Beispiel #1
js::CheckLocalUnaliased(MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing, JSScript *script,
                        StaticBlockObject *maybeBlock, unsigned i)
    if (!checkAliasing)

    JS_ASSERT(i < script->nslots);
    if (i < script->nfixed) {
    } else {
        unsigned depth = i - script->nfixed;
        for (StaticBlockObject *b = maybeBlock; b; b = b->enclosingBlock()) {
            if (b->containsVarAtDepth(depth)) {
                JS_ASSERT(!b->isAliased(depth - b->stackDepth()));
js::XDRStaticBlockObject(JSXDRState *xdr, JSScript *script, StaticBlockObject **objp)
    JSContext *cx = xdr->cx;

    StaticBlockObject *obj = NULL;
    uint32_t parentId = 0;
    uint32_t count = 0;
    uint32_t depthAndCount = 0;
    if (xdr->mode == JSXDR_ENCODE) {
        obj = *objp;
        parentId = JSScript::isValidOffset(script->objectsOffset)
                   ? FindObjectIndex(script->objects(), obj->enclosingBlock())
                   : NO_PARENT_INDEX;
        uint32_t depth = obj->stackDepth();
        JS_ASSERT(depth <= UINT16_MAX);
        count = obj->slotCount();
        JS_ASSERT(count <= UINT16_MAX);
        depthAndCount = (depth << 16) | uint16_t(count);

    /* First, XDR the parent atomid. */
    if (!JS_XDRUint32(xdr, &parentId))
        return false;

    if (xdr->mode == JSXDR_DECODE) {
        obj = StaticBlockObject::create(cx);
        if (!obj)
            return false;
        *objp = obj;

         * If there's a parent id, then get the parent out of our script's
         * object array. We know that we XDR block object in outer-to-inner
         * order, which means that getting the parent now will work.
        obj->setEnclosingBlock(parentId == NO_PARENT_INDEX
                               ? NULL
                               : &script->getObject(parentId)->asStaticBlock());

    AutoObjectRooter tvr(cx, obj);

    if (!JS_XDRUint32(xdr, &depthAndCount))
        return false;

    if (xdr->mode == JSXDR_DECODE) {
        uint32_t depth = uint16_t(depthAndCount >> 16);
        count = uint16_t(depthAndCount);

         * XDR the block object's properties. We know that there are 'count'
         * properties to XDR, stored as id/shortid pairs.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            JSAtom *atom;
            if (!js_XDRAtom(xdr, &atom))
                return false;

            /* The empty string indicates an int id. */
            jsid id = atom != cx->runtime->emptyString
                      ? ATOM_TO_JSID(atom)
                      : INT_TO_JSID(i);

            bool redeclared;
            if (!obj->addVar(cx, id, i, &redeclared)) {
                return false;
    } else {