code_to_name(eventit->code));
                                foster->getParent()->addChild(temp_uneume); //link to syllable element, not uneume!
                                temp_foster = temp_uneume;
                            //also handle ligatures
                            auto j = 0;
                            //insert note or notes for unneumes in ineumes
                            for (; j < note_count ; j++)
                                //convert note location to pitch name
                                // need to handle dots as element rather than attribute?
                                char pitch_name = loc_clef.get_pitch_name(*i);
                                int octave = loc_clef.get_octave(*i);
                                Note* note = new Note;
                                if (foster->getName()=="syllable")
                                    note->addAttribute("dur", scribe_data.GetCodes()->code_to_name(eventit->code));
                                else if (foster->getName()=="ligature")
                                    note->addAttribute("dur", scribe_data.get_ligature_part(eventit->code, j));
                                note->addAttribute("pname", std::string(&pitch_name,1));
                                note->addAttribute("oct", std::to_string(octave));
                                int note_loc = *i - 3; //3 is bottom line in Scribe, 0 in MEI
                                note->addAttribute("loc", std::to_string( note_loc ));
                                if (current_color!=coloration_type::full_black)
                                    switch (current_color) {
                                        case full_red:
                                            note->addAttribute("color", "red");
                                        case void_red:
                                            note->addAttribute("color", "red");
                                            note->addAttribute("void", "true"); //this seems a sensible solution for this problem and a suitable additional attribute to the MEI description
                                        case void_black:
                                            note->addAttribute("void", "true"); //**
                                        case full_blue:
                                            note->addAttribute("color", "blue");
                        //dot needs to be handled as a unique element in our extended definition
                        /*Stinson, 7 July 2013: Further notes on DOT
                         The code has two arguments: the first is the substantive position on the staff; the second refines that position up or down and is capable of five variants: 0 = exactly on the line or exactly in the middle of the space between the lines; -1 = 0.1 of the space between the lines below (or for +, above) the space or line; -2= 0.2 of the space below the normal position for that line or space; -3 = 0.3 below the normal position; -4 = 0.4 below the normal position.
                         Only values between 0 and 4 are permitted as the second argument as 5 would be the equivalent of having the dot on the next numbered line or space, e.g. '7 -5', if it were permitted, would be the same as '6 0'.*/
                    case code_t::dot:
                        Dot* dot = new Dot;
                        char pitch_name = loc_clef.get_pitch_name(eventit->pitch_num[0]);
                        int octave = loc_clef.get_octave(eventit->pitch_num[0]);
                        dot->addAttribute("ploc", std::string(&pitch_name,1));
                        dot->addAttribute("oloc", std::to_string(octave));
                        /*vo: records the vertical adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined location in terms of staff interline distance; that is, in units of 1/2 the distance between adjacent staff lines. (MEI2013)*/
                        //only set for non-defult positions
                        if (eventit->pitch_num[1]!=0)
                            float v_pos = eventit->pitch_num[1]/10.0*2;
                            dot->addAttribute("vo", to_string_with_precision(v_pos,1));
                    case code_t::rest:
                        Rest* rest = new Rest;
                        switch (*(eventit->code.c_str())) {
                                //rests of type 'R' has two associated pitch numbers from which we might infer the type
                            case generic_rest:
                                int end = eventit->pitch_num[0];
                                int start = eventit->pitch_num[1];
                                int rest_type = start-end;
                                switch (rest_type) {
                                    case minim_rest:
                                        rest->addAttribute("type", "minima");
                                    case semibreve_rest:
                                        rest->addAttribute("type", "semibrevis");
                                    case breve_rest:
                                        rest->addAttribute("type", "brevis");
                                    case long_rest:
                                        rest->addAttribute("type", "longa imperfecta");
                                    case perf_long_rest:
                                        rest->addAttribute("type", "long perfecta");
                                char ploc = loc_clef.get_pitch_name(start);
                                rest->addAttribute("ploc", std::string(&ploc,1));
                                rest->addAttribute("oloc", std::to_string(loc_clef.get_octave(start)));
                                //also process 'RSM', semiminim rest
                                //case semiminim_rest:
                                //rest->SetAttribute("type", "semiminim");
                                //    break;
                                rest->addAttribute("type", scribe_data.GetCodes()->code_to_name(eventit->code));
                                if (!eventit->pitch_num.empty()) {
                                    char pitch_name = loc_clef.get_pitch_name(eventit->pitch_num[0]);
                                    int octave = loc_clef.get_octave(eventit->pitch_num[0]);
                                    rest->addAttribute("ploc", std::string(&pitch_name,1));
                                    rest->addAttribute("oloc", std::to_string(octave));
                    // non-standard mensuration signs
                    case code_t::mensuration:
                        Mensur* mensuration_sign = new Mensur;
                        if (eventit->code == "MO" || eventit->code == "MC" || eventit->code == "MO." || eventit->code == "MC.")
                            char the_sign = eventit->code[1];
                            mensuration_sign->addAttribute("sign", std::string(&the_sign,1));
                            if (eventit->code.size()==3 && eventit->code[2]=='.') {
                                mensuration_sign->addAttribute("dot", "true");
                            //also able to set attribute 'orient' to reversed for reversed signs; and slash attribute for cut signs
                        if (eventit->code == ".D." || eventit->code == ".Q." || eventit->code == ".SI." || eventit->code == ".P." || eventit->code == ".N." || eventit->code == ".O." || eventit->code == ".I.") //also .SG.?
                            //these are wholly new to the MEI schema; the whole dot-letter-dot sign is encoded
                            mensuration_sign->addAttribute("sign", eventit->code);
                    case code_t::barline:
                        BarLine* barline = new BarLine;
                        if (eventit->code == "QBAR") {
                            barline->addAttribute("rend", "quarter"); //non-standard data type for rend.
                        if (eventit->code == "HBAR") {
                            barline->addAttribute("rend", "half");
                        if (eventit->code == "WBAR") {
                            barline->addAttribute("rend", "single");
                        if (eventit->code == "DBAR") {
                            barline->addAttribute("rend", "dbl");
                        //modern bar editorial - ignore?
                        if (eventit->code == "MBAR") {
                            barline->addAttribute("barplace", "takt");
                            barline->addAttribute("taktplace", std::string(9,1));
                        //also able to see rend attribute
                    case code_t::clef:
                        //NB. old clefchange element superceded; clefGrp used for simultaneous clefs
                        loc_clef.clef_line = *(eventit->pitch_num.begin());
                        loc_clef.clef = *(eventit->code.c_str());
                        Clef* clef = new Clef;
                        clef->addAttribute("line", std::to_string( ((loc_clef.clef_line + 1)/2) - 1));
                        clef->addAttribute("shape", std::string(&(loc_clef.clef),1).c_str());
                        //The MEI accidental names are not used: diesis, b-rotundum and b-quadratum are. Other variants may be added. All ms accidentials in Scribe (as they should be in NeoScribe) are independent elements
                    case code_t::accidental:
                        Accid* accid = new Accid;
                        accid->addAttribute("accidental", scribe_data.GetCodes()->code_to_name(eventit->code));
                        if (!eventit->pitch_num.empty()) {
                            char ploc = loc_clef.get_pitch_name(eventit->pitch_num[0]);
                            int oloc = loc_clef.get_octave(eventit->pitch_num[0]);
                            accid->addAttribute("ploc", std::string(&ploc,1));
                            accid->addAttribute("oloc", std::to_string(oloc));
                    case code_t::other:
    return staff;
Beispiel #9
void PaeInput::parsePlainAndEasy(std::istream &infile) {
    // buffers
    char c_clef[1024] = {0};
    char c_key[1024] = {0};
    char c_keysig[1024] = {0};
    char c_timesig[1024] = {0};
    char c_alttimesig[1024] = {0};
    char incipit[10001] = {0};
    int in_beam = 0;
    std::string s_key;
    MeasureObject current_measure;
    NoteObject current_note;
    Clef *staffDefClef = NULL;
    std::vector<MeasureObject> staff;
    // read values
    while (!infile.eof()) {
        infile.getline(data_line, 10000);
        if (infile.eof()) {
            LogDebug("Truncated file or ending tag missing");
        getAtRecordKeyValue(data_key, data_value, data_line);
        if (strcmp(data_key,"end")==0) {   
        } else if (strcmp(data_key,"clef")==0) { 
            strcpy( c_clef, data_value );
        } else if (strcmp(data_key,"key")==0) { 
            strcpy( c_key, data_value );
        } else if (strcmp(data_key,"keysig")==0) { 
            strcpy( c_keysig, data_value );
        } else if (strcmp(data_key,"timesig")==0) { 
            strcpy( c_timesig, data_value );
        } else if (strcmp(data_key,"alttimesig")==0) { 
            strcpy( c_alttimesig, data_value );
        } else if (strcmp(data_key,"data")==0) { 
            strcpy( incipit, data_value );
    if (strlen(c_clef)) {
        Clef *c = new Clef;
        getClefInfo(c_clef, c );    // do we need to put a default clef?
        if (!staffDefClef) staffDefClef = c;
        else current_measure.clef = c;

    if (strlen(c_keysig)) {
        KeySig *k = new KeySig();
        getKeyInfo( c_keysig, k);
        current_measure.key = k;
    if (strlen(c_timesig)) {
        MeterSig *meter = new MeterSig;
        getTimeInfo( c_timesig, meter);
        // What about previous values? Potential memory leak? LP
        current_measure.meter = meter;
    // read the incipit string
    size_t length = strlen(incipit);
    int i = 0;
	while(i < length) {
        // eat the input...
		if (incipit[i] == ' ') {
            // just skip
        // octaves
        if ((incipit[i] == '\'') || (incipit[i] == ',')) {
            i += getOctave( incipit, &current_note.octave, i );
        // rhythmic values
        else if (isdigit(incipit[i]) != 0) {
            i += getDurations( incipit, &current_measure, i );
        //accidentals (1 = n; 2 = x; 3 = xx; 4 = b; 5 = bb)    
        else if (incipit[i] == 'n' || incipit[i] == 'x' || incipit[i] == 'b') {
            i += getAccidental( incipit, &current_note.accidental, i );
        // beaming starts
		else if (incipit[i] == '{') {
			//current_note.beam = 1;
            current_note.beam = BEAM_INITIAL;
        // beaming ends
		else if (incipit[i] == '}' && in_beam > 0) {
            current_measure.notes[current_measure.notes.size() - 1].beam = BEAM_TERMINAL;
            current_note.beam = 0;
        // slurs are read when adding the note
		else if (incipit[i] == '+') {
		// beginning tuplets & fermatas
		else if (incipit[i] == '(') {
            i += getTupletFermata( incipit, &current_note, i );
        // end of tuplets
		else if ((incipit[i] == ';') || (incipit[i] == ')')) {
            i += getTupletFermataEnd( incipit, &current_note, i );
		// trills are read when adding the note
		else if (incipit[i] == 't') {
		//grace notes
		else if ((incipit[i] == 'g') || (incipit[i] == 'q')) {
			i += getGraceNote( incipit, &current_note, i );
        // end of appogiatura
		else if (incipit[i] == 'r') {
			current_note.appoggiatura = 0; // should not have to be done, but just in case
        //note and rest
        // getNote also creates a new note object
        else if (((incipit[i]-'A'>=0) && (incipit[i]-'A'<7)) || (incipit[i]=='-')) {
            i += getNote( incipit, &current_note, &current_measure, i );
  		// whole rest
		else if (incipit[i] == '=') {
            i += getWholeRest( incipit, &current_measure.wholerest, i );		
		// abbreviation
        else if (incipit[i] == '!') {
            i += getAbbreviation( incipit, &current_measure, i );
        // measure repetition
        else if ((incipit[i] == 'i') && staff.size() > 0) {
            MeasureObject last_measure = staff[staff.size() - 1];
            current_measure.notes = last_measure.notes;
            current_measure.wholerest = last_measure.wholerest;
            // if old measure does not end with a tie
            // force the first note of the newly copied measure to be without tie
            // this is to prevent copying tie closes which are invalid
            if (last_measure.notes.size() > 0 && last_measure.notes[last_measure.notes.capacity() - 1].tie == 0)
                current_measure.notes[0].tie = 0;
        else if ((incipit[i] == ':') || (incipit[i] == '/')) {
            i += getBarline(incipit, &current_measure.barLine, i);
            current_measure.abbreviation_offset = 0; // just in case...
            staff.push_back( current_measure );
		//clef change
		else if ((incipit[i] == '%') && (i+1 < length)) {
            Clef *c = new Clef;
            i += getClefInfo(incipit, c, i + 1);
            if (!staffDefClef) {
                staffDefClef = c;
            // If there are no notes yet in the measure
            // attach this clef change to the measure
            else if (current_measure.notes.size() == 0) {
                // If a clef was already assigned, remove it
                if (current_measure.clef)
                    delete current_measure.clef;
                current_measure.clef = c;
            } else {
                // as above
                if (current_note.clef)
                    delete current_note.clef;
                current_note.clef = c;
		//time signature change
		else if ((incipit[i] == '@') && (i+1 < length)) {
            MeterSig *meter = new MeterSig;
            i += getTimeInfo( incipit, meter, i + 1);
            if (current_measure.notes.size() == 0) {
                if (current_measure.meter) {
                    delete current_measure.meter;
                // When will this be deleted? Potential memory leak? LP
                current_measure.meter = meter;
            } else {
                if (current_note.meter) {
                    delete current_note.meter;
                current_note.meter = meter;
  		//key signature change
		else if ((incipit[i] == '$') && (i+1 < length)) {
            KeySig *k = new KeySig;
            i += getKeyInfo( incipit, k, i + 1);
            if (current_measure.notes.size() == 0) {
                if (current_measure.key)
                    delete current_measure.key;
                current_measure.key = k;
            } else {
                if (current_note.key)
                    delete current_note.key;
                current_note.key = k;
    // we need to add the last measure if it has no barLine at the end
    if (current_measure.notes.size() != 0) {
        //current_measure.barLine = "=-";
        staff.push_back( current_measure );
    m_doc->Reset( Raw );
    Page *page = new Page();
    System *system = new System();
    int measure_count = 1;
    std::vector<MeasureObject>::iterator it;
    for ( it = staff.begin() ; it < staff.end(); it++ ) {
        m_staff = new Staff( 1 );
        m_measure = new Measure( true, measure_count );
        m_layer = new Layer( );
        m_layer->SetN( 1 );
        m_measure->AddStaff( m_staff );
        system->AddMeasure( m_measure );
        MeasureObject obj = *it;
        convertMeasure( &obj );

    // add miniaml scoreDef
    StaffGrp *staffGrp = new StaffGrp();
    StaffDef *staffDef = new StaffDef();
    staffDef->SetN( 1 );
    if (staffDefClef) {
        delete staffDefClef;
    staffGrp->AddStaffDef( staffDef );
    m_doc->m_scoreDef.AddStaffGrp( staffGrp );

    page->AddSystem( system );
    m_doc->AddPage( page );
Beispiel #10
int Object::SetCurrentScoreDef( ArrayPtrVoid params )

    // param 0: the current scoreDef
    ScoreDef *currentScoreDef = static_cast<ScoreDef*>(params[0]);
    StaffDef **currentStaffDef = static_cast<StaffDef**>(params[1]);

    assert( currentScoreDef );
    // starting a new page
    Page *page = dynamic_cast<Page*>(this);
    if ( page  ) {
        if ( page->m_parent->GetChildIndex( page ) == 0 ) {
            currentScoreDef->SetRedrawFlags( true, true, true, true );
            currentScoreDef->SetDrawLabels( true );
        else {
            currentScoreDef->SetRedrawFlags( true, true, false, false );
            currentScoreDef->SetDrawLabels( false );
        page->m_drawingScoreDef = *currentScoreDef;
        return FUNCTOR_CONTINUE;

    // starting a new system
    System *system = dynamic_cast<System*>(this);
    if ( system  ) {
        currentScoreDef->SetRedrawFlags( true, true, false, false );
        return FUNCTOR_CONTINUE;
    // starting a new scoreDef
    ScoreDef *scoreDef= dynamic_cast<ScoreDef*>(this);
    if ( scoreDef  ) {
        bool drawClef = false;
        bool drawKeySig = false;
        bool drawMensur = false;
        bool drawMeterSig = false;
        if (scoreDef->GetClef()) {
            drawClef = true;
        if (scoreDef->GetKeySig()) {
            drawKeySig = true;
        if (scoreDef->GetMensur()) {
            drawMensur = true;
        if (scoreDef->GetMeterSig()) {
            drawMeterSig = true;
        // Replace the current scoreDef with the new one, including its content (staffDef)
        currentScoreDef->SetRedrawFlags( drawClef, drawKeySig, drawMensur, drawMeterSig );
        return FUNCTOR_CONTINUE;

    // starting a new staffDef
    // Because staffDef have to be included in a scoreDef, a new staffDef was already
    // replaced by the new scoreDef (see above). Here we only need to reset the drawing flags
    StaffDef *staffDef= dynamic_cast<StaffDef*>(this);
    if ( staffDef  ) {
        StaffDef *tmpStaffDef = currentScoreDef->GetStaffDef( staffDef->GetN() );
        if (staffDef->GetClef()) {
            tmpStaffDef->SetDrawClef( true );
        if (staffDef->GetKeySig()) {
            tmpStaffDef->SetDrawKeySig( true );
        if (staffDef->GetMensur()) {
            tmpStaffDef->SetDrawMensur( true );
        if (staffDef->GetMeterSig()) {
            tmpStaffDef->SetDrawMeterSig( true );
    // starting a new staff
    Staff *staff = dynamic_cast<Staff*>(this);
    if ( staff  ) {
        (*currentStaffDef) = currentScoreDef->GetStaffDef( staff->GetN() );
        return FUNCTOR_CONTINUE;

    // starting a new layer
    Layer *layer = dynamic_cast<Layer*>(this);
    if ( layer  ) {
        // setting the layer stem direction. Alternatively, this could be done in
        // View::DrawLayer. If this (and other things) is kept here, renaming the method to something more
        // generic (PrepareDrawing?) might be a good idea...
        if (layer->m_parent->GetChildCount() > 1) {
            if (layer->m_parent->GetChildIndex(layer)==0) {
            else {
        layer->SetDrawingAndCurrentValues( currentScoreDef, (*currentStaffDef) );
        return FUNCTOR_CONTINUE;
    // starting a new clef
    Clef *clef = dynamic_cast<Clef*>(this);
    if ( clef  ) {
        assert( *currentStaffDef );
        (*currentStaffDef)->ReplaceClef( clef );
        return FUNCTOR_CONTINUE;
    // starting a new keysig
    KeySig *keysig = dynamic_cast<KeySig*>(this);
    if ( keysig ) {
        assert( *currentStaffDef );
        (*currentStaffDef)->ReplaceKeySig( keysig );
        return FUNCTOR_CONTINUE;