Beispiel #1
BufferPtr IteratorBase::fetchPointBuffer(Statement statement, sdo_pc* pc)
    boost::int32_t id = statement->GetInteger(&pc->pc_id);
    BufferMap::const_iterator i = m_buffers.find(id);

    if (i != m_buffers.end())
        getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2) << "IteratorBase::fetchPointBuffer: found existing PointBuffer with id " << id << std::endl;
        return i->second;
        boost::uint32_t block_capacity(0);
        Schema schema = m_reader.fetchSchema(statement, pc, block_capacity, getReader().getName());
        m_orientation = schema.getOrientation();
        getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2) << "Incoming schema orientation is " << m_orientation << std::endl;


        BufferPtr output  = BufferPtr(new PointBuffer(schema, block_capacity));
        std::pair<int, BufferPtr> p(id, output);
        getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2) << "IteratorBase::fetchPointBuffer: creating new PointBuffer with id " << id << std::endl;

        return p.second;
Beispiel #2
DimensionMapPtr IteratorBase::fetchDimensionMap(Statement statement, sdo_pc* pc, PointBuffer const& oracle_buffer, PointBuffer const& user_buffer)
    boost::int32_t id = statement->GetInteger(&pc->pc_id);
    DimensionMaps::const_iterator i = m_dimensions.find(id);

    if (i != m_dimensions.end())
        getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2) << "IteratorBase::fetchDimensionMap: found existing DimensionMap with id " << id << std::endl;
        return i->second;
        DimensionMapPtr output  = DimensionMapPtr(m_oracle_buffer->getSchema().mapDimensions(  user_buffer.getSchema(), 
                                                                                            false /*ignore namespaces*/));
        getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2) << "DimensionMapPtr->size():  " << output->size() << std::endl;
        if (!output->size()) throw pdal_error("fetchDimensionMap map was unable to map any dimensions!");
        for (schema::DimensionMap::const_iterator i = output->begin(); i != output->end(); ++i)
            getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2) << "mapping " << i->first->getFQName() << " to " << i->second->getFQName() << std::endl;
        std::pair<int, DimensionMapPtr> p(id, output);
        getReader().log()->get(logDEBUG2) << "IteratorBase::fetchDimensionMap: creating new DimensionMap with id " << id << std::endl;

        return p.second;
Beispiel #3
schema::XMLSchema fetchSchema(Statement stmt, BlockPtr block)
    // Fetch the XML that defines the schema for this point cloud
    std::ostringstream schemaQuery;
    OCILobLocator* metadata = NULL;
    schemaQuery <<
        "DECLARE" << std::endl << "PC_TABLE VARCHAR2(32) := '" <<
            stmt->GetString(block->pc->base_table) << "';" << std::endl <<
        "PC_ID NUMBER := " << stmt->GetInteger(&(block->pc->pc_id)) <<
            ";" << std::endl <<
        "PC_COLUMN VARCHAR2(32) := '" <<
            stmt->GetString(block->pc->base_column) << "';" << std::endl <<
        "BEGIN" << std::endl <<
        std::endl <<
        "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE" << std::endl <<
        " 'SELECT T.'||PC_COLUMN||'.PC_OTHER_ATTRS.getClobVal()"
            "FROM '||pc_table||' T WHERE T.ID='||"
            "PC_ID INTO :metadata;" << std::endl <<
        "END;" << std::endl;

    Statement getSchemaStmt(
    getSchemaStmt->BindName(":metadata", &metadata);


    char* pc_schema = getSchemaStmt->ReadCLob(metadata);
    std::string pc_schema_xml;
    if (pc_schema)
        pc_schema_xml = pc_schema;
    std::ostringstream fname;
    int cloudId = stmt->GetInteger(&(block->pc->pc_id)) ;
//     fname << "schema-" << cloudId <<".xml";
//         std::ostream* out = FileUtils::createFile(fname.str());
//         out->write(pc_schema_xml.c_str(), pc_schema_xml.size());
//         FileUtils::closeFile(out);
    return schema::Reader(pc_schema_xml).schema();
Beispiel #4
pdal::SpatialReference OciReader::fetchSpatialReference(Statement stmt,
    BlockPtr block) const
    // Fetch the WKT for the SRID to set the coordinate system of this stage
    int srid = stmt->GetInteger(&(block->pc->pc_geometry.sdo_srid));
    if (srid)
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "EPSG:" << srid;
        return pdal::SpatialReference(oss.str());
    return pdal::SpatialReference();
Beispiel #5
pdal::Schema Reader::fetchSchema(Statement statement, sdo_pc* pc, boost::uint32_t& capacity, std::string ns_override) const
    log()->get(logDEBUG) << "Fetching schema from SDO_PC object" << std::endl;

    // Fetch the XML that defines the schema for this point cloud
    std::ostringstream select_schema;
    OCILobLocator* metadata = NULL;
            << "DECLARE" << std::endl
            << "PC_TABLE VARCHAR2(32) := '" << statement->GetString(pc->base_table) << "';" << std::endl
            << "PC_ID NUMBER := " << statement->GetInteger(&(pc->pc_id)) << ";" << std::endl
            << "PC_COLUMN VARCHAR2(32) := '" << statement->GetString(pc->base_column) << "';" << std::endl
            << "BEGIN" << std::endl
            << std::endl
            << "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE" << std::endl
            << " 'SELECT T.'||PC_COLUMN||'.PC_OTHER_ATTRS.getClobVal(), T.'||PC_COLUMN||'.PTN_PARAMS FROM '||pc_table||' T WHERE T.ID='||PC_ID INTO :metadata, :capacity;"
            << std::endl
            << "END;"
            << std::endl;
    Statement get_schema(m_connection->CreateStatement(select_schema.str().c_str()));
    get_schema->BindName(":metadata", &metadata);

    int ptn_params_length = 1024;
    char* ptn_params = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char*) * ptn_params_length);
    ptn_params[ptn_params_length-1] = '\0'; //added trailing null to fix ORA-01480
    get_schema->BindName(":capacity", ptn_params, ptn_params_length);

    char* pc_schema = get_schema->ReadCLob(metadata);

    std::string write_schema_file = getOptions().getValueOrDefault<std::string>("xml_schema_dump", std::string(""));
    if (write_schema_file.size() > 0)
        std::ostream* out = FileUtils::createFile(write_schema_file);
        out->write(pc_schema, strlen(pc_schema));

    // Fetch the block capacity from the point cloud object so we
    // can use it later.
    // PTN_PARAMS is like:
    // 'blk_capacity=1000,work_tablespace=my_work_ts'
    int block_capacity = 0;
    boost::char_separator<char> sep_space(" ");
    boost::char_separator<char> sep_equal("=");

    std::string s_cap(ptn_params);
    tokenizer parameters(s_cap, sep_space);
    for (tokenizer::iterator t = parameters.begin(); t != parameters.end(); ++t)
        tokenizer parameter((*t), sep_equal);

        for (tokenizer::iterator c = parameter.begin(); c != parameter.end(); ++c)
            if (boost::iequals(c->c_str(), "blk_capacity"))
                tokenizer::iterator d = ++c;
                block_capacity = atoi(d->c_str());

    if (block_capacity < 1)
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "Invalid block capacity for point cloud object in Oracle: " << block_capacity;
        throw pdal_error(oss.str());

    capacity = block_capacity;

    std::string pc_schema_xml(pc_schema);
    if (pc_schema)

    if (ptn_params)

    Schema schema = Schema::from_xml(pc_schema_xml);

    schema::index_by_index const& dims = schema.getDimensions().get<schema::index>();

    for (schema::index_by_index::const_iterator iter = dims.begin(); iter != dims.end(); ++iter)
        // For dimensions that do not have namespaces, we'll set the namespace
        // to the namespace of the current stage

        if (iter->getNamespace().size() == 0)
            log()->get(logDEBUG4) << "setting namespace for dimension " << iter->getName() << " to "  << getName() << std::endl;

            Dimension d(*iter);
            if (iter->getUUID().is_nil())

            if (ns_override.size() > 0)

    return schema;